Grapeseed oil for eyelids

Grapeseed oil has a rich composition. It contains a huge amount of substances that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Grapeseed oil can be used as an independent remedy and as one of the ingredients in multicomponent anti-wrinkle mixtures. It is used to prepare masks and compresses and even to remove makeup. To ensure maximum effect, it is important to follow the recommendations for use of this drug.


The oil is perfectly absorbed without clogging pores or forming a film.

The tool allows:

  1. moisturize and nourish the epidermis with a mass of useful substances;
  2. tone aging sagging skin;
  3. rejuvenate and give freshness to aging skin;
  4. smooth out fine wrinkles and make deep wrinkles around the eyes less noticeable.


The oil product contains a large number of useful components that can restore youth to aging skin:

  1. Vitamin E – a natural antioxidant, helps restore epidermal cells, accelerate regeneration and rejuvenate the skin.
  2. Plant polyphenols protect tissues from damage as a result of oxidation processes and the action of free radicals, help moisturize and restore skin elasticity.
  3. Saturated and unsaturated acids improve tissue nutrition, protect against negative environmental influences:
  4. a high concentration of linoleic acid stimulates cell regeneration, restores elasticity and moisturizes the skin;
  5. oleic acid binds water, preventing it from evaporating;
  6. strong molecular bonds of linoleic and palmitic acids restore smoothness to the skin and promote intensive collagen production.
  7. Minerals ensure the normal course of metabolic processes.
  8. Vitamins A, C, group B participate in redox reactions occurring in tissues.
  9. Enzymes and chlorophyll have regenerating and tonic properties.
  10. Phytoalexin resveratrol slows down the aging process of cells.
  11. Proanthocyanidin – a phospholipid complex with powerful antioxidant activity that enhances the synthesis of collagen in the skin and blood vessels. Restores the elasticity of capillaries supplying blood to facial tissues. As a result, skin elasticity and turgor increase, and the severity of wrinkles decreases.
  12. Flavonoids protect the epidermis from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and free radicals. Strengthens capillaries, having a beneficial effect on aging facial skin.

Indications and contraindications

The product is suitable for all skin types.

Indications for use:

  1. moisturizing the epidermis;
  2. reducing the severity of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Contraindications for using the product for cosmetic purposes:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. with caution - in the presence of skin diseases and injuries.

Before the first use, it is recommended to do a test for individual tolerance: 2-3 drops of oil should be rubbed on the bend of the elbow or wrist. If there are no unpleasant reactions, one hour after application, you can safely proceed to the procedures.

Recommendations for use

For facial skin care, it is best to use cold-pressed oil.

Recommendations for use:

  1. The amount of oil depends on the skin type. For dry it takes 4-5 drops, for normal 3 drops, for oily and combination 1-2 drops.
  2. Esters for multi-component products must be selected for a specific skin type. Then they will transport the beneficial substances of grape oil to deeper layers.
  3. It is recommended to apply the drug to a face that has been previously cleansed of decorative cosmetics and impurities.
  4. Before using the product, you need to steam your face over a water bath with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Then moisturize the skin with thermal water, tonic or herbal lotion. The oil will create a barrier to moisture evaporation, making the moisturizing effect last longer.
  5. A light massage before the procedure promotes the rapid penetration of beneficial ingredients into the cells, enhancing the tonic and rejuvenating effect.
  6. The duration of cosmetic masks is 20–30 minutes.
  7. The drug used in its pure form is removed with a cotton pad or paper napkin. It is not recommended to wash off with water.
  8. Multi-component masks must be washed off with water without soap or special foam.
  9. Procedures should be carried out no later than 2 hours before going to bed.
  10. The frequency of sessions should not exceed 2-3 times a week. The duration of the course is 1–2 months.

For mature and aging skin, cosmetics containing active ingredients for moisturizing, nourishing and cell regeneration are required. Various possible uses of grape seed oil:

  1. in its pure form;
  2. as part of multi-component masks, lotions and creams;
  3. in combination with a variety of aromatic or base oils;
  4. enrichment of factory-made cosmetics in order to enhance their properties.

In undiluted form, the substance can be used as a cleansing lotion and makeup remover. To ensure even distribution of the oil on the skin, it should be applied after intensive exfoliation. It is first recommended to heat the drug to body temperature to ensure better penetration into the pores.

