How to disguise jowls with makeup

Nasolabial folds are a problem that every woman faces sooner or later. If you remove this drawback, you can visually “look younger” by 5-10 years.

Many people resort to plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures using “beauty injections.”

But, if you are not yet ready for radical measures, then the “correct” makeup will help. It is based on the special application of light and dark shades to problem areas. The former seem to lift the sunken area, while the latter “flatten” the excess volume, which helps remove the relief.

Subtleties of make-up

In order for makeup to be as natural as possible, the lightening and darkening corrector should differ by 1-2 orders of magnitude from the base. When modeling, the order of application is taken into account: main tone, powder, shading dry products. If the latter have a creamy texture, then they are applied before powder.

Cosmetics are carefully shaded, especially on the border between shades. First, the face is cleansed and a moisturizer is applied, which will nourish the skin from the inside and make it smooth and youthful.

You should also consider several “taboos” of anti-aging makeup:

  1. overly oily or light foundation is contraindicated;
  2. orange and brown blush look unnatural on aging skin, give fatigue, emphasize the rays of wrinkles, natural pink or pink-peach tones are preferable;
  3. moderation is necessary when applying powder: if it is in excess, all unevenness is emphasized, adding age.

Step-by-step instruction

Makeup artists claim that it is much more difficult to disguise “nasolabial lips” than other imperfections. But when mastering the skills of sculpting, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Next are three effective ways to remove nasolabial folds using makeup.


To perform the makeup you will need: bronzer, white and pink highlighter, foundation, pink blush. The further algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Bronzer is applied to the entire face.
  2. Using a light concealer, work out the folds along the length, and also draw lines towards the earlobe.
  3. To elongate the oval of the face, highlight the area between the eyebrows, in the center of the bridge of the nose and under the eyes.
  4. Light pink highlighter fills the cheekbone area.
  5. The face is covered with a foundation, trying to blend as gently as possible the sculpting products that were used previously.
  6. The protruding points of the cheeks and cheekbones are worked on with a pink, bold blush of a suitable shade (they look more natural than dry ones) and shaded well.


For this method of hiding nasolabial folds using makeup, take:

  1. basis;
  2. pore grout;
  3. foundation one tone darker than natural skin color;
  4. creamy corrector without shimmer to match the complexion;
  5. light matte highlighter;
  6. bronzer;
  7. colorless powder with a reflective glow.

Apply cosmetics in the following order:

  1. Cover the face with a makeup base.
  2. Nasolabial folds are treated with pore grout.
  3. Use foundation all over the face.
  4. The nasolabial area is covered with a cream corrector.
  5. Highlighter is used to highlight the center of the forehead, under the eyebrows, on the back of the nose and above the lip.
  6. Bronzer is used to hide the double chin, jowls, the line under the cheekbones, and the edges of the forehead.
  7. All sharp transitions are carefully shaded.
  8. Cover the face with powder.


For the last option you will need a dark and light matte corrector, powder of the same shades, highlighter, and blush.

  1. Using a dark corrector, lines are drawn under the cheekbones, along the edge of hair growth, on the crease of the upper eyelid, on the sides of the nose, along the contour of the lower jaw - from the earlobe to the chin, giving a clear oval to the face.
  1. Make light highlights on the temples, in the center of the forehead with a transition to the back of the nose, under and above the eyebrows, in the center of the chin, above the upper lip, on the cheekbones, nasolabial folds.
  1. Carefully blend the transitions with a moistened sponge.
  1. Highlighter is used to mark the cheekbones in the upper part from the temples to the middle of the eye and the area between the eyebrows, shading is done.
  1. A dark shade of powder is used to treat the same areas that were previously shaded with a corrector, and a light shade is used to treat those that were highlighted.
  1. Blush is applied to the cheekbones.

Other tricks

When masking nasolabial folds, it is important to choose the right lipstick color. It should be a neutral shade. Dark lips will only visually emphasize the shadows in the problem area. Makeup artists do not recommend highlighting the lower eyelid with pencil or eye shadow; arrows should only be drawn above the eye. Multi-layer application of mascara is contraindicated; just go over the eyelashes 1-2 times. If you additionally use a curling iron, the size of your eyes will increase, which will also make you look younger.

Makeup is not the only way to distract attention from the problem area. To enhance the effect, you need to choose the right hair color. Dark tones, as with lipstick, only add years. Therefore, it is preferable for women over fifty to choose shades several tones lighter than natural ones. Complex, iridescent coloring looks most organic - for example, like a shatush.

