Honey against wrinkles around the eyes

Almost every woman cares about her appearance and wants to look younger than her age. A variety of cosmetic products and modern technologies help her in this. At the same time, do not forget about natural products, for example, a honey mask perfectly copes with the problem of age-related changes, refreshes the skin and gives an even color. Using honey against wrinkles, you can improve the appearance of your face.

How does honey work against wrinkles on the face?

The effect of honey is due to its beneficial components. The product is a real means to preserve youth and health.

Natural honey contains the following components:

  1. water (15-25%);
  2. carbohydrates;
  3. trace elements and vitamins (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, manganese and many others);
  4. vitamins (B, C);
  5. protein;
  6. amino acids;
  7. enzymes (lipase, catalase, amylase and invertase);
  8. acids (lactic, citric, malic, gluconic, succinic, oleic and others);
  9. alkaloids;
  10. caffeine;
  11. quinine;
  12. morphine;
  13. essential oils;
  14. phytoncides;
  15. antimicrobial compounds.

Thanks to such a valuable composition, honey has the ability to rejuvenate the skin. The effect of a honey mask is expressed in the following points:

  1. activation of the metabolic process;
  2. nourishing the skin with beneficial vitamins and minerals;
  3. cleansing;
  4. stimulation of blood flow;


Of course, not every product is suitable for everyone. Honey is no exception and is not recommended for use if the following factors are present:

  1. individual intolerance to components;
  2. presence of facial hair;
  3. diathesis;
  4. spider veins (rosacea);
  5. diabetes.

If at least one of the listed signs is present, then performing a honey procedure is highly not recommended.

The benefits of honey for wrinkles around the eyes

At the first manifestations of age-related changes, in particular, wrinkles in the eye area, honey is a great help. It is used in its pure form, making a light massage or in combination with other components in the form of a variety of masks.

The beneficial properties of the honey procedure are as follows:

  1. penetrating inside the skin, the product has a valuable internal effect;
  2. cleansing;
  3. saturation with useful vitamins and microelements;
  4. tones;
  5. the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases.

Rules for using honey for the skin around the eyes

Before carrying out the procedure, you should make sure that there are no contraindications for use. Many people may be allergic to the product. To detect it, you need to apply a small portion on your wrist. After a quarter of an hour, if there is an allergic reaction, irritation, itching, redness or other skin lesions appear. In this case, using a honey mask is not recommended, as this will lead to even more trouble.

In addition, it is very important that the product is of high quality and fresh. The product should be applied to the face with gentle massaging movements. No pressing or rubbing. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to use a foam sponge or brush.

In addition to the correct actions, special attention should be paid to the regularity of use of the product. Experts recommend repeating the mask daily for 14-21 days. Then give the skin a rest for 14 days. The effect will be visible after the first course.

How to apply a honey mask on your face

In order for the product to be as effective as possible, you must follow certain rules when applying the mask. Experts advise the following:

  1. make sure there is no allergy to the beekeeping product;
  2. as soon as the mask is ready, immediately begin the procedure;
  3. the skin must be clean;
  4. You can first steam the skin using herbal baths or showers;
  5. Apply the product with gentle and gentle movements;
  6. It is better to do the procedure in the evening;
  7. Duration of applying the mask is no more than 30 minutes;
  8. the product is washed off with warm water.

Masks for dry skin

Honey mask with egg yolk perfectly moisturizes dry skin. To prepare it you only need yolk and honey. Beat the yolk in a container, add the bee product (1 tsp) and apply the mixture for 20 minutes.

In a container, mix until mushy: milk powder (3 tbsp), yolk, aloe pulp (1 tbsp) and honey (1 tsp). You can get the plant pulp yourself. To do this you will need an aloe leaf. It must be cut and the plant gel removed. This is what is used in preparing home remedies. The finished mass of the listed ingredients can be immediately used for cosmetic purposes. After 20 minutes, wipe the skin with ice. It is very useful to use a herbal infusion instead of ice. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of the procedure will be strengthened in the best possible way.

Sour cream with honey helps smooth out wrinkles in dry skin types. To do this, you need to take full-fat sour cream (1 tbsp), yolk and beekeeping product (1 tsp). Mix everything carefully. Apply the prepared mixture to your face. After 20 minutes you can wash it off.

