Wrinkle on the bridge of the nose in a newborn

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Health and development of children in games, origami, coloring books and audio stories » Features of child growth and development » General appearance of a newborn baby Features of child growth and development : General appearance of a newborn baby

There is nothing more exciting for new parents than watching with emotion the daily progress in the development of their baby. True, often the newborn does not look as attractive as it was imagined during pregnancy. Young parents, seeing their baby in the first minutes after birth, are disappointed. In their dreams, he seemed completely different to them. But within a few days after the birth of the baby, it becomes clear to parents that he is the most beautiful, the smartest and the most savvy.

In the first days of life, the child's head is large relative to the body and often irregular in shape. When stroking the baby's head and carefully examining the mother, she can pay attention to asymmetry, irregularities, especially at the junction of bones, and a depression on the upper part (crown) of the head - these are the sutures of the cranial bones and the large fontanelle (an open and unprotected space of the skull bones, usually in the shape rhombus, having an average size of 2.5 × 3 cm). Due to the cranial sutures and fontanelles (large, small, and lateral), head growth occurs. As the child's head grows, the fontanelles decrease in size and close over time (by 1.5 years).

Deformation and asymmetry are temporary, passing phenomena; they should not upset young parents. A change in the shape of the newborn's head could occur due to the impact of the pressing and expelling forces of the contracting uterus during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Children removed by cesarean section, as a rule, do not have any noticeable deformation of the head.

Newborns' hair is usually dark in color, but sometimes the baby is born completely bald. It also happens that a newborn’s hair is quite long, shiny, thick, and tangled.

In the first hours and days after birth, the face of a newborn baby is swollen (especially the eyelids), this is the consequence of strong compression that occurs when passing through the birth canal. In the area of ​​the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose, less often on the cheeks and forehead, accumulations of sebaceous gland secretion are visible in the form of white or slightly yellowish dots up to 2 mm in size, slightly rising above the skin level (milia). They gradually disappear without leaving a trace, and therefore do not require removal.

Often, many mothers are worried when they find irregularly shaped reddish-pink spots on the child’s face in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, eyebrows or forehead (will they remain forever?) When pressed with a finger, the red spots disappear, and then quickly appear again. There is no need to worry about this at all: these are areas of skin with superficially located and dilated capillaries, which will gradually turn pale and disappear.

Facial features will change more than once as they grow older, but often from the very moment of birth there is a more or less significant resemblance to their parents. Eye color is most often dark gray or dark blue. The nose is usually small and flattened.

If the mother ate properly during pregnancy, if the baby is full-term and healthy, then he will look plump and quite well-fed. This appearance is due to a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer.

The body of a newborn is smooth, the chest is cylindrical, and the tummy is rounded. In the middle of the tummy is the umbilical cord. .

A newborn's neck is short. The neck muscles are still very weak; a fat fold can be easily detected by touch at the back.

The chest most often has a cylindrical shape. A newborn's ribs are soft and horizontal. The baby's mammary glands are usually slightly swollen; when pressed, a drop of liquid similar to milk may come out of them.

The arms and legs of a newborn are relatively short and thick. Their position is the same as inside the mother. The skin on the hands may be slightly wrinkled, and on the wrists there may be folds that cause such tenderness in the parents and grandmothers of the baby. The fists are in a compressed state, pulled up to the face. A full-term baby's nails are already long.

The legs of a newborn lying on his back are in a somewhat tucked position, with his knees outward. The skin on the legs is wrinkled. The feet are small and flat, plump. Nails in full-term newborns reach the distal ends of the last phalanx and are one of the criteria of maturity.

The muscles of newborns are poorly developed. Muscle tone is slightly increased, which is often associated with the peculiarities of the newborn’s nervous system. The muscles of newborns are thin and weak, so they do not support their heads, and in the first 2 months, when picking up the baby, his head must be supported. Newborns lie with their knees bent and their arms at their elbows. This situation lasts 2-2.5 months, so in the first weeks there is no need to forcefully straighten them.