Straight lines in the hairstyle of women over 50 years old, with nasolabial folds, are also contraindicated, since they duplicate the lines on the face, thereby making them more expressive. The haircut is preferable to a soft silhouette, graduated. Another taboo is graphic bangs.

As for the hairstyle, it is better to style the hair with the tips outward, away from the face. Soft curls, waves, curls are welcome.

Each tool - makeup, hairstyle - if used skillfully, will give the expected result. But if they are operated in combination, then the rejuvenation effect is definitely ensured, and the trip to the plastic surgeon will be postponed.

1. Hydration is the key to success

Girls with dry and combination skin, take note that before starting any makeup, the first thing you should do is moisturize your skin. Otherwise, even the smallest wrinkles will smile sarcastically through any makeup. Ideally, choose a moisturizing foundation. Don't forget: the tone should match your skin tone. A color that is too dark will make you look older, and a color that is too light will make you look like one of the characters from the Twilight Saga.

2. Masking with tone

When choosing foundation, avoid oil-based products and choose something with a silky texture.
When applying, start from the cheekbones, then move to the nose, then the chin and forehead. This should be done with gentle movements of the fingertips. You should not apply the tone to the nasolabial folds, just tint the areas around the wrinkles. This will help make your skin smoother.

To remove excess cream, use a sponge to go over the skin, especially in places where wrinkles appear.

3. Should you use concealer?

Absolutely yes. This will help visually even out the skin texture and hide shallow wrinkles. Makeup artists say one of the advantages of concealer is its ability to absorb quickly and last a long time.

4. Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And our souls are always young! To ensure your eyes always sparkle with youth, avoid loose powder, because... it only emphasizes wrinkles. Under-eye circles are well disguised with a light concealer. But if you want to emphasize the beauty of your eyes, outline only the upper eyelid and do not paint over the lower eyelashes, so as not to draw attention to minor age-related imperfections.

Now let's move on to the shadows. To ensure that they last a long time and do not smear, first apply foundation to your eyelids. In shades, give preference to pastel tones, 1-2 shades darker than your skin color. And that is not all! Use a white or beige pencil to draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Did you do everything right? Then your look will surely shine and conquer all the men of this planet.

5. A smile is our calling card

Yes, yes, everyone knows about it, and we never cease to delight others with a sweet, charming, seductive smile. But what to do with the wrinkles that have formed in the corners of the lips? Don't worry, they can be easily hidden with a light concealer. Gloss will also help make your lips look younger. The shades don’t matter; you can choose the color of your dress, your partner’s tie, or your mood. Just remember to highlight the middle part of your lips with a lighter shade, which will give extra volume to your lips.

6. The role of blush

For anti-aging makeup, blush with a creamy texture that masks rather than emphasizes wrinkles is more suitable. Blush looks very impressive in a combination of two shades: pink - on the “apples”
cheeks and bronze ones - below the cheekbones. This technique will refresh your face, lift your cheekbones, and therefore make your face look younger.

7. Ten hard “no’s” for anti-aging makeup

•Say no to greasy foundation.
•Do not choose a foundation that is too light.
•Do not overuse concealer: apply it only to problem areas with a special brush.
• “Don’t over-powder”: in order not to dry out the skin on the cheeks and under the eyes, and therefore not emphasize wrinkles, apply powder only to the T-zone.
•Do not wear dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid. Otherwise, it will make your eyes look smaller and highlight the circles and wrinkles under your eyes.
•Forget about pearlescent shadows that emphasize facial wrinkles.
•A firm “no” to mascara on the lower eyelashes.
•Avoid greasy and liquid lipsticks, which spread and accumulate in wrinkles, making your face look several years older.
•Do not use dark shades of lipstick: it makes you look old.
•Throw away orange and brown blushes, which look unnatural and draw undue attention to wrinkles.

Follow these simple rules, dear girls! Always remain young, attractive and cheerful! Love yourself, with or without wrinkles!!

I want to maintain a toned figure, fresh skin, thick beautiful hair and a youthful oval of the face until my old age. This is an essential factor not only in female but also male beauty.

Alas. With age, the face loses clear contours and sagging cheeks appear. Even if your name is Michael Douglas or Susan Sarandon, shrews do not ask permission and simply impose their company.