After a cosmetic procedure, no additional cleaning, moisturizing or nourishing of the skin is required. When preparing homemade masks and creams the oil should be heated before mixing with the rest of the ingredients.

To enrich factory-made cosmetics, it is useful to add 2-3 drops of grape seed oil to a small amount of your favorite product and apply the cocktail with light movements to your face.


To prepare a compress you should take grape seed oil and several additional components as a basis. In the fight against wrinkles, you can use cosmetic oils of peach, almond, jojoba and avocado.

Additionally, depending on your skin type, it is useful to add a few drops of essential oil:

  1. for hydration and rejuvenation essential oils of bergamot, orange, tangerine or grapefruit are recommended;
  2. to improve elasticity – essential oils of sandalwood, geranium, lemon or rosemary.

It is recommended to apply the compress directly to wrinkles. It can be used on the entire surface of the face, especially if it is necessary to increase skin elasticity and reduce age-related changes.

Preparation and use


  1. Mix grape and almond oils in equal proportions.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture to a temperature of +40°C.
  3. To achieve a tonic effect, you can add 5-6 drops of sandalwood oil to the mixture.
  4. Moisten a cotton napkin or gauze folded in several layers with slits for the eyes in the product.


  1. Place on face for 20–25 minutes.
  2. Remove excess with a paper towel.

As a massage product

A massage using grape seed oil has an excellent rejuvenating effect on the skin. The drug is used in pure form or mixed with avocado and jojoba oil in equal proportions. Then the oil mixture is heated to a comfortable temperature and applied along the massage lines of the face.

During the massage, the oil penetrates deep into the tissues and has a more active effect on the epidermis.


With banana and yogurt


  1. grape seed oil – 11 drops;
  2. small green banana;
  3. unsweetened yogurt – 7 gr.


  1. Peel the banana.
  2. Bring to puree.
  3. Add butter and natural yogurt.
  4. To stir thoroughly.


  1. Steam the skin with a herbal compress.
  2. Using a cosmetic spatula, distribute the mass in the directions of lymph movement.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the residue.

From a mixture of oils


  1. grape seed oil – 1 tablespoon;
  2. jojoba oil – 1 tablespoon;
  3. rose or lemon oil – 2 drops.

Preparation: mix oils.


  1. Warm the mixture to body temperature.
  2. Apply to skin.
  3. Cover your face with a film that has slits for the nose, eyes and mouth.
  4. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the film.
  6. Rinse off the remaining mixture with warm water.

With cottage cheese


  1. cottage cheese – 1 tablespoon;
  2. grape seed oil – 1 teaspoon;
  3. almond oil – 1 teaspoon;
  4. Avocado oil – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix cosmetic oils and heat slightly.
  2. Mash the cottage cheese with oils.


  1. Spread the mixture over the skin.
  2. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Remove with a cotton pad soaked in milk.
  4. Rinse your face with warm water.

With avocado and bran


  1. grape seed oil – 14 drops;
  2. avocado fruit;
  3. bran – 7 g;
  4. retinol – 8 drops.


  1. Separate the avocado pulp from the skin and pit.
  2. Turn the pulp into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add liquid vitamin, bran and grape oil.
  4. Mix.


  1. Steam the epidermis over a nettle decoction.
  2. Using a cosmetic spatula, spread the resulting mass in a dense continuous layer on the surface of the face.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove residual mixture with a paper towel.

With banana and yolk


  1. banana;
  2. grape seed oil – 1 teaspoon;
  3. yolk of one egg.


  1. Peel the banana and mash until smooth.
  2. Grind the yolk with cosmetic oil.
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with banana puree.
  4. To stir thoroughly.


  1. Distribute the composition over the skin.
  2. Keep for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Remove residues with warm water.

Against changes around the eyes

Grapeseed oil is ideal for the skin around the eyes. To prevent wrinkles, you can combine it in equal proportions with almond oil. Soak a soft cloth in the oil mixture and apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes, then wipe with a cloth soaked in warm water.



  1. grape seed oil - half a tablespoon;
  2. Avocado oil – half a tablespoon;
  3. essential essences of rose, lemon, rosemary – 2 drops each;
  4. rosewood ether – 2 drops;
  5. aloe juice 1-2 teaspoons.


