Is it possible to put leeches on your face?


Every woman wants to remain young and beautiful for a long time.

But, alas, the years take their toll, youth passes and smooth and perfect skin is replaced by wrinkles and folds on the face, age spots, dilated capillaries, etc.

In other words, age-related changes begin to appear that can darken the life of any woman.

Unfortunately, we cannot stop time, but we can do everything we can to slow down these changes.

The modern method of hirudotherapy comes to the rescue - facial rejuvenation with leeches.

This procedure, if you read the reviews of those who have used leeches for facial rejuvenation, is not only effective, but also affordable.

But only an experienced specialist can do it correctly, without harming your health.


The use of leeches for medicinal purposes has been known for a very long time.

Ancient healers used leeches to effectively cure various diseases. Among them:

  1. pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  2. diseases of internal organs;
  3. diseases of the nervous system;
  4. state of depression;
  5. gynecological disorders;
  6. obesity;
  7. skin diseases.

Where to put leeches for facial rejuvenation

For medicinal purposes, the use of leeches was quite active until the beginning of the last century.


They were also used for cosmetic purposes.

The places where the blood-sucking worms were attached were very diverse, and it was noticed that when the leeches were installed behind the ears, depression went away. At the same time, a lively sparkle appeared in the eyes, a surge of strength was noted, and the mood improved.

Nowadays, when the problem of facial rejuvenation using natural means has become quite urgent, cosmetologists have remembered the effectiveness of the effect of leeches on the skin.

And they began to actively use them to improve turgor, increase skin elasticity and smooth out wrinkles on the face.

The main problem was the question: “How to properly use leeches for facial rejuvenation and where should they be placed to get amazing results?”

Why is leech action effective against wrinkles?

Medical leeches not only suck out “bad” blood, but also inject the enzyme “hirudin” into the bloodstream, which has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the skin.

The action of hirudin is as follows:

  1. blood viscosity decreases, which has an effect on reducing the inflammatory process;
  2. The secretion secreted by the leech contains enzymes that affect the synthesis of collagen fibers. This is why wrinkles are smoothed and a lifting effect occurs;
  3. some enzymes are capable of breaking down fat molecules, which promotes weight loss;
  4. The blood is saturated with substances beneficial to the body: amino acids, vitamins, hormones.

The saliva of a cosmetic leech contains about a hundred useful components that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Among them: substances with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

But only the medicinal leech is capable of producing hirudin.

Result of application

After treatment with leeches for facial rejuvenation, you can see the following results:

  1. the severity of deep skin folds decreases;
  2. fine wrinkles completely disappear;
  3. the skin acquires a natural healthy color;
  4. acne manifestations decrease and pimples disappear;
  5. the oval of the face is tightened;
  6. pigmentation goes away;
  7. swelling disappears;
  8. metabolic processes in the skin and body are enhanced;
  9. foci of chronic inflammation are eliminated;
  10. immune status increases;
  11. a comprehensive improvement of the body is noted.

It should be noted that as a result of hirudotherapy the following is observed:

  1. reducing the appearance of scars on the skin;
  2. complete elimination of nasolabial folds;
  3. upper eyelid lift;
  4. increased tone of facial muscles.

Photo: before and after


When not to perform hirudotherapy

Before proceeding with facial rejuvenation using leeches, the specialist must take into account the presence of possible contraindications.

The use of hirudotherapy becomes impossible if the patient:

  1. blood clotting is impaired;
  2. presence of cancer;
  3. intolerance to leech saliva protein;
  4. Iron-deficiency anemia;
  5. tendency to lower blood pressure;
  6. presence of pregnancy.

If the patient is very frightened that a blood-sucking worm will be used for the procedure, then this condition is a contraindication to the procedure.

Because this can lead to psychological problems.

In this case, it is better to use an alternative method of facial rejuvenation.

What points to put on

The scheme for applying leeches against wrinkles comes down to the effect on biologically active points.


Photo: where to put leeches for facial rejuvenation

To even out skin color and tighten the oval of the face, placement is carried out at the following points:

  1. neck area (collar part);
  2. behind the ears;
  3. in the area of ​​the eyelids;
  4. between the eyebrows;
  5. submandibular zone.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, experienced cosmetologists often use additional active points (in the liver, tailbone).

With this effect, the patient will feel a surge of strength and get rid of fatigue and drowsiness.

Features of the procedure

Of the four hundred types of leeches, only one is used for medicinal purposes.

