Facial massage at home daily

You can preserve youthful skin and beautiful facial features for a long time. There are many methods and techniques for this. An effective and affordable way is self-massage of the face - a series of specific movements developed according to one pattern or another. How to properly carry out this procedure at home and which technique to choose is worth understanding in more detail.

Indications for use


The procedure is recommended to be performed when:

  1. swelling on the face;
  2. decreased skin tone and elasticity;
  3. the appearance of deep wrinkles;
  4. unhealthy color of the epidermis;
  5. loss of contours.

Attention! As a rule, rejuvenating self-massage of the face should be used after the age of 35 or earlier, when the above problems appear.

Efficiency of the technique

When performing the correct movements, you can achieve the following results:

  1. improving the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems (the blood is saturated with oxygen and toxins are eliminated);
  2. healthy skin color returns;
  3. puffiness disappears from the face;
  4. the elasticity of the epidermis increases;
  5. wrinkles are partially smoothed out;
  6. the double chin disappears;
  7. clear contours are drawn.

Execution Rules


Before doing a facial massage, you need to remember a number of rules:

  1. movements should only be performed along massage lines;
  2. it is important to control the force of pressure on the skin and its duration;
  3. movements should be rhythmic and light;
  4. painful sensations should not be allowed;
  5. before moving to the next area on the face, you need to fix the previous movement at the end of the massage line with your fingers for 1-2 seconds;
  6. Self-massage of the face at home should be done regularly in courses several times a year.

Preparing for the session

Before starting the procedure, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Cleanse the skin with a suitable product.
  2. Steam it a little by holding a heated, damp towel on your face for a few seconds.
  3. Apply oil or talc (depending on skin type and technique).
  4. Take a comfortable position (sitting in front of a mirror with a straight back).

Which oil is suitable


Depending on your skin type, it is better to give preference to the following types:

  1. from avocado, apricot kernels, wheat germ - for faces with dry skin;
  2. olive - for normal;
  3. based on jojoba and St. John's wort - for those with an oily type;
  4. nutty and apricot will suit everyone.

It is recommended to use almond oil for the skin around the eyes. If desired, such bases can be supplemented with essential oils to obtain a therapeutic effect from self-massage.

Advice. The use of cream is allowed, but it is better to take a product for children or a product with natural ingredients. You should not use fatty formulations, as they clog the pores on the face.

Oat milk is popular. To prepare it, you need to tie 2 tablespoons of Hercules flakes in a clean bag and dip for 10-15 minutes in water at room temperature. Then you need to “squeeze out” the bag and apply the resulting liquid to your face.

Popular techniques

To do a facial massage at home yourself, use one of the following techniques.


This type of self-massage is also known as Japanese Asahi. The author of the technique is cosmetologist and makeup artist from Japan Yukuko Tanaka, who with her appearance has proven the effectiveness of the movements created. The 60-year-old Japanese woman's skin looked healthy, smooth and toned. Asahi’s technique involves stimulating lymph flow on the face and neck and influencing the so-called “beauty points.”

The technique also involves osteopathic techniques, since it affects the deepest muscles, connective tissues and bones of the skull. The session lasts for 3 minutes. Must be performed daily in the morning or evening.

It is worth noting that the Tsogan technique reduces cheekbones and makes the face thin. Therefore, it is not suitable for those with a narrow face and sunken cheeks.

Asahi includes the following stages:

  1. Self-massage of the face and neck begins with warming up the lymphatic pathways with light stroking.
  2. Then circular movements are made to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes.
  3. Afterwards, the facial muscles around the mouth are strengthened by drawing circular lines around it.
  4. Next, the cheeks are smoothed and nasolabial folds are removed by drawing arcs around the wings of the nose.
  5. At the next stage, more intense movements are made from the cheekbones to the eyelids. And then - with one hand diagonally from the cheekbones to the cheek.
  6. Next, sagging cheeks are worked on along massage lines.
  7. Working on a double chin involves moving the base of your palm along the massage line of your cheekbones.
  8. The next stage of self-massage is to work out all the facial muscles with both palms.
  9. Then the forehead is smoothed along the massage lines.
  10. The session ends with stroking movements.