The advertisement assures that getting rid of sagging cheeks is not at all difficult - just use cream X and serum Y, and if you add mask Z to them, your great-granddaughter will envy your youthful beauty! Let's figure out if this is true and what methods of fixing the problem really work.

To solve the problem, you first need to understand why your cheeks sag.


Where do bulldog cheeks come from?

The first question to answer is what is causing the problem. There are three main reasons.

Firstly, Subcutaneous fat is deposited in the cheek area.

Therefore, the more fatty tissue on the face, the heavier the cheeks, and the more they sag. Such jowls can appear even in youth. In this case, it is possible to remove bulldog cheeks if you lose weight.

Secondly, The cheek area is a kind of “warehouse” where reserves of facial adipose tissue are stored. This warehouse - Bisha's pouches - is the same fat depot as the thighs or abdomen. And unlike subcutaneous fat, Bish’s lumps are almost impossible to lose weight - they can only be removed.

However, there is also third reason - age. After about 30 years, the body decreases the production of collagen and elastane, which kept the skin toned. The leather frame, which has become insufficiently dense, sags, and the skin of the cheeks (often under the weight of Bish’s lumps) moves down and forms an unsightly fold.

From the point of view of the science of biology, everything is clear - by this age, according to Mother Nature, a woman has already fulfilled her functions: she charmed a suitable man and gave birth to a child, which means that collagen can no longer be wasted. But since we completely disagree with nature in this regard, a logical question arises: what to do?

In this material, we will evaluate the effectiveness of popular methods of preventing and eliminating jowls - from free to radical plastic surgery techniques.

How to remove bulldog cheeks on your face yourself

If sagging cheeks are associated with excess fat, then the task is clear: you need to remove excess fat. Moreover, with a successful combination of circumstances, the result can be obtained even at home: unlike the thighs or upper arms, the face loses weight quite quickly. In order to start the process, you will have to review your diet and increase your level of physical activity.

Expert comment:

“As a doctor, I always tell my patients that the main thing is not to lose weight, but to reach a normal weight for yourself and maintain it.

The secret to a stable weight is simple: your diet should be such that you can stick to it for the rest of your life, getting maximum pleasure. And don't rush to lose weight quickly. You can’t go hungry; it’s better to take Monica Bellucci’s advice and eat little by little, but five to six times a day.

Losing weight too quickly will only worsen the problem, since the skin of the cheeks will not have time to tighten during the weight loss process and will simply hang in unsightly folds.”

We say a resounding “yes” to fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, lean meats, dairy products, and cereals. Baked goods, sweets, fatty, smoked, salty foods, fast food - a resounding “no”. Add morning exercises, dancing or jogging in the park to your new diet - and in a few months your facial shape will change significantly.

Drink plenty of clean water

Bulldog cheeks are adipose tissue that has the unpleasant property of retaining fluid and increasing in size. To get rid of swelling in the cheek area, you need to drink up to 3 liters of clean water and minimize salt intake. Sugar has a similar effect and should also be limited.

How to fix sagging cheeks with makeup

Decorative cosmetics cannot tighten sagging cheeks, but they make them less noticeable.

Rule #1. To correct a face with bulldog cheeks using makeup, you need to visually distract attention from them.

A simple system will help you:

  1. dark eyeliner (after 45, give preference to brown rather than black shades),
  2. double layer of mascara on eyelashes,
  3. blush that perfectly matches the tone of your face.

Rule #2. Dark shades visually reduce the area to which they are applied.

Therefore, after completing your makeup, carefully brush the bronzer brush over your lower jaw and in the chin-neck area. This way you will visually disguise sagging skin and align it in tone with the shadow under the lower jaw. Jowls will visually merge with this shadow, but remember the sense of proportion!

The line of the lower jaw corrected with bronzer will merge with the shadow under the chin and visually rid the face of small jowls.

Gymnastics for sagging cheeks

Exercises against sagging cheeks, like exercises for the body, are designed to strengthen the facial muscles.

Puff out your cheeks strongly and, counting to five, release the air through pursed lips.

Hold a pencil between your lips and actively write the alphabet in the air, from A to Z. Feel how the muscles of your face and neck work.

If doing exercises against sagging cheeks seems boring to you, you can start painting real canvases by holding the brush with your lips. In the photo: artist Mariam Pare at work.

Each exercise must be performed daily.

