How to deal with stretch marks after childbirth

Pregnancy for every woman is a joyful and long-awaited event, despite toxicosis and other difficulties, because nothing can compare with the happiness of upcoming motherhood. But almost all women after the birth of a baby have problems with the appearance and condition of their figure, one of which is stretch marks, popularly called skin stretch marks.

Many women face this unpleasant phenomenon, so the question of how to remove stretch marks after childbirth is very relevant.

Modern cosmetology and medicine, including folk medicine, offer many different ways to eliminate stretch marks.

What are stretch marks and how do they appear?

Stretch marks are tears in the skin and its layers, which occurs due to the loss of natural firmness and elasticity. With increasing age, the skin becomes thinner and can tear under strong tension, which usually occurs during the development of the fetus in the uterus and the enlargement of the abdomen.

During this period, the skin experiences serious stress, which increases daily. Of course, the inner layers of the epidermis are torn, but this also affects the condition of the outer layer. In places of such ruptures, scars appear that have different lengths, thicknesses and shapes.

Skin breaks begin to be replaced by connective tissue, which does not contain collagen and elastin fibers, but is penetrated by capillaries, so at the initial stage of the appearance of stretch marks, they have a bright pink, lilac, bluish or even violet color, depending on the size of the break.

Gradually, the surface of the stretch marks becomes discolored, which makes them less noticeable, but the damage cannot disappear on its own, because, in fact, these are scars. Over time, the surface of the stretch marks turns white and acquires a slightly pearlescent tint, but the stretch marks cannot match the overall color of intact skin.

They become most noticeable when tanning, since the connective tissue that replaces the tears does not contain melanin. When tanned, stretch marks remain white.

Young skin has a high level of elasticity and firmness; it is capable of strong stretching and rapid restoration of its previous state without damage.

For this reason, young healthy girls who give birth before the age of 22 rarely experience the appearance of stretch marks. But for various reasons, the natural functions of the epidermis can be disrupted, causing the skin to become very thin and, when stretched, to tear from the inside.

Pregnancy often contributes to the appearance of stretch marks as hormonal levels change. With an increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen in a woman’s body, the level of natural production of collagen, which is responsible for the density of the skin and elastin, which is necessary for its stretching, decreases.

Thus, the skin loses its properties from the inside and, with the rapidly increasing size of the abdomen, does not have time to stretch and begins to tear. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully regulate this process.

Often the cause of stretch marks is a predisposition to skin tears during pregnancy (heredity).

But, besides the hereditary factor, there are other reasons that determine not only the appearance of skin breaks, but also their number. These include:

  1. the presence of excess weight and the rate of weight gain during pregnancy;
  2. level of motor activity;
  3. the amount of vitamins entering a woman’s body during pregnancy;
  4. presence of bad habits, in particular smoking;
  5. age of the expectant mother;
  6. presence of metabolic disorders;
  7. the presence of diseases of the endocrine system, such as varying degrees of obesity or diabetes;
  8. weakness of the abdominal muscles.

We should not forget that stretch marks can appear not only on the stomach, thighs or legs. After childbirth, skin breaks may also appear on the breasts, which is due to the rapid retention of milk, which is why the skin is forced to sharply stretch.

To avoid the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their depth, length, width and even number, you can take a number of measures:

  1. Lubricate the skin throughout the entire period with special creams or gels, as well as oils with a high content of vitamin E, which include peach, olive and almond oil.
  2. Eat foods rich in vitamins or take additional vitamin complexes.
  3. Wear a bandage from the second half of pregnancy until childbirth, choosing or adjusting the size correctly.
  4. Wear the correct size bra, especially in the second half of pregnancy and after childbirth, since the breasts need increased support during this period.