The skin of a newly born baby is covered with a layer of curd-like lubricant, greyish-white in color, sticky to the touch (this is vernix). Its presence on the child’s body is necessary, as it protects the child’s skin from the effects of amniotic fluid, prevents softening of the skin, facilitates the passage of the fetus through the natural birth canal, reducing traumatic tissue damage. The largest amount of vernix is ​​found in the folds of the skin. Immediately after the baby is born, it must be removed, the skin should be dried, and the newborn should be wrapped in warm swaddling clothes to reduce heat loss. It is for this reason that the baby must be bathed immediately after birth, and only after that is handed over to the mother.

After removing the lubricant, the baby's skin has a pale pink color, sometimes with a slight bluish tint on the feet and palms. Many babies have flaky skin, especially on the palms and soles of their feet. In general, the skin of a small child is very delicate, easily vulnerable and requires careful handling.

On the 3-4th day of life, some children develop icteric staining of the skin and mucous membranes (the intensity of the color may vary). This has its effect on bilirubin, which is formed

in the body of a newborn with intensive destruction of red blood cells (this is a transitional state). How can such a change be noticed? The baby should be brought to the window during the day at the moment when he opens his eyes: the sclera is the first to be stained with bilirubin. Typically, the intensity of the icteric staining is low and lasts about a week. When examining a baby’s skin, you need to pay attention to the presence of pigmented areas and examine the skin folds.

The skin and mucous membranes perform a protective function, regulate heat, and carry out breathing. A newborn baby has well-developed skin sensitivity. When stroking the baby's body and carefully examining it, it turns out that it is covered with silky nushka hair. There are especially many of them on the child’s back, shoulders, and arms. Within a week, this hair falls out. On the head, the length of hair and certain of its qualities (stiffness, shine, color) depend on many factors (racial, hereditary, individual characteristics, etc.)

Guasha massage for the face: what is special, rules, tips

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The fashion for everything oriental has gained great popularity all over the world, this also applies to the Guasha technique, which, like Japanese facial massage, is considered the oldest type of massage. This technique has never been secret; moreover, it is the most democratic of all the variety of types of effects on facial skin. Previously, in China, every village had a master who skillfully mastered this technique.

Let's take a closer look at what is special about such a facial procedure as Guasha facial massage.

Guasha procedure: what is the principle?

If you look in more detail, the word Guasha consists of two Chinese characters, “gua” - scrape, scraping movements directed in one direction and “sha” - disease, painful condition. Thus, Guasha is getting rid of illness with the help of scrapers or special plates.

During the massage, reflexogenic zones located on the face or body are treated. If we imagine in a more simplified way the principle of Guasha scraping massage, then this is an effective way to eliminate pockets of stagnation in tissues that form in the human body due to various failures and disorders.

Thanks to this effect, Guasha massage eliminates not only the effect of the disease itself, but also the cause that caused it.

Types of Chinese massage

According to Chinese teachings, most diseases are formed due to exposure to external factors: heat and cold, wind or dampness. However, most often they enter the human body through the skin.

Consequently, removing the symptoms of the disease itself and getting rid of it will also be most effective through the skin, and this is the task that scraping massage works on.

Beauty salons now offer clients three variations of Guasha facial massage:
1. Cosmetic, its focus: elimination of various facial diseases, as well as cosmetic defects on the face and body.
2. Preventive: its purpose is to prevent various diseases to which a person is predisposed.
3. Therapeutic and diagnostic: performed to identify diseases that already exist in a person, as well as to select methods for their treatment.

You can learn more about other types of facial massage, such as honey massage, facial massage with spoons, anti-wrinkle massage, lymphatic drainage. vacuum

Mastering the massage technique is quite easy. Having a sufficient level of knowledge about the Gua Sha procedure, you can perform it yourself at home.

Scrapers for Guasha massage

For Chinese massage, special scrapers are used that have a variety of shapes: they can be either flat plates or ordinary spoons, but without thin sharp edges. The plate may have a rounded curved edge of varying degrees of curvature, several projections or teeth. The most important thing is that the scraper does not have sharp edges, which can injure the skin when exposed to it.

