Salicylic acid for scalp

Alena Utkina

A young mother who writes equally interestingly about baby formula and beauty news!

Many people know that salicylic acid is a popular component of cosmetics for problem skin. However, it can be no less effective for hair! Let's figure out how and why you need to use products with salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid - what is it?

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) used in a variety of beauty products. Salicylic acid was first isolated from willow bark [salix is ​​translated from Latin as “willow”. — Approx. ed.], but now it is also synthesized industrially, without reducing the tree population.

Typically, salicylic acid is diluted with alcohol, so many people mistakenly consider it an aggressive ingredient. But in fact, the main aggressor in this combination is, of course, alcohol.

How do salicylic acid products work?

Salicylic acid is different in that it works not only on the surface of the skin or hair, but also penetrates deep into the pores due to its ability to dissolve in oil.

Its main function is keratolytic, that is, softening the stratum corneum of the skin. In simple terms, salicylic acid dissolves the “glue” [a mixture of sebum and impurities. — Approx. ed.], which holds together dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, seborrheic formations, dandruff particles and other undesirable manifestations. At the same time, some of the cells are exfoliated, and the connections between the remaining ones are weakened, which helps other active substances from the product penetrate deeper into the scalp.

In addition, salicylic acid has a pronounced antibacterial effect, so it is often added not only to anti-acne cosmetics, but also to antiseborrheic hair products.

Note: how to properly use products with BHA?

It should be noted that most often products containing salicylic acid are classified as medicinal cosmetics and are intended for the care of problem hair and scalp.

If your stylist, trichologist or dermatologist advised you to resort to such products, be sure to follow the following rules:

  1. Be careful when using products with salicylic acid on recently colored hair, as this may cause unwanted and uneven changes in color;
  2. follow the instructions on the package exactly, remember that salicylic acid is a component that actively interacts with the hair and scalp, it is important not to harm them;
  3. do not keep the product longer than the expiration date, an expired product can not only dry out the scalp, but also be absorbed deep inside, which is negative for our body;
  4. remember the contraindications for use! Products containing salicylic acid should be avoided if you have excessive dryness or sensitivity of the skin, psoriasis, eczema or seborrhea sicca, during pregnancy (especially in the first and third trimesters), if you have open wounds or scratches on the scalp, as well as with certain kidney diseases and disorders in the functioning of the circulatory system. Before use, consult a specialist!

Which hair product with salicylic acid should you choose?

As we said earlier, such products belong to medicinal cosmetics, and it would be better if an experienced trichologist or dermatologist advises you on their use.

Recently, Anti-Pelliculaire shampoo from Kérastase has been in great demand among customers. “This shampoo will help with seborrhea [too active sebaceous glands. — Approx. ed.], and with “dry dandruff” [flaking caused by dry scalp. — Approx. ed.],” say the stylists.

To treat dandruff, it is not necessary to buy expensive drugs. Sometimes even cheap funds can have a noticeable effect. Among these is salicylic acid. It is included in many medications, and is also used as an independent component in the fight against white flakes on the hair.

Operating principle

For the first time, the active substance of the acid was isolated from the bark of the willow tree, hence the name (salix translated from Latin as “willow”). The drug is sold in the pharmacy in the form of an alcohol solution. In addition, it can be found in ointments, medicated shampoos, tablets, and patches.


Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties determine the range of uses of salicylic acid. It treats pimples, blackheads, warts, lichen, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, calluses, rheumatism, arthritis, and other ailments. The substance suppresses pathogenic microflora, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

By the way. A close “relative” of the drug is acetylsalicylic acid, known as aspirin. Painkiller tablets are also used to lighten hair and remove dead skin cells. Exclusively external!

Advantages and disadvantages

For hair strewn with white flakes, the product is useful for the following reasons:

  1. acid fights fungus, which provokes the development of seborrhea;
  2. it regulates the process of sebum secretion;
  3. has exfoliating properties;
  4. accelerates skin regeneration;
  5. disinfects the dermis;
  6. relieves inflammation;
  7. has a drying effect necessary for oily seborrhea.