Expert commentary

“I am often asked if it is possible to remove sagging cheeks with exercises. I answer honestly: due to the peculiarities of the location of the facial muscles in the lower jaw area, it cannot be removed. You can only prevent their appearance. Therefore, you need to start doing facial exercises even before you notice the first signs of age.

Gymnastics can only help at the first signs of jowls associated with excess weight. By the way, weight loss must be combined with massages and cosmetic care so that there are no problems with sagging cheek skin.

But what has already sagged cannot be restored either by massage or gymnastics.”

Effective prevention of jowls - what is it?

We have already said that jowls on the cheeks are formed 60% due to the fault of “packets” of adipose tissue - Bish’s lumps.

Expert comment:

“My practice shows that the only truly effective prevention of jowls is achieved as a result of partial removal of Bish’s lumps. Having performed the operation at 30 years old, at 45 the jowls will simply have nowhere to come from. They will appear, but much later.

The operation is performed through intraoral access and leaves no marks on the face.

This procedure has another very pleasant bonus. In people with a massive, heavy lower part, as a result of the operation, the face becomes harmonious and clearly defined, visually narrows and looks much younger.”

How to lift sagging cheeks without surgery

If the sagging of the tissues is already noticeable, go to the mirror and conduct a simple experiment. Pull the skin in the cheekbone area slightly upward. You will see bulldog cheeks disappear as if by magic.

Of course, there is no magic here, and the secret is simple: sagging tissues need to be lifted, and the contour of the face will become much younger, clearer, and more beautiful.

For this purpose, plasmafiller or dense gel of Belotero hyaluronic acid is injected into the cheekbone area. The cheekbones fill out, become higher, the facial tissues return to their rightful place, and the first jowls disappear, as if they never existed.

Installing a zygomatic implant has a similar effect, but this procedure requires surgery.

Andrey Iskornev at work. Preparation (marking) and performance of Celebrity Lift - the star cheek lift using Radiesse and Belotero gels.

The country's famous TV matchmaker, Roza Syabitova, “before” and on the 7th day “after” the procedure.

The result “before” and “after” correction of the oval face and bulldog cheeks. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

“Before” and 10 days “after” rhinoplasty (surgeon Mkhitar Meloyan) and removal of Bisha lumps (surgeon Andrey Iskornev). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

How to remove severe cheek ptosis

The Silhouette Lift thread lift helps even against severe ptosis. The threads very naturally redistribute the tissues of the middle third of the face upward, to a “young” position. And their effect doesn’t end there. The threads stimulate the production of new collagen, which visibly refreshes the skin.

Installation of threads does not require general anesthesia, the procedure takes about 40 minutes, rehabilitation takes only a few days.

How to look “a little over 40” even at 70


“Of course, massages, creams, gymnastics and masks against bulldog cheeks are wonderful.

But I'm already over forty-five. The drooping of the cheeks is pronounced, and there is a double chin. What to do?

If your cheeks are very sagging, neither massages nor creams will help. More serious and effective methods are needed here. I had a full SMAS facelift with the installation of a small chin implant.

This is how I got a beautiful deep neck angle, the double chin disappeared, and my jowls disappeared. I didn’t expect that the implant would change the proportions of my face so miraculously, I’ve become very prettier!”

Expert comment:

“The correct answer to the question of how to deal with jowls is this: you need to fight not with jowls as such. Jowls are just a by-product of drooping tissue in the middle third of the face: cheeks, cheekbones, temples.

They must be returned to their place in the optimal way for each specific situation. Lipolitics, threads, circular lifting for older patients.

As a result, all subcutaneous structures are where they are supposed to be, in their place. After correctly performed procedures, they will not go down soon.”

Isolated lift of the lower third of the face and neck. Tightening of jowls and folds of sorrow in the corners of the lips. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

In the absence of significant excess skin, a comparable effect can be achieved with a thread lift of the face and neck. The best result is obtained by placing 4 threads: 2 on each side of the face.

To make an appointment with a plastic surgeon, call:

in Moscow +7 495 989-21-16, +7 495 723-48-38,

in Kazan +7 843 236-66-66.

Or make an appointment online and receive 30% discount for a consultation!

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Answers on questions

Good afternoon, how much does this procedure cost?:
Isolated lift of the lower third of the face and neck. Tightening of jowls and folds of sorrow in the corners of the lips. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

In the absence of significant excess skin, a comparable effect can be achieved with a thread lift of the face and neck. The best result is obtained by placing 4 threads: 2 on each side of the face.