Cosmetological methods for removing stretch marks

Modern cosmetology allows you to eliminate stretch marks after childbirth using the following methods:

  1. Mesotherapy. Using microinjections, nutritional cocktails and mixtures are introduced under the skin. Each mixture is unique in composition and is prepared immediately before administration, taking into account the patient’s needs. Cocktails can contain not only nutritional components and vitamins, but also medicinal substances, amino acids, plant extracts, enzymes and collagen. The technique is highly effective and can significantly improve the appearance of the skin and its condition in 10 sessions.
  2. Laser resurfacing. This method is effective in the fight against stretch marks of varying degrees of maturity, since it allows you to almost completely lighten fresh breaks, and make small ones invisible. For old and large stretch marks, the technique allows you to achieve pronounced results, smoothing, adding pigment, thereby visually hiding the damage. The procedure is aimed at evaporating the upper layers of the skin, leveling the overall surface and stimulating regeneration processes. Laser resurfacing of stretch marks is an effective procedure, but it requires several months after childbirth. To eliminate deep or old stretch marks, several procedures are required. After each treatment, crusts form on the skin and fall off on their own after 2 weeks. The interval between sessions is about a month.
  3. Vacuum and vacuum-roller massage. The procedure is carried out using special devices, the operation of which is based on the principle of skin suction with a given force. The technique allows you to improve the condition of the skin, strengthen muscles and blood vessels, increase blood circulation in the treated area, and accelerate regeneration processes.
  4. Laser nanoperforation. A unique technique that uses a special laser attachment that splits the beam into nano-rays. The procedure is much less invasive and promotes almost complete renewal of the surface layers of the skin in the treatment areas.
  5. Fractional thermolysis. Damaged areas of the skin are removed by exposing them to heat, for which warm types of lasers are used, broken into microbeams that form a lattice. The technique allows for the removal of even deep and old stretch marks and scars.
  6. Chemical peeling. The type of treatment agent is selected individually and depends on the number of stretch marks in a certain area of ​​the skin and their depth. Each type of procedure has not only its own indications, but also its own contraindications, so before carrying out the treatment it is necessary to consult with a cosmetologist.
  7. Diamond microdermabrasion. This procedure is called a mechanical type of skin resurfacing and with its help, the top layer of the epidermis is removed, leveling the overall relief, using microscopic diamond chips applied to the skin under pressure by a special apparatus.
  8. Injection methods, for example, bioreparation, in which hyaluronic acid is injected directly under the skin break in combination with vitamins and amino acids, which stimulate skin renewal and restoration of collagen fibers in the treated area.
  9. Ozone therapy – atomic oxygen is introduced under the skin in combination with an ozone mixture, stimulating skin renewal processes. During carboxytherapy, carbon dioxide is injected under the skin, stimulating the processes of natural neocollagenesis.
  10. Wraps, mud masks, as well as applying creams and ointments. But such techniques can only help in cases where the stretch marks are small, fresh and present in small quantities.

Is it possible to remove stretch marks at home?

When choosing home methods for removing stretch marks, you should remember that it will not be possible to remove old stretch marks.

You need to start the process of self-treatment of skin damage after childbirth as early as possible, for example, 2-3 weeks after the baby is born.

To eliminate stretch marks on your own, the following are often used:

  1. Daily massage with almond, orange, olive, peach oil and hazelnut or wheat germ oil. Massage movements should be light, without strong stretching of the skin.
  2. Scrubs – Traditional medicine offers many recipes for preparing body scrubs at home, which are based on ground coffee, ground apricot kernels, and sugar. Sour cream and various oils are added to scrubs. Scrubs should be applied to the skin 10-15 minutes before showering.
  3. Ready-made cosmetic compositions for stretch markspurchased in stores. They should be applied to the skin in combination with light massage and tingling. You should choose products that contain essential oils and extracts of citrus plants, elastin, collagen and fruit acids.
  4. Mumiyo. Dissolve two tablets or capsules in a small amount of nutritional, vitamin or baby cream, mix thoroughly until smooth and apply to clean skin. The substance perfectly heals damaged skin, accelerating regeneration processes, eliminating small stretch marks, and making large stretch marks less noticeable. But you need to use this remedy to eliminate stretch marks every day for several months.

Does sport help fight stretch marks?

Exercise helps maintain skin tone. In addition, by playing sports, a woman after childbirth loses the excess weight gained during pregnancy.

It is impossible to remove existing stretch marks that formed during pregnancy using this method, but sports will help prevent new skin breaks from appearing. You can start regular sports activities 2-3 months after giving birth.

Sports help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. If a woman did exercises daily before pregnancy and during its course, then the risk of skin tears will be minimal, since the epidermis is in good shape and has a sufficient level of elasticity.