In addition, the substance is available for use, sold without a prescription and costs on average no more than 15–20 rubles. However, among these wonderful qualities, it is important not to miss the “fly in the ointment” in the form the following disadvantages:

  1. causes itching, burning sensation;
  2. often causes an allergic reaction;
  3. can severely dry out hair and skin;
  4. can damage the protective layer of the dermis.



The use of the drug is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. dry form of seborrhea (we are talking about using the product in its pure form);
  2. too sensitive scalp;
  3. dry, damaged hair;
  4. the presence of open wounds on the skin;
  5. children's age (at least up to 1 year, although there are recommendations to refrain from treatment with the drug until the child reaches 3 years of age);
  6. periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  7. renal failure;
  8. bronchial asthma (in some cases);
  9. individual intolerance to the substance.

Attention! Discuss the possibility of using the drug with your doctor.

Use at home

Calluses, acne, pimples, warts are wiped with an alcohol solution, using the drug in its pure form. However, it is used with great caution on the face, and contact with mucous membranes and birthmarks is also avoided. Salicylic alcohol tincture is also convenient for getting rid of dandruff from hair, since it does not leave marks on the hair, and ethanol quickly disappears.

If you notice that the substance irritates the skin or causes it to become extremely dry, do not use the product in its natural form. Replace it with masks, shampoos, and anti-dandruff ointments containing salicylic acid.


  1. Algopix (Algopix). In addition to acid, it contains juniper tar and green microalgae extract. Used for dry and oily forms of seborrhea. Eliminates white flakes from hair, soothes itchy skin. The cost of a 0.2 liter bottle is about 200 rubles.


  1. Psoril. Several shampoos are produced under this brand, including salicylic. It contains zinc, which fights fungal infections, and chamomile extract, which has a calming, antiseptic effect. In addition, the drug is enriched with burdock extract (has a bactericidal effect, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands), biotin (known as the beauty vitamin for hair) and panthenol, which heals the skin, nourishes and strengthens the hair shafts. Price - about 500 rubles for 150 milliliters.


  1. Sulsena. There is a regular shampoo and peeling agent. Both drugs contain selenium disulfide, a multicomponent substance that suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, renews skin cells, has an exfoliating effect and prevents the appearance of white flakes. In addition to this, peeling eliminates itching, improves blood circulation, nourishes and strengthens the hair roots. Both products are available in 150-milliliter bottles and cost 250–300 rubles.


  1. Compliment Zinc+. Contains several active ingredients that fight the manifestations of various forms of seborrhea. The acid relieves skin irritation and stops itching. Ketoconazole and zinc destroy fungal infections and reduce the amount of white flakes. The Polyplant Hair® complex, created on the basis of plant extracts, exfoliates dead skin cells and eliminates the inflammatory process. Moisturizing shampoo costs about 140 rubles. It is recommended to use it together with ampoules and balm-mask from the same series.


  1. Jason. One of the most expensive drugs: a 360 milliliter bottle costs about 2 thousand rubles. Dandruff Relief Shampoo is recommended for problem skin. It has an antifungal, antimicrobial effect, and relieves inflammation. Deeply cleanses and refreshes the skin, exfoliates dead particles. Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, removes dandruff and prevents its further occurrence. Soothes irritated areas of the skin, stimulates blood circulation, nourishes hair roots and activates hair growth. Such a complex effect of the shampoo is possible thanks to the rich combination of antiseborrheic components: salicylic and folic acids, colloidal sulfur, tea tree, oat milk, as well as jojoba and kelp.


  1. Kertiol P.S.O. Product produced by the French company Ducray. Recommended for eliminating itching and dandruff. Removes redness and reduces inflammation. Reduces plaques characteristic of seborrhea. Acid and sulfur have an exfoliating effect. A bottle of 125 milliliters costs approximately 700–730 rubles.


  1. Klorane. Shampoo with nasturtium is designed specifically for people suffering from dry dandruff. The herbal extract has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, heals the skin, and removes white flakes from the hair. The drug has exfoliating, disinfecting properties, enhances the growth of strands (vitamin B5 contributes to this). The price for 0.2 liters is around 550 rubles.