Let us describe the most famous types of scrapers:
• fish scrapers – used for facial massage;
• comb-shaped scrapers – convenient for head massage;
• triangular-shaped scrapers – used for massage of the limbs and neck;
• square scrapers – most suitable for back massage;
• universal scrapers – suitable for whole body massage.

Also, in the final part of the Guasha massage, spoons are used, which have a stronger effect compared to flat plates. Scrapers can be made of stone: jade, agate, jasper, bian stone. In their manufacture, animal horns, metal (brass, copper), and plastic can be used.

In China, back in ancient times, it was the coin that was used in the treatment or self-medication of Guasha. Wealthier or more inventive people made scrapers from various available materials, which could be stones (onyx or jade), or from the bones of livestock. Massage plates were also made from turtle shell.

At home, you can use various improvised means as scrapers: coins (copper coins are best), jar lids, ceramic mugs.

Basic techniques of Chinese facial massage Guasha

The methods - thirty-six movements, the magic of youth, charming eyes - have a wonderful effect on the face. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. The “36 movements” massage can be prescribed for any type of facial skin, but most often it is recommended for dry, dull, yellowish, flaky skin without natural shine. Thanks to the procedure, the metabolic processes in the skin are affected, the epidermis is filled with nutrients and oxygen, skin cells are activated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the aging process is slowed down. Wellness massage: 4 sessions (1 time per week); for intensive care you will need 12 massage sessions (1 session every 4 days).
2. After the “Magic of Youth” course, you will look 5-10 years younger. Massage helps rejuvenate the skin of the face and décolleté, smooth out facial wrinkles, moisturize and nourish skin cells. Massage creates an excellent lifting effect. The wellness massage course is designed for 4 sessions (once a week); intensive care course – 12 sessions (1 time every 4 days)
3. The “Charming Eyes” massage is recommended for dry skin around the eyes, which is often prone to various problems (excessive dryness, fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes). This treatment makes it possible to moisturize and soften the skin around the eyes, tighten it, and smooth out wrinkles. Recommended number of sessions for regular wellness care: 4 sessions (once a week), for intensive care: 12 sessions (1 session every four days)

Knowledge of the features of the human body and acupuncture points located on the face has become fundamental to the movements of professional massage therapists.

Guasha massage for the face: what are its features?

Each Guasha massage lasts 60 minutes, but the effectiveness of its use becomes visible immediately.

This massage has its own characteristics, secrets and advantages:
• unlike conventional cosmetic massage, it differs in the depth of impact;
• the procedure is carried out using special plates;
• when performing Guasha massage, biologically active points of all meridians of the body are used, which allows achieving a healing effect;
• lymphatic drainage occurs, cleansing of toxins and impurities occurs, metabolic processes improve;
• after the massage the skin will naturally recover

There are 8 meridians in the facial area, massage is carried out precisely along them, this makes it possible to stimulate various biologically active points on the surface of the skin. Thanks to this, microcirculation of the skin improves, which makes it possible to fill it with oxygen and various nutrients, which leads to cell regeneration.

Guasha facial massage helps cleanse the skin and improve its condition. The procedure leads to skin whitening, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating pigmentation and acne. Thanks to a special massage technique, the smooth surface of the scrapers and the means through which the skin is exposed, the skin does not move or stretch during the procedure. During massage, all tissues and layers are treated, therefore, it is recommended even for older people. You will find out what skin care you need after 40 years by reading the article.

Facial massage technique

Massage oil, milk or rich cream is applied to a cleansed face so that your fingers can glide well over the skin.

During the procedure, you need to sit upright, your fingers and palms should first be rubbed so that you feel the warmth.