  1. Connect all components.
  2. Moisten gauze or soft cotton cloth with the oil mixture.
  3. Place on skin.
  4. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab.

Use once every 2 days.

Makeup remover lotion

K 50 ml. Add a tablespoon of grape oil and half a tablespoon of cosmetic chamomile non-essential oil to rose water. Shake, apply to a cotton pad and remove makeup from the area around the eyes.

Blend against severe and deep wrinkles:

  1. grape seed oil – 1-1.5 teaspoons;
  2. fennel essential oil – 1 drop;
  3. neroli oil – 1 drop;
  4. Limetta oil – 2 drops;
  5. carrot seed oil – 1 drop.

Grapeseed oil perfectly copes with the problems of aging skin and wrinkles. It is great for the face and sensitive eye area. With regular use of grape oil, the skin looks tightened, moisturized, well-groomed and more youthful.


Grapeseed oil has long earned respect among cosmetologists, cosmetics manufacturers and supporters of natural skin and hair care. This light, rich oil is an ideal product for the skin around the eyes. Using it separately, in its pure form, or in combination with other products, you can significantly improve the condition and appearance of this area of ​​the face and slow down the development of age-related changes.

Composition and preparation of the product

To create grape seed oil, one of two technologies is used: hot extraction or cold pressing. The latter production method allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful compounds in the finished product, so the use of just such a product is recommended for cosmetic purposes. When buying it, choose manufacturers with a good reputation. For example, high quality products are created by Italian, French and Argentinean brands.

The main advantage of grape oil is vitamin E and the substance procyanide, which, without exaggeration, is the strongest natural antioxidant.

In addition, grape seed oil contains other antioxidants, proteins, a whole range of other vitamins (especially a lot of A, C, B) and many micro- and macroelements. The composition also contains bioflavonoids and chlorophyll, which gives the oil a slightly greenish tint.

The fatty acids that form the basis of the product are linoleic and oleic. In addition to them, palmitic, arachidic, linolenic, palmitoleic and stearic are also present in smaller quantities. Linoleic acid, which forms the basis of grape oil, is not produced by the human body, but it plays a role in maintaining health. It prevents the increase in cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood pressure and protects the heart, so it must come from the outside.

Properties and benefits for the skin

This is a low-viscosity liquid, light, flowing, light yellow in color with a slight tint of green, and does not smell of anything. In folk medicine, the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of grape seed oil are valued; it is also used to prevent the development of tumors, to strengthen vascular walls, cleanse the kidneys, lower cholesterol and increase the body's defenses.

In skin recipes, this oil is best combined with geranium, wheat germ, fennel, orange and tangerine, jojoba and sweet almond oils.

In cosmetology, this product is respected for the following properties:

  1. cleansing the skin, removing toxins from it;
  2. equally useful for oily, dry and combination skin;
  3. fights wrinkles and sagging;
  4. heals and refreshes complexion;
  5. due to its light consistency, it is well absorbed into the skin, thereby ensuring the delivery of a maximum of beneficial compounds deep into the tissues;
  6. effective as a component of anti-cellulite products;
  7. normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  8. destroys bacteria, therefore suitable for the treatment and care of problem skin;
  9. tightens enlarged pores;
  10. useful for eliminating dermatitis, streptoderma, acne.


Recipes for the skin around the eyes

Grape seed oil, due to its light and delicate texture, is ideal for the skin around the eyes. It goes very well with almond oil, so they can be combined in equal proportions and used as a classic recipe for caring for this sensitive area on the face. It is better to soak a soft cloth in the oil mixture and apply it to the eyelids for 15 minutes, then wipe with a cloth soaked in warm water.

If wrinkles are visible near the eyes, then daily use of 2 tsp of grape seed oil on the skin will be more effective. with rose, lime or sandalwood ether added to it (1 drop).

For rejuvenating and nourishing care of the skin around the eyes and even the entire face, it is useful to make regular, once every 2 days, oil applications, the composition of which is as follows:

  1. grape seed oil ½ tbsp. l.;
  2. avocado oil ½ tbsp. l.;
  3. essential essences of rose, lemon, rosemary 2 drops each;
  4. rosewood ether 2 drops;
  5. aloe juice 1-2 tsp.