  1. Squanorm. Another product from Ducray. Shampoo labeled Grasses, intended for the treatment of oily seborrhea, contains acid. The composition of the drug is also supplemented with palm extract, Kertiol complex (a patented development of laboratory specialists) and other components. Eliminates dandruff, suppresses the development of fungal infections, improves the activity of the sebaceous glands, and relieves skin irritation. Available in bottles of 125 and 200 milliliters, which cost from 700 to 840 rubles.


  1. Squaphane S. Shampoo that helps get rid of flaking skin, relieve itching and irritation, and remove white flakes. The combination of climbazole and miconazole regulates the proliferation of fungal infection. Red juniper essential oil soothes inflamed dermis. Acid in combination with resorcinol (an antiseptic) effectively exfoliates dead skin particles. Shampoo also softens hair and makes it manageable. The cost is about 800–900 rubles per 125 milliliters. However, the product is difficult to find on sale.


  1. Stopproblem. The shampoo of this brand is called: Salicylic. In addition to acid, it contains tea tree ester (a natural antiseptic), extracts of burdock, mint and St. John's wort, and other components. The drug helps get rid of severe itching and oily flakes in the hair, soothes inflamed skin, and gently exfoliates it. A volume of 0.2 liters costs approximately 200 rubles.


  1. Vichy Dercos. This line of the popular brand is specially designed to combat the manifestations of seborrhea. There are 2 types of shampoo: for dry and normal, oily strands. They contain selenium, which normalizes the microflora of the scalp, suppresses harmful bacteria and fungal infections. Acid exfoliates scales, ceramide increases the resistance of curls to negative environmental factors. Vitamin E eliminates the manifestations of the inflammatory process and is a natural antioxidant. Vichy Dercos shampoos remove white flakes and prevent their reappearance, relieve irritation and soothe the dermis. To neutralize the unpleasant selenium odor, products for dry and oily hair are enriched with a perfume composition. It includes notes of sandalwood, magnolia, honey melon, violet, tangerine and other aromas. The drugs are available in bottles of 100 and 200 milliliters. Price is about 300–340 and 650–750 rubles, respectively.


  1. The Vichy brand offers Micro Peel, which can be used as shampoo, peeling and mask. It has an exfoliating effect, refreshes and soothes the skin, and deeply cleanses it. Relieves itching, normalizes increased oiliness of the dermis, and washes away adhered scales. Peeling shampoo costs around 850–900 rubles per 0.2 liter.


Advice. For topical treatment of seborrhea, add a few drops of an alcohol-based salicylic solution to your regular shampoo or herbal hair rinse. This is a good alternative to ready-made medicinal products for washing your hair.

  1. Akriderm SK. It acts comprehensively as an antiseptic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory agent. Relieves itching, relieves redness, fights fungal infection. A tube with a capacity of 30 grams costs about 400 rubles.


  1. Belosalik. Reduces swelling and redness of the skin, has antipruritic and antimicrobial properties, and prevents the proliferation of fungal microflora. The ointment is available in tubes of 15, 30 and 40 grams. The price depends on the volume and on average varies between 230–500 rubles.


  1. Diprosalik. Exfoliates dead skin cells, relieves itching, inflammation, and soothes irritated areas of the dermis. At the same time, the ointment is an antiallergic and antimicrobial drug. It costs about 600 rubles for 30 grams.


  1. Salicylic. Removes inflammation, disinfects the skin, acts as an antiseptic. Has an anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect. Cost: 25–30 rubles per 25-gram tube.


The ointments are applied in a thin layer strictly to the skin. All medications have contraindications. Read the instructions carefully before use.

Mask recipes

With egg:

  1. separate the yolk;
  2. add to it a teaspoon of alcohol tincture of acid;
  3. mix and apply to hair roots;
  4. after a few minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask can be used no more than 2 times a week to eliminate itching, soothe the skin and reduce the amount of white flakes.