The Chinese Qigong technique allows you to keep your face wrinkle-free for a long time. It consists in the desire to activate the natural mechanisms of cell regeneration. Self-massage is performed 2-3 times a week. Each session lasts 20–40 minutes. Position – sitting on a chair with a straight back (Pharaoh pose) or in the “half lotus” position. The procedure consists of 8 main stages (“dew drops”):

  1. Smoothing of all facial areas.
  2. Patting the skin of the face.
  3. Stroking again.
  4. Kneading with fingertips.
  5. Kneading with palms.
  6. Stroking with fists.
  7. Pressing with fists.
  8. “Stretching golden threads” - movements of the fingers, as if threads are being drawn along the chin and under it, along the cheeks, on the forehead and along the neck.
  9. Finally, all parts of the body, head, feet, legs are massaged to evenly distribute the activated energy.


Cosmetic massage

Cosmetic self-massage of the face is aimed at removing swelling, smoothing out fine wrinkles and correcting deep ones, improving complexion, moisturizing and nourishing it. To get a wrinkle-free face, this ancient cosmetic self-massage should be performed every other day or two in a course of 10–15 sessions. The movements are carried out strictly along massage lines in three main stages:

  1. “Tapping” the face with four fingers of each hand.
  2. Slow and light strokes.
  3. Rubbing the skin, patting, pressing.



French sculptural self-massage of the face was developed by the famous cosmetologist Joëlle Siocco. Thanks to this technique, flabby facial muscles return to their original shape. The tone increases, swelling and signs of fatigue are eliminated, and the color of the skin improves. The face is “sculpted” during the session, although the patient may experience mild pain. It is worth considering that the technique is quite complex. You need to know anatomy well. Therefore, it is important to undergo training before attempting such self-massage of the face. Otherwise, you can harm the skin and even get asymmetrical features.

Main stages:

  1. Gentle stroking.
  2. Drainage of lymph nodes.
  3. Point impact on muscle attachment points.
  4. Stroking.



This self-massage is also known as gymnastics, which helps get rid of facial wrinkles on the skin at home. Designed to tone relaxed facial muscles and straighten tense ones. As a result, the muscle frame is strengthened.

Self-massage consists of two main stages:

  1. Forehead exercises. Using your fingers, make stretching movements along the lines of the forehead (folds of anger and wrinkles around) with fixation at the point of tension for about 10 seconds.
  2. Eyelid exercises. Using tapping movements, make circles with your fingers along the massage lines around the eyes.


The technique involves placing the weight of your head on your palms. Allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. increasing skin tone;
  2. stress relief;
  3. stabilization of the sebaceous glands;
  4. removing puffiness from the face;
  5. removing toxins.


Important! Self-massage is performed while sitting. You need to rest your head on your palms, your elbows on your knees. By pressing your palms on different parts of the face with different intensities, a therapeutic effect occurs.


During the procedure, using stroking, kneading, patting, rubbing, the acupuncture points of the face are affected. Self-massage was developed by Tibetan monks and allows you to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, signs of fatigue, smoothes wrinkles on the skin, increases its tone, and improves the aura.



Japanese technique helps increase blood circulation and lymph outflow. Thanks to this type of self-massage, swelling from the face goes away, the appearance of the skin improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The essence of the procedure comes down to pressing on certain points on the face, resulting in stimulation of different organs of the body. The pressure should be moderate. During self-massage, the effect on one area is 5-7 seconds, in the neck area - no more than 3 seconds. To correctly do Shiatsu to yourself, you need to study the layout of biologically active points.


Massage with spoons

The simplest self-massage for the face, which can be done in 15 minutes. There are 4 spoons in use. Each pair is a different size. The essence of the procedure is to stroke the face with spoons along massage lines. The effect that can be achieved depends on the temperature of the devices.

The effect of cold spoons

The massage soothes irritated skin, removes puffy eyelids, signs of fatigue, circles and bags under the eyes.

Exposure to warm appliances

Nasolabial folds and forehead wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin is tightened, the oval of the face is improved, and the double chin is removed.

Contrast massage

Alternating cold and warm spoons tones the skin, restores its elasticity and firmness.


When to expect results

The effectiveness of self-massage can be seen after 1-2 sessions. To achieve positive dynamics for a long time, you need to complete a full course lasting 10–20 sessions (depending on the technique and condition of the skin).