Each exercise is performed 10 times, calmly and measuredly:
• place your palms to your face and blink, while performing rotational movements with your eyes;
• use the heels of your palm to close both eyes, lightly pressing on the eyeballs; the pressure must be maintained for 10 seconds, then pause and repeat;
• place your thumbs at the inner corners of the eyes (near the bridge of the nose), press lightly, apply pressure for 5 seconds, then pause and repeat again;
• pat your cheeks with your fingertips, and the strength of the pats should be alternated, then weakened, then strengthened;
• push your chin forward, try to cover your upper lip with your lower lip. Then you need to press the jaw area under the chin, massaging it with the fingers of both hands
• auricular massage: it is carried out with the middle fingers from the tragus to the earlobe

Chinese facial massage is a fairly popular procedure in cosmetology due to its painlessness and safety. Cosmetologists and massage therapists convince that this procedure can “steal” 5-10 years from you. To do this, you just need to complete the entire course of prescribed procedures and become young and attractive.


Marina, 20 years old
Tell me, can I do this massage myself?

Expert's answer:
Good afternoon, Marina. Learning Gua Sha massage is possible, but it will take a lot of time to understand and study the centuries-old Chinese wisdom. In addition, you will need a very experienced mentor for this, otherwise you will not see any benefit from the procedure.

Yana, 30 years old
Tell me, are there any contraindications to facial Guasha massage?

Expert's answer:
Hello, Yana. Like any facial procedure, massage has its contraindications: infectious skin diseases, inflammatory processes, rashes, wounds or other damage to the facial skin.

February 18, 2018. Section 0 to 1


During pregnancy, you touch your belly with tenderness and are in anticipation of the birth of your long-awaited baby. You don’t even imagine that you will come across amazing facts that will be revealed in your baby. Let's look at the most amazing facts about newborn babies.

1. A baby’s velvety skin does not exist immediately after birth.

Most of us imagine that immediately after birth, every baby has smooth, velvety skin. In fact, a baby’s delicate skin becomes so after a certain period of time. At birth, a newborn has very thin, dry, wrinkled skin. One of the catalysts for skin renewal are softening baths.

2. A newborn’s nails are like paper.

After birth, you will find that your baby has not only tiny, miniature nails, but also very thin and very soft ones. Only with time will the nails become stronger.

3. Oh, what eyes….

In particular, we are talking about strabismus in a newborn. Do not be surprised or upset by this fact, but most infants at birth squint their eyes due to weakness of the eye muscles. Don’t worry, soon the eye muscles will start working at full capacity and the squint will go away.

4. Where are the tears?

You may be surprised to find that even if your baby cries for a long time, there are no tears! The first tears will appear in the next few months of life - rest assured.

5. Does your baby have wrinkles?

Don't be surprised if your baby looks like a little old man on the second day of life! Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and vertical wrinkles between the eyes are a completely natural phenomenon. His skin is still very dry, this will soon change completely and you will have an amazing baby

6. Does the newborn have no eyelashes?

In fact, eyelashes exist, it’s just that in the first weeks of life, the eyelashes of many newborns are “glued” to the eyelid line. Very soon they will begin to straighten and take shape.

7. The child's genitals are very enlarged.

This is simply the result of the interaction of hormones in your baby's body. The genitals may be swollen and red, but very soon the size and color will return to the desired shape.

8. How long does a newborn sleep?

Each organism is individual and if one child sleeps a lot and wakes up only to feed, then the other sleeps much less and the situation can change every day.

9. The baby is constantly hungry!

Feeding every three hours? In fact, the situation may be completely different when the child often asks for food! What to do, if he wants to eat, feed him! The baby is growing and gaining strength.

10. Why does a baby flinch in an unexpected situation and raise his arms up?

Do not be surprised! This is the Moro reflex, which is an automatic response to (potential) threat, which will disappear from the fourth month of life.

11. How many times can a newborn go to the toilet?

Stock up on diapers and disposable diapers! There is no other way out.

12. The baby constantly cries in the bath.

This is a fact, but most babies cry loudly during the first weeks of their lives while taking a bath. Don't worry, everything will pass soon.

13. Your baby always has his fists ready.

The last thing that may surprise you is the fact that your baby resembles a boxer. The baby constantly clenches his fists - a completely natural phenomenon. After 2-3 months, the baby will begin to unclench his fists and begin to control them.