Combined with conditioner or shampoo:

  1. grind 15 milliliters of alcohol solution with three chicken yolks;
  2. add 35 milliliters of balm or shampoo;
  3. distribute the mixture over thoroughly combed hair, rub into the roots;
  4. massage the skin;
  5. after 5 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water;
  6. Use to remove oily flakes twice a week.


Essential mask:

  1. crush 5 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid;
  2. add 5 drops of lavender essential oil and twice as much almond seed oil;
  3. rub into the scalp, distribute over the entire length of the hair;
  4. insulate your hair;
  5. after 20 minutes, wash off the remaining mask. Use 2 times a week to get rid of itchy skin.

By the way. To eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea, aspirin is also mixed with yolk, aloe juice, honey, tea, white clay, oak bark, nettle and other ingredients.

Salicylic acid is considered one of the most effective ingredients in the fight for clear skin and ridding hair of white flakes. At the same time, it has many contraindications and will be powerless if the source of the problem is more serious than a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, improper hygiene or an unsuccessfully selected hair product.

If, after 2 months of treatment, dandruff on your hair continues to bother you, there is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor. In this case, the acid, as an independent component or an integral part of medicinal cosmetics, can become an addition to the main therapy prescribed by a specialist.

Useful videos

How to get rid of dandruff.

Now there are a huge number of cosmetic products that help preserve and increase the beauty, radiance and health of your hair. But spending considerable sums is not always reasonable. Especially if the problem can be solved with the help of a common and affordable remedy - acetylsalicylic acid.

The beauty of a hairstyle sometimes depends on the price of the product.

Why take acetylsalicylic acid?

Acetylsalicylic acid has been helping people cope with a variety of ailments for almost a century.

In medical practice it is used as:

  1. painkiller;
  2. antipyretic;
  3. anti-inflammatory agent.

Acetylsalicylic acid is often prescribed for headaches, fever, neuralgia, rheumatism and other situations. Due to its wide range of actions, this drug is the most popular in the world and is found in virtually every medicine cabinet. No prescription is required to purchase it.

Cosmetic effect: for skin and hair

Results of peeling with salicylic acid

But acetylsalicylic acid has long been used not only as a healing agent, but also as a reliable cosmetic product that helps to forget about skin imperfections.

By using body and face products with this component, you will quickly get rid of:

  1. acne;
  2. dark spots;
  3. wounds and new scars;
  4. boils.

Now acetylsalicylic acid for hair has also gained enormous popularity.

Many girls have experimentally proven that pills can be safely used for:

  1. lightening/decapitation;
  2. color restoration;
  3. neutralizing dullness;
  4. combating dandruff and dermatological diseases;
  5. accelerating growth.

Fundamentally! For an obvious effect, it is best to use ordinary Russian acetylsalicylic acid. Foreign aspirin often contains many additional additives that are useful for honey, but not for cosmetic purposes.

Pills will help you cope with curl problems

There are many recipes, following which you will discover new useful abilities of ordinary medicine. But be sure to read the safety precautions first.

Use salicylic acid carefully!

According to scientists, acetylsalicylic acid is well absorbed by the body even when applied externally. Therefore, certain groups of people should be very careful about using the medicine for cosmetic purposes.

For example, you should refrain from beauty treatments:

  1. persons under 12 years of age;
  2. those suffering from psoriasis, eczema or dry seborrhea;
  3. with excessive dryness of the skin (body, face and head);
  4. in the first and 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  5. in the presence of bleeding disorders.

Before using pharmaceuticals in any form, learn about contraindications!

Be very careful with dosages. If the body absorbs about 4 grams of acid at a time, there is a risk of developing aspirin asthma. Remember: it is better to discuss the use of pharmaceuticals for cosmetic purposes with your doctor in advance.

Acetylsalicylic acid will also not have a beneficial effect on unhealthy curls.

You need to give up masks/sprays and other medicine-based products:

  1. after chemical intervention (coloring, perm);
  2. for dry type;
  3. for split ends.

Release form

Salicylic acid is most often found in 2 forms:

Standard packaging of the medicine is a cardboard blister.

Each has its own advantages in use.

