Why does my facial skin peel after using cream?

Trying to cope with desquamation of the epithelium, women use an anti-flaking cream on the face, which helps solve this problem. What causes the appearance of facial scales and how to get rid of them using cosmetic and medical products? Let's figure it out.

Causes of peeling skin

Many cosmetics, mainly creams, are used against peeling of the dermis. However, before applying them, it is important to understand what causes this phenomenon to occur.

Peeling on the face occurs as a result of impaired blood flow to the dermis. To normalize blood flow, you need to eliminate the irritating factor and use a cream that will help prevent the appearance of scales.

Factors provoking epithelial desquamation:

  1. Skin diseases, such as dermatitis.
  2. Dehydration of the facial skin. As a result, the dermis receives an insufficient amount of nutrients, which leads to its drying out.
  3. Staying in a warm room for a long time. High temperatures negatively affect the condition of the dermis.
  4. Weathering. If a girl stays outside for a long time in windy weather or under air conditioning, her skin may become chapped.
  5. Allergic reaction. This is one of the most common reasons that provokes exfoliation of the dermis.
  6. Abrupt climate change. Temperature changes negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  7. Cuts, scrapes or wounds on the face.
  8. Failure to follow healthy eating rules.
  9. Dehydration of the body.
  10. Using cosmetics designed for oily skin.
  11. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, insufficient facial skin care.

Interesting! Facial scales are often caused by dehydration. To get rid of this problem, you should drink at least 3 glasses of mineral water daily.

Faced with the problem of epithelial desquamation, many women resort to the use of professional cosmetics. However, before engaging in moisturizing procedures, it is recommended to make changes to your lifestyle. Perhaps peeling skin is the result of simple overheating in the sun or, conversely, winter hypothermia. Also, girls who consume insufficient amounts of vitamins and beneficial microelements that nourish and moisturize the dermis often face this problem.

In these cases, making adjustments to your lifestyle is the first step in getting rid of facial peeling.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Cream for peeling facial skin should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist, that is, a cosmetologist. As practice shows, in most cases, the factor that provokes the occurrence of this problem is improper care of the facial dermis. A specialist will help you make the necessary adjustments to your daily self-care routine.

Following these tips will help reduce the risk of skin peeling:

  1. The cosmetics that a woman uses to eliminate the problem of peeling facial skin should be natural. It is desirable that its composition include components such as elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, provitamin A, etc.
  2. If a girl washes her face with tonic in the morning, then in the afternoon she must moisturize her face with cream. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to avoid drying out of the dermis.
  3. The water used for washing must be mineral.
  4. When desquamation of the epithelium, it is recommended to use cosmetics that contain ceramides. Why is it important? The lack of these substances provokes facial peeling. Ceramides are an oily liquid that moisturizes the dermis.
  5. Coconut oil helps combat this problem and should be applied daily.
  6. Before you begin the procedure of applying a cream that prevents facial peeling, it is recommended to exfoliate.
  7. To enhance the effectiveness of nourishing the skin with moisture and vitamins, it is recommended to massage your face before applying moisturizer.

Find out how to quickly remove peeling skin:

Helpful advice! For women with dry skin, cosmetologists recommend washing their face with gel and milk every day. This is the best home remedy to help prevent peeling of the dermis.

The best anti-flaking skin creams

Not every cream is suitable for peeling facial skin. In order for a cosmetic product to help get rid of this problem, it must contain plant extracts. So, what cream will help prevent facial peeling?

La Cree. It contains plant extracts of nut, violet, string and avocado. The product helps eliminate the problem of facial peeling thanks to the bisabolol and panthenol it contains. These cream components actively fight flaking, eliminating dryness of the dermis.

Lipobase. This face cream, used to eliminate exfoliation of the facial dermis, quickly and effectively nourishes it with beneficial microelements. This remedy also relieves itching. Cosmetologists recommend using Lipobase in winter to prevent the negative effects of low temperatures on the skin.

Allatonin. This cosmetic product is designed to stimulate the regeneration of the dermis. Since Allatonin promotes the separation of dead cells from the skin, in the first days of its use, peeling may increase.

Advice! It is recommended to apply creams from this group with massage movements.