Of course, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to try to get rid of them after the baby is born, but for this you need to take care of your body and skin condition every day from the first weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to regular sports activities, oils containing vitamin E should be applied to the skin of the abdomen and thighs, for example, peach, olive or wheat germ oil, almond oil is also suitable.

You can use special creams based on natural oils, additionally enriched with vitamin E.

It is also necessary to monitor your weight, avoiding a strong increase; to do this, you should balance your diet by including more fruits and fresh vegetables in your diet, while reducing the consumption of fatty foods and flour products.

You should also consume foods that activate the natural synthesis of elastin and collagen in the body, for example, eggs, meat, fresh cheese, vegetable oils and protein-rich foods.

Author: Irina Vaganova, doctor,
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Useful video on how to deal with stretch marks after childbirth

What are stretch marks (striae)

After giving birth, you want to get back into shape as quickly as possible. Losing weight with a diet required for breastfeeding, sleepless nights and troubles for a young mother is not difficult. But when the kilograms go away, skin problems often remain.

Is it possible to carry and give birth to a child without getting stretch marks on the stomach and hips? Is it possible to remove stretch marks after childbirth without surgery? Do creams, wraps and home remedies work or are they a scam for gullible women? Without exaggeration, almost everyone has stretch marks, but only a few know how to deal with this problem.

Stretch marks after childbirth, as in the photo, appear due to rapid weight gain: the skin does not have time to grow, stretches and forms a network of tears. Then they are filled with connective tissue, as in the case of scars, scarring occurs. The surface of the body in that place remains slightly uneven and differs in color. Risk areas are the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and chest.


Stretch marks appeared on my stomach after childbirth. Why did this happen? There are three natural causes, and none of them indicate that the woman has neglected herself, or is in any way to blame for the appearance of breaks in the skin.

This is normal and one of the many changes caused by pregnancy and childbirth.

  1. During pregnancy, the body's hormonal levels change, in particular, the secretion of cortisol increases. Under the influence of this hormone, in particular, the connective tissue of the pubic bones softens, which makes the birth of a baby possible. The flip side of the coin is that increased levels of cortisol, as well as estrogen and progesterone, lead to decreased production of collagen and elastin. Thus, hormones negatively affect the elasticity and strength of the skin, which facilitates the appearance of stretch marks.
  2. At a certain stage of pregnancy, the belly begins to grow rapidly and the skin simply does not have time to generate new cells so quickly. The upper layers of the epidermis stretch as much as possible, and when they reach their natural limit, they break. Stretch marks on the chest after childbirth, as well as on the stomach, indicate that these parts of the body were rapidly changing and growing.
  3. The third reason also cannot be eliminated, like the first two - this is a hereditary predisposition. If a pregnant woman's mother and grandmothers had stretch marks, she will probably have them too.. This is not a reason to get upset and give up: knowing about the prospects thanks to the experience of previous generations, you should take measures in advance and start preventing stretch marks as early as possible.

How to remove stretch marks

Will stretch marks go away after childbirth? Striae by themselves do not disappear or decrease over the years. Non-surgical treatment methods to one degree or another reduce the external manifestations of this defect, and with long-term therapy can significantly improve the situation. But stretch marks can only be completely removed through surgery. As for preventive measures, they are much more effective than treatment and have a positive effect on skin tone.

If stretch marks have already appeared, the fight against them will be most effective at an early stage, when the breaks are still fresh, purple or burgundy. After the stretch marks turn white, they can be removed without a trace only with a laser.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? Definitely yes. However, you will have to be patient: only surgery gives immediate results. And manufacturers who write on cosmetics that they will give a noticeable effect after 1-2 months are shamelessly deceiving customers.

Fight on your own

The means for combating and preventing stretch marks are the same. Therefore, the information below will be useful both to women in the early stages of pregnancy, whose bodies have just begun to change, and to those who have recently given birth and discovered unsightly marks on their skin.

The sooner measures are taken, the more noticeable results can be achieved, but even late in this case is better than never. Many mothers are interested in which contraceptive drugs Lactinet or Charozetta are better when breastfeeding? Such remedies for unwanted pregnancy can seriously affect hormonal levels. We provide answers to such questions in the article at the link.