These are medicinal leeches. They are divided into:

It is necessary to prepare for hirudotherapy in advance.

Before the procedure, it is prohibited to use cosmetics with scent. Leeches cannot tolerate them.

Before starting treatment, blood must be taken for clotting.

  1. In case of increased clotting, the use of worms is strictly prohibited.
  2. Hirudotherapy should only be performed by a specialist.
  3. The procedure is painless. In some cases, the patient may experience a slight burning and tingling sensation. This is considered normal.
  4. It is not recommended to use more than three worms during one procedure.
  5. Before applying the leech, the affected area is disinfected, and after removal, the wound is cauterized with an alcohol-containing agent.
  6. The wound heals within 48 – 72 hours. Bite marks heal within a couple of weeks.
  7. Each leech at the end of treatment is disposed of in the presence of the patient and is unsuitable for further use.

How to do it

  1. The worms are placed so that the blood vessel is at a depth of at least 1 cm from the skin surface.
  2. The frequency of procedures is every other day.
  3. The duration of the session is 30-40 minutes.
  4. The course of treatment is at least 10 procedures.

Even if the result is visible after several procedures, it is still better to complete the treatment.

The duration of the effect is one to two months.

What is the price

The cost of the session depends on the status of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialist.

The average cost of services is presented in the table:

Service Prices (in rub.)
Initial appointment and consultation 500-800
Reception and one session 1000 – 1500
Staging 200 – 300
One leech 100 – 200


Many women have used the hirudotherapy method and were able to share their opinions about the procedure.

The reviews left by them are mostly positive.

The use of leeches for facial rejuvenation is one of the procedures worthy of respect.

It’s a pity that cosmetology has only recently appreciated this original method. After all, the result of such a procedure is obvious.

And yet, many women treat this method with increased disgust and fear of receiving some kind of infection as a gift.

  1. But, currently, medicinal leeches are grown in special laboratories.
  2. In addition, each individual is supplied with a quality certificate.

Therefore, you should not refuse the opportunity to stop the aging process of the skin with the help of a cosmetic leech.


I've heard a lot of good things about this method, but I can't imagine how you can apply a worm to your face. A friend of mine regularly performs such procedures and is very pleased. But I just can’t make up my mind.

And I treated my blood pressure with leeches. To tell the truth, I noticed that my skin somehow became fresher. But I couldn’t even think that this was the work of leeches. Apparently it helps.

I once took a course of hirudotherapy. Indeed, it is very important that leeches are installed by a qualified specialist. After treatment, the oval of the face tightened and the skin became smoother.

My mother is a fan of such procedures. He regularly goes to a cosmetologist and conducts all sorts of experiments on himself. As for wrinkles, it’s somehow not very noticeable for them to disappear, but the complexion is really impressive. In fact, he looks younger than his 60 years. I don’t know if leeches helped her or some other procedures.


Hirudotherapy is a treatment with live medicinal leeches, known to man since ancient times.

The name comes from the Latin word "hiruda" - a type of annelid worm.

Hirudotherapy is widely used in cosmetology.

It is known from history that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra used leeches to rejuvenate her face. And in the Middle Ages, ladies, before the ball, put leeches behind their ears.

After this, a sparkle appeared in their eyes, their complexion improved, and a natural blush appeared.

About leeches

Ancient healers effectively used leeches to cure many ailments that occurred in patients:

  1. mozhno-li-stavit-piyavki-na-FLvXFMO.webp

    Skin problems
  2. Gynecological diseases
  3. Chronic and acute diseases of internal organs
  4. Depression and nervous disorders
  5. Vascular pathologies
  6. Obesity

Leeches feed only on liquid blood and are not able to digest solid food. Therefore, nature designed it in such a way that when they bite, a special substance is injected into the wound - hirudin.

It prevents blood clotting and while the leech is feeding, it always remains liquid. The “doctor’s” saliva, which enters the blood, contains a complex of microelements and biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Cases in which hirudotherapy is used in cosmetology

The secretion released after a leech bite contains enzymes that enhance the production of your own collagen.

This is the basis for biological tightening of facial skin, smoothing out deep wrinkles and reducing facial wrinkles. And also, the enzymes of medicinal leeches are capable of breaking down fatty deposits. Therefore, hirudotherapy can also be used for weight loss.

Simultaneously with the secretion, the blood is saturated with useful substances, hormones, vitamins, and amino acids. The saliva of the amazing worm contains more than a hundred elements that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and absorbable effects on the human body.