In order for the effect to last as long as possible, you need to lead the right lifestyle:

  1. get enough sleep;
  2. eat healthy food;
  3. avoid stress;
  4. limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking.

Special face-building exercises will also be useful, which will keep the muscles of the face and neck in good shape for a long time.

Precautionary measures

In order for any of the methods to be beneficial and not harm your health, you need to take into account a number of points.


Self-massage cannot be performed if:

  1. rosacea;
  2. malignant formations;
  3. the presence of warts, papillomas;
  4. herpes;
  5. increased fragility of blood vessels;
  6. diseases of the blood and lymphatic system;
  7. diseases of the ENT organs;
  8. excessive hair growth;
  9. the presence of any infections;
  10. wounds, rashes, allergic reactions;
  11. trigeminal neuralgia;
  12. elevated temperature.

It is not recommended to carry out procedures during critical days.

Side effects

If the technique is strictly followed, Side effects are rare. Difficulties can arise if self-massage is performed incorrectly. In this case, the procedure will either have no effect or lead to skin irritation, swelling and even facial asymmetry.

Self-massage at home can improve the condition of your face and make it visually younger by several years. But in order not to harm your health, you need to carefully study the chosen method of carrying it out. If you are not sure that all actions can be done correctly, it is better to contact a cosmetologist or massage therapist. In this case, you should make sure that the master has sufficient experience and has the appropriate education.

And, of course, you will have to pay a considerable amount for massage services in the salon. Therefore, everyone chooses what is best for themselves, guided by the main rule: “Do no harm.”

Useful videos

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth - a simple technique by Ivan Badin.

Self-massage of the face according to the method of Irina Tsvetkova.

Facial skin care procedures involve the use of a variety of creams, lotions, masks, scrubs and serums. Their role is to moisturize and cleanse the skin, give a healthy color, and eliminate cosmetic defects. The complex of daily procedures should also include massage. For a facelift at home, you can conduct sessions in the morning or evening, in courses or for prevention. There are several self-massage techniques, and in terms of effectiveness they are not inferior to salon procedures.

When should you consider a facial massage?

The first age-related changes appear in the body upon reaching the age of 25. These changes affect metabolic processes and are aggravated by an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, poor environment and lack of vitamins. As a result, facial wrinkles and a feeling of dry skin appear.


Another reason for premature aging is improper skin care. This includes washing with soap or alcohol tonics, using the wrong cream and using low-quality cosmetic products.

Up to 25 years, regular nourishing masks and deep cleansing are enough to maintain good facial skin condition. But from the age of 25, collagen production begins to decline, and the goal of care is to stimulate this process. Retinol, ginseng, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are used to maintain collagen. At the same time, you can start doing facial massage yourself in the mornings and evenings. The first procedures will allow:

  1. Reduce the visibility of facial wrinkles;
  2. Improve regeneration processes in tissues;
  3. Maintain a tightened facial contour;
  4. Preserve the natural color and tone of the skin.

Stimulating blood circulation starts the process of rejuvenation and cell renewal, eliminates excess oiliness or dryness, and normalizes the functioning of the skin glands.


After 30 years, the oval of the face begins to change, and the skin loses its even color and begins to fade. The main goal of massage sessions for this age is to remove toxins, eliminate swelling, get rid of wrinkles and activate regeneration processes. To ensure that the skin remains tight after 40 years, a facelift at home uses massagers and special techniques. They are aimed at eliminating sagging cheeks and pronounced wrinkles, giving the skin a natural and even color. At the age of 60, they begin to do a deep tightening massage, which should preserve the oval of the face, get rid of deep wrinkles, puffiness, and sagging.

Massage for different skin types

When it is necessary to solve aesthetic problems, women resort to massage. For treatments to be effective, they must be tailored to your individual skin type.

Dry skin requires nutrition and constant hydration, so self-massage of the face at home is carried out using vitamin-rich creams. They are necessary to stimulate regeneration processes, saturate cells with nutrients and give the skin a fresh and radiant appearance. When carrying out cosmetic procedures for dry skin, kneading and deep rubbing techniques are usually used, and the remaining cream after the session is removed with a dry soft cloth.