The following recipe is perfect for peeling: mix the yolk (2 pieces), honey (100 g) and vegetable oil (100 g). Heat the mixture. It is ideal to do this using a water bath. Apply the mixture to the face in several passes. Keep an interval of 5-7 minutes between them. The ideal end to the procedure would be to wash off the mask using cotton wool soaked in linden decoction.

Masks for combination skin.

The following mask option is perfect for eliminating wrinkles in combination skin. Mix honey, full-fat milk, vegetable oil (1 tsp each) and yolk. Apply the prepared mixture to your face. After 15 minutes, wash off.

Experts advise adding oatmeal to the honey composition. You can replace oat flour with small flakes. To prepare the useful mass you will need 1 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. After 20 minutes, you can wash off the mixture.

Masks for different ages

Of course, at a certain age, the skin has its own characteristics. Cosmetologists advise carrying out honey procedures after 25 years.

Honey masks at different ages:

  1. 25-30 years, an additional yolk or rosehip infusion is added;
  2. 30-35 years - yolk, milk and flour in combination with honey have a rejuvenating effect;
  3. 40-45 years require a more effective action of additional components, for example, aloe juice or glycerin;
  4. 45-50 years for maximum regeneration, milk is added in combination with fish oil or starch.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes

Wrinkles on the lower eyelid can appear even at a young age. The reason is too active facial expressions or sunbathing. Home treatments using folk remedies will help get rid of crow's feet.

For cooking you will need: 1 tbsp. bee product, 1 yolk and 1.5 tsp. cream 30-40% fat. Mix all ingredients. Apply with light movements to the skin around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off. Repeat cosmetic procedures 2 times a week.

A remedy using cucumber is considered very popular. It has whitening, moisturizing and rejuvenating effects. Mix the beekeeping product and cucumber puree in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mass to the skin. After 25 minutes, you can wash off the mixture with warm water. Moreover, if you take a chilled cucumber, you can get rid of eye fatigue.

Other recipes with honey for wrinkles

A mask containing ordinary aspirin is effective and cheap. In addition to its anti-aging effect, it cleanses pores and helps remove blackheads. In addition, blood flow to the skin is activated. For preparation you will need: 1 aspirin tablet, 2 tsp. water and 1 tsp. bee product. Gently crush the tablet and add water for 20 seconds. Mix the resulting pulp with honey and apply to the face. Keep the mixture for no more than 10 minutes. A slight tingling sensation is evidence that the mask is working. After the allotted time has passed, rinse off the mixture with warm water.

Gelatin-honey mask cleanses, removes blackheads and smoothes wrinkles. Gelatin (1 tbsp) pour boiled water (6-8 tbsp). Leave the mixture to swell. After half an hour, you need to heat the gelatin in a water bath until it dissolves. As soon as the mixture has cooled, you can pour in 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply to face using a brush in 3-4 layers. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be washed off. To do this, you need to sit over a bowl of warm water for about 5 minutes. This way, the gelatin will come off your face on its own. Do not tear off the film under any circumstances, this will only injure the skin. Rinse your face and apply cream.

You can smooth out wrinkles and crow's feet inexpensively and without harm to the skin using honey procedures. Everyone can verify this in practice and experience the results for themselves.

Another interesting option is honey massage for wrinkles:

Closer to forty years, a person’s skin begins to rapidly lose moisture and become covered with wrinkles. Unfortunately, this is a purely physiological process that affects both women and men, even if they carefully care for their skin.

For this reason, many are looking for proven methods to eliminate wrinkles on the skin. Honey is considered one of the best means for harmless rejuvenation. Let's consider the features of its use in more detail.

Effect on the skin

Honey has been used in cosmetology since ancient times.

This ingredient is considered extremely useful not only for internal use, but also for external use, because it:

  1. has strong antimicrobial properties,
  2. improves water balance in the epidermis,
  3. slows down skin aging.

The beneficial effect of honey is justified by its unique composition, which includes very valuable vitamins and substances. It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin C, vitamins B, A, K, etc.

The popularity of using honey in cosmetology is justified by the following effects on the skin:

  1. Deep cleansing of pores.
  2. Quickly get rid of oily shine.
  3. Excellent toning for tired skin.
  4. Retention of moisture at the cellular level.
  5. Slowing down the aging process.
  6. Promoting epidermal regeneration.
  7. Cell renewal.
  8. Healing of small wounds and abrasions on the skin.
  9. Helps increase the elasticity of facial muscles.
  10. Elimination of small wrinkles.
  11. Elimination of pigment spots.

