Can iodine cause a burn?

It is quite easy to get a burn from iodine if you use it incorrectly. This medicinal substance has many beneficial properties.

However, in certain cases it can cause significant trouble to a person. What to do with such a burn? What products are allowed to be used for therapy?

Causes and symptoms

Iodine is a chemical element with diverse properties. In everyday life and medicine, a 5% alcohol solution of this substance is often used. Most often, the drug is used to treat the skin at the borders of wounds to prevent the recurrence of infection. It is rarely used in medical institutions, but is almost always found in the home medicine cabinet.

People often misuse this medicine, resulting in skin burns.

Why does it appear:

  1. Applying a large volume of medication to small areas of the skin,
  2. Long-term treatment with the drug,
  3. Application to mucous membranes,
  4. Taking the drug orally
  5. Improper storage
  6. Contact with an open wound surface.

Quite often, burns appear on the face due to the fact that the skin in these areas is more sensitive. Damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue is often observed when treated with a solution with a high concentration.

Is it possible to get burned by iodine in the absence of the described factors? Yes, if there is intolerance to the drug. In this case, quite serious allergic reactions may occur.

How does the injury manifest itself? Damage caused by iodine is classified as a chemical burn; the symptoms are quite noticeable.


  1. A dark spot forms in the area of ​​contact with iodine. The color ranges from light brown to dark.
  2. A burn to the mucous membrane is manifested by similar spots and changes in the surface, its deformation.
  3. Eye damage is characterized by strong flow of tears, red whites, and intense burning.
  4. Bubbles filled with liquid appear. The skin in the burn area becomes dry and peels.

In special cases, painful sensations may occur.

First aid

If burns occur with iodine solution, it is necessary to quickly provide first aid to the victim.

  1. You should wash the area where iodine gets on your body with plenty of cool water. The temperature should be slightly below body temperature.
  2. If the throat is burned with iodine, rinse it thoroughly with water for fifteen minutes. Then sugar is applied to the damaged area, which can neutralize the effect of the dangerous substance.
  3. Eye injuries require thorough rinsing in lukewarm water. They pour water into a container, lower their face into it and blink their eyes frequently.

To stop the negative reaction, it is allowed to apply soap foam, sugar, toothpaste, and tooth powder to the damaged surfaces.

If iodine is washed off immediately, then, as a rule, there are no adverse effects.

For such burns, do not wipe the wound with alcohol solutions, potassium permanganate, or apply ice. This may provoke an aggravation of the situation.

Treatment of illness with drugs

How to cure a burn caused by iodine? Therapeutic actions are allowed to be carried out at home, but the drugs must be prescribed by a medical professional.

  1. How to anoint the wound to avoid infection? You should use various antiseptics - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Tantum Verde. Gently wipe the damaged area with solutions.
  2. Painkillers will help relieve the discomfort that occurs with severe burns.
  3. Medicines that have a wound healing effect are used. If your eyes are damaged, you can use Levomekol eyelid ointment. It speeds up the healing process and prevents the infection from spreading.
  4. How to remove swelling? It is necessary to use a variety of decongestant medications.

The most popular remedy for such burns is Panthenol spray. It has a calming, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It is allowed to use Rescuer and Bepanten ointments. They also have a beneficial effect on irritated areas.

How to treat a wound from iodine at home if there is no medicine? You can use traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Treatment with sea buckthorn oil has many positive reviews. This remedy helps to cope with damage very quickly, in about three days.
  2. You can apply chilled oatmeal to the irritated area.
  3. A simple toothpaste applied every five hours will help get rid of discomfort on your arms and legs.
  4. Strong tea compresses are also applied to the inflamed areas of the skin for fifteen minutes.
  5. The yolks of hard-boiled eggs are fried in a frying pan without oil over very low heat until liquid appears. The affected areas are lubricated with it.

There are many traditional methods of treatment. But you need to remember to be careful when using them.

Treatment on the face

Burns from iodine often occur on the face when people use a solution to cauterize acne (they smeared one place with iodine too much).

In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the affected skin with plenty of water. How long does it take for a wound like this to heal?

As a rule, healing occurs quite quickly. To speed up the healing process, you can wipe the diseased areas with sea buckthorn oil, it will speed up the healing process.