The following factors may be indications for the use of hirudotherapy:

  1. mozhno-li-stavit-piyavki-na-uTbpV.webp

    Unhealthy complexion
  2. Wrinkles
  3. Skin laxity
  4. Facial swelling
  5. Decreased skin immunity
  6. Acne
  7. Scars left after acne
  8. Skin pigmentation
  9. Rosacea
  10. Dermatoses
  11. Cuperosis of the skin
  12. Hair loss
  13. Long recovery after plastic surgery
  14. Cellulite

Hirudotherapy: contraindications and side effects

Hirudotherapy has a list of side effects and contraindications for use.

Reasons for contraindications to treatment with leeches may include the following:

  1. mozhno-li-stavit-piyavki-na-FuszR.webp

    Use of non-medical leeches
  2. Allergy to leech protein
  3. Bleeding disorder
  4. Hemophilia
  5. Frequent bleeding
  6. Anemia
  7. Cachexia
  8. Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  9. Malignant tumors
  10. Pregnancy
  11. Childhood
  12. Psychological non-perception of the procedure

After the hirudotherapy procedure, some manifestations may occur that are considered normal and should not cause significant concern to the patient:

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    Redness, slight swelling and itching at the site of leech placement
    . Swelling is very rare, as treatment with leeches helps reduce swelling. For such symptoms, it is recommended to take an antihistamine orally and treat the local area. You can make a soda compress (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and apply it to the place where the leeches were placed.
  2. Slight local increase in temperature, muscle pain, enlargement of nearby lymph nodes. In such cases, you should take a drug that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Rare complications after hirudotherapy procedures:

  1. Putrefaction of the place, where the leech was applied. This occurs due to insufficient disinfection of the wound, simple non-compliance with hygiene and scratching of the wound. In this case, the doctor must prescribe appropriate treatment and decide on the further course of the procedures.
  2. Bleeding from the wound for more than 2 days. Usually the healing period does not exceed the specified period, so this is some kind of deviation from the norm. The complication may be due to errors in treatment or poor blood clotting of the patient. The last factor must be excluded prematurely by taking a blood test for coagulation before the hirudotherapy procedure. If this does happen, as a rule, a tampon is applied to this place and secured with a band-aid. In particularly difficult cases, the wound is sutured.
  3. Severe allergic reaction. It can manifest itself in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema or even anaphylactic shock. These symptoms are a complete contraindication to the continuation of procedures and treatment with leeches in the future.


Pronounced side effects and complications can be avoided if the procedure is performed by a highly qualified hirudopractic specialist.


Preparation for the procedure and features of hirudotherapy

The procedure can only be entrusted to a hirudopractor. At home, self-treatment should not be carried out.

Before the procedure, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Leeches are very sensitive to their favorite scents, so the cleanser should be odorless. You should not splash yourself with eau de toilette or apply deodorant or cream to your body. Otherwise, installing the leech at its location will be significantly difficult.

The day before the procedure, you should avoid drinking alcohol and refrain from eating foods with a strong smell (onions, garlic and other similar products).


It is recommended to stop smoking a few hours before the procedure.

After the facial skin is cleansed, the patient is asked to take a comfortable position and relax, after which the doctor begins the main procedure. At the very beginning, the site of exposure to the leech is thoroughly disinfected to avoid infection from the skin.

Carrying out the procedure

It is best to ask in advance where the hirudotherapist will place the leeches in order to mentally prepare. The procedure should not be accompanied by pain, other than a slight tingling and burning sensation. This is just a reaction of the patient’s skin to remove toxic substances from the body.

No more than three bloodsuckers are usually used in one procedure. After the procedure, each leech is destroyed. Repeated admission of the same individual is not acceptable.

A typical course of hirudotherapy consists of 10 procedures. But with each specific patient, the doctor determines the exact number of sessions.

You may need a little less or more of them, depending on the course of the procedures. Usually, after the first sessions, the patient notices improvements in the condition of the skin.

Leech locations

There are standard patterns for the location of leeches, but the specialist must take into account the characteristics of each patient and adjust their locations.

Placing bloodsuckers is not an easy matter. It is impossible to force them to stick to a certain point. They should have a choice within a 2 square meter radius. cm, while the blood vessel should be located no less than 1 cm from the surface of the skin.

To give the skin elasticity and get rid of wrinkles, leeches need to be placed on specific, biologically active places.

