In case of a thermal burn, first of all it is necessary

A thermal burn is damage to the upper cells of the epidermis in domestic conditions. Quite often, many of us get injured as a result of careless handling of hot objects such as an iron, stove or household heater.

Severe redness with small watery blisters, tissue swelling and pain appear on the surface of the skin. Depending on the degree of skin destruction, several types of the disease are distinguished, each of which has characteristic features. Providing first aid for a thermal burn helps prevent inflammation in the affected area. To do this, it is important to follow a strict sequence of actions that prevent the destruction of soft tissue.

What do you need to know when providing first aid?

In medical practice, thermal damage to the skin has a specific code (T-20-T - 32). In that list there are various ways to injure the epidermis. Starting from a hot iron and ending with a frying pan.

There are 4 degrees of skin burns caused by high temperatures:

  1. 1st degree. Severe redness appears on the surface. After some time, a slight discharge of lymph appears along the entire perimeter of the wound. After some time, it evaporates leaving a thin film on the injured area. Once treatment is started, it helps to avoid the process of cell scarring;
  2. 2nd degree. It has similar symptoms, but with the appearance of small watery blisters;
  3. 3rd degree. Here, in addition to the upper layers of the epidermis, the soft tissue area is affected. The person experiences severe pain, which is relieved under frequent anesthesia. In the future, the patient may require skin grafting;
  4. 4th degree. The patient has soft tissue necrosis, which affects the ligaments and tendons. The skin acquires a burgundy color with the formation of a large bubble with liquid contents.

Important! In case of 3rd and 4th degree burns, the victim must receive immediate medical attention. Timely treatment helps reduce the risk of cell death.

The first thing to do is to stop contact of the skin with the hot surface. If there are particles of burning material or open material on the body, then the oxygen supply to the source of fire should be reduced. To do this, you can use a thick blanket or towel.

All actions must be carried out very carefully so as not to injure the affected area. If the victim is in a state of deep panic and moves quickly, thereby contributing to the fanning of the flames, it is recommended to stop him.

Next you need to put out the fire on his body.

First aid for a thermal burn excludes any contact with the damaged skin surface. During this period, the risk of infection increases. The fact is that the cells of the injured skin are not able to cope with pathogenic microorganisms on their own.

Important! If there are tissue remnants on the surface of the skin, you should not peel them off yourself. This will cause deeper wounds to appear.

Stages of first aid

Thermal burn first aid to a victim includes several main steps that help avoid serious health problems:

  1. The injured area must be cooled. This will reduce pain and avoid deeper lesions of the skin. To do this, the wound for 1st and 2nd degree burns is washed with cold, clean water for 20 minutes. Next, the burn is placed in clean water for 30 minutes. After this, it is covered with a bandage. If you don’t have a sterile bandage at hand, you can use an ironed sheet.
  2. The patient must be provided with a warm drink, which will prevent the occurrence of burn shock. The liquid medium promotes the removal of toxic compounds as a result of combustion.
  3. Relief of pain syndrome. Ibuprofen or novocaine will help reduce discomfort. Before taking the medicine, it is recommended to survey the victim for the presence of allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug. Novocaine is sprayed over the entire affected surface using a sterile syringe.
  4. If there are no signs of breathing and heartbeat, the patient must undergo chest compressions or artificial respiration. After this, you need to urgently call an ambulance. If it is not possible to make a call, it is recommended to independently deliver the victim to the nearest department.
  5. For a second-degree thermal burn, first aid involves gently cooling the affected area with running water without using any medications. The fact is that this can provoke an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock. Medical professionals can prevent such events.

How to recognize burn shock

The main signs of burn shock are:

  1. injury to the skin by more than 10%;
  2. excited state;
  3. severe thirst and constant chills;
  4. intermittent breathing;
  5. prolonged absence of urine;
  6. nausea;
  7. vomit.

If one of the signs appears, you must immediately seek highly qualified help.

What is contraindicated to do for thermal burns?

There are a number of requirements that prohibit the following actions:

  1. open the resulting bubble. This facilitates the rapid penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the affected area;
  2. if the blister does burst on its own, then it is necessary to treat the open wound with an antiseptic solution;
  3. You should not treat a burn with “proven means” of traditional medicine such as vegetable oil or chicken protein. Here it is best to use highly effective medications that promote rapid regeneration of affected cells;
  4. It is not recommended to use too greasy products for treating wounds. The composition of such a substance leaves a dense film on the burned skin, which prevents drying;
  5. It is impossible to completely cover a person during extinguishing, as the risk of poisoning by the products of combustion of materials increases;
  6. Watery blisters should not come into contact with ice. It is best to place the cold in additional cloth, which will prevent frostbite.


Today there is a sufficient number of medicines. Which accelerate the process of restoration of epidermal cells. Most of them are used to relieve pain.

