Face masks for dry skin

Folk methods of dealing with various skin blemishes, popular due to the lack of any cosmetic products from our grandmothers, do not lose their relevance in the life of a modern woman. Homemade face masks are very popular due to their proven effectiveness and the achievement of good results from their use. Dry facial skin requires special care, since signs of dryness are followed by problems such as wrinkles and sagging. To deal with this correctly, you should know how to moisturize your skin.

Causes of dry skin can be:

  1. Natural influences: excessive exposure to the sun, strong wind, cold - can destroy the epidermis and dry the skin.
  2. Daily hygiene with tap water saturated with chlorine and other chemicals also does not benefit the skin.
  3. Poor nutrition, seasonal vitamin deficiency and general vitamin deficiency, stress.
  4. Age factors.

In order to get rid of dryness on the face, the skin needs nutrition and hydration, but not all industrial products are able to provide it with them. Most contain many chemicals and have superficial and short-term effects. The most effective are folk recipes. The best recipes are masks you make yourself.

Rules for using masks

  1. The mask should be prepared just before use. Do not make them in advance and for future use; their effectiveness decreases during storage.
  2. The mask is always applied to a clean face. Before use, it is advisable to carry out the cleansing procedure with soft natural products: hydrophilic oil or micellar water.
  3. Oily masks for dry skin do not require the use of cream afterwards, but masks that tighten and have lifting properties do.
  4. Tone your skin after using masks.
  5. All recipes for dry skin should be alternated to achieve the best results. Do not always use the same recipe, try different products and their combinations, only in this way, through experimentation, can you understand which masks the skin responds to best.
  6. Natural masks have no contraindications and do not cause harm. The only exceptions are allergic reactions. If you are allergic to honey, citrus fruits or any other product, do not apply it to your skin.

Internal effects on the body will help enhance the effect of homemade masks. Try to eat right, take vitamins, walk outdoors more often and your skin will thank you with beauty and radiance.

Homemade mask recipes for dry skin

A scrub that gets rid of dead skin particles increases the penetrating ability of the mask and gives a better final result. You can use it every other day, it is advisable to use different components and alternate the presented recipes.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Firming mask for dry skin

Result: the effect of tightening the skin and improving its turgor.


  1. boiled potatoes;
  2. olive oil.

Preparation and method of application:

Boil potatoes in their skins and mash, add olive oil. You should use only warm, freshly cooked potatoes for the mask and keep it on your face for about 20 minutes. Wash off with contrast.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin

Indications: for dry, irritated skin. Has a long-lasting moisturizing effect and relieves irritation.


  1. dried chamomile flowers;
  2. olive oil;
  3. pure water.

Brew dry or fresh chamomile flowers for about half an hour, then drain the broth and knead the squeezed flowers with oil. Gently spread the warm chamomile mixture over your face, hold for a while and rinse.

Nourishing mask for dry skin


  1. cottage cheese;
  2. honey;
  3. milk.

Grind the cottage cheese with honey, bring to medium thickness with milk and heat. Distribute the mask evenly over the face and after about a quarter of an hour, rinse.

Purifying mask for dry skin

Red cosmetic clay is one of the best cleansers and at the same time ex-folio for the skin. A clay mask will delicately cleanse dry skin, act as a soft scrub and remove small keratinization on the face, and also give the skin additional nutrition and hydration.


  1. red cosmetic clay;
  2. honey;
  3. milk.

Bring the clay to medium thickness with warm milk, add honey. Keep it on your face until the clay dries slightly.

Recipe for dry and aging skin

A rejuvenating mask based on baked apple will help stop aging and give your skin more elasticity.


  1. apple;
  2. honey;
  3. olive oil.

Bake an apple in the oven, grind its pulp, add honey and olive oil.

For dry and sensitive skin

A cucumber mask tones dry and sensitive skin, nourishes it and helps relieve irritation.


  1. fresh cucumber;
  2. sour cream.

For dry acne skin

Acne most often appears on oily skin, but dry skin can also be susceptible to this scourge. Recipes containing fresh citrus juice and cosmetic clay will help fight acne. Clay helps thoroughly cleanse pores and skin, citrus juice tightens pores, and oil is used to nourish dry skin.


  1. green or other clay, ideally ghassoul clay;
  2. grape seed oil;
  3. grapefruit juice.