Treatment in the mouth

A burn to the mouth, throat, or mucous membranes often occurs as a result of treating these areas with concentrated iodine or when ingesting it. A person feels dryness, pain, and a change in the appearance of the mucous membrane.

If such symptoms appear, you should gargle with cool water as quickly as possible. The procedure is performed for at least fifteen minutes. It is completed with a sugar solution.

Further treatment depends on the severity of the burn. In mild stages, rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs is used. In more severe cases, medications with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are prescribed. It is necessary to exclude foods with an irritating effect from the diet.

Treatment of eye burns

Eye burns from iodine do not occur often. The main reason is careless use of the medicine. First of all, the eyes are washed very well. After this, you need to consult a specialist for medical help. Various eye drops and ointments are prescribed.

Will the iodine burn go away and will there be scars? In most cases, there are no traces of such an injury. To cause serious burns, a lot of the substance must be poured onto the skin.


Avoiding burns with iodine is quite simple - you need to use it carefully.

  1. When burning acne, you do not need to apply a large amount of the substance.
  2. Wounds should be treated carefully, avoiding contact with damaged surfaces.
  3. Apply the medicine to the skin with a cotton swab, a small amount.

The iodine burn goes away quite quickly. However, if suspicious symptoms appear, the inflammatory process spreads, or the wound becomes suppurated, you should contact a medical facility as quickly as possible.

First aid for a chemical burn - video

An alcohol-based iodine solution is available in almost every home. This medication has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is actively used externally, as well as for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. Iodine is a unique healing agent that can be harmful in inexperienced hands.

Self-inappropriate treatment of skin and respiratory tract diseases can cause damage. In medicine, such cases are few in number, but these injuries are actually quite common, but remain unknown due to not seeking medical attention.

To prevent negative influences, it is necessary to always be able to neutralize the resulting damage; you need to know all the intricacies of providing assistance and further therapy.

Mechanism of action of the chemical


Iodine is usually used as directed by a doctor. But in some cases it is used in cosmetology. This product is used to treat the outer skin around the injury, hematoma, and throat in the presence of an infectious lesion. This remedy is often used to dry out pimples on the face.

Damage to the epidermis

A burn from iodine is damage to the dermis of the 1st or 2nd degree. An iodine solution is unable to penetrate the deep layers of the dermis, so if used incorrectly, severe damage cannot be caused. A burn from iodine on the skin begins to look like a dried dark spot, which peels off after a certain period of time. The victim may experience pain in this area and a slight burning sensation.

It follows that the solution is incapable of causing serious damage and becoming a threat to life or health. The only problem is that iodine burns take a long time to go away and change the appearance for the worse. The most dangerous situation is if it is localized in the eye area.

In addition, some people are sensitive to iodine itself. Even if all precautions are taken, they experience irritation and itching.

Internal chemical burns

Iodine-based solutions are actively used to treat the upper respiratory tract. Sometimes at home, patients do inhalations based on it without consulting a doctor. It is not always possible to maintain concentration and select the amount of medication. Therefore, accidents such as burns to the throat mucosa often occur. Sometimes the source of injury may include the oral cavity and even the esophagus.

Inhalation of high doses can damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

An iodine burn localized in the internal organs is more intense and painful than a dermal burn. Symptoms for this condition are as follows:

  1. dull pain in the sternum;
  2. dry cough;
  3. urge to vomit;
  4. nausea and dizziness;
  5. swelling of the larynx;
  6. increased salivation;
  7. In rare cases, high fever may occur

Burns often occur during a sore throat. Patients unknowingly try to get rid of ulcers this way, but end up with burns on their vulnerable tonsils.

What to do if you are burned by iodine?

What should be done if symptoms of damage from iodine solution are detected? To prevent the spread of the lesion, preventive measures must be taken. Timely assistance contributes to faster healing and less pain. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Washing. In order to remove the burn, use regular tap water. The affected area is kept under a powerful stream of water. The exposure time depends on how soon the fact of improper use of the product was established. If almost immediately, then 10 minutes is enough, if after a significant period of time, then 20-30 minutes.
  2. Neutralization of the substance. The next stage of first aid is neutralization of the chemical. After all, a skin burn with iodine is a chemical effect that will not stop on its own. To do this, use a solution of water and several bars of soap. This mixture is used to treat the entire area that has been exposed to aggressive action of the substance. Leave for an hour.
  3. If there is no soap available, you can use alternative methods. For example, use sweet water. It is prepared from 20 g of granulated sugar and adjusted to 80 ml.
  4. The best results can be achieved by using chalk water or powder to clean your teeth. They are used to treat an iodine burn and leave it to act. They should not be washed off.

