Why are there causes of swelling under the eyes in women?

Malfunctions in the body's functioning inevitably affect appearance. Any violation will certainly affect the skin, hair, and nails. The face, unfortunately, was no exception. On the contrary, it primarily indicates problems. Swelling is a manifestation of a malfunction of one of the vital systems, so the symptom cannot be neglected. It’s also worth knowing not only why your eyes swell in the morning, but also how to get rid of this unpleasant effect.


How does the symptom manifest itself in the morning after sleep?

Sometimes, waking up and dreaming of seeing a rested face in the mirror, a person cannot recognize his reflection. The eye area is rounded, the eyelids are heavy, and the skin is unpleasantly stretched. There are several types of manifestation of the problem. Let's look at the ones everyone knows:

  1. Bags under the eyes - appear with age as a result of the accumulation of fat under the skin and “wear and tear” of soft tissues. The area in the eye area is subject to daily stretching in the process of expressing facial expressions, and also bears stress during blinking.
  2. Bruises - the result of stress, sleepless nights or exhaustion. They are often a consequence of a long illness, even after recovery. Dark circles are also included in the list of symptoms of ailments such as anemia, vitamin deficiency, kidney failure and others.
  3. Edema - expressed by swelling of the upper or lower eyelid, sometimes both. They arise due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the interstitial layer. Unlike bags, with the use of therapeutic or preventive measures, they are removed without a trace.

We will talk about why eyes swell in the morning and how to deal with it in this article.


Causes of eye swelling not related to pathology

Among the factors influencing the fact that our eyes are swollen in the morning, there are a number of physiological characteristics that are not associated with serious health problems. They are easy to influence by changing your diet or daily routine:

  1. lack of sleep. It is especially noticeable after the age of 30, both in women and men;
  2. stress, tears before bed. If the child does not stop crying until he falls asleep, most likely the eyelids may become swollen in the morning;
  3. drinking too much. It provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body, which it does not have time to remove naturally;
  4. excess salt in dishes. Refusal of the ingredient eliminates swelling in a week;
  5. heavy load on the organs of vision. Fatigue, continuous work at the monitor causes dry mucous membranes and disorder of the tear duct;
  6. natural aging of the skin. The formation of an excess layer of fat forms the so-called “bag”;
  7. genetic predisposition.

And if the above parameters are applicable to everyone, then the following series of indicators are characteristic only of the female sex:

  1. cosmetics not washed off at night;
  2. critical days;
  3. pregnancy (hormonal changes).


While describing puffiness of the eyes in the morning and its causes, it is also necessary to explain the nature of the problem. Cosmetologists call this area sensitive and problematic for the following reasons:

  1. the intersection of many blood capillaries in this small area;
  2. looseness of subcutaneous tissue;
  3. fatty tissue between the orbit and eyeball;
  4. high probability of accumulation of fluid that has passed from the nose, forehead, cheeks;
  5. the tendency of thin skin to stretch, which also leads to wrinkles.

Pathological causes of swollen eyelids

In some cases, swelling is a symptom of a serious illness. If your daily routine is not disrupted, there are no other negatively influencing factors, and the swelling does not go away for a long time, it is worth paying attention to whether you have other symptoms of the disease.

Of course, swelling indicates various ailments. But only in combination with other health problems can we talk about the need to consult a doctor.

Improper functioning of internal organs

If you feel pain when pressing on the swelling, there is likely a problem with the respiratory system. It appears without symptoms if you have recently had a cold with a severe runny nose. But usually accompanied by:

  1. difficulty breathing;
  2. increased lacrimation;
  3. nasal discharge.

Often the problem is associated with diseases of the vascular system or heart. In this case, the bags become denser than usual and feel cold to the touch. Also observed:

  1. swelling of the legs;
  2. cooling of the limbs;
  3. changes in blood pressure;
  4. dyspnea;
  5. pallor;
  6. heart rhythm disturbance.


Kidney diseases

The most common cause of edema is kidney problems. Clear imprints of bed linen remain on the face. The swelling becomes yellow or brown. Illness accompanied by:

  1. sudden weight gain without an increase in appetite;
  2. concomitant swelling of the limbs, lower back, abdomen;
  3. frequent urge to go to the toilet and changes in the color of urine.