If the skin has an oily sheen, then it does not need additional nutrition, and the massage is carried out without the use of creams. They can be replaced with light serums or lotions. The main goal of massage for oily skin is to restore the movement of biological fluids and metabolic processes in cells, so more attention is paid to tingling and vibration effects.


Self-massage with oils or lotions is equally suitable for normal skin, but for combination skin it is necessary to combine auxiliary products. A facial massage with ice is universal: it improves skin tone, tightens the facial contour, relieves signs of fatigue, reduces the appearance of fine wrinkles and returns a fresh look to the face.

Preparing for the session

Before performing a facial massage at home, you need to prepare your skin. The first stage is removing makeup, then washing with warm water using a mild tonic or milk. If time permits, you can steam the skin by taking a bath or breathing over a bowl of hot water. This will allow the creams to quickly absorb and make the fabrics more pliable for processing.

The second stage is the application of a cosmetic product: oil, serum, cream, lotion or gel. The product must be absorbed to prevent stretch marks from appearing during the massage.



Regular procedures will quickly and effectively get rid of cosmetic problems and skin changes that occur with age. Despite their versatility, massage sessions have contraindications. These include:

  1. Herpes;
  2. Warts or large moles at the treatment site;
  3. Damage to the skin;
  4. Fragility of blood vessels;
  5. Poor blood clotting;
  6. Hypertension 2 and 3 degrees;
  7. Fungal diseases;
  8. Oncology;
  9. Dermatosis, sinusitis, sinusitis and inflammation of the facial nerve;
  10. Allergic reaction.

If your body temperature is elevated, it is recommended to refrain from massage procedures. Temporary restrictions also include Botox injections. Massage can be done only a month after the injections. For vessels located close to the surface of the skin, any massage technique is prohibited.

Massage techniques and techniques

The main rule of massage is that all movements are performed strictly along the lines of lymph flow:

  1. The first line runs to the earlobes from the midpoint of the chin;
  2. The second - to the middle of the auricle from the corners of the mouth;
  3. The third - from the central point above the upper lip to the upper edge of the ear;
  4. The fourth - along the bridge of the nose from the nose to the hairline;
  5. Fifth - to the temples from the middle point of the forehead;
  6. The neck is always massaged from the base to the chin.

During the technique, the area around the eyes is massaged along the lower eyelid from the outer corner and from the inner - along the upper eyelid.


Following the lines is necessary to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, sagging skin, and disruption of blood and lymph flow.

Classic facial massage is performed using stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration techniques, pinching and patting. The first and last thing you should do is a stroking technique: a smooth and soft movement will soothe the skin, normalize metabolic processes, relieve tension in the tissues, and smooth out wrinkles. Kneading begins with a gentle impact: intensity and depth increase gradually. Rubbing differs from the previous technique in strength and energy.

Patting is done with the fingertips. Light movements allow you to get rid of crow's feet, and stronger movements affect the fatty tissue located under the skin, tighten and strengthen muscle tissue. The role of vibrations and tingling is to enhance the movement of biological fluids, activate cellular metabolic processes, and increase skin tone.

Jacquet pinch massage

This facial massage technique is based on pinch movements that warm up the muscles, relieve tension and improve blood flow. The session begins with energetic movements along the massage lines. First, the forehead area is treated, then the cheeks and chin. A deep and strong grip is made with two fingers: the index finger and the thumb.


Greater working force is applied to the area from the middle of the chin to the ears and in the lower jaw area. To make the technique more convenient, you can tilt your head back: this will remove the double chin and tighten the contour of your face. After pinching, light vibration tapping is performed, and the session ends with vigorous kneading.

Ice cube massage

It is recommended to conduct sessions after a hot bath or steaming the face with a compress. The skin is massaged with 2-3 ice cubes in slow circular movements. Ice massage is performed along the lines of lymph flow, preventing hypothermia of the skin (it is forbidden to linger in one area for more than 3 seconds).


For ice massage, you can freeze drinking or mineral water, various herbal decoctions. A decoction of sage has proven itself: to prepare it, take 1 tsp. leaves and flowers of the plant, 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave covered for about 30 minutes and then freeze. The decoction helps to cope with oily shine and excessive sweating.