Mix clay with oil and grapefruit juice. Use on the face no more than once every 5–7 days, duration – 15–25 minutes, then apply cream.

For dry skin against wrinkles

One of the best ingredients for anti-wrinkle masks is honey. Including it in any mask gives it nourishing and rejuvenating properties.


  1. cereals;
  2. honey;
  3. sour cream.

Grind the oatmeal in a blender or kitchen chopper into flour, add honey and full-fat sour cream.

Mask for very dry skin

Facial care for very dry skin should include nourishing masks made from egg yolk, rolled oats and honey. They help achieve long-lasting hydration for a dry face.


  1. oatmeal (ground rolled oats);
  2. honey;
  3. yolk.

Add liquid honey and a spoonful of rolled oats ground into flour into the yolk until you obtain a thick, non-flowing consistency. For very dry skin, the mask should be applied once every 2 days and kept on for 20 minutes.

Recipe for dry skin after 30 years

After 30 years, even normal skin gradually becomes prone to dryness. To nourish dry skin, you should select ingredients that have lifting functions - eggs - both white and yolk, wheat germ oil, oatmeal, aloe juice, natural yogurt, sour cream or heavy cream, as well as whey.


  1. egg white;
  2. honey;
  3. wheat germ oil;
  4. oat flour.

Beat the egg white into a strong foam, carefully mix in honey, butter and oatmeal. Apply the mixture to your face in a thick layer for at least half an hour, then carefully remove with a napkin and cleanse the skin with warm water.

For dry skin after 40 years

At this age, face masks should become a permanent part of facial care. Natural masks are much more effective than industrial ones, and their composition is always clear and accessible. The best products for anti-aging masks are ripe bananas, gelatin, honey, cottage cheese and vegetable oils: olive, almond and wheat germ. All these products can be used to increase hydration and improve skin turgor after 40 years. The gelatin base with cream has proven itself to be excellent. We recommend looking at other face masks after 40 years.


  1. gelatin;
  2. heavy cream;
  3. honey.

Soak the gelatin in water and leave for half an hour. Then add a little cream and honey and mix with a mixer until smooth. Remove with napkins and rinse with water. Alternate with other anti-aging homemade masks.

For dry skin after 50 years

Homemade products can prolong youth and slow down aging, even if you are over 50. The best products for homemade masks in this case would be egg yolks, honey, glycerin, aloe, potatoes, cottage cheese and sour cream. A good effect is achieved by various combinations of these products, for example, this anti-aging mixture.


  1. potato;
  2. yolk;
  3. glycerol.

Peel and mash boiled potatoes in their jackets, add the yolk and a little glycerin.

For dry skin from banana

Banana recipes are a quick way to restore healthy glow, freshness and beauty to your skin. Banana against dry skin is quite effective, in addition, it gives almost instant results, i.e. a banana mask can be used as an express method on the eve of an important event where you need to look perfect.


  1. banana;
  2. yolk;
  3. sour cream.

Grind the pulp of a very ripe banana, add the yolk and sour cream.

For dry skin from honey

It is no coincidence that honey is found in almost any homemade mask for dry skin, because it perfectly softens and nourishes the skin, helps stop peeling and relieve irritation. However, you should not use it on your face in its pure form. It is usually a component of other masks, which is more effective for the skin. Using a bread mask with honey gives good results.


  1. black bread;
  2. milk;
  3. honey;
  4. egg yolk.

Mix the bread soaked in hot milk with the remaining ingredients.

For dry skin from sour cream

Sour cream makes some of the best masks for dry skin, as it can deeply nourish the skin and give it moisture and incredible softness. It is no coincidence that sour cream is a common ingredient in homemade face mask recipes. Additionally, cottage cheese, oatmeal, and potatoes are often used with sour cream. Carrots are a good nourishing and anti-aging product for the skin, and also give the face freshness and lighten freckles.


  1. sour cream;
  2. grated carrots or carrot juice.

Finely grate raw carrots, squeeze out the juice or mix the carrot pulp with sour cream.

For dry clay skin

Clay is used in masks most often for a cleansing effect, as well as to tighten pores. When using clay for dry, flaky facial skin, it is advisable to add oil to it - olive, almond or grape skin oil. This gives the mask additional nutritional qualities.


  1. Ghassoul clay;
  2. grape skin oil;
  3. grapefruit juice.

Heat the oil to a temperature of 30–40°, add to the clay, add a little grapefruit juice and mix. Clay masks are used no more than once a week, as they deeply cleanse the skin and have scrubbing properties.