Pathology of the endocrine system

If hormones are not produced in sufficient quantities, subcutaneous tissue malfunctions. Its accumulation provokes the formation of swelling around the eyes. Doctors call other symptoms of the disease:

  1. rapid weight gain;
  2. instability of emotional state.


Allergic reactions

The problem can be caused either by an insect bite followed by an inadequate response of the body to it, or by the presence of an allergen in food or air. Common ailments include:

  1. rashes;
  2. itching;
  3. redness of the eyes;
  4. stuffy nose.

An allergic runny nose, like an infectious one, can also lead to swelling. In severe cases, when the patient breathes through the mouth for a long time, bags under the eyes in the morning cannot be avoided.


Eye diseases

Edema occurs with the development of inflammatory processes, infections or bacteria, or blockage of glands. They can be caused by the following diseases:

Hernia in the cervical spine

The disease is often hidden and does not appear for months. In this case, one side of the face or eyelid swells. Also accompanied by:

  1. headaches;
  2. "goose bumps";
  3. muscle weakness;
  4. lack of coordination.

The video shows exercises that help relieve the symptoms of a cervical hernia.

Pathology of the liver and gallbladder

There is a high probability of detection in people who consume fatty foods, sweets and alcohol in large quantities. Characteristic:

  1. swelling of the fingers;
  2. bitter taste in the mouth;
  3. pain in the side;
  4. peeling of the eyelids;
  5. darkening of urine.


If there is severe damage to the nose, forehead or crown, the subcutaneous fluid is transferred to the eye area. This leads to swelling of the eyelids, even when the blow was not applied to this part of the face. If the hematoma is located just under the eye, swelling cannot be avoided for at least 2-3 days.


Treatment options

First of all, it is necessary to find the cause of the external defect. If this is a symptom of an illness that has been confirmed by a doctor, the initial stage of treatment will often remove the swelling completely. If no other signs of the disease bother you, you can resort to self-treatment.

General approach

Proper nutrition will help you in the fight for a healthy face. Increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Cleanse your body in the form of a diet: eat more fresh salads, drink fruit drinks and compotes. Remove canned food, processed foods and fast food from your weekly menu.


Make sure your day includes more time spent outdoors. In the bedroom, also open the window more often - if possible, throughout the night. Oxygen-enriched blood circulates better and does not stagnate.


To remove excess fluid from the body, which becomes a source of edema, diuretics are used. It is important to remember that overuse of this method can lead to potassium deficiency. Gentle diuretics:

  1. Amiloride;
  2. Triamterene;
  3. Spironolactone.


Folk remedies

Based on the experience of generations, it is known that puffiness around the eyes is well relieved by:

  1. potato - slices are applied to the bags;
  2. cucumber — it is recommended to hold the vegetable cut into circles on the eyelid for 15-20 minutes;
  3. kefir - Apply it to a cotton sponge and apply it to the problem area.

Ice from a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula works well to eliminate morning swelling.


The cosmetics industry offers a wide range of patches, gels, and face masks. It is worth paying attention to the composition - it is desirable that it contains extracts or extracts of natural plants, as well as oils. If you choose a mask, pay attention to several nuances:

  1. Apply it only to clean, freshly washed skin;
  2. The time it takes to keep the mask on your face is on average 15-20 minutes;
  3. When distributing the cream or gel composition, do not rub it into the skin.



An excellent remedy, familiar to our grandmothers, are compresses in the form of tea bags. The only thing that has changed since then is the quality of the tea. Make sure that the product does not contain harmful additives, essences or dyes. Otherwise, the treatment may have the opposite effect or irritate the eye mucosa.


Of course, no one will put their head in water, but it’s worth making foot baths that improve blood circulation. The recipe is simple - take cold water and add ice to it. Shock therapy tones even small capillaries and helps the vascular system increase activity. You should also not neglect chamomile and mint decoction.


Sea salt does an excellent job of toning. For better results, increase the amount of granules and walk on them with your feet. Stagnation will go away, and with it disruptions in the body’s functioning.