Also, one of the biggest advantages of using honey for wrinkles is that it is a natural product that, in the absence of allergies, will not cause irritation, itching, rashes and other undesirable consequences.

How it is used in cosmetology

This component is actively used in cosmetology to improve hair growth and strength, nourish the skin of the body and face.

Honey is also very often used for wrinkles around the eyes, since it does not injure the delicate skin in this area.

Honey can be used in cosmetology either in its pure form or in combination with other nutritional supplements. Also, due to its consistency, this product mixes well with a variety of ingredients, from essential oils to fermented milk products (sour cream, for example).


Despite its beneficial properties, not everyone can use honey.

Direct contraindications to the use of this product for making masks are:

  1. All kinds of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.).
  2. Rash on face.
  3. Skin irritation.
  4. Presence of implants in the facial area.
  5. Abrasions and purulent wounds on the face.
  6. The age of a person is up to twenty years, when there are simply no wrinkles yet. During this period, you can use honey, but only to prevent skin aging.
  7. Individual intolerance to honey (allergy to bee products).

To avoid causing unwanted side effects, you should not use honey if there is at least one contraindication.

Allergy test

Like any cosmetic product, honey must be checked for an allergic reaction before applying to the skin. For this:

  1. A small amount of honey in its pure form or a ready-made mask with it should be applied to the wrist and wait twenty minutes.
  2. If on the same day there is no itching, burning or redness on the wrist, this means that the allergy test is negative and the person has good tolerance to honey.

Masks with this ingredient can be safely used on the face.

If the skin turns red and irritation or a rash appears, then honey is contraindicated for use for rejuvenation in any form (even in small quantities).

Video: Important to know

Application rules

In order for honey masks to truly have the expected rejuvenating effect, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules for their use:

  1. The product should be applied to steamed and pre-cleaned skin with lotion or scrub.
  2. The surface of the skin should not contain any decorative cosmetics when the mask is used.
  3. Masks with honey usually have a rather liquid consistency, so to prevent them from “floating” from your face, it is advisable to take a lying position. At this time, you can just relax and listen to music.
  4. Rejuvenation with this product is useful to do at any time of the year, but experts recommend practicing this procedure more often in the winter-spring period, when the skin is most lacking in nutrients.
  5. If you have long hair, then so that it does not interfere with applying the mask, you should pin it up or put it in a tight ponytail.

It is advisable to prepare the mask anew each time so that it is fresh. This is the only way to achieve maximum preservation of its beneficial properties.

It is important to know that you cannot boil masks with honey, since at high temperatures this product can release toxic substances.

It is important that the mask does not get into your eyes, otherwise they will start to burn. If this happens, you need to carefully rinse your eyes with warm water.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the ingredients for creating such masks should always be selected based on your skin type. So, for example, masks with sour cream, cucumber and parsley juice are suitable for oily skin, and moisturizers with the addition of essential oils for dry skin.

Recipes for honey masks for wrinkles

The best recipes for masks for rejuvenation with honey are:

  1. Honey mask with parsley. To prepare it, you need to squeeze out the juice (1 tsp) and the same amount of honey from the parsley. Finally add avocado oil. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to your face and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. With added lemon (indicated for use on wrinkles and dull complexion). Mix a spoonful of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey. Apply a thick layer to the face, except the area around the eyes. Place a paper towel on top to prevent the product from spreading. After ten minutes, rinse with green tea.
  3. A gentle mask with cream will help deeply moisturize tired skin. To prepare it, you need to mix two tablespoons of honey, one spoon of heavy cream and half a banana. Apply to face and leave for up to twenty minutes. Wash off with milk.
  4. A mask of aloe and honey is a classic option for quickly eliminating skin inflammation and rejuvenating it. To prepare it, mix equal amounts of aloe juice and honey.
  5. A product made from essential oils is considered very effective. To prepare it you need to mix two tablespoons of honey, 1 liter. almond oil, 2 drops of dill seed oil and the same amount of lavender oil. Apply the product to the skin using patting movements. There is no need to wash it off - just wipe off the remaining mask with a paper towel.
  6. To combat deep age wrinkles, you can practice a mask with gelatin. To do this, you need to dissolve three tablespoons of gelatin in hot water. Then add two tablespoons of honey to it and mix thoroughly. When the mask has cooled, apply it to steamed skin. Leave for twenty minutes until it dries and crusts.

After this, carefully wet the mask with water. You cannot peel it off dry, otherwise you may injure the skin. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your face with a rich cream.