Underwear to prevent skin stretch marks

From about the third month, pregnancy becomes more and more noticeable externally: first of all, the belly grows, along with it the hips become rounded and the breasts enlarge. At that time It is advisable to start wearing special underwear.

Pregnant women often complain of discomfort associated with wearing a bra, because the breasts not only enlarge, but also become more sensitive. However, it definitely needs support and fixation to prevent stretch marks or at least reduce them to a minimum.

A maternity bandage helps a lot in preventing stretch marks - it supports the stomach and reduces stress on the skin. It will also be useful in the first time after childbirth, when the body is under stress and the appearance of stretch marks is most likely.


Moderate physical activity, agreed with your doctor, is necessary after childbirth. In particular, light exercises help keep the skin toned and improve blood circulation, and these are prerequisites for preventing stretch marks. You can slowly return to sports 2-3 months after giving birth.


Daily massage helps in the fight against stretch marks: it restores skin elasticity and accelerates regeneration by activating blood circulation. For the procedure, you can use stretch mark cream after childbirth or olive oil.

Particular attention should be paid to areas where there are already stretch marks - the stomach, thighs, and thighs. The massage technique is simple: alternating intense stroking movements and gentle tingling. All movements should be made towards the heart.

Rubbing with a hard terry towel serves as a light massage. Special brushes, mittens and all kinds of massagers have proven themselves well.

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower is extremely beneficial for the skin, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and fights not only stretch marks, but also varicose veins, from which many young mothers suffer.

During pregnancy, it can only be taken with the permission of a doctor. provided there is no risk to the fetus. After childbirth, water procedures are completely safe.

The alternation algorithm is as follows: first warm water (comfortable, not hot), then very hot for a short time, then cold. Repeat several times.

You should always start with hot water and finish the procedure with cold water. The duration of stay under running hot water should be 2-3 times longer than under cold water.

Diet and vitamins

A protein diet is useful to restore skin elasticity, collagen and elastin production. It is advisable to fill the diet with fruits and vegetables; when breastfeeding, this should be done with caution, but you should not neglect plant foods. Whether it is possible to eat foods such as bananas during breastfeeding, drink coffee or alcohol, you can read the articles at the links.

It is important to drink as much water as possible, but within reasonable limits, since excess can linger in tissues and cause swelling. We advise you to read in advance the information about the benefits and harms of currants during lactation, whether it is possible to make compotes and fruit drinks from it, and also to drink milk while breastfeeding.

Among vitamin complexes, preference should be given to those that contain vitamin E - it is needed like no other to combat stretch marks. Almost any remedy for stretch marks after childbirth, be it preparations for internal or external use, necessarily contains vitamin E.

Folk remedies

It is important to understand that stretch marks appear on almost everyone - this is a normal phenomenon. Don't panic. Accept your body as it is. This does not mean that you don’t have to deal with the problem, but be prepared that traces of stretch marks will still remain.

I always recommend that pregnant women do not neglect olive oil: such an affordable and simple remedy gives results no worse than creams available on the open market.

At a time when cosmetic companies are vying to offer products promising the most fantastic results, many women are skeptical about folk remedies.

Home remedies can be very useful in the prevention and removal of stretch marks: they are relatively inexpensive, while creams and wraps from well-known brands will cost a considerable amount. The basis of all cosmetics against stretch marks is the same - oils with a high content of vitamin E.

It is difficult to remove stretch marks after childbirth at home, it is better to try to prevent their appearance, and for this, folk recipes based on cosmetic oils are suitable.

Homemade creams and lotions

Self-prepared compositions benefit from the naturalness and freshness of the ingredients. They should be stored in the refrigerator. Here are some popular recipes.

  1. Mix half a glass of olive oil and aloe juice (you can grind the leaves in a blender, just cut off the spines first). Add 10 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A (available at the pharmacy). Use for daily massage. You can expect noticeable results in about 3 months.
  2. Mix half a glass of cocoa butter with 2 teaspoons of grated beeswax and add 10 drops of liquid vitamin E. 2 tablespoons of apricot kernel or wheat germ oil will only improve the properties of the lotion. Heat the mixture until the wax melts. Rub in once a day.