Light palpation stimulates blood supply to the eye area. Follow the steps by lubricating your hands with a mixture of olive and cosmetic oil:

  1. Touch the skin pointwise and tap it with your fingertips.
  2. Rub your palms together to make them warm. Apply to closed eyes. After 10 seconds, open them. You will feel the vigor of your facial muscles and visual acuity returning.
  3. Gently run your fingers over the skin. Move first from the nose to the temples, then in the opposite direction. This exercise also helps smooth out facial wrinkles.


Are your child's eyes swollen after sleep?

This is not a reason to panic. Remove chips and crackers from the student’s diet, and at least partially replace sweets with fruit. Check whether your child sleeps after bedtime or continues to use social networks until the morning. If preventive measures are followed and the swelling does not subside, you should contact your pediatrician. Bags under the eyes may indicate:

  1. lack of iron in the body;
  2. infection with parasites (worms);
  3. possible allergies.

Sleeping on a schedule, reducing the amount of time at the computer, and eating a diet rich in beneficial microelements will help reduce the likelihood of edema in your baby. Children also need fresh air, daily walks and a break from school and training.

In the case of infants, if swelling occurs systematically, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Self-treatment can take away precious time during which the baby would have already recovered with the help of a doctor.


Which doctor should I contact if swelling occurs?

If you are concerned about the problem of swelling of the eyelids, consult a physician. Young patients are cared for by a pediatrician. Finding the source of the problem is possible through inspection, collection of tests and professional diagnostics. Only after visiting the clinic will it be possible to decide on a specialist. Elimination of diseases, the symptom of which is swelling, is carried out by:

  1. allergist - if the problem is the body’s sensitivity to the allergen;
  2. endocrinologist - in case of hormonal imbalance;
  3. infectious disease specialist - will help with liver disease;
  4. nephrologist - cope with kidney diseases;
  5. urologist — will improve the functioning of the urinary system;
  6. cardiologist - will help with the heart and blood vessels.


Prevention of edema

In most cases, problems with puffiness around the eyes can be prevented. There are simple recommendations from doctors that, with a high degree of probability, will help you wake up tomorrow without swelling:

  1. Don't drink a lot of fluids at night, and to do this, make sure that there are no too salty or spicy dishes for dinner. Reduce the amount of fast food in your diet, because it is known that it contains an abundance of additives (not always natural) and spices to add flavor.
  2. Play sports or increase the load if you are already exercising. Let excess fluid and salt leave the body through sweat rather than accumulate under the skin. Going to the sauna in doses will also have a positive effect.
  3. Establish a daily routine in which you sleep at least 8 hours a night. This way you will allow your body to recover and strengthen for new victories in the coming day. And a healthy-looking face, without bags and bruises under the eyes, will help you feel confident in it!

The reason why eyes may swell in the morning is not always known to us, but now we can quickly and effectively correct the cosmetic nuance. But if the situation repeats itself day after day, you should ask your doctor why this is happening. The problem may not be as serious as it might seem, but the sooner treatment begins, the faster the swelling will go away for good!

In the video, a dermatologist talks about the problem in more detail.

Periorbital swelling or swelling under the eyes is an unpleasant cosmetic defect that serves as a manifestation of a malfunction in the body. The reasons may be harmless, but sometimes the cause of swelling of the eyelids can be a disease of the internal organs. Therefore, in the fight against this disease, it is necessary to undergo a full examination, and then develop a treatment strategy together with a doctor. A good addition to therapy would be the use of various topical remedies, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently according to traditional medicine recipes.

What do puffiness under the eyes look like?

Bags and swelling under the eyes occur in women and men of any age due to the accumulation and stagnation of fluid in the lower eyelid area. Swelling of the upper eyelid is more common in people over 50 years of age. With age, metabolic processes in the body slow down, which can cause swelling of the eyelids.

They look like swelling and can be of varying degrees of severity: from mild swelling to a condition where the eyelids open with difficulty.

Interesting! In Korea, puffy eyelids are considered a very cute attribute of appearance. Girls even draw folds on the lower eyelid with shadows and pencils. Surprisingly, some even decide to undergo injections.

