Protein face mask reviews

The cosmetic section of traditional medicine contains a huge number of recipes that are effective in combating the appearance of various imperfections on the face. Increased dryness or oiliness of the skin, pimples, blackheads, wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity are perhaps the most common phenomena that do not suit many women. Those, in turn, with their occurrence begin to sound the alarm and look for ways to eliminate them as quickly as possible. One of the most popular and frequently requested ingredients in such folk remedies is egg white. And not in vain! After all, this product contains a large number of useful and active substances.

Benefits of egg whites for facial skin

Due to its composition, protein has a beneficial effect on the skin. It contains vitamins such as B, E and D, as well as various amino acids. When exposed to facial skin by applying masks, beneficial substances are activated and exhibit the following effects:

  1. eliminate excess fat and shine on the face;
  2. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  3. cleanse pores and cope well with acne, pimples and inflammation;
  4. whiten pigmented areas and freckles;
  5. smooth out fine wrinkles and make the skin elastic.

Correct and regular use of a natural substance will help to establish metabolic processes in the layers of the epidermis and restore its structure, eliminating acquired pathological conditions such as clogged pores, acne, and pimples. Its use is also appropriate for wrinkles; the protein stabilizes collagen production and smoothes out fine folds.

Due to its multifaceted effect on the layers of the epidermis, the main component can be combined with various ingredients and used to combat wrinkles or acne.


In folk cosmetology, there are a number of recipes with protein, which have been tested by many women, and they, in turn, were satisfied with the tested masks. The product is practically safe, its external use does not cause side effects and has no contraindications. Its use is not recommended only for those with egg allergies to prevent unwanted allergic reactions. Protein copes well with these problems and is not inferior to store-bought cosmetics.

Whitening masks

By combining protein with various components, you can achieve good results in the fight against age spots, freckles and acne marks. Such mixtures even out the complexion and lighten even old spots:

  1. Beat one egg white with a mixer into a thick foam, add 5 ml of fresh lemon juice (it can be replaced with apple or berry juice). Apply the mixture to your face, leave for 25-30 minutes, then rinse.
  2. The next mask can be prepared similarly to the previous one. But to thicken the mixture you need to add 1 tsp. oatmeal

Acne masks

Protein also perfectly fights inflammatory processes on the skin and accelerates tissue restoration after acne and acne. It also dries out oily skin, which prevents the formation of new inflammatory foci:

  1. For a cleansing mask, you need to beat the egg white with a mixer until a thick foam forms, then add a tablespoon of white clay into it. Keep the mask on for at least 15 minutes, then rinse off.
  2. Grind walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds in a coffee grinder. 1 tbsp. Combine the resulting mass with the whipped egg white and apply to the skin. The mask perfectly dries out the sebaceous glands and nourishes the skin with beneficial substances.
  3. Combine 10 g of honey melted in a steam bath with 5 drops of vitamin E oil solution and the same amount of lemon juice. Gently combine the mixture with beaten egg whites and apply to the skin. Leave for at least 20 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Another property of protein is the participation of its components in regeneration processes, which helps restore elasticity and firmness to the skin:

  1. Combine egg white, whipped into foam, with five tablets of activated carbon, crushed into powder. Apply the mixture onto your face with light massage movements and leave until completely dry.
  2. A vitamin mask will also help smooth out wrinkles, for which you will need pureed one avocado, apple or orange. Combine the vitamin mass with the foam of one protein and apply to the skin of the face for half an hour. Rinse off with cool water.
  3. 1-2 tbsp. Combine kefir or natural yogurt with the whipped egg white without leaving any foam. Apply the mask on your face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Add 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 15 g of starch to the beaten egg white. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that all the starch dissolves, but no foam settles, and apply the resulting mass to the face for 25-30 minutes, after which rinse with water.

As you can see, a seemingly simple natural product that can always be found in the refrigerator effectively copes with various skin imperfections. For effective results, just regular use over a certain period of time is enough. On average, 10 to 12 procedures are sufficient for one course, which must be carried out once or twice a week, after which a break should be taken for one month.

Let no small flaws be able to overshadow your beauty!