What medications should be used for thermal burns? The most effective are considered:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. It contains antimicrobial components. They block the growth and spread of infection in the problem area. Before application, mix it thoroughly;
  2. "Bepanten." This ointment has a good regenerating effect. It must be applied 3-4 times a day;
  3. "Zinc ointment". It also has an antiseptic and regenerating effect. It promotes rapid healing of the top layer of skin.

The initial requirement for 3rd and 4th degree burns is to immediately seek medical help. An experienced doctor will be able to preserve your skin with minimal loss.


Every person should have at least the minimum knowledge and skills related to How to properly provide first aid for thermal burns. Thus, there is a high chance of saving the victim even before the ambulance arrives.

A thermal burn is a condition where the tissues of the human body are damaged due to heat exposure. The degree of damage depends on a large number of factors, in particular, the temperature height, the area of ​​damage, and the time over which the thermal effect lasted. In total, medicine distinguishes four degree burns, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

Symptoms and signs of thermal burn

The signs of thermal burns are varied, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  1. The first degree is limited to inflammation of the skin, redness, swelling, and pain appear;
  2. The second is characterized by the formation of blisters on the dermis, intense redness of the epidermis, and constant pain is felt in the damaged area of ​​the body;
  3. The third is tissue necrosis. A hard-like scab appears, under which dead tissue remains;
  4. The fourth is the most dangerous form of burn. With such thermal exposure, charring occurs, and not only the skin, but also tendons and bones can be damaged.

Burns negatively affect the activity of the central nervous system, and also make some changes in the functioning of other internal organs. It is necessary to understand that the larger the burn area, the correspondingly more nerve endings will be damaged, which will lead to a state of shock.

What actions to take in case of a thermal burn?

First aid for a thermal burn should be carried out in a timely manner:

  1. First of all, everything possible should be done to stop the victim’s contact with an object where there is a high temperature: remove burnt clothing, extinguish the flame, move the person to a safe place;
  2. Those parts of the skin that are damaged as a result of a burn need to be cooled. In case of extensive damage, it is prohibited to sharply change the temperature; such contrasting actions can cause shock;
  3. It is important to give the victim as much cool drinking water as possible after a burn;
  4. A clean gauze bandage should be carefully applied to the burned area, which in no case should create a sensation of pressure;
  5. The victim must always be in a calm state and in a comfortable position, for example, he can be laid on a table or a hard bed.

Regardless of how effectively you provided first aid to the victim, you should definitely call an ambulance and listen to all the doctor’s advice.

Thermal burns occur as a result of exposure of human skin to steam, boiling water, open fire or hot metal objects. Often the cause of such an injury is sun rays or electric current, and burns caused by chemicals can cause damage not only to the skin, but also to more important organs - the eyes or respiratory tract.

Providing first aid for thermal burns is necessary regardless of the cause of the injury, its severity and the general condition of the patient. Burns can cause irreparable harm to a person’s health and life, so assistance provided in the first minutes after injury can have a direct impact on subsequent recovery.

Classification of burns

In order to provide effective assistance and not cause harm through inept actions, you should learn to determine the degree of the burn received and, in accordance with it, take measures for pre-medical assistance to the victim. Thermal burn is divided into 4 degrees depending on the depth of penetration of the damaging substance and, accordingly, has different effects on the physical condition of the patient.

  1. At grade 1, only the top layer of skin is slightly damaged. At the site of the burn, slight redness and slight swelling can be observed, pain is mild.
  2. The second degree of burn is accompanied by the appearance of blisters with liquid, intense redness of the injured area and severe pain.
  3. A 3rd degree burn is characterized by deep tissue necrosis over a large area of ​​the body. A type A burn causes a painful shock, and when a type B injury occurs, the nerve endings die, so the pain does not last long.
  4. With a 4th degree burn, not only all layers of the skin, but also deeper lying muscles and tendons are subject to irreversible changes. Such a wound loses sensitivity to external irritants, its surface becomes charred and covered with a scab.

1st and 2nd degree burns, as a rule, do not require hospitalization and can be easily treated at home. In grades 3 and 4, it is necessary to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible, having first provided him with emergency first aid.

In addition, determining the area of ​​the burned surface of the body plays a very important role. This is not difficult to do if you know the “palm” rule. The area of ​​the human palm is about 1% of the surface of the skin. By placing your palm on the burned areas of the body, you can quite accurately assess the size of the injury and act in accordance with the result obtained.

General recommendations

In the event of a thermal burn, first aid should be provided by those around who witnessed the incident. First of all, it is necessary to move the victim to a safe place and save him from further exposure to thermal energy. Then you need to evacuate the patient to fresh air and clean the mouth and nose of possible combustion products. If the person is unconscious, the person should be placed on their side so that in case of vomiting the airway is not damaged.