To get mint ice, take a glass of boiling water and a glass of crushed mint leaves. Leave for about 40 minutes, strain and freeze. Mint helps against facial wrinkles and constricts blood vessels. St. John's wort helps tighten skin pores and eliminate acne. To prepare the infusion you need to take 2 tbsp. herbs, a glass of boiling water. Before freezing, the infusion should steep for 24 hours in a sealed container.

Cosmetologists advise massage in the evenings after a shower, but you can also resort to it in the morning. Rubbing your skin with an ice cube in the morning will quickly get rid of dark circles under your eyes and give your face a rested and fresh look.

Sculpture massage

The second name for the technique is buccal; it is carried out through the oral cavity. To do a facial massage, you need to sit comfortably and tilt your head. The emphasis can be placed on the palm. To begin with, the skin is stroked and rubbed from the outside, special attention is paid to the lower jaw and cheekbones. Then, using the thumb from the inside of the mouth, massage the inner surface of the cheek in the direction from the jaw to the ears. Movements are circular. To smooth out the nasolabial fold, lift it with one hand and massage it from the inside. Then they move on to working on the corners of the mouth. The area under the lower lip is massaged in the same way, starting from the central point of the chin to the sides. Finish the session with light pats on the outside of the cheek. Movements should be light and playful.


Lifting massage

The technique differs in that during the treatment the lymph nodes located near the collarbones, ears and jaw are involved. Drainage facial massage at home begins with soft and deep stroking of the neck. The fingers are placed under the lower jaw and the palms begin to move towards the supra- and subclavian lymph nodes.

The submandibular area is worked with the fingertips from the midpoint of the chin to the corners of the jaw. Then they move on to massaging the line from the lower lip to the earlobes. The area above the upper lip is worked in the same way. Next, they move on to kneading the wings of the nose and the middle part of the cheeks. They make it with the ribs of the index fingers.


After this, the pads of the index fingers are moved to the inner corners of the eyes and along the lower eyelid they move to the tragus of the ears. The upper eyelid is drawn in the same direction along the line under the eyebrows. The session is completed by smoothing out forehead wrinkles. The fingers of the palm are placed on the central line of the forehead and moved in a circular motion to the parotid lymph nodes.

Lifting facial massage should be done slowly, following the sequence of movements. This will reduce swelling, strengthen muscle tissue and improve metabolic processes in cells.

Massage with spoons

For a spoon massage you need regular spoons, olive oil and hot water. First, the spoon is heated, then wiped and immersed in oil for a few seconds. After this, the outer side of the spoon is passed over the skin of the face along the lines of lymph flow. Each line is worked several times, gradually increasing the pressure. Massage with spoons does not stretch the skin, and this differs from other techniques. It effectively smoothes wrinkles, tones and nourishes the skin, improves blood and lymph movement. Facial massage with spoons at home should start with 50-60 seconds. Every day the time is increased by 1-1.5 minutes to a total duration of 15 minutes.


Hardware massage

Massage devices are required for sessions. They are either mechanical or manual, or electric. Mechanical rollers are inexpensive, simple and convenient. They affect the deep muscle layers and lead to the rapid elimination of wrinkles. Myostimulants are also effective in combating age-related changes; they break down fat deposits and increase the tone of muscle tissue and skin.


Cupping massage is simple and effective: after just a few procedures you can get elastic and beautiful skin. Ultrasonic facial massage eliminates skin defects, smoothes its surface, activates collagen production processes and improves facial contour. A laser massager is one of the most effective, but also the most expensive. This massage device uses a focused beam of light and is used to tighten the oval of the face, even out the color and texture of the skin, and improve tissue tone.

How often should I use it?

How many times you need to massage depends on the type of procedure, tolerance and skin condition. Lifting massage for dry skin and skin with pronounced changes can be done twice a day, and the intensive course lasts 50 days. It is advisable to massage with vacuum cups once every 2-3 days: this will avoid the appearance of bruises and hematomas. How many times you need to do a sculptural massage depends on the strength of the work and tolerance: procedures are recommended to be carried out every 3-4 days, and the course should include no more than 20 sessions. The remaining techniques can be used daily if there is no discomfort after the session.


Cosmetologists recommend that women aged 25-30 undergo a maintenance intensive course of rejuvenating massage once a year. It consists of 10 sessions. With proper skin care, it is enough to do preventive procedures once a week. For women 31-45 years old, an intensive massage course consists of 15 sessions, and they are repeated once every 6 months. Maintenance procedures can be performed 1-2 times a week. For older women, 3-4 courses are recommended, which consist of 15-24 sessions.