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! Oh, how I want to look at myself in the mirror in the morning and see a fresh and smiling face! I still think that “fresh” is harder to see at my age. After all, “smiling” depends on the state of your soul, and if you are also an optimist by nature, then you will smile in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening.

But to keep it fresh, you have to try very hard. And not only in terms of a healthy lifestyle, he also needs to be provided with decent nutrition. Today I decided to do this using egg whites. A protein face mask against wrinkles also helps a lot and improves skin tone. In general, now you will find out everything in detail.

Hello freshness

I won’t say that egg white is the only and unique remedy that can visually push back calendar age. There are plenty of such means, and I have already discussed many of them in detail on the pages of my blog, but now it’s his turn. This natural and affordable product will do its noble task wonderfully.

How does the composition of protein affect our skin? Contained in it:

  1. proteins promote the healing of microdamages and improve the functioning of the skin glands;
  2. fats create a layer that protects against polluted air, temperature changes and humidity;
  3. carbohydrates improve energy metabolism and nutrition;
  4. enzymes help restore cells, quickly get rid of pimples and blackheads;
  5. B vitamins take part in basic metabolic processes, increase elasticity, and normalize sebum secretion.

Well, this is each component separately... but together? And together, protein whitens, tightens, strengthens, and causes narrowing of pores. In general, it provides a rejuvenating effect, although you can take before and after photos.

Well, do you want this effect? Therefore, you need to know the rules of use.

Maximum benefit

Protein masks at home are used in almost the same way as any other. But to achieve maximum effect, there are, of course, some subtleties:

  1. masks should be used immediately, freshly prepared;
  2. at the beginning, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed and steamed;
  3. lie quietly with the mask on, there is no need to talk during the procedure, much less do anything along the way;
  4. keep on your face until completely dry, enhancing the firming effect (about 20 minutes);
  5. You should remove it very carefully, first soften it with warm water and then rinse it off;
  6. to increase the effect, it is better to do “beauty restoration” before bed;
  7. The best frequency of use is up to 2 times a week (depending on skin type).

Even though I have dry skin, I love the mask with protein, it works exceptionally well. And it’s even more wonderful to lie down with her and listen to pleasant music. At the same time, the skin tightens and sometimes tingles pleasantly if I add aromatic oils to the mask.

I especially love neroli and lemon oils. They create an aura that takes you to a blooming garden with many citrus plants. And although you can’t smile (this is important, you can’t smile or talk during the procedure), the inner smile spreads throughout my body, making me happier.

Advice! It is better to use one type of mask for no more than two weeks, and then replace one or more components. So that the skin does not get used to it and the effectiveness of this product does not decrease.

Protein in the kitchen and on the face

Where do the masks with our today's hero begin? It’s clear that from the egg... and then? Next, you must wash it! I even do this with my own homemade eggs, let alone store-bought ones. Can you imagine how many bacteria they will pick up on the way to your kitchen? That's the same!

But in the mask the protein will not be subjected to heat treatment, which means that all of them will safely get on your skin, and will most likely cause serious inflammatory processes

Next, carefully separate the white from the yolk and beat until a white, thick foam forms. For this purpose, I use a small cappuccino maker, but if you don’t have one, you can do this with a blender or even a regular fork. This composition is already ready for use, but watch the video for more details:

Protein itself is already quite effective, but I, as a rule, use masks with several components. Depending on my mood, time of year, and sometimes depending on what I have on hand. There are a great many recipes. And although I have already tried enough, I continue to look for interesting and useful ones. I share with you my favorite ones.

Lifting with dry starch

  1. chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  2. tea tree oil – 3 drops;
  3. starch – 15 gr.

The remaining components are added to the whipped egg white and mixed until it forms a batter.

Starch for the skin of the face and body is used even in professional cosmetology. With its Botox effect, large wrinkles are tightened and small ones disappear. If you don’t know how to properly use starch for the face, go here: Recipes with starch for the face

A little harsh, more suitable for oily skin types. But, in any case, it perfectly heals microscopic damage, reduces oily shine, and normalizes skin moisture. And of course, it has a tightening effect.

+ food with honey

  1. chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  2. liquid honey – 1 tbsp.

Thoroughly whipped whites are mixed with honey.

Attention! Honey should be liquid, but not hot. If necessary, it should be heated in a water bath.