For dry skin from oatmeal

Oatmeal is a universal component for any mask. Large flakes act as a scrub, and oatmeal ground into flour can thicken the mask, which turns out to be too liquid and inconvenient to apply. A nourishing oatmeal mask can be supplemented with any component - fruits and berries, vegetables, honey, dairy products, eggs, and will only have a positive effect on dry skin. The most common recipe for a mask for dry, flaky facial skin is this.


  1. cereals;
  2. Hot milk;
  3. honey.

The flakes are poured with hot milk and allowed to brew, then honey is added.

For dry skin from cottage cheese

Suitable not only for moisturizing dry skin, but also helps cope with inflammation and rashes on oily skin.


  1. fatty cottage cheese;
  2. milk.

Heat milk and mix with cottage cheese until medium thick, so that it is convenient to apply to the face.

For dry skin from kefir

Adding kefir to a mask for a dry face promotes long-term hydration and is therefore a valuable ingredient. For a recipe with kefir, you should select solid substances, for example, oatmeal, clay, etc., so the mask will be more convenient to apply and hold. Kefir needs to be selected with the highest fat content; along with it, its nutritional qualities for the skin increase.


  1. rolled oats flakes;
  2. kefir;
  3. egg.

For dry skin from egg

The egg mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin; the yolk is also rich in vitamins and microelements and contains lecithin, which helps nutrients penetrate deep into the skin. Quail eggs have an even richer composition than chicken eggs and can be used whole.


  1. quail or chicken egg;
  2. avocado.

Mix and apply to facial skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Afterwards, apply moisturizer.

Video recipe: Homemade mask for dry skin at home

Reviews about the application

I love oat masks! The skin after them is fresh and renewed. I made a mask with oatmeal and honey, sour cream, and kefir - the result is always amazing. The skin becomes hydrated and more natural!

Svetlana, 33 years old

I have very dry skin. Thanks for so many healthy recipes! My favorite is the egg mask, but now I’ll try everything.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm on VKontakte - write, I'm always glad.

Dry skin needs to be cared for in a special way: for this type of dermis it is important to ensure the proper level of hydration and nutrition. A homemade face mask for dry skin will help solve this issue. Which handmade product recipe should you choose? Only verified! Then the effect of a home procedure will be no worse than the result of salon care.


Dry skin causes many problems. It is susceptible to external influences, which owners of this skin type know firsthand. In the cold and under the influence of wind, irritation appears on the face, the skin turns red and peels. After contact with water, a feeling of tightness often appears. The skin is sensitive to cosmetics: incorrect selection of cosmetics can cause irritation.

Causes of dry dermis

To solve the problem of dry skin at home, you need to understand the cause of this condition. What can influence?

  1. External factors . The ability of the dermis to self-regulate is reduced under the aggressive influence of the sun or cold. Dehydration can be caused by improper selection of cosmetics, regular use of soap, and frequent use of “aggressive” cosmetic procedures (for example, mechanical cleaning).
  2. Internal factors. The condition of the body can be monitored by the skin. The presence of a number of diseases of the nervous, excretory, and digestive systems lead to dehydration of the dermis.
  3. Age reasons. Over the years, it is difficult for the skin to retain moisture, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, which leads to dryness. Age-related changes on the face are especially noticeable in those ladies whose skin was delicate and thin in their youth.
  4. Heredity. Complex genetic mechanisms determine, among other things, the degree of hydration of the skin.


Mask for dry skin: the best recipes

It’s very easy to make masks for dry skin at home. The products use ingredients that can be found in any kitchen: for example, eggs, sour cream, vegetable oil, vegetables and fruits, oatmeal. Given that the recipe involves mixing simple ingredients, the effect of home remedies will be no worse than store-bought ones. What to expect?

  1. Hydration. Mixtures of natural ingredients help retain moisture in the epidermis. Normalizing water balance has a positive effect on appearance.
  2. Nutrition . Natural masks nourish the dermis with beneficial substances. Thanks to this, regeneration processes are resumed.
  3. Rejuvenation. Masks selected according to skin type and the presence of problems help smooth out wrinkles, restore elasticity and smoothness, and slow down the aging mechanisms.



Effect . The product nourishes the skin, evens out the complexion and refreshes. The mask will help with peeling. An additional bonus will be the whitening effect, the ability to get rid of pigmentation.