There are several massage techniques to keep facial skin in good condition. They are well suited for home use because they do not require special skills and knowledge. You can master the technique in just a few sessions, and the effectiveness will not be inferior to salon procedures. Masseurs also offer at-home sessions that can be combined with a foot or upper limb massage. Before doing a facial massage, you need to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities, apply cream or oil. And after that, it is recommended to lie down for 5-10 minutes with a nourishing mask. This will help restore normal blood circulation, relieve tension in muscle tissue and remove redness after working out. The regularity of sessions is selected individually and depends on the chosen massage technique, age and tolerance of the procedures.

Every woman strives for an ideal appearance. First of all, she wants to have a beautiful, eye-catching face. But the modern world sometimes does not provide the opportunity for frequent visits to beauty salons. These are not only time costs, but also financial costs. An alternative to salon procedures is facial massage at home. We’ll figure out how to do a facial massage yourself in this article.

When should you consider a facial massage?

Facial massage is a pleasant and safe process of toning the skin. It strengthens muscles, fights wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. It can be used to tighten sagging skin on the chin and cheekbones.

Many cosmetologists advise this procedure to be carried out from the age of 29-30. Taking 10-15 minutes every day for a massage will give your skin a fragrance and a healthy appearance.

Often, when wrinkles appear, women run to the store to purchase various creams for the skin around the eyes or to rejuvenate the entire face to help fight this problem. To prevent aging, you can use not only store-bought products, but also, for example, herbs to rejuvenate facial skin and wrinkles around the eyes.

But not everyone knows that wrinkles appear not only with aging skin. This is also due to age-related changes in the muscles, blood vessels and bones of the skull. These changes are not visible to the eye. That's why no one thinks about them. The massage procedure has the following positive aspects:

  1. Small wrinkles are smoothed out
  2. Prevents the appearance of deeper wrinkles
  3. Eliminates swelling
  4. Blood circulation improves
  5. Facial contours become clearer.

At the age of 30, you can notice the first changes in the oval of your face and skin color. If a girl wants to get rid of these minor troubles, she can safely start doing a facial massage at home. A procedure is needed to eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

For 45-year-old ladies, a procedure aimed at combating nasolabial folds is indicated. This massage will get rid of sagging cheeks and eliminate fine wrinkles.

By the age of 60, many women are faced with the problem of jowls on their faces. The skin sags in the lower part of the face, giving the lady a few more years of age. With age, the skin stops producing collagen in the required amount and becomes inelastic. For these indications, a woman will benefit from a massage that will help tighten the skin.


In addition to this procedure, you can also think about using products to rejuvenate facial skin and slow down aging, as well as effective folk remedies for facial rejuvenation, for example, jojoba oil works well against wrinkles around the eyes, and gymnastics to rejuvenate the face and neck can cope with the general problem of aging skin .

Massage for different skin types

As you know, there are three types of skin - dry, oily, normal and combination. Depending on your individual type, self-massage is performed using the necessary cosmetics, which will only enhance the effect of the procedure.

Dry facial skin needs constant nutrition. Massage using creams enriched with vitamins and biologically active substances stimulates the development of new cells. The skin gains elasticity and freshness. Dry facial skin needs to be rubbed and kneaded. After completing the procedure, the remaining cream that has not been absorbed into the skin must be carefully wiped off with a napkin or towel. For dry skin, using various natural oils is perfect, for example, walnut oil for wrinkles, sea buckthorn oil for the skin around the eyes, almond oil for wrinkles around the eyes and nourishing the skin.

An unpleasant oily sheen on the face is a common problem among the fair sex. To tone oily and combination skin, you need to do a massage to help stabilize blood circulation. It involves pinching the skin, capturing the layer of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Not exactly a pleasant feeling, but a pleasant result. The procedure is done with two fingers – the index finger and the thumb. No cosmetic products are used during this massage. The procedure itself lasts about 10 minutes. One of the most effective types for this type of skin is facial massage using the Jacquet technique.

For the happy owners of normal facial skin, any type of massage using various creams and oils is suitable. This is for individual consideration by each person.