Pharmacy products

In the pharmacy you can find an effective cream that will not only eliminate the problem of peeling of the facial dermis, but also prevent its occurrence in the future. The best pharmaceutical drugs that are used to nourish and moisturize the skin of the face are:

Bepanten (baby cream). The main active ingredient of this product is dexapanthenol. Betanten is recommended to be used to eliminate scales on the face, as well as to relieve skin inflammation.

Cream Panthenol. It is recommended to use it if facial scales are the result of mechanical damage to the skin (burn or frostbite). Panthenol can be used to relieve facial mechanical damage in the form of a cream and spray.

Akriderm. This is an effective remedy that combats excessive dryness of the dermis. With the help of Akriderm, you can achieve a significant improvement in her condition. This product is available in 2 forms: cream and ointment. Pharmacists recommend using Akriderm for cosmetic purposes in the presence of skin diseases. It is often prescribed for eczema or psoriasis.

We see. The active components of this product take an active part in the process of regeneration of the facial dermis. Videstim has a positive effect on the growth of epidermal cells. It is used for cosmetic purposes if skin peeling was caused by eczema.

Pantoderm. A very effective remedy that helps quickly get rid of facial peeling. The cream is used when there is a large area of ​​skin damage. Pantoderm not only helps get rid of flaking, it also relieves the itching that accompanies it.

Radevit. This remedy is available in the form of an ointment. Radevit has an effective moisturizing effect. It is used to treat uninfected wounds and dermatitis.

Advice! If you have any skin diseases, it is not recommended to prescribe yourself a pharmaceutical remedy for peeling skin.

Skincare cosmetics

If a woman has flaky skin on her face, she can get rid of it with the help of an appropriate cream or ointment. Let's consider the best options for skincare cosmetics:

Dexpanthenol. Many believe that these are the best ointments that can help eliminate this problem and accelerate cellular metabolism. Dexpanthenol belongs to this group. The action of the ointment is aimed at cellular regeneration. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Dexpanthenol improves the condition of the dermis thanks to its vitamin B content, which penetrates deep into the epidermis. With the help of this remedy, you can quickly normalize blood flow and, as a result, get rid of desquamation of the epithelium.

Losterine cream. The action of this cream is aimed at exfoliating dead dermis. Losterol has an anti-inflammatory effect. With its help, you can quickly and effectively get rid of the problem of facial scales and skin itching.

Cream Payot. This product contains glycerin, hyaluronic acid and vegetable oils that nourish and moisturize the epidermis. After replenishing the lack of moisture, the skin will stop peeling. Cosmetologists recommend using Payot cream at the initial stage of desquamation.

Cream Topping. This is an excellent moisturizer for the facial dermis that quickly and effectively solves the problem of facial scales. Its use promotes cellular nutrition and hydration. This product contains natural moisturizers such as urea, hyaluronic acid and korite oil.

To enhance the effectiveness of using Doliva, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids.

It is important to know! In order for the use of skincare cosmetics to bear fruit, it should be applied to problem areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

Thus, the appearance of scales on the face can be stopped with a large number of pharmaceutical and cosmetic medications, including ointments, creams, sprays, etc. But before choosing one or another product, it is important to understand what caused facial peeling.

The surface layer of the epidermis is constantly renewed: the stratum corneum is rejected and replaced by keratinocytes - new cells. Due to unfavorable environmental conditions: climate, allergies, fungal infection, interaction with toxic substances, lack of moisture, nutrients and vitamins, hereditary predisposition, the stratum corneum begins to be rejected intensively, while the formation of keratinocytes is also activated. As a result, peeling appears on the face - what to do and how to restore health and beauty to the skin becomes a particularly significant problem.


Causes of peeling skin

Sudden peeling on the face is a reason to think about it. This may be due to improper skin care or problems within the body.