  1. Measure out two tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese.
  2. Add five drops of essential oil (any will do, but lemon oil will provide a whitening effect).
  3. Keep for 15 minutes.

Egg-sour cream

Effect . An effective nourishing mask. The product eliminates roughness and tones. Has a pronounced whitening effect.

  1. Grind the yolk with sour cream (a tablespoon, it is better to take a fat spoon).
  2. Pour any vegetable oil (a teaspoon) into the mixture.
  3. Apply carefully and wait 20 minutes.


With clay

Effect . Has a rejuvenating effect. The product restores skin tone and elasticity, eliminates sagging, and smoothes out unevenness.

  1. Mix clay (preferably white, you need to take a tablespoon) with honey (a teaspoon).
  2. Add five drops of lemon juice into the mixture. If the product is too thick, you can add cold water (a little).
  3. Wash your face 20 minutes after application using only cool water, preferably mineral water.



Effect . This is a mask for very dry skin. Soothes the dermis and has an active nourishing effect. The product has an anti-aging effect, fights signs of aging, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin, and eliminates furrows.

  1. Mash the banana in a bowl.
  2. Add 50 g of yogurt and honey (two teaspoons) to the fruit pulp.
  3. Apply, wait ten minutes, wash in warm water.



Effect . Has a smoothing effect and eliminates wrinkles. The product nourishes the skin, saturates the dermis with substances that slow down the aging process.

  1. Mix pre-crumbed yeast (a tablespoon) with any vegetable oil (twice as much as the main component).
  2. Keep the mixture for about 15 minutes.
  3. Use warm water to remove.



Effect . The product has an antioxidant effect. Rejuvenates and actively nourishes the epidermis.

  1. Grind the rice into flour (two tablespoons of cereal is enough).
  2. Add two tablespoons of full-fat milk (preferably goat milk) and one tablespoon of honey to the rice flour.
  3. Keep for 15 minutes.


With avocado

Effect . A gentle product for effective cleansing. The mask moisturizes well, after which the skin acquires a healthy glow.

  1. Mash the pulp of one avocado.
  2. Mix the fruit pulp with yogurt, honey (a teaspoon each), and pour olive oil (1.5 tablespoons) into the resulting mixture.
  3. Time it for 20 minutes.

5 axioms for dry skin

Caring for dry skin has many nuances. What do you need to know if you have this type of dermis? Here are the five axioms.

  1. Dry skin does not like hot water. High temperature dilates blood vessels, they become visible on the face. The best option is room temperature.
  2. Soap is your worst enemy. For dry skin, it is recommended to use only soft foams based on natural ingredients. Soap tightens, which will be a real blow if the sebaceous glands are not working enough.
  3. Peeling is needed, but not often. The peeling procedure is important for dry skin types. This way you can get rid of keratinized particles. Due to the peeling characteristic of such dermis, a lot of them accumulate. The procedure cannot be done frequently: once every two weeks is enough. Excessive exfoliation makes dehydration worse.
  4. You need to choose the right toner and cream. Dry skin is best suited for alcohol-free toners and creams with an oily texture.
  5. Do not use masks without an allergy test. Dry skin is dehydrated and thin, it is extremely sensitive to various components. Homemade cosmetics should be checked for allergies before applying to the face.

Properly selected facial masks help to cope with many problems of the dermis; they are vital for dry skin. However, when the skin is dehydrated, you need to act on all fronts. It has been proven that even very dry skin can be improved with food. The diet should include nuts, dairy products, sea fish, and prunes. You should definitely drink at least two liters of water per day. These measures are aimed at maintaining the water-lipid balance, which makes the sebaceous glands active.

“Skin like a baby,” reviews of home remedies for dry skin

An effective folk remedy for dry and flaky facial skin: boil apples in milk, I usually do this in winter.

I have very sensitive skin, I would even say problematic, especially in winter, dry and red. A curd mask with cucumber helped me more or less improve my skin color and cope with dryness. Here I am sharing with you:-): mix the cottage cheese thoroughly so that there are no lumps (you don’t need to take too much, 1 tablespoon will be enough). Grate the cucumber, mix it with the curd mass and apply it to the face for 15 minutes. The skin instantly becomes soft and hydrated.