Self-massage is undoubtedly an excellent remedy for a youthful face. But, like all procedures, it has some contraindications. For example, some people wonder whether it can be done if you have herpes or warts on the face? No, absolutely not! Inflammatory processes on the face, open wounds, large moles, warts and herpes are obvious contraindications. If you ignore them, you may encounter a number of negative factors that will adversely affect your health.

Increased fragility of blood vessels is another reason to refuse facial massage. Instead of a positive effect, you can achieve the complete opposite.

The procedure is strictly prohibited for people suffering from cancer, blood clotting diseases, sinusitis and sinusitis.

Recently, many girls have become interested in “youth” injections, namely Botox. In an effort to look better and better, many ladies, after Botox injections, are thinking about facial massage. It is important to know that it can be done only a month after the rejuvenation procedure. Never before. After Botox, the facial muscles should be in a calm state, and any impact should be completely eliminated.


Before starting self-massage, it is important to prepare the skin so that it does not experience stress. To do this, you need to wash your face with warm water. Instead of water, you can use a cleansing tonic or any other specialized product. The next step is a warm compress to dilate the blood vessels. The skin needs to be steamed. This will help, when applying the cream, to quickly absorb the necessary beneficial substances into the skin.


To steam, you need to take a towel and hold it for a while over a boiling pan of water, over the steam. When the towel becomes warm, but not hot at all, it should be placed on your face for 10 minutes.
After the skin is steamed, you can take a little moisturizer or oil and apply it to your face for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin will absorb all the beneficial substances. This will also help prevent the skin from stretching during the massage procedure. But if the skin is prone to oily cream and oil, you can replace it with talcum powder.


Correct and effective facial massage should be carried out along massage lines. This is to avoid stretching the skin, which stretches differently.

  1. Base of neck - chin
  2. The middle of the chin is the earlobes. Left and right, along the contours of the face.
  3. Corners of the mouth - ears
  4. Middle of upper lip – top of ear
  5. Wings of the nose - upper part of the ear
  6. The bridge of the nose and the bridge of the nose - the tip of the braid
  7. The middle of the forehead is temples.
  1. The procedure is performed only on cleansed skin.
  2. Movements during the massage should be light. Strictly along the massage lines.
  3. After the massage movement, each line should end with a short pressing moment. For example, after massaging your chin, you need to hold your fingers near your earlobes for a second. Then you can move on to another zone.
  4. Do not perform the procedure if there are contraindications.
  5. After the massage, it is important to lie quietly for some time. Dry your face with a napkin or towel. The final stage will be applying the necessary cosmetic product.


Women often wonder how often to massage their face. It all depends on age. But at the same time, professional cosmetologists advise maintaining a regular schedule of facial massage. Young women are recommended to undergo the procedure less frequently than older women.

An example course could be as follows:

  1. 29-30 years – 10 procedures once a year;
  2. 30-45 years – 15 procedures two to three times a year;
  3. After 45 years – 20 procedures three times a year.

The procedure consists of 4 techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. The massage should begin and end with light, soft movements.
Stroking is carried out with a half-bent hand. The fingertips should only lightly touch the skin. Stroking is performed in one direction only. The stroking technique can be performed daily.

Rubbing is performed more vigorously. It is necessary to make massaging movements with your fingertips. Rubbing improves blood circulation, the skin becomes more elastic. Rubbing is recommended to be done 3-5 times a week.

Kneading also occurs with the fingertips of both hands. You need to grab a piece of skin with your fingers and squeeze it a little. There is a slight tingling effect. Massage movements should be slow and gentle so as not to cause pain. Muscle work is stimulated. This massage technique is performed no more than 3 times a week.

Vibration is carried out either with the entire palm or with the fingers. These are oscillatory movements on one area of ​​​​the skin. Such massage movements are performed no more than 3 times a week.

All massage techniques can be performed simultaneously. Each of them should be performed 3-5 times per massage session. If your skin is young, you can refrain from kneading. For fresh skin there is no particular need for it. But after 35 years, cosmetologists advise combining stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration in one massage procedure. This way the effect will be most noticeable. The skin will be toned.

There are many simple techniques for home use, for example, you can master facial massage with suede, facial massage with brushes, using snails, water and others.

Educational video of facial massage at home