The most important causes of swelling under the eyes

The causes of swelling under the eyes can be different: from harmless food addictions to serious problems with the functioning of internal organs. Most often, the cause of this phenomenon is a genetic predisposition. Some first encounter them in adolescence, while others do not encounter this disease at all.

Harmless causes of swelling

Swelling of the eyelids is a kind of indicator that the body will have difficulty removing fluid. The causes of water imbalance can be:

  1. Poor nutrition. If a dish eaten at night had a lot of salt, sugar or spices, then swelling is likely to occur in the morning. In addition to the fact that these substances retain water in the body, they provoke increased thirst. This only makes the problem worse.
  2. Air travel. Long periods of flying can also cause puffy eyes. The body experiences overload, which negatively affects metabolic processes.
  3. Bad dream. Insufficient sleep leads to hypoxia, and lymph and venous blood stagnate in the area under the eyelids. Prolonged sleep or rest in an uncomfortable position can lead to disruption of the blood supply to tissues and fluid retention in them.
  4. Improper eyelid skin care. Applying moisturizer directly to the eyelid area at night will cause morning puffiness. When stationary in a horizontal position, the components of the cream accumulate in the loose layers of the skin.
  5. With age, tissues lose elasticity as the production of elastin and collagen decreases. After 45-50 years, increased fluid intake is guaranteed to lead to swelling of the eyelids.

Helpful advice: in order to avoid the problem, you need to apply the cream 1-2 hours before bedtime, avoiding the moving eyelid.

All of the above reasons that cause swelling under the eyes are actually harmless and do not pose a threat to health. We can easily correct a cosmetic defect with massage, patches and special creams with specific effects.

When do edema indicate pathology?

There are situations when puffiness and bags under the eyes are signs of illness. A wide range of pathologies leads to disruption of water metabolism in the body. The result is swelling of the eyelids. If massage, cold compresses and cosmetics do not help eliminate the defect, you should seriously consider a medical examination to identify the causes and develop treatment for puffiness under the eyes in women.

Doctors say swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes can result from the following pathologies:

  1. An allergic reaction often leads to accumulation of blood under the skin of the eyelids, metabolism is disrupted, and fluid accumulates.
  2. The problem may be a side effect of skin diseases: dermatitis, lichen, and others.
  3. Hypothyroidism is accompanied by infiltration of hyaluronic acid derivatives, which is expressed in swelling of the face and eyelids.
  4. Swelling mainly under the right eyelid indicates heart disease.
  5. Diseases of the excretory system lead to the accumulation of fat under the eyelids, which is expressed in swelling and blueness of this area.
  6. Chagas disease or trypanosomiasis in the acute stage leads to periorbital edema, accompanied by headache and itching.
  7. Nephrotic syndrome and pyelonephritis often lead to this cosmetic defect.
  8. Cavernous sinus polyneuropathy syndrome during the active period may be accompanied by swelling of the eyelids.

To identify the true cause of the disease, you should contact qualified specialists, undergo a comprehensive examination, and take special treatment.

If swelling appears in the morning

Most often, women are bothered by morning swelling under the eyes, the causes and treatment of which can be difficult. Many people believe that this defect occurs only after drinking too much alcohol or due to excess fluid intake the night before. However, swelling under the eyes in the morning can be due to other reasons:

  1. Sleeping in an uncomfortable position;
  2. Kidney disease;
  3. Incorrect eyelid skin care;
  4. Aging of the dermis;
  5. Allergic reaction;
  6. Lower eyelid hernia;
  7. Thyroid dysfunction;
  8. Trauma accompanied by damage to the vessel;
  9. Innervation tissue disorder;
  10. Infectious diseases.

If you experience swelling under your eyes in the morning, do not rush to take medications yourself. Complex treatment, if necessary, should only be prescribed by a doctor after examination.

Why do my eyes turn red and swollen?

In some cases, the reason that the eyes swell in the morning and bags form is due to an inflammatory process. Its causative agents – bacteria, fungi and viruses – produce toxins during their life processes that lead to inflammation. This is expressed in redness and swelling of this area.