I have very dry skin on my face and this mask helps me deal with it. You need to take walnuts, peel them, grind them into a homogeneous mass and add 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and mix it all well. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off.

I tried the curd mask and really liked it. The skin is soft and pleasant, like a baby's.


Dear readers, today on my blog I have an article for everyone who has dry skin, and not just dry, but prone to flaking. The problem of dry skin on the face is probably familiar to most women. If you look at this type of facial skin under a giant magnification, it looks like the Sahara Desert. A huge number of keratinized scales lie on the skin. They don’t exfoliate, the skin is not moisturized, we need to help it somehow. This is what we will talk about today.

Many people are probably familiar with the unpleasant tightening sensation that can often occur during the cold season, when the sebaceous glands practically stop working. The skin may become red and begin to peel. And at other times of the year, with wind and sun, such skin requires careful care. All this causes discomfort. Nature itself comes to the rescue. Recipes with available ingredients will be provided below.

ATTENTION! Products containing honey are not recommended for people with sensitive skin and skin prone to redness (allergies, exfoliation) and allergy tests must be carried out before the masks themselves.

Important! Don’t forget about this simple piece of advice for everyone, especially those with dry skin: you should definitely drink plain water throughout the day! At least 2.2.5 liters of water, not including tea, coffee, compotes, soups, etc.


Vegetable oils are the best remedy for dry skin at home.

The best way to cope with the problem of dry skin is to use vegetable oils as a face mask. For this dry skin type, the best face cream is vegetable oil high in omega 3 unsaturated acids. They are not found in sunflower oil. The best oil available for these purposes is flaxseed oil, followed by rapeseed and camelina oil. I have already written about the benefits of flaxseed oil for health and weight loss on my blog. Pay attention to what kind of oil you buy. The article contains a photograph of what oil we have been using in our family for a long time. Read about everything in the articles The benefits of flaxseed oil and Flaxseed oil for weight loss.

How to use vegetable oils for dry skin?

Apply a thin layer of oil to cleansed skin. Please note - a thin layer! There should not be excess oil so that everything drips from the face. Don't forget about the décolleté area and your arms. For me, it’s a real lifesaver to use these hand oils. I myself am a musician, my hands are my calling card, and my skin is very dry. And such a light massage with hand oil, among other things, can solve many problems.

What else can we do to pamper dry skin? Let's prepare simple masks at home.


Nourishing masks for dry skin prone to flaking. Best Recipes

"Honey grapes" . For the mask, grapes (fresh) or their juice are used, which should be mixed with linden honey. Since this mask is quite liquid, to apply it, take a napkin and dip it in the mask. Then place the napkin on your face for twenty minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water and do not dry yourself.

Avocado mask . For this recipe you will need an avocado and olive oil. Grind one half of the fruit. This can be done in a regular garlic press. Then mix the gruel with one teaspoon of olive oil (can be replaced with linseed or rapeseed oil). The mask is applied for twenty minutes and washed off.

Potato mask . Boil one medium potato in its jacket. Peel it and mash it into a puree. Add to it a teaspoon of any vegetable oil, an egg yolk and a small apple, grated through a fine grater. Mix all this, let it cool a little and apply to your face for twenty minutes. After this, wash off the mask.

Peach mask . Prepare a chamomile decoction in advance: one tablespoon of chamomile per glass of water. Brew with boiling water for about half an hour, leave, strain. Grind one peach and mix with chamomile decoction (1 tablespoon). Mix the mask and apply to the skin. After twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

Recipes for moisturizing masks for dry skin prone to flaking

Curd mask 1 . Take a tablespoon of cottage cheese and warm milk (can be replaced with sour cream). Apply to skin and leave for about twenty minutes. Rinse off. After such a greasy mask, it is better not to blot your skin with a towel.

Curd mask 2 . Take loose leaf black tea (two teaspoons) and two tablespoons of natural cottage cheese. Mix. If you wish, you can add just a little hot water. Apply a thin layer to your face. Leave the mask on the skin until completely dry. After the mask dries, rinse and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.


Homemade masks for very dry problem skin

Mask No. 1 . You need to take a little bit of any vegetable oil and heat it just a little. Make a gauze pad: fold the gauze into 3 layers and make holes for the nose, mouth and eyes. Now dip the gauze into the oil and then apply it to the face and neck area.