  1. Lack of moisture. In 97% of cases, the skin begins to peel due to dehydration. Signs of a lack of fluid in the body also include thirst, dizziness, dry mouth, weakness, low blood pressure, nausea, and palpitations. Typically, such symptoms are caused by insufficient drinking, intense sweating, and the use of diuretic medications.
  2. Incorrect care. Peeling of the skin on the face, caused by improper care, most often occurs in people with sensitive skin types, which are characterized by an acute reaction to any external intervention.
  3. Incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics. Another reason why the skin on the face begins to peel off. This is more often observed in women, since it is the weaker sex who tend to get carried away with cosmetics.
  4. Unfavorable environment. These include temperature changes, exposure to direct sunlight on the skin, wind, and very dry air in office premises (especially in winter). In this case, the skin on the face peels off chronically, due to prolonged contact with the irritant, and in addition, dryness is observed. There may be mild redness, swelling, mild itching and burning, soreness, cracks, and thickening of the skin. Urticaria, rhinitis, asthma attacks, and conjunctivitis are not observed.
  5. Allergy. Redness and peeling can be caused by animal hair, pollen from flowering plants, and some medications. Problems with the skin stop if the irritant is removed.
  6. Diathesis. It develops as an allergic reaction, although experts do not consider it an allergy. Signs of diathesis can vary greatly, but in most cases there is dryness and swelling, the skin turns red, itches, and flakes. Particular discomfort is felt at night. Sometimes vesicles and papules appear on the face. Diathesis can be contact (for example, with local use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics, ointments) and atopic, which is a manifestation of an allergy to something (wool, pollen, some products).
  7. Avitaminosis. Peeling on the face may be due to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals from food. As a rule, a lack of vitamins A and group B affects the condition of the skin in a similar way.


Insufficient consumption of keratin (vitamin A) is also manifested by night blindness, inflammation of the cornea and eye mucosa, bronchitis, urethritis and inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa.

With a lack of vitamin B2, the mucous membranes of the eyes, the skin between the nose and upper lip, and on the eyelids become inflamed, ulcers appear in the corners of the mouth, cracks on the lips, muscle weakness, and anemia.

Vitamin B3 deficiency is manifested by general weakness, diarrhea, paralysis, in addition, hair loss, tongue inflammation, hallucinations, delirium, and insomnia are possible.

A lack of vitamin B6 is characterized by the development of fungal inflammations on the skin, anemia, insomnia, irritability, weakness and inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes.

Drowsiness, malaise, muscle pain, depression, increased fatigue and decreased blood pressure are characteristic signs of vitamin B7 deficiency.

Peeling of facial skin can also be associated with certain diseases:

  1. Ichthyosis. Signs of the disease are very dry, rough and rough skin due to a significant increase in the number of horn cells. Most often, due to ichthyosis, the skin on the face peels off in young children (1-4 years) and adolescents.
  2. Seborrheic dermatitis. The disease manifests itself in the form of itching, redness and flaking of the skin, affecting exclusively areas with a large number of sebaceous glands and hair. Develops as a result of decreased immunity, heavy sweating, stress, poor hygiene, alcohol consumption, and an unbalanced diet.
  3. Psoriasis. Red-pink spots in psoriasis flake and itch, rarely appear on the face (they can be seen on the forehead, temples, neck), more often they are localized on the body. Psoriasis is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. The disease is provoked by drinking alcohol, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to sunlight, stress, and taking medications.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

If the skin on your face is peeling, this is not always a consequence of dehydration and a harmless lack of vitamins. In some cases, such skin problems indicate diseases that may worsen over time.


Signs that you need to see a doctor:

  1. dry, flaky skin that itches a lot and has a burning sensation;
  2. erosions, spots, ulcers, ulcers, cracks appeared on the face;
  3. peeling is accompanied by dizziness, diarrhea, joint pain, headache, hallucinations, insomnia, paralysis;
  4. flaky spots differ from the rest of the skin in color;
  5. the skin is bright red and swollen;
  6. the skin peels in the nasolabial folds, on the eyebrows, around the eyelashes, on the head.

How to get rid of peeling

Peeling skin on the face can be treated, and creams containing no more than 0.5% hydrocortisone will be especially effective. Apply the product once a day to problem areas for 14 days. It is prohibited to use such creams for a longer period of time, since these are not ordinary cosmetics, but medicine.

What to do if the peeling is very strong and ordinary moisturizing creams cannot cope with it? In this case, the use of drugs that contain dexapanthenol is effective. These are, for example, “Panthenol” in the form of a cream or spray, prescribed by doctors for burns, “Bepanten” (can be used as a means of preventing peeling in winter).


If peeling and irritation on the skin is not caused by an illness, then dealing with them on your own will not be difficult. You need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. remove dead cells from the surface using a scrub (it should be soft, without abrasive particles that can injure the skin);

You can make an excellent scrub with your own hands. Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for 20 minutes, add egg white and apply to face. Massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse. You can use coffee grounds, fresh apple and cucumber slices, and watermelon pulp as a scrub.