Release form Peculiarities
Pills They are easily crushed and soluble in alcohol or water (above 20 0 C). When creating hair products based on acetylsalicylic acid with your own hands, use mostly water for dissolution. Also, this form of release is perfectly suitable for making scrubs and compresses.
Solution In most cases it is used to improve the condition of the skin. Main directions of action:

The product copes well with inflammatory skin diseases and has healing and disinfecting properties. Salicylic acid is effective against ingrown hairs, poorly healing wounds and scratches. Can only be used externally, treating the desired area 2-3 times a day.

The photo shows a recommendation for using salicylic acid solution against ingrown hairs

The principal advantage of salicylic acid is its cost. The price of the alcohol solution is about 30-40 rubles (40 ml bottle). A blister of 10 pills will cost 4-10 rubles (depending on the manufacturer).

Salicylic acid: in the fight for beauty

Games with colors

Acetylsalicylic acid can save your image after bad coloring. If the new color does not decorate the appearance in any way, but, on the contrary, spoils it, use home decorating pills.

The abstract advises to proceed as follows:

  1. Very crush 5-6 pills.
  2. Mix the purchased powder in a glass of warm boiled water.
  3. Treat your hair with the substance. Try not to touch the roots.
  4. Leave the salicylic mask on for about half an hour. A few minutes before rinsing, treat the root area if necessary.
  5. Remove the solution with shampoo, use a nourishing balm to neutralize the drying effect of the pills.
  6. You can repeat the function up to 2 times every 10 days until you get the desired result.

Aspirin will evenly remove the nasty color

In approximately the same way, you can lighten your hair by a couple of colors in one month.

The main distinguishing points of the lightening procedure are:

  1. Use not 5, but 10 crushed pills per glass of water.
  2. Keep on hair for less than 15 minutes.
  3. Do the function once a day.

Having decided on a set of measures for lightening, remember: acetylsalicylic acid for hair is not completely safe.

Side effects of daily use may include:

  1. weakness;
  2. fragility;
  3. excessive dryness of hair.

Forget about dullness!

A dull hairstyle only brings back unpleasant memories. Often, the reasons for such a hairstyle condition may not be internal, but external reasons. For example, visiting a pool with chlorinated water or living in a dusty area.

A common treatment will restore shine and shine to your locks!

Acetylsalicylic acid is a good cleansing product.

To make your curls shine again, proceed as follows:

  1. Powder 7-8 acid pills.
  2. Mix them with heated herbal infusion (200-250 ml). Blondes should use chamomile, brunettes should use hops or nettle.
  3. Apply the prepared product to the strands. Don't rub it into the roots - pay more attention to the length!
  4. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with shampoo. Repeat the function after each visit to the pool or as needed, but not more than 2-3 times every two weeks.

Pay attention! You can use the cleansing effect of salicylic acid more often. To do this, just add 2-3 pills to a bottle of shampoo (250 ml).

A mask, the main component of which is acetylsalicylic acid, also has a good effect on curls. It is recommended to do it once every 7-10 days. Positive changes will become noticeable after the third or fourth use.

Honey has lightening properties

Ingredients annotation
  1. acetylsalicylic acid – 5-8 pills (depending on the length of the hairstyle)
  2. watery honey – 1-2 tsp.
  3. almond oil – ½ tsp.
  4. warm water – 4 tbsp.
  1. Grind the pills into powder and dissolve in warm boiled water.
  2. Combine honey with oil and heat. The ingredients should mix well.
  3. Combine the two parts of the mask and mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply to hair along the entire length. Wrap with film and a towel - this way the mixture will be better absorbed.
  5. Leave for more than half an hour and wash your curls with shampoo.
  6. As a final step, use a conditioner or herbal hair rinse.

Fundamentally! Honey and salicylic acid enhance each other's brightening effects. Therefore, brunettes should use the mask with caution.

Salicylic acid will help you achieve a natural glow!


Some expensive cosmetics obtain their unique characteristics from common and easily accessible products. Proper application of salicylic acid will make your hair awake, shiny and help maintain or restore color.

The video in this article will give tips on rational methods for introducing a cheap but effective pharmaceutical product.