Mask No. 2 . You will need: egg yolk, ½ tbsp. l. soft butter (put out of the refrigerator first) and a teaspoon of baby cream. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply to the face. Leave on for fifteen minutes, then rinse off. If desired, you can add a drop of vitamin oil solutions A, E, D to the mask.

Mask No. 3. This mask is suitable for people with sensitive and dry skin that is prone to inflammation. To make an anti-inflammatory mask you will need one yolk, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of chamomile infusion. Mix all ingredients. This mask should be kept on the skin for at least 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with lukewarm water.

Mask No. 4 . Regular oatmeal will save you from peeling skin. Take a tablespoon of oatmeal, pour hot milk over it (you will need literally four tablespoons). Then cover it all tightly with a lid and let it sit until the flakes swell. Then apply the paste to your face. Fifteen minutes is enough for the skin to soften and the peeling to begin to disappear.


Daily care products for dry skin. Cleansing milk.

Soothing cleansing milk . Take a quarter glass of milk and cream and chamomile inflorescences. It is advisable to use fresh chamomile, but you can also use dried chamomile. Heat all components in a water bath for half an hour. Do not bring the mixture to a boil under any circumstances. Leave the broth to steep for two hours. After this, strain. The milk is ready. In order for it to retain its properties, it must be poured into a sterile container. Shelf life: two weeks in the refrigerator. The product should be applied to the face with massaging movements, and then rinsed thoroughly.

Honey based cleansing milk. Take two teaspoons of honey and almond oil, ¼ cup of milk. Mix everything until smooth. The product is ready for use: apply to the skin and rinse after a couple of minutes.

Homemade whitening masks for dry skin.

Horseradish-based whitening mask for dry skin . Ingredients: full-fat (3.2%) kefir - a quarter cup, oatmeal - 1 tablespoon, grated horseradish - 1 teaspoon. If you can’t grate fresh horseradish, store-bought will do. Mix the flour and kefir thoroughly and then add the horseradish. This mask should be placed on gauze and applied to the face. The mask should not be left on for longer than 15 minutes. And be sure to do a test before applying the mask.

Against age spots . Ingredients of the mask: whey and milk - one tablespoon each, a couple of drops of three percent hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice - a teaspoon. All ingredients are mixed. The resulting mask must be applied, rubbing, specifically to areas of the skin with age spots. Now you need to wait for the skin to dry. After that, repeat the same thing again. In general, you should get 3-4 applications of the whitening mask. After the last time, wait about half an hour and wash your face.

Natural toners for dry skin without alcohol. Homemade recipe

Honey tonic . To make this wonderful remedy, take one egg (or rather the white), one teaspoon of lemon or pineapple juice, a teaspoon of honey. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until a stiff foam forms. Add the rest of the ingredients: juice and honey. Whisk again. That's all. The resulting toner should be applied to the neck and face, avoiding the areas around the lips and eyes. Leave it on the skin for ten minutes and then wash it off.

Cucumber tonic . This refreshing tonic is very easy to prepare. Take a cucumber, peel it and puree it in a blender. Then strain, we don’t need pulp. The resulting tonic can already be used. You can store it for a week in a sterile container. If you are not allergic to honey, you can add it to the resulting tonic after straining. Directions for use: shake the container, moisten a cotton swab with toner and wipe your face, neck and décolleté. There is no need to wash off such a miraculous potion.


Natural scrubs for dry skin at home

Dry skin itself requires delicate care, so a rough scrub is strictly prohibited so as not to injure the skin. But homemade gentle exfoliators are just the thing.

Oatmeal scrub . Mix together finely ground oatmeal (2 tbsp), sugar (2 tsp), aloe pulp (2 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 tsp). The resulting thick mass should be applied to damp skin. While applying, massage your face and neck in a circular motion. The scrub, like a mask, should not be left on the face. After a two-minute massage, rinse off the mixture with warm water.

In order for the mask to have a beneficial effect on dry skin, it is desirable that it contains fatty products: butter, sour cream. When using masks, scrubs and toners, avoid getting the products on the delicate skin around the eyes and lips.

Please note that masks, even from natural ingredients, should not be made more than twice a week. Before applying the mixture to your face, be sure to cleanse your skin with special products (scrub, milk). Take care of your skin and you will be surprised by the results.

My gift for you Ernesto Cortazar - Love Spell I hope that while you are pampering yourself with masks, you will enjoy listening to this composition.

I wish you all a pleasant mood, health, slimness, beauty.