  1. make a nourishing mask, it can be purchased or made from products that are always on hand (sour cream, cottage cheese, egg yolks, cream, boiled potatoes fight peeling);
  2. leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water;
  3. Lubricate your skin with moisturizer.


Anti-flaking masks

In winter, masks are a must. Particularly useful are compositions with yolk, vitamins, cottage cheese, cream:

  1. mix 0.5 tablespoon of honey with 2 yolks and 0.5 tablespoon of vegetable oil, spread on the face every 5 minutes (no need to wash off the previous layer), leave for 20 minutes and rinse with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of linden flowers;
  2. lightly heat vegetable oil (olive, wheat germ, almond or flaxseed) and lubricate your face with it, after 30 minutes rinse with warm water;
  3. mix the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of chopped oatmeal and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, apply to face and rinse after 15 minutes with warm water;
  4. Take cottage cheese, cream, milk and sour cream in equal parts, mix and apply to your face, after 15 minutes wash with warm water.

A balanced diet will help you overcome peeling and irritation on the skin. The table must have fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, fish, dairy products, and nuts. In autumn, winter and spring, it is advisable to take special vitamin and mineral complexes.


Among possible skin problems in women, flaking is one of the most common. Usually it is not a constant process, but periodic and occurs due to physical or chemical effects on the skin of the face itself, and the body as a whole.

To prevent such unpleasant manifestations, you should know something about how to get rid of peeling skin on the face.

Causes of dry skin


There are several types of reasons why the skin on the face is dry and flaky.. In winter - under the influence of cold, wind, as well as due to excessive dryness of the premises, low humidity in the house. Overheating in the sun or in a solarium less often provokes such symptoms.

External reasons may also include:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. very drying of the skin; poor quality of water for washing;
  3. low-quality decorative cosmetics or with additives that cause an allergic reaction;
  4. dermatitis (exposure to household chemicals or other irritating factors);
  5. reaction to taking medications.

Does dry skin affect not only the face, but also other areas of the skin? Peeling does not stop for more than 2 weeks even with active treatment? In such cases, the reason may lie in systemic malfunctions of the endocrine glands, a significant decrease in immunity, a skin disease, and not a cosmetic defect. To understand what the real reason is, it is better to contact three doctors: a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, and a dermatologist.


The female body develops cyclically
. When entering menopause, the formation of the menstrual cycle, six months after childbirth, the concentration of hormones in the body is so variable that it makes itself felt through external manifestations.

Sometimes the patient should just wait until the body gets itself in order and just use moisturizers so that the external problem does not get worse.

But it happens that a timely visit to a gynecologist due to a simple problem will be life-saving.


Endocrinological problems leading to flaking and dryness are most often associated with the thyroid gland. Its dysfunction also leads to excessive sweating, fatigue, changes in heart rate and other negative conditions.

A woman can determine for herself that the thyroid gland is not in order if the neck begins to look swollen, more on the right side than on the left, or nodules that are barely noticeable on palpation appear.

Self-medication in such cases will not help; you must undergo a course of treatment in a hospital setting.

Itching, redness, and peeling as a result of constant scratching are symptoms of fungal diseases that easily find a new host with poor immunity. Consultation with a dermatologist and treatment with antifungal agents will give a quick effect. To consolidate it, it is worth working on general health promotion.

General recommendations for improving the condition

Helps keep your face and body skin healthy:

  1. balanced diet;
  2. drinking clean drinking water in normal quantities (more than 2 liters in any weather and stress);
  3. sound healthy sleep (at least 6-7 hours);
  4. stable physical activity (walking);
  5. reduction of stress, or the severity of the reaction to it;
  6. compliance with hygiene standards in the house (the room should be clean, warm, and not heated to the point of a stove, ventilated, with normal air humidity);
  7. careful selection of cosmetics, preferably from the same manufacturer, to avoid cross-reactions;
  8. removing care products with a significant amount of alcohol from your cosmetic bag;
  9. daily skin care by washing, applying masks, protective creams;
  10. performing cosmetic procedures only when necessary.