It is especially necessary to treat iodine burns on the face carefully, since the skin there is thinnest and most sensitive.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals

Further therapy involves the use of special agents that will speed up the healing process. Finding them in a pharmacy and purchasing them will not be a problem. Their prices are low. Most modern drugs combine several effects at once: antiseptic, regenerating and analgesic. Therefore, you can choose a product based on your needs. The most famous and effective drugs are the following:

  1. Panthenol - promotes rapid regeneration of the skin and moisturizes the skin, preventing flaking;
  2. Levomekol - have an analgesic effect, prevents the development of bacterial infections and helps to quickly restore damaged skin;
  3. Rescuer - combines a mild calming effect with anti-inflammatory and wound healing;
  4. Vineshvsky ointment is an old and proven remedy that has a soothing effect on chemical burns;
  5. Solcoseryl is the best healing agent in this price category;
  6. Bepanen - promotes tissue restoration and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora in this area;
  7. Eplan is an analgesic and wound healing agent.

Folk remedies

If, after exposure to the medication, the skin begins to look dry and wrinkled, then you can use the following remedies:

  1. Sea buckthorn fruit oil. This product of natural origin helps to quickly restore damaged skin. This effect is achieved due to the high content of vitamins A and E. During the treatment process, it is necessary to lubricate the skin several times a day. Treatment is continued until complete healing. Sea buckthorn oil is recommended for use when the skin on the face is damaged.
  2. Egg white. It is necessary to beat this ingredient until foam forms. Then the affected areas of the body are treated with this product and left to act for a short period of time.
  3. Oatmeal. This folk remedy helps neutralize all manifestations of a burn in a minimum period of time. Chilled porridge is used for treatment. Apply to the skin several times a day.
  4. Grated potatoes. A raw tuber is used, which is previously peeled. Apply rubbed to the painful area and leave for a few minutes.
  5. St. John's wort oil. Oil extract is prepared by mixing raw materials with vegetable oil. The medicine is used to treat a variety of wounds.
  6. Welding. Use natural tea of ​​any kind. The resulting tea leaves are cooled and used as a poultice.

Eye damage

This does not occur as often as burns to the skin caused by medication. But at the same time, such an injury is considered the most dangerous and can cause vision impairment. To prevent this, rinse your eyes with water and consult a doctor immediately.

Treatment of laryngeal injuries

If this area is affected, the following should be done:

  1. Rinse with cooled boiled water for 5-7 minutes;
  2. Rinse with sugar solution;
  3. Treat with sea buckthorn oil.

You should also refrain from eating food that irritates the mucous membranes of the mouth. In case of severe damage, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In highly developed Western countries, the use of iodine has already been abandoned. This is explained by its high toxicity and the possibility of causing complications. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, this drug continues to be widely used, without thinking about the dangers. As a result, many patients receive burns not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes, even the organs of vision.


Photo 1. Iodine is an aggressive and dangerous agent. Source: Flickr (Utherian)

Why does iodine cause chemical burns?

Iodine is a fairly aggressive substance, which has qualitative characteristics that provide it with versatile biological activity. However, these very properties make the drug dangerous for the tissues of the human body, especially if used incorrectly. In large quantities, iodine oxidizes the skin and corrodes mucous membranesThis is how the burn occurs.

The main reasons why iodine causes burns to different parts of the body:

Skin burn

Skin burns occur as a result of:

  1. Long-term exposure of the drug to areas of the skin. Most often it happens if iodine solution is used for lotions and compresses.
  2. Application of the product on an open wound.
  3. Repeated application the drug without observing the time intervals recommended by the instructions.

Eye burn

Occurs most often due to careless handling of the drug. The product can get into the eye, for example, if it is applied in the periorbital area of ​​the face.

Throat burn

You can burn the mucous membrane of the throat with:

  1. An attempt to treat dental or ENT diseases with iodine.
  2. An attempt to eliminate iodine deficiency by taking an oral solution of the drug.