Very effective and beneficial treatments for the skin with essential oils and cosmetic clay. They not only fight stretch marks, but burn subcutaneous fat and improve skin tone.

The clay should be diluted in warm water until a creamy mass is obtained, and the composition should be enriched with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Apply to problem areas and wrap with cling film. Leave for about 1 hour, rinse with warm water, and then peel. Repeat no more than 2 times a week.

Pure oil, such as castor oil, is also suitable for wraps. The procedure is simple: apply to stretch marks, wrap in film, place a heating pad on top, and leave for half an hour.


Homemade peelings are prepared from the simplest products: honey (excellent healing effect if there are no wounds or ulcers on the skin), sugar, coarse salt, ground coffee, oatmeal. A little bit of any vegetable oil is added to these abrasive particles. Rub until the skin turns red. The maximum benefit from peeling can be obtained after a shower, when the skin is steamed. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Natural oils against stretch marks

Oil for stretch marks after childbirth can be used as an independent remedy - simply rub it in with massage movements after a shower. Olive, castor, and almond oil give good results; for greater effect, you can additionally enrich them with vitamin E, purchased at the pharmacy.

Shea butter contains many vitamins in a form that allows it to be easily absorbed through the skin. Wheat germ oil accelerates cell regeneration.

Cosmetical tools

A cream or ointment for stretch marks after childbirth must contain a powerful moisturizing complex, stimulate skin renewal, collagen production, contain retinoids, extracts of nourishing oils and vitamin E.

Salon treatments

Stretch marks manifest themselves differently for everyone: heredity, lifestyle, and the nuances of pregnancy play a role here. There are no universal recipes: cocoa butter or wheat germ will help someone.

Those who are not so lucky with skin elasticity can be saved by mesotherapy or chemical peeling if desired. After consultation and examination, we can say specifically how many sessions will be needed and what exactly is best to try in this case. But there is always a way out, the main thing is desire!

For those who are not ready to wait, there are ways to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth faster and with more noticeable results. These are salon procedures.

Chemical peeling

Peeling with fruit acids is a very effective procedure.. Its goal is to remove the top layer of skin with defects in order to allow quickly regenerating tissues to fill this place with new, clean and intact skin without damage.


Mesotherapy involves injecting active nutrients such as collagen, enzymes and amino acids into the lower layer of the epidermis to stimulate the growth of new cells. The method is very effective, but shows the best results with fresh burgundy stretch marks - they can be healed almost completely. The effect will appear gradually, on average noticeable changes will appear after 10 sessions.

Ozone therapy

It resembles mesotherapy in that it also involves injections. Only in this case, ozone is injected under the skin - this stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in skin cells naturally.


The procedure involves grinding the top layer of skin. It helps remove damaged skin and make room for new skin to grow.

Laser correction

Removing stretch marks after childbirth with a laser is the only way to get rid of them quickly and without traces. Laser resurfacing of stretch marks allows you to significantly reduce even stretch marks that have turned white in just a few sessions, and removes fresh ones faster. The essence of the procedure is that the beam evaporates the top layer of skin, along with stretch marks. New healthy and smooth skin grows in place of damaged areas.

Laser correction can be applied only a few months after childbirth. After the procedure, healing occurs within approximately 2 weeks.

From moms' reviews

Olga, 26 years old, St. Petersburg

My husband's support helped me a lot. He used to chuckle when I walked around the house in a mask, oiled my hair, and so on.

But with the beginning of pregnancy, when I described to him all the prospects for stretch marks, I realized how serious this was for me. My husband even helped me massage with olive oil, combining business with pleasure.

Ksenia, 31 years old, Moscow

I had severe stretch marks - it felt like my skin was literally cracking. I was ready for this: after pregnancy, my mother had white stripes in her lower abdomen.

For 9 months I rubbed in oils, creams and ointments. I think they helped a little too. But a year after giving birth, I decided to have laser resurfacing. This procedure gave a stunning result! Just magic. But I had to spend a lot of money, but I can wear a two-piece swimsuit again.


Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? – The most difficult thing in this matter is the duration of the healing process. Stretch marks are quite deep damage to the epidermis, so it is impossible to remove them in a month.