These points are:

  1. mozhno-li-stavit-piyavki-na-FaXZL.webp

    Area behind the ears
  2. Collar area
  3. Points under the jaw
  4. Eyelid area
  5. bridge of the nose

For the procedure to be effective, it is advisable to use other points on the body: the liver area and the tailbone. In this case, several results will be achieved: not only the condition of the skin will improve, but also the general well-being of the patient. A surge of strength will appear, drowsiness and fatigue will go away.

The result of hirudotherapy

The use of hirudotherapy in cosmetology has gained immense popularity due to its painlessness and effectiveness.


The enzymes contained in leech saliva so strongly activate the production of natural collagen and stimulate metabolic processes that the basic course of treatment of skin defects gives excellent results.

The results of hirudotherapy on the face and body are as follows:

  1. Radiant complexion
  2. Getting rid of the first, recently appeared wrinkles
  3. Smoothing out deep wrinkles
  4. Getting rid of nasolabial folds
  5. Upper eyelid and facial contour lift
  6. Acne cure
  7. Disappearance of scars
  8. Getting rid of spider veins
  9. Relieving puffiness
  10. Activation of metabolic processes
  11. Whitening pigment spots
  12. Getting rid of cellulite
  13. Elimination of chronic foci of inflammation
  14. Comprehensive healing of the body
  15. Strengthening skin and general immunity

Typically, a repeat course of hirudotherapy is prescribed after 6 months or a year. Depending on the result of previous treatment and the age of the patient.

You can prolong the positive effect after hirudotherapy using a cream with extract and extract of medicinal leeches.

Being a very popular method of treating various pathologies, hirudotherapy is also used in cosmetology due to the achieved rejuvenation effect, the uniqueness of the therapy and reasonable price. However, hoping for the help of leeches, you must remember: the maximum effect is possible only if the worms are positioned correctly.

Preparing for the session

In the field of cosmetology, applying leeches is a special procedure for which a special scheme has been developed. Individuals are applied to bioactive points, which are skin areas with weak electrical resistance. The distance to the vein during placement is at least 1 cm. The procedure must be performed by a qualified specialist who is fluent in the technique and knows all the nuances of the technique. Interesting fact: the reflex effect of worms applied to the skin closely resembles acupuncture.

As for setting points, their selection is based on the problem of concern and the expected end result. Before starting the procedure, the leech is rinsed in purified water and transferred to a test tube, with the tail sucker facing forward.

Another mandatory action performed before the session is an allergy test, which allows you to obtain data regarding the body’s ability to clot blood.

Where to put leeches

Ensuring the maximum cosmetic effect from hirudotherapy is possible only if all the rules of the procedure are followed. Their list includes placing individuals in clearly designated areas.

If we look at the back of the head, along the border of the hairline there are “points of youth”, called Feng chi.

Behind the mastoid process behind the ear there is a point Wan-gu, it is located 1–2 cm above the lower edge of hair growth.

"Rejuvenation Point" Jia-te located on the lower jaw, in the depression of its angle.

There is a point near the inner end of the eyebrow Tsuan-chu, which specialists use for facelifts, placing small cosmetic individuals here.

If you draw an imaginary horizontal line from the corner of the lips, and a vertical line from the middle of the pupil, there will be a point at their intersection Di-tsang. When activated, the corners of the lips will rise.

For rejuvenation, the most important point is considered Tou-qiao-yin, located near the mastoid process in the lower part of the skull. It is also responsible for improving the condition of the skin.


Engage point Hae-gu can be used to normalize metabolic processes, remove toxins, stimulate the immune system, improve general condition and influx of positive energy. The location of the point is the base of the thumb and index finger on the back side.


The cosmetic effect can be enhanced by planting leeches in the area of ​​the liver and coccyx. This scheme ensures the normalization of metabolic processes and improvement of the general condition of the body. The areas of the sacrum, navel and problem areas are used if it is necessary to eliminate cellulite.

Medical Center "Yellow Emperor"

The Yellow Emperor Chinese Medicine Center offers hirudotherapy sessions to everyone, which are conducted by highly qualified specialists. In the process of treatment procedures, we use naturopathic techniques, the reliability of which has been tested by time. A scheme for placing leeches on bioactive points of the face and body is selected individually for clients, taking into account existing problems and personal wishes. Hirudotherapy can be used as an independent method or in combination with other techniques used in oriental medicine. Treatment with leeches normalizes blood circulation in the body and also activates metabolic processes associated with the renewal of the skin.