The following infectious diseases lead to swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes:

  1. Trichinosis;
  2. Mononucleosis;
  3. Blepharitis;
  4. Keratitis;
  5. Conjunctivitis;
  6. Barley.

Each of these diseases requires timely treatment by an ophthalmologist. It is impossible to spread infectious diseases, as visual function can be seriously affected.

How to get rid of puffiness under the eyes?

Fortunately, puffiness under the eyes can be corrected in most cases. This defect disappears after the cause is eliminated. In order to understand how to get rid of a disease, it is necessary to determine exactly why it arose.

You can get rid of puffiness under the eyes in women as follows:

  1. Sleep correction;
  2. Choosing the right skin care products for the problem area and using them correctly;
  3. Active lifestyle;
  4. Proper nutrition;
  5. Limiting fluid intake before bedtime;
  6. Comprehensive examination and treatment by a specialized medical specialist.

After correct diagnosis of the cause of puffiness, swelling and bags under the eyes, it is possible to get rid of the defect in almost one hundred percent of cases.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes also help well against puffiness under the eyes.

It should be remembered: before eliminating the swelling of the eyelids, be sure to find out the cause of the defect!

To eliminate this disease, you can use simple available means:

  1. Sliced ​​cold raw potatoes;
  2. Cold milk compresses;
  3. Lotions with vitamin E drops;
  4. Cool cucumber mugs;
  5. Tea bags;
  6. By applying a chilled steel spoon;
  7. Mask made from beaten egg whites.

These remedies normalize swollen eyelids and relieve swelling.

Creams for puffiness under the eyes

A number of cosmetic products can help eliminate swelling under the eyes once the cause has been identified and treatment prescribed. Experts recommend carefully studying the composition of the product. The following ingredients can effectively treat swelling under the eyes:

  1. Caffeine (1%) – increases blood flow, improves tone, eliminates water stagnation.
  2. Escin and dextran are rheological substances that reduce the viscosity of the medium and normalize tissues.
  3. Menthol cools and reduces swelling.
  4. Phytoextracts (chestnut, ginkgo biloba, cornflower, tea) effectively tone.

Experienced cosmetologists individually recommend how to remove swelling under the eyes and get rid of their reappearance.

Help from a cosmetologist

A specialist dermatologist-cosmetologist has sufficient knowledge to give a competent answer to the question: “How to get rid of puffiness under the eyes?” Recommendations are provided taking into account the patient’s characteristics: skin type, age, presence of dermatological features.

Important! When prescribing products with phytoextracts, it is important to conduct an allergy test to exclude a hypersensitivity reaction.

A cosmetologist's answers to the most popular questions

Women faced with a delicate problem have a lot of questions for specialists about eliminating a cosmetic defect. Below are answers to the most popular questions on this topic from competent cosmetologists - dermatologists.

Does cold help with swelling around the eyes?

Irina Aleksandrovna, dermatologist, Moscow:

“Cold is a logical remedy in the fight against edema. When exposed to cold, blood vessels narrow and tissue tone increases. Thus, stagnation of blood and lymph is eliminated, swelling gradually decreases. To prevent swelling, you can wipe the periorbital area daily with cosmetic or regular ice. This will not only increase blood circulation, but will prevent premature aging.”

Are potatoes really effective?

Ekaterina Ivanova, cosmetologist, Tomsk

“Often the causes of swelling under the eyes in women do not require serious treatment and are the result of genetics or bad habits. If so, then you can safely try potato masks. Raw potatoes are rich in vitamins C, A, and starch. All these compounds effectively relieve swelling, smooth out wrinkles, and eliminate inflammation.”

Swelling under the eyes of a pregnant woman - normal or pathological?

Evgenia Viktorovna, dermatologist-cosmetologist, Kazan:

“During pregnancy, a woman’s blood volume increases 1.5 times. This can cause puffiness under the eyes. If the expectant mother has normal urine tests and does not suffer from hypertension, then she should adjust her diet, follow a sleep and rest schedule, and wear the right underwear. Creams with active ingredients will help cope with swelling, but be careful, check them for hypoallergenicity.”