Prevention involves the same measures as treatment, but, undoubtedly, it is more effective, since healing skin tears is much more difficult than preventing their occurrence.

There are many folk recipes, they are all based on nourishing oils that saturate the skin with vitamin E necessary for regeneration. In addition to affecting stretch marks, procedures with oils, wraps and peeling improve the overall condition of the skin, increase tone, provide elasticity and smoothness.

Cosmetic treatments offered by beauty salons have a deeper effect and are highly likely to remove stretch marks without leaving a trace. But you can use such means only some time after childbirth.

Ideally, the best thing to do would be to combine home and salon procedures to address the problem comprehensively. Removing stretch marks will take a lot of time, you should prepare for this: be patient and do not despair if one of the methods does not produce tangible results.

Many women want to prevent stretch marks by taking a whole range of measures in advance aimed at preventing this problem. But, unfortunately, they are not always effective, and as a result, after the birth of a child, it is necessary to look for a reliable way to get rid of stretched areas of skin.

It is quite difficult to completely eliminate this cosmetic defect on your own. To make stretch marks almost invisible on the skin, your own efforts are enough. If such a goal is set, the approach must be comprehensive. It is necessary to combine medical and folk remedies, special exercises, massage, and reconsider your eating habits.

Causes of stretch marks on the abdomen

Scientifically, stretch marks are called striae. They usually appear in women in an interesting position, which is facilitated by a sharp change in physical data, including rapid weight gain and changes in hormonal levels. An important role is played by a decrease in the pace of life - a woman stops moving actively, and in recent months she often spends most of her time at home.

Such changes have a negative impact on the skin. It stretches quickly and strongly, and the amount of elastin and collagen produced by the body is not enough to compensate for this process. These substances are responsible for the elasticity and tone of the skin. If deformation changes in the dermis occur too quickly, they simply “cannot keep up” with such a rhythm.

The result of such processes is a microscopic tear in the upper layers of the skin and connective tissue. When this happens relatively regularly, conspicuous stripes are formed, called striae. At first they have a pinkish, reddish or brownish color. Over time, the color changes to silver, light purple or even white.

A huge number of special measures have been developed to prevent the formation of stretch marks, since it is easier to prevent the problem than to suffer later. These methods are effective, but are not universal, since they become useless when:

  1. genetic predisposition to the appearance of microcracks in the skin;
  2. a sharp jump in weight, which is typical for most pregnant women;
  3. excessively large abdominal volume;
  4. lack of nutritional and valuable elements that stimulate the production of high concentrations of elastin and collagen.

And if the last factor can be conditionally considered eliminated, the first three cannot be adjusted. Especially considering that a woman should not do anything that could harm the child.

Remedies to combat stretch marks

It was already said above that without professional intervention we can talk about reducing the severity of stretch marks, and not completely getting rid of them, but even this, if everything is done correctly, is enough to make the skin look smooth and toned. Main. combine time-tested techniques.

Another important point is regularity, but all activities are quite simple to perform, they do not require any special knowledge, skills, or manipulations. You just need to set a goal and tune in to a successful end result, realizing that it will take more than one month to fight stretch marks.

Massage treatments

An effective and effective way against sprains in the abdominal area. The only limitation is the fact that massage helps against new, that is, recently appeared stretch marks.

Massage is practically powerless against old stretch marks. This does not mean that it should be abandoned. The procedure is simply included as an auxiliary procedure, because it perfectly eliminates sagging and sagging.

Massage the skin dry or with special oils and creams. Among the former, the most popular are rosemary, almond, and citrus. There are no special instructions regarding movement technique. The main thing is to avoid overexposure. The skin needs to be pulled, pinched, patted so that the movements are noticeable, but do not cause pain.

You need to massage every day. If possible, it is best to carry out as many as two procedures daily, which will allow you to get visible results faster. The duration of the session should be at least half an hour. The minimum course must include at least 25-30 full procedures.

The massage can be combined with a shower, which is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Turn on warm water and with a washcloth made from natural fibers, begin to massage problem areas, making circular movements. Rinse with cool water.
  2. At a time, perform from 2 to 4 contrast showers, accompanied by a massage. When the water procedure is completed, the stretch marks are treated with cream. It is necessary to take either regenerating or moisturizing.