The first first aid for thermal burns is to cool the wound with cold water; it is not recommended to use ice or compresses as a coolant. You should also avoid applying folk remedies such as vegetable oil, sour cream or any ointments, alcohol, brilliant green or iodine to the injured area, especially for 3rd and 4th degree burns. It is enough to cover the wound with a sterile cloth to prevent further infection.

At high temperatures, the tissue at the burn site can melt and stick to the burned skin. There is no need to try to remove it, since trying to separate it from the body can further injure the burned areas. Also, when providing first aid (First Aid), you should never puncture the resulting blisters, which can lead to inflammatory processes.

To prevent burn shock and to replenish lost water balance, you can give the patient a large amount of fluid. This rule does not apply if the victim experiences nausea or vomiting.

Emergency assistance is required for the victim in the following cases:

  1. loss of consciousness;
  2. pallor;
  3. increased heart rate;
  4. a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  5. breathing problems;
  6. the presence of burns exceeding 20% ​​of the skin surface (for older people and children this figure is reduced to 10%);
  7. burns associated with electric shock or chemicals.

If at least one sign is present, the victim should be immediately taken to a medical facility to provide qualified medical care.

First aid for domestic injuries

Getting a burn is not always associated with extreme situations. In everyday life, injuries often occur when preparing food. Hot kitchen utensils and boiling liquids cause minor 1st and 2nd degree burns that do not require hospital treatment. What to do in such a situation?

First of all, if a household injury occurs, you should cool the affected surface under running water, then you can anoint the wound with a special anti-burn drug and apply a bandage. Only gauze or a sterile bandage should be used; the use of cotton wool or adhesive tape is unacceptable in this case. If you experience severe pain, you can take painkillers available in every home medicine cabinet.

The healing time for such injuries is usually a few days. But if first aid measures for a thermal burn do not bring relief to the patient, if pus is discharged or health deteriorates, the patient must be taken to the clinic to have the wound examined by a surgeon. If there is a large area of ​​skin damage or a burn to the face, groin, or burn of the respiratory tract, immediate hospitalization will be required.

First aid for severe burns

First aid for thermal burns of the 3rd or 4th degree should be aimed at combating dehydration. The patient needs to drink as much warm mineral water as possible or prepare a solution of salt and soda, adding a teaspoon of these components to 1 liter of water. Damage to nerve receptors prevents the victim from feeling severe pain, so there is no need to cool the wound under running water, and the open wound should be protected as much as possible from microorganisms.

The burned surface should not be treated with any medications; until the ambulance arrives, the wound is covered with a clean cloth or sterile napkin. If possible, affected parts of the body should be elevated to avoid the spread of toxins throughout the body through the bloodstream.

When providing first aid for thermal burns, you need to take into account the psychological state of the patient. With pronounced excitement, the patient is capable of uncontrollable actions, so you should not leave him unattended. First aid measures, if necessary, should include taking sedatives.

What to do if you get an electric shock

Injury resulting from an electrical shock can cause significant harm to health. Thermal burns from electric current are not always accompanied by pain, which in no way reduces the risk of damage to internal organs, changes in blood composition, heart failure and other functional disorders. How to provide effective assistance in case of electric shock? First of all, you need to stop exposure to electricity by opening the circuit or moving the victim using rubber or wooden objects.

First aid for a thermal burn does not differ from the methods discussed above, but after an electric shock, the victim’s heart rate and breathing must be constantly monitored. If there is no pulse, artificial respiration must be performed until paramedics arrive.

Initial actions in case of a chemical burn

Burns caused by interaction with chemicals require immediate first aid. The wound must be washed for a long time (at least 20 minutes) with running water. You should not try to get rid of chemicals with a towel or other cloth, as this will allow the toxic substances to be absorbed even deeper into the body.

Table of neutralization of substances that cause chemical burns

First aid depends on the chemical composition of the substance. So, if alkali comes into contact with the skin, it is necessary to wash the wound with a solution made from citric acid or vinegar. When providing assistance to a victim of concentrated acid, use a soda solution. All types of solutions should be as weak as possible so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition. A wound from quicklime can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

In case of eye damage, a brief algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. open the victim’s eyes using your fingers wrapped in a sterile bandage;
  2. Rinse your eyes with running water for at least 20 minutes, using available means (a syringe without a needle, a plastic bottle, etc.);
  3. drip an antiseptic solution into the affected eye and apply a sterile bandage;
  4. Give the patient analgesics if necessary.

Providing first aid is extremely important, since it is in the first minutes that exposure to thermal energy causes maximum damage to health. But even if you know how to provide the necessary assistance, try to deliver the victim to the hospital as quickly as possible for comprehensive anti-burn treatment, which includes the prescription of painkillers, anti-inflammatory, sedatives and other medications, surgical operations and subsequent rehabilitation measures aimed at maximizing physical recovery. and psychological capabilities of the body.