This procedure revitalizes, nourishes, tightens the skin, reduces its sagging, and perfectly fights aging and wrinkles. For another version of a mask with honey, watch the video:

Collagen to the rescue

  1. chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  2. fresh milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  3. dry gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.

Do you know how to use gelatin? It is necessary to mix milk with gelatin and leave these comrades for half an hour. Then put on low heat, heat, stirring constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Next, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. And add the whipped egg whites to the cooled mixture.

The effectiveness of this procedure is very high, since the gelatin contained in it contains collagen. Thanks to this, the skin regains its elasticity and retains sufficient moisture. The surface is smoothed and wrinkles are significantly reduced.

Gelatin masks can work wonders on our skin. With various additional ingredients at home, a maximum tightening and rejuvenating effect is achieved that is no worse than a salon effect. Find out more about masks here: Rejuvenating gelatin masks

With aromatic oils

  1. chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  2. citrus essential oil (orange, lemon, tangerine) – 1 drop;
  3. neroli essential oil – 2 drops.

Add oil to the whipped egg white and mix thoroughly.

This mask promotes collagen formation, improves nutrition and tissue restoration, and soothes. Improves skin structure, smoothes it and reduces the number of wrinkles.

All these recipes are more suitable for oily and combination skin. For dry ones, it is better to add oil to the composition; I prefer linseed or olive oil.

Advice! If you have dry skin, it is better to use masks that contain vegetable oils. And after removing and washing with water or milk, you need to apply a moisturizing face cream.

For dry skin

Dry skin requires special treatment; for it, we will soften the effect of the protein with other components. What you need to take:

  1. chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  2. vegetable (almond, grape seed, whatever) oil – 1 tsp;
  3. aloe juice – 1 tbsp.

You need to combine the beaten egg whites with the remaining ingredients, mix until smooth.

Aloe juice is very important in caring for dry skin. The mask is rich in vitamins A, E, C, resins and polysaccharides. This creates a moisturizing, wound-healing effect and helps maintain normal skin turgor.

How to help and not harm

Caution never hurts, and this also applies to today's hero. Therefore there is no need to use it:

  1. For rashes and other skin diseases (especially herpetic blisters), cuts and wounds.
  2. You also need to know if you are allergic to any of the components. Or increased sensitivity. In such cases, you can either replace the component with a safe ingredient or eliminate it.

So, egg white masks are suitable for different skin types, affordable and safe. And they have an excellent effect with constant use.

Did you like my tips? A little effort and there is already a result! I would be very pleased to read in the reviews about your favorite recipes and how often you manage to take care of yourself.

In parting, I want to wish you love and self-care! Subscribe to my blog, filled with personal experiences and your own little secrets. Tell your friends about the article on social networks. The natural beauty of women makes the world a better place!

Hello. I have combination skin and regularly break out on my T-zone. I make a white clay mask 2 times a week. I recently learned about a miracle mask made from egg whites, I want to try it, but I don’t know how to combine it with clay. Which is better? Also make masks 2 times a week, but once from clay, another time from protein? Or alternate weeks? experts

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A mask made of protein gives lifting, tightens the skin. I read that the actors of some film were smeared with protein on their faces and applied makeup when they played themselves in their youth.

choose one thing. Do a course of 8 procedures once a week. And then change the program. The only thing that worries me is whether you will dry out your face. You still have combination skin. add moisture.

2 drops of hydrogen peroxide to the protein, you won’t recognize your face. awesome mask!

but it’s not worth it! It will definitely cut your face. Yes, there is an instant whitening effect, but the consequences will be sad!

Here are recipes for homemade egg white masks:

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I add a little lemon juice to the egg mask. it helps with blackheads

Purely by chance I was looking through the comments, it was interesting to find out who uses what product. To my great surprise, I see that many people write about masks from Polysorb, I have been making them myself for a long time, the result is good. I just thought that I was the only one who made them from this sorbent.

I love both clay and protein. I haven’t tried mixing them together, so I just alternate them. 1-2 times a week from clay, 2-3 times from protein. Skin color is more even, fresher and more toned in appearance. The main thing after these masks is to wipe the skin with tonic and lubricate with nourishing cream.


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