What is the distance between the eyebrows called?

We are used to not calling the place on the face above the nose and between the two eyebrows, but there is a separate word for this not the most popular part of the face. The part of the frontal bone between the brow ridges and the frontal tuberosities is called the glabella. It's not a combination of the words "eyes" and "forehead" as you might think - the concept comes from the Latin word glabellus, meaning "smooth."

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23. A nurdle is a very small piece of toothpaste that doesn’t want to come off the tube.

24. Ferrule - the metal part at the end of a pencil with an eraser

25. Eglet (also pistonchit) - a metal or plastic tip of a lace that makes it easier to thread the laces and protects the ends of the laces from unraveling

26. Keeper (also trench) - a leather loop on a belt that holds the free end of a fastened belt

27. Idealocator - an arrow on the map indicating your current position

28. Natiform - natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones, that resemble female forms (butt or breasts)

29. The path of desire is a road created naturally, simply because it is the shortest and most convenient

30. Defenestration - the act of throwing someone out of a window

31. And don’t forget, reading determines verbal additivity (increases vocabulary)

Considerable importance in makeup is given to the distance between the eyebrows. If it is too large or small, it negatively affects a woman's appearance. Makeup artists say that the ideal distance between the eyebrows (width) should be two fingers.

What is the place between the eyebrows called?

The area above the bridge of the nose, which is the hairless area of ​​skin between the eyebrows, is called the glabella. This is a part of the frontal bone, located between the frontal tubercles, on which you can see the brow ridges.

The word glabella or glabella is of Latin origin (from glabellus). Literally translated as “smooth”. The area of ​​skin located between the eyebrows is popularly called the glabella. This complex anatomy term is unfamiliar to most people. Only a few heard him. It is used extremely rarely to indicate distance in everyday life.

What distance should be

When applying makeup, make-up artists attach considerable importance to the inter-arch distance. Deviation of the indicator from the norm in the form of a problem of widely spaced or fused eyebrows has a negative impact on appearance and deprives facial features of harmony.

History knows many women whose glabella was not ideal. However, this did not stop them from being popular with men. The famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo was considered the conqueror of men's hearts. She had the problem of almost fused eyebrows. They were the highlight of the image of a sultry eccentric lady.

Not all women manage to look attractive due to disharmony caused by abnormal distance. To properly design the area above the eyes, you need to be able to calculate the ideal width of the space. Knowing it, you can correct your eyebrows and improve your appearance.

Women sometimes experience the problem of fused eyebrows. It is solved by plucking the hairs growing on the skin in the glabella area. This allows you to increase the distance between the arcs. It is important not to overdo it when plucking the hairs above the bridge of the nose.

Experts insist that the eyebrow should originate at the level of the bridge of the nose. It does not start from a line drawn perpendicular to the edge of the nostril.

Makeup artists consider the golden mean to be the distance between the eyes. It is acceptable for it to be slightly wider.

To determine the size of the glabella and make a correction taking into account a correctly calculated distance, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. You will need to arm yourself with a cosmetic pencil. It is applied perpendicular to the wing of the nose.
  2. The point where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow should be its beginning. It is also determined for the other side of the face.
  3. The space above the bridge of the nose that appears between the found points is subject to correction. It is necessary to completely remove the hairs on this area of ​​​​the skin with tweezers. It is permissible to use wax strips.

Experts recommend assessing the result taking into account the distance between the eyes. When they are planted close together, the space of the glabella should not exceed 1.5 centimeters. With wide-set eyes, the area between narrow eyebrows is from 2 to 2.5 centimeters. These are averages. When determining space, you can focus on the width of your own fingers. In such cases, the distance of the area called the glabella is 2 fingers (with close-set eyes - one and a half).

When designing the area above the eyes, in addition to the size of the glabella and distance, a curved shape is of great importance. The peak of the latter is determined using a cosmetic pencil. The apex of the bend is at the point of intersection of the eyebrow with a line drawn from the wing of the nose through the edge of the iris. The end point of the tip is where it intersects with a line drawn from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. Makeup artists insist that the beginning and end should be on the same level.

When making corrections, the shape of the face is also taken into account. Any shape is suitable for an oval shape, a square – rounded with a soft curve, a round – curved with raised ends. Thanks to the right shape, you can achieve harmony of features, improve appearance and distance.

They focus on the shape of the face when calculating the distance. The problem where the space between the eyebrows is large is usually encountered by representatives of the fair sex with a triangular-type face. He has a wide forehead and a narrow chin. The shape will need to be corrected to be narrower and with a rounded beginning.

For those with an oval face, makeup artists recommend slightly widening the glabella. If the distance between a woman's eyebrows is small, there is a risk of making the face visually narrower and longer.

When designing a bend, the specialist takes into account its size, width, and hair density. It is important to achieve harmony and take into account the proportions of the face. With large features and large eyes, wide eyebrows achieve greater expressiveness of the look.

It will give you a sullen expression and take away your cuteness.

How to visually reduce or increase the gap

If there is a problem with a distance that exceeds the norm, the makeup artist’s task is to make the glabella narrower. The eyebrows need to be brought closer to each other. This is important for wide-set eyes. The larger the space between the arches, the further the eyes will be visually from each other. The make-up artist will carefully color the hairs at the beginning of growth. This technique will help bring them closer together.

The use of a technique that involves double staining is also effective. It consists of carefully painting the section from the bend to the tip of the eyebrow in a darker shade, and the section from the beginning to the peak of the curve is painted with a cosmetic product a tone lighter.

In such cases, makeup artists focus on the ends. They are lengthened with a pencil, bringing them closer to the temples.

If the problem of fused eyebrows occurs, correction is required in the form of plucking out excess hairs in the area above the bridge of the nose. The distance correction procedure is carried out using special tweezers. It is acceptable to use store-bought wax strips designed to remove unwanted facial hair. However, makeup artists prefer tweezers. It allows you to achieve more accurate results.

It is not enough to limit yourself to removing excess hair between the eyebrows. It is necessary to provide areas with a large or small distance above the eyes with the necessary care, including the use of nourishing oils. You need to comb your hair daily. To dye them, you should use high-quality products. To fix the shape, makeup artists recommend using a special gel.

Psychognomy of the distance between the eyebrows

Experts in the field of psychognomics claim that the character traits of their owner can be determined by the eyebrows and the distance between them. This is not just a beautiful frame for the eyes, but one of the main features of the face. Proper adjustment of their shape helps to achieve harmony in a person’s personality.

Close-distance people prefer to focus on the most important things. They don’t tend to get caught up in trifles. Characterized by a positive approach to life. They have a decisive character. Their actions may be spontaneous.

People with a wide distance between the arcs are characterized by creative thinking. These are thinkers who subject everything that happens in life to careful analysis. People with widely spaced eyebrows are patient, modest, and lack self-confidence. This hinders their career advancement. Such people are distinguished by a sensitive nature. They crave love and tenderness and are committed to sincere and strong relationships.

Proper eyebrow design can beautify a woman and add harmony to her facial features. Thanks to the correct spacing, you can significantly improve the appearance.