What is bioptron therapy?

Among the advanced technologies of hardware medicine, light therapy occupies a special place. It is based on an innovative device from the Swiss company Zepter called Bioptron - indications for use include a wide range of diseases of the internal systems of the body and dermatological pathologies, diseases of muscles and joints.

Indications for use of the Bioptron device

The essence of the effect of the device in question is that the light beam is polarized, creating a stream of photons with the same direction. Therefore, the use of Bioptron for light therapy produces three proven effects:

  1. restoration of plasma proteins and blood cells in the lymphatic and capillary network;
  2. normalization of the functions of the mucous membranes and superficial layers of the skin;
  3. activation of acupuncture and biological points of the body.

Thus, the described device can be used to treat the following disorders:

  1. abscess;
  2. inflammatory eye diseases;
  3. periodontal disease;
  4. herpes;
  5. arthritis of the hip joints;
  6. pain of various localizations - in the back, throat, head (with overwork), ears, lower abdomen (with menstruation);
  7. diseases of the gums and oral cavity;
  8. bursitis;
  9. rheumatism;
  10. inflammation of the shoulder joint;
  11. cough of any origin, including reflex;
  12. wounds, abrasions and cuts;
  13. redness of the eyes;
  14. allergy;
  15. haemorrhoids;
  16. depression;
  17. eczema;
  18. inflammation of the big toe;
  19. rheumatism;
  20. toothache;
  21. curvature of the spine in the cervical region;
  22. inflammation of the mammary gland, including nipples;
  23. heel spur;
  24. infections;
  25. warts;
  26. large-porous hernia;
  27. migraine;
  28. hammertoe syndrome;
  29. sleep disturbances;
  30. burns;
  31. inflammation of the middle ear;
  32. bruises;
  33. leg ulcer;
  34. runny nose;
  35. scars;
  36. hoarseness;
  37. muscle cramps;
  38. perineotomy;
  39. skin hyperemia;
  40. scaly lichen;
  41. psoriasis;
  42. sprains, ligament tears;
  43. sunburn;
  44. acne;
  45. joint injuries;
  46. Frontitis.

In addition, the indications for the use of Bioptron allow it to be used in cosmetology to combat wrinkles, sagging skin, intense hair loss and alopecia. The effectiveness of the device in eliminating cellulite, stretch marks and stretch marks, especially in the early stages of development, has been proven.

Treatment using the Bioptron lamp

Depending on the specific diagnosis and the severity of the disease, from 5 to 20 light therapy sessions are prescribed, the duration of which varies from 1 to 8 minutes. You can use the device daily, 1-3 times a day. Consolidation of the results obtained and strengthening of the therapeutic effect is achieved by repeating the course, which is carried out, as a rule, after 14-15 days.

The nuances of light therapy are as follows:

  1. Do not move the beam during the procedure.
  2. Pre-clean and degrease the skin in the affected area using a Light Fluid or Oxy Spray solution.
  3. Be sure to strictly adhere to the specified time frames.

Additionally, you can purchase a set of filters for color therapy using Bioptron. These devices are handmade from glass. The use of filters allows you to stimulate self-healing processes and enhance the work of the body’s energy centers.

Using the Bioptron device at home

The device in question is available in 3 versions:

  1. Bioptron Pro 1;
  2. Bioptron 2;
  3. Bioptron Compact 3.

All models can be used at home. The difference is that the first two types of apparatus are large in size and are well suited for influencing large areas of the body. They are equipped with floor and table stands and can be installed in any position. The compact version allows you to perform procedures only on small areas, but it is convenient to hold in your hand and take with you on trips.

Bioptron – a wide-spectrum device for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures for children. Suitable for use in medical institutions and at home. Bioptron is produced by the Swiss company BIOPTRON AG, part of the Zepter Group.


From the history of light therapy

Light therapy has been used by humans since ancient times. Our ancestors used the only natural light source available to them - the Sun. Sun treatment in those days could not be justified from a scientific point of view, but its effectiveness was obvious. Sunlight triggers biochemical processes in the body, has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, and promotes physical and mental health. Scientists have long been interested in the properties of sunlight and began to study them. In the second half of the last century, they managed to make a fundamental discovery - to find out the advantages of polarized polychromatic radiation. Soon the first Bioptron device was created, which successfully passed certification and clinical trials. Today, Bioptron devices are used in clinics, children's health institutions, and at home for the treatment and prevention of diseases in children.

Operating principle of Bioptron

Bioptron is a light therapy device of the latest generation. Its action is based on the principle of light treatment (phototherapy). Bioptron radiation is an analogue of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun without ultraviolet rays. The bioptron emits directed polarized waves in several mutually parallel planes. The radiation of the device is polychromatic, formed by mixing beams of photons of different frequencies, and incoherent. The waves penetrate the skin and have a healing effect on the internal organs.

Purpose of the Bioptron device

Radiation has a biostimulating effect, gives a regenerating effect, stimulates the body's defense system, increases blood circulation and blood supply to tissues and organs, and gives a general strengthening effect. The manufacturer recommends using Bioptron:

  1. for the treatment of skin diseases in children (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, dermatitis);
  2. for the prevention of diaper rash in infants;
  3. for healing wounds, including poorly healing ones with a large lesion;
  4. to relieve or reduce pain from bruises and sprains;
  5. for sleep disorders;
  6. in the treatment of burns;
  7. to strengthen the immune system in children, especially in the autumn-winter period of the year;
  8. for skin diseases of a bacterial nature;
  9. for the treatment of colds, infections of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract.