Moisten gauze or soft cotton cloth with this mixture and apply it over the entire face. The application lasts up to half an hour. After this, wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab. Regular use of this recipe has a beneficial effect on the texture and complexion, smoothes out unevenness and reduces wrinkles.

Grape seed oil can also be used to make a lotion to remove decorative makeup from the eye skin. To do this, add a tablespoon of grape oil and ½ tbsp to 50 ml of rose water. l. cosmetic (not essential!) chamomile. Shake, apply to a cotton pad and remove eye makeup.


If wrinkles around the eyes become more noticeable and deeper, a mixture of the following oils is recommended:

  1. grape seeds 1-1.5 tsp;
  2. fennel essential oil 1 drop;
  3. neroli 1 drop;
  4. Limetta 2 drops;
  5. carrot seeds 1 drop.

Alternatively, you can apply a simpler mixture to the skin around the eyes, consisting of a teaspoon of grape seed oil and two drops of carrot seed essential oil. Of the base oils, grapeseed oil can be combined with rosehip oil, and to preserve the beauty of the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes, mix them in a ratio of 6:4, respectively, and enrich them with essential oils of neroli (3 drops) and limetta (1 drop). This product can also slightly lighten dark circles under the eyes.

If stye appears on the eye, try applying cotton pads soaked in a mixture of oils: almond, grape, as well as tea tree, chamomile, and carrot essential oils to the skin of the eyelids 2-3 times a day. The ratio of base 10 ml: 4 ml and essential drops is 2: 4: 2, respectively.

Systematic use of grape seed oil to care for the skin around the eyes will help maintain the beauty and youth of this area of ​​the face.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.


Grapeseed oil is a refined vegetable oil that is extracted by pressing the seeds of cultivated grapes. It is produced by cold pressing. Therefore, it retains all the benefits of the berry. It is used both for cooking and for cosmetic purposes.

Properties and indications for treatment

Grape oil is often called the elixir of youth. It can maintain skin firmness and elasticity and fight early signs of aging. This is because it has the following properties:

  1. antioxidant;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antiallergic;
  4. rejuvenating;
  5. antimicrobial.

Grape extract contains high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is often used to treat various problems such as:

  1. edema;
  2. arthritis;
  3. wrinkles;
  4. acne;
  5. dark spots;
  6. dry or itchy skin;
  7. chapped lips;
  8. bruises;
  9. wounds;
  10. varicose veins;
  11. stretch marks;
  12. haemorrhoids;
  13. premature aging;
  14. obesity;
  15. premenstrual syndrome;
  16. dandruff;
  17. stress;
  18. cardiovascular diseases;
  19. warts;
  20. hair loss;
  21. hypertension;
  22. atherosclerosis;
  23. diabetes;
  24. high cholesterol;
  25. cataract;
  26. visual impairment.

A large number of microelements contained in the oil have a positive effect on the body as a whole. To improve immunity it is recommended drink a tablespoon in the morning.

Nutritional value

The grape comes from Asia and the Caspian Sea. It was then introduced to North America and Europe. In the twentieth century, this grape oil was widely used as an edible oil. Moreover, grape extracts have been vital since ancient times in Europe. One 218 gram cup is filled with 1927 calories and 218 grams of total fat. From the same portion you can get:

  1. maslo-vinogradnoj-kostochki-UHsDKCM.webp

    62.78 mg vitamin E;
  2. 20.928 g saturated fat;
  3. 0.218 g myristic acid;
  4. 14.606 g palmitic acid;
  5. 5.886 g stearic acid;
  6. 35.098 g monounsaturated fat;
  7. 0.654 g palmitoleic acid;
  8. 34.444 g oleic acid;
  9. 152.382 g of polyunsaturated fat;
  10. 151.728 g linoleic acid;
  11. 0.218 g linoleic acid;
  12. 92 mg phytosterols.

Due to the high content of useful substances, grape seed oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. For example, procyanide and reveratrol promote the production of natural collagen in the skin and eliminate the negative effects of free radicals.

Benefit for health


Grape extract is effective against colon, breast, stomach, lung and prostate cancer. It helps treat or prevent hematologic malignancies. Eating fruits and vegetables has been shown to help prevent cancer. Grape Seed Extract reduces the risk of developing tumors of the skin, breasts and organs.