Cosmetic preparations and procedures

There is a whole range of measures to reduce the severity and number of stretch marks, but only if performed regularly:

  1. Baths. A mixture prepared from a glass of starch and two liters of water is poured into a filled bath. You need to take the procedure every other day for no more than a quarter of an hour.
  2. Wrap. Many women prefer to do this. Apply 10-12 drops of jasmine, rosemary, lavender, lemon and neroli oils to the body, as well as 2 tbsp. l. mixture of avocado and jojoba. Next, carry out a light and quick massage, and then wrap the problem area with cling film.

Do not allow strong tugging of the skin. If the film is tightened too much, the blood flow will be disrupted, which means there will be no effect.

Wrapped in film, they lie down, wrap themselves in a warm blanket or blanket, and remain in a horizontal position for about 30 minutes. This therapy brings results within a month.

  1. Ice wraps. Ideal for daily use. You should not limit yourself solely to ice obtained by freezing water. It is better to add aromatic and herbal oils to the liquid.
  2. Compress. Excellent for both old and new stretch marks. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and salt per liter of hot water. It is permissible to use both sea and table fish, but large ones.

Dip a clean towel into the resulting solution and apply it to the area with stretch marks for about 30 seconds, and then change the compress to a cold one, obtained by wetting the fabric in cold water, which can be obtained by adding ice cubes.

The number of sessions should be 10-12. Compresses are done daily.

The described manipulations must be combined with diet and a variety of physical exercises, which will reduce the appearance of stretched skin when stretch marks become almost invisible.

Traditional recipes against stretch marks on the stomach

There are a huge number of products that can easily be prepared at home that help get rid of stretch marks no worse than store-bought ones:

  1. Scrubs. To make this product yourself, mix olive oil or sour cream with ground coffee, pre-dried and crushed peach, almond, citrus, apricot kernels, and ground sea salt.

Apply the product using intense circular movements. Wash off the scrub with a contrast shower. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every two days.

  1. Peeling. Avocado is kneaded to a mushy state, mixed with two spoons of clay (cosmetic) previously diluted with water. Apply this peeling for 25 or 30 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with a stream of water. Use the product every other day.
  2. Cream and mummy. The last remedy, purchased at the pharmacy, is diluted with boiled, chilled water. Place 1 gram of mumiyo per tablespoon of liquid. This amount is added to 3-4 spoons of regular baby cream, which does not contain any extraneous additives, and applied to the skin daily, washing off any residue that has not been absorbed. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Application. A slurry is made from blue clay by adding water, which is mixed with fresh liquid honey. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The resulting mass is applied to the problem area, bandaged the area, leaving the mixture overnight. In the morning, wash off and lubricate the skin with cream. Repeat this procedure 15-20 times.

Among the folk recipes are not only homemade cosmetic preparations, but also products that have been used for many generations. All of them involve the use of exclusively natural and inexpensive ingredients:

  1. Rubbing. Take a tablespoon of chamomile, St. John's wort, and string. The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and brought to readiness in a water bath (kept for 4-5 minutes). The decoction is filtered and combined with aloe juice and natural honey. The composition is applied to stretch marks and left.
  2. Homemade herbal cream. Oatmeal is crushed in a coffee grinder and filled with aloe extract, vegetable oil, and mixed with dandelion leaves. The components are taken in equal proportions. Mix everything thoroughly and place it in a glass or plastic hermetically sealed container, and then store it in the refrigerator. The composition must be applied daily for 12-15 minutes, and then washed off with a contrast shower.

General recommendations

To enhance the effect obtained from regularly performing the procedures described above, you should visit a steam bath or sauna more often. Such visits should be combined with the application of honey to the body. This procedure perfectly helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, as well as noticeably reduce the volume. In addition, the skin becomes softer and smoother. If you want to get this effect for the whole body, smear yourself completely.

You can’t just limit yourself to the manipulations of external influences. It is also necessary to take care of high-quality nutrition, which involves consuming exclusively healthy foods, and especially those that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. This also applies to regular exercise. And, although the stretch marks will not go away completely, they will become almost indistinguishable.