Bioptron model range

The manufacturer currently offers 3 models of the Bioptron device:

  1. MEDALL is a compact portable device suitable for home use for therapeutic and preventive purposes.
  2. Pro 1 – a device with a height and tilt adjustable stand. Suitable for use at home and in medical institutions.
  3. Bioptron 2 is a powerful light therapy device. Intended for professional use only.

BIOPTRON AG actively takes part in international exhibitions and medical congresses. The products have international certificates ISO 9001, EN ISO 13485. In Russia, Bioptron has also been officially registered as a medical product (RF FS No. 2006/372). Biotron is approved for use in pediatrics by Roszdravnadzor.

Physiotherapeutic devices produced by modern organizations differ in design options and principles of influence on the body. A device called “Bioptron” is attracting quite a lot of interest. It is used primarily in reflexology and physiotherapy. It is worthwhile to become more familiar with the operating principle of this equipment and understand its purpose. It will also be useful to consider the reviews of doctors, which are left in large numbers.

Bioptron - what is it?

The operating principle of this device is based on the influence of polarized light. It is this that causes a certain response from the body. A beam of light is directed to the problem area, resulting in a reflex reaction. Laser correction, which is used in ophthalmic practice, is in many ways similar to this type of light therapy. The debate about how effective devices like Bioptron are has been going on for a long time. If you refer to its instructions, you can find a lot of indications. It’s hard to believe that a beam of light can cure not only acne, but also, for example, prostate adenoma. Most doctors do not speak well of Bioptron. But it’s worth talking about everything in order.

Bioptron - indications from the point of view of doctors

In the instructions for this device, as noted above, you can see a lot of dubious indications. But doctors believe that it can be used primarily to eliminate burns, superficial damage, acne and dermatitis. In other cases, Bioptron is useless.

Bioptron - contraindications for use

Typically, manufacturers of such equipment options try to list as many contraindications as possible, even if they have not been identified in practice. This is done for several purposes at the same time. Firstly, a large list of contraindications indicates the “seriousness” of the device itself. Accordingly, they trust him more. Secondly, if you list many contraindications, you can subsequently protect yourself from consumer claims. That is, this is a kind of “insurance” that can be used when problems arise in patients.

What contraindications does the manufacturer name? The most important of them and recognized doctors are:

  1. General contraindications to physiotherapy. We are talking about severe exhaustion, the presence of serious inflammatory processes, and high temperature.
  2. Any neoplasms, including benign ones. As is understandable, with them they try to protect the body from any influences, even if sometimes this is not entirely rational and does not even have a basis.
  3. Photodermatosis. Perhaps the most serious contraindication. With it, indeed, Bioptron can cause serious harm.
  4. Pathologies of cerebrospinal fluid exchange (also called cerebrospinal fluid), pathologies of blood circulation, cerebral vessels.
  5. Damage to the central nervous system, especially in children. This also includes prematurity and, in general, any damage to the nervous system in childhood.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation. This contraindication is given in all cases, since it is unknown what can harm the mother and child.

These are perhaps the most important situations in which Bioptron can be harmful. At least, it is under these problems or conditions that the manufacturer does not recommend using the device. When contraindications for Bioptron become known, doctors’ reviews of this device are also worth considering. And don’t delude yourself, because doctors won’t praise the device too much, since they know about its real capabilities.

Bioptron - reviews from doctors

“The effect is no more than a massage”

There are many devices that can be used in physiotherapy practice and get good results. But Bioptron cannot be classified as such. The whole essence of his work comes down to increasing blood flow in the area to which the light beam is directed. Of course, you might think that this is a rather useful effect. Indeed, there are benefits from this. But the same result can be achieved if you simply massage on the appropriate area. Therefore, I don’t see much point in using this device and, especially, in purchasing it. These are just extra expenses, and quite impressive ones at that.

“Helps with lesions and skin rashes”

The mistrust of Bioptron expressed by many doctors is understandable. The manufacturer extols the capabilities of this device too much. On the other hand, you should not consider it completely useless. As far as practice shows, the qualities of Bioptron turn out to be very useful if used correctly. For example, it is indeed indicated for eliminating injuries or abrasions. I know cases where such a device also helped with quite serious injuries - fractures, sprains, and so on. I can also recommend using Bioptron to eliminate some skin problems. It helps well with acne vulgaris, dermatitis and irritation. Otherwise, no significant therapeutic effect was noticed from this equipment.

"Useless when used alone"

Unfortunately, the potential of light therapy as a treatment modality has been largely overstated. Therefore, Bioptron cannot be called a truly effective device. It only helps with a limited number of problems. In addition, the type of device itself is also of great importance. The fact is that it is available in several models. There is a Bioptron for use in a sanatorium. This is quite a massive piece of equipment with a lot of power. And a completely different matter is the portable Bioptron, intended for use at home. Its power is low, and without the participation of a specialist it will be completely useless. Therefore, if you use light therapy, then only in suitable conditions and under the supervision of a doctor.