Due to the high content of antioxidants, the product can improve the functioning of blood vessels. The study shows that grapes have more antioxidant properties compared to other fruiting vegetables. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.

Grape seeds have been shown to help eradicate colon cancer cells and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

Research shows that grape seed extracts help treat bowel cancer, which may help reduce intestinal damage caused by chemotherapy. Polyphenols and tannins in grape seeds have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. They reduce damage and inflammation of intestinal tissue.

Grape oil is enriched with vitamin E, which helps reduce obesity, as studies have shown. This helps reduce the formation of new fat cells. That is, prevent weight gain and reduce excess weight. It is also an excellent source of tocotrienol.

Grape seed extracts have medicinal properties that help counteract kidney damage. Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has beneficial effects and prevents copper depletion and oxidation. Research shows that it helps fight cardiac dysfunction.

In Alzheimer's disease, normal brain function is disrupted due to the formation of toxic plaques. The beneficial properties of the oil reduce the accumulation of plaque metal and amyloid beta in the brain, and thereby reduce cognitive decline. That is, the development of Alzheimer's disease slows down.


A study found that grape extracts help reduce the density of Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis in humans. This bacterium can develop gastritis, peptic ulcers and mucous membranes, which can cause the development of stomach cancer and lymphoma.

Grape extract reduces plaque formation.

Grape oil lowers blood pressure. Research shows that people with metabolic syndrome often have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. The beneficial properties of grape seeds help improve the general condition of the blood.

Traditional use

Cosmetologists often advise using this product to improve skin condition. After all, it has moisturizing and softening properties. The oil is often found in cosmetics. A whole source of polyphenols, essential fatty acids, flavonoids, vitamin E and linoleic acid, all these are reserves of grape seed oil, whose cosmetic properties are multifaceted.


The oil helps treat sensitive facial skin and reduce stretch marks on the body. The beneficial properties of grape seed oil for the skin around the eyes help eliminate dark circles, wrinkles and fine lines.

People have long used grape oil for their faces. Its use is so popular because this oil is suitable for absolutely any skin type. Some ways to use:

  1. Soak a cotton pad to remove makeup and impurities, then rinse with warm water. Recommended for sensitive skin to avoid irritation when washing;
  2. Add a few drops of grape oil to 1 spoon of your cream and mix. Use as regular cream. This product will soften, soothe and moisturize dry skin;
  3. Mix half a glass of grape oil with lavender and bergamot, stir. Then soak a cotton swab in water with a small amount of lemon juice added to it. Next, soak this sponge in a container with oils and apply to your face. Recommended for oily and combination skin to relieve inflammation and shine.

The beneficial properties of the extract protect every skin cell, removing harmful particles from them. This is thanks to oleic acid and Omega-9, which are indispensable components in rejuvenation procedures.

Side effects

Contraindications were identified in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Use of the product may cause allergic reactions accompanied by headache, itching and dizziness. Excessive use of oil can lead to diarrhea and nausea.

It is better to consult a specialist to avoid side effects.

Methods of application


You can pour the oil over raisins and nuts to soften them and use them as a cocktail. It is also used for deep frying. Used as a salad dressing and instead of mayonnaise. Can replace sesame, corn and olive oil without losing taste. Widely used for preparing Asian dishes.

Grapeseed oil for skin finds its use in aromatherapy. It usually acts as a base oil together with other essential oils to treat hair and skin.

The benefits of grape seed oil for the face are irreplaceable. Effectively used as a facial skin care product to get rid of acne, peeling, and itching. It will be very useful to make a mask based on oil, adding a little rosehip juice to it. This product will help cope with flaking and soothe sensitive skin.

Excellent for acne, stretch marks and sunburn. Therefore, manufacturers often add it to balms, massage moisturizers and hygiene products, as well as sunburn ointments and sunscreens.

Can be used as an eye makeup remover and as an after-shave skin care product.

User reviews

I use grape oil in the winter. It protects well from the effects of wind and cold on the skin. In the evenings I apply instead of cream until completely absorbed.

My cosmetologist prescribed me a few drops of grape oil to mix with rosehip juice. Helped me with peeling.

Grape seed extract really helps with sensitive skin. I add it to baby cream and use it several times a week.