All these tips will help minimize the main irritating factors and help avoid contact dermatitis, skin injury, and the occurrence of immune reactions.

The concept of “balanced nutrition” also includes control of the amount of vitamins consumed. A sufficient amount of vitamins B and C (stimulation of collagen production) is especially important for skin health. It is possible that due to age-related changes or other health conditions, a woman may benefit from vitamin supplements rather than a large number of corresponding products. Before taking any specific medications, consult your doctor.

For women suffering from allergies, the path to recovery may be somewhat longer: identifying the allergen and treating local symptoms is the first step, but if it is not possible to remove the allergen from the person’s constant environment, then the second step will remain the treatment of specific manifestations.

The skin is the largest human organ and often gives signals about the internal state of the body. It is important not to miss them, so communicating with your family doctor once every six months and getting tested is a mandatory procedure.

Rules for facial care at home

The first thing you want to do with scales and itching is to get rid of them forever, maybe even rip them off. For those who decide to injure the skin even more, the path to recovery will be delayed.

Important! Dry skin cannot be cleansed with scrubs! Cleansing procedures will increase irritation and may cause skin infection!

It’s good if a woman manages to independently identify the cause of her condition (chathering, a reaction to cosmetics or too zealous care), eliminate it (walk less on the street without proper cream protection, remove harmful products from her cosmetic bag, reconsider her understanding of skin care). The next thing you should definitely do is moisturize your skin!


The best means to help get rid of dry skin on the face are any creams used in pediatric practice. They contain panthenol, which heals wounds and microcracks, as well as a large amount of fats that well moisturize and protect the skin. You should not use these products on an ongoing basis, but they are perfect for treatment for a week or two.

Daily washing with settled water or infused with herbs (chamomile, string, mint, calendula) will help relieve inflammation on the skin and moisturize it. If you experience significant discomfort from washing, it is better to use blotting sponges soaked in infusion.

Since oily skin most often flakes due to improper care, it makes sense to choose products to combat the problem together with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. A single consultation will solve the problem in the long term.

Beauty recipes and folk remedies

First of all, different types of masks will help. Honey masks will help moisturize the skin and consolidate the health effect for a long time. Use them 1-2 times a week. It’s simple to prepare the mixture: mix two tablespoons of honey (preferably herbs) with a spoonful of water, apply evenly to the face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off the sweet medicine, but do not wipe your face with a towel, but blot it.

If for some reason you went outside in winter without applying any protective product to your facial skin, then lip hygienic lipstick can save you from severe chapping or hypothermia.

Apply a thin layer to exposed areas of the face. Although the oily shine effect will not go away even after half an hour, the advantages of this method will be the prevention of more serious manifestations of dryness.

You can carry out the procedure for moisturizing your facial skin at home using the power of sea buckthorn oil (sold in its pure form in pharmacies). Mix it with raw chicken egg yolk (10-15 drops per 1 egg), apply with massage movements on the face, leave for an hour.

A moisturizing and vitamin-rich mask will be a mixture of honey (1 tsp), cow's milk (4 tbsp), homemade cottage cheese (1 tbsp), sea buckthorn oil (1 tsp). Dissolve honey in warm milk, add cottage cheese and butter. Stir until smooth. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes.

A suitable mask in this case would be a mixture of a tablespoon of rich sour cream with a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. The mixture can be used both as a night cream and as a mask.

Sea buckthorn oil can also be mixed with distilled water (5:1), vegetable oils (3:1), and applied to the skin instead of night cream.

Among the traditional medicines, it is also worth highlighting flaxseed oil.. It can be used without any additives and applied to the skin instead of cream.

A mask of aloe juice (a tablespoon), half a grated apple, one egg yolk. Apply for 15-20 minutes. It nourishes well, after which the face stops drying, is restored, and returns the lost water balance.

Massaging with ice cubes from decoctions or infusions of parsley, dill, and chamomile will help soothe irritated skin and prepare it for moisturizing treatments. A tablespoon of any of the listed herbs is poured with 500 grams of water and boiled over low heat for up to 5 minutes. Cool, strain, pour into ice trays, and freeze. You can use ice cubes every day. They will also help maintain overall skin tone, and not just relieve inflammation.

Some salon procedures and special cosmetics will also help get rid of the problem of dryness. It is better to select products not independently, but with the help of an experienced cosmetologist.