Also, those people who are allergic to this product are likely to get a burn from iodine. Even if you follow the instructions for use.

Symptoms of an iodine burn

Signs of damage may not appear immediately after contact of body tissue and the solution, but after some time:

  1. Appearance large and small blisters are a common symptom of an iodine burn.
  2. Appearance spots, similar to pigment ones.
  3. Peeling skin.
  4. Burning and itching sensation in the area of ​​application of the drug.

Symptoms of mucosal burn:

  1. Severe pain, burning at the site of contact.
  2. Difficulty breathing and swallowing.
  3. Reflex cough, urge to vomit.

Burns from iodine to the organs of vision are manifested by a burning sensation, profuse lacrimation, redness of the eyes, decreased visual acuity, and even an increase in general temperature.


Photo 2. Trying to cure mouth ulcers with iodine can cause new ones. Source: Flickr (tom.ontheroad).

Incorrect use of the drug in combination with the occurrence of characteristic clinical symptoms is an indication for immediate seeking medical help.

First aid

While the ambulance has not yet arrived, the patient must be given first aid. It is aimed at alleviating the human condition and reducing the degree of damage caused to tissues.

First of all, the affected area needs rinse with cool water. The water procedure should last at least 20-30 minutes.

On the skin should apply a slurry from a product containing starch - potatoes, pumpkins, oatmeal.

Blister, if it arose, cannot be openedto prevent the addition of a secondary infection.

If the solution gets into the oral cavity and nasopharynx, you should also rinse with water, then with milk or jelly.

When, if the patient swallowed the drug, milk will help.

No need to induce vomiting, since the reverse movement of iodine through the digestive tract can cause additional damage.

If iodine gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water.


To diagnose skin lesions, you only need anamnesis data and external examination patient by a specialist. If the solution gets inside, additional diagnostic measures may be required:

  1. Instrumental methods for studying the esophagus and lung tissue. This x-ray, CT, laryngoscopy, thoracoscopy.
  2. Laboratory research methods. This blood and urine tests.

In case of damage to the mucous membrane of the organs of vision, a specialist will conduct an examination, analyze the clinical picture and the nature of its manifestation. In most cases, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.


Treatment of a burn with iodine involves the prescription of medications from the following pharmacological groups:

  1. Painkillers.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Relieving hyperemia, swelling and temperature of the affected tissues.
  4. Antiseptic drugs.
  5. Products for the regeneration of damaged areas.

Can be used at home traditional medicine – sea buckthorn oil, beaten raw egg, raw potatoes, infusions of St. John’s wort, ivy, oak bark, calendula, even simple toothpaste with mint. However, for severe iodine burns, consultation with a specialist and adequate treatment with medications are essential.

In cases where the burn has affected large surfaces of the body or penetrated deep into the tissue, you will need surgical treatment – necrotomy, necrectomy, plastic surgery, amputation. During the operation, damaged tissues that cannot be restored through conservative treatment are removed.


In case of severe iodine burns, complications cannot be avoided. However, superficial damage to the skin and mucous membranes, with proper treatment and compliance with the rules of the recovery period, give many chances for a complete cure.

The main complications after a burn with iodine are:

  1. Impaired function of affected tissues and/or organs.
  2. Scars.
  3. Changes in skin pigmentation.
  4. The addition of an infection, accompanied by a constant inflammatory process.

Rehabilitation period

If a patient receives adequate treatment after an iodine burn and is prescribed restorative procedures, then the return to normal will occur much faster.

Rehabilitation after a burn with iodine involves the use of various methods physiotherapy. They are aimed at improving trophism and blood supply to tissues, improving recovery, preventing purulent formations, and pain relief. The most popular methods of physiotherapy:

  1. Darsonvalization.
  2. UV irradiation.
  3. Ultrasound or UHF therapy.
  4. Electrophoresis.
  5. Laser therapy.
  6. Magnetotherapy.
  7. Aeroionotherapy.

Prevention of burns with iodine

Prevention of burns with iodine solution consists of following the following recommendations:

  1. Keep the drug out of the reach of children.
  2. Do not use iodine to treat organs covered with mucous membranes.
  3. Follow the instructions for use.

If you doubt the correctness of treatment, it is better to consult a doctor than to resort to the advice of unqualified specialists.