The reasons why the skin under the eyes swells can vary. From a harmless air flight to a serious malfunction of internal organs. There is no reason to panic when you discover swelling in the morning, but it is not recommended to ignore the body’s signal. It is best to see a doctor and get examined. At the same time, you need to adjust your diet, get enough sleep, lead an active lifestyle and properly care for your skin. Special cosmetics with active ingredients will help eliminate the cosmetic defect.

Many have seen swelling under their eyes in themselves or their loved ones. There can be many reasons for the appearance of swelling. Some of them have serious consequences, while others pose no harm.


What causes swelling under the eyes?

Puffiness under the eyes requires determining the cause and prescribing appropriate treatment. They can appear in both men and women.

Natural causes of puffiness and bags under the eyes:

  1. Your eyes will become puffy if you drink a lot of water before bed. And also if you abuse alcohol.
  2. Excessive consumption of salted, smoked, canned foods. Salts and preservatives interfere with the removal of salts from the body, and they, in turn, retain fluid.
  3. Hormonal changes. Sometimes women's eyelids swell before menstruation. The hormone in the second half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone, retains water in the body, which leads to puffiness of the face.
  4. After sleep. Sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow or with your head down can contribute to swelling of the lower eyelids.
  5. After cosmetic procedures (for example, after mesotherapy), swelling under the eyes often remains, the cause of which is traumatic damage to the delicate skin of the eyelids.
  6. Strong crying. In this case, fluid accumulates in the loose tissue of the eyelids.
  7. Contact with toxic fumes, fumes (eg tobacco smoke). This occurs by a similar mechanism as when crying. The eyes begin to water, as a result, excess fluid is retained in the eyelids.
  8. Age-related changes. Loss of tissue elasticity in older people, fat deposits, and impaired venous outflow lead to swelling of the eyelids.
  1. Allergic reactions (including angioedema). They develop when an allergen enters the human body (honey, chicken protein, citrus fruits, plant pollen, decorative cosmetics, some medications, etc.). In response, antibodies are activated, which, combining with the allergen, form an “allergen-antibody” complex. It causes the development of a number of symptoms. A person will complain that his lower and upper eyelids itch, his eyes swell, and his eyes water.
  2. Heart diseases (cardiomyopathy, heart failure). Distinctive characteristics of cardiac edema: they appear in the evening, are dense, and bluish. In case of heart disease, swelling also appears in other parts of the body (legs, arms, abdomen), up to complete swelling of the entire body - anasarca.
  3. Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure) are characterized by swelling under the eyes. A distinctive characteristic of renal edema: it is soft, pale, and appears after waking up.
  4. Foreign body. Any foreign body causes lacrimation, pain, redness of the sclera, and swelling of the eyes.
  5. Injury. After blows, injuries, or operations on the organ of vision, swelling of the eyelids may persist. A person may additionally complain that his lower or upper eyelid hurts.
  6. Inflammatory eye diseases (hordeolum, conjunctivitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis). Swelling of the upper eyelids is more typical. Sometimes it can spread to the lower eyelids.
  7. Oncological diseases (malignant tumor - cancer or benign tumor). In this case, swelling is a secondary symptom. At the beginning of the disease, a person does not notice any changes in his health status. At later stages, external manifestations appear (redness, ulcers, necrosis, bleeding), pain, and dysfunction.

Watch an interesting video about the causes of swelling of the lower eyelids:


One-time swelling under the eyes does not require diagnosis if you know the cause (drank a large amount of liquid at night, cried a lot, slept uncomfortably).

If you have severe swelling under your eyes regularly or the swelling is accompanied by itching and redness under the eyes, then you should undergo a set of diagnostic measures:

  1. CBC (complete blood count). Blood is donated from a vein.
  2. OAM (general urinalysis). An average portion of morning urine is given in a sterile container.
  3. Used blood (biochemical blood test). Venous blood is donated from the ulnar vein in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. ECG (electrocardiography). A special electrocardiograph device, using suction cups installed on the chest area, reads the electrical impulses of the heart and records it on paper.
  5. Abdominal ultrasound. Using an ultrasound machine, a monitor examines the internal organs of a person: kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Which doctor should I contact? If there is a slight swelling under the eye, the lower eyelid is red, itchy, or painful, then consult an ophthalmologist. If swelling is accompanied by symptoms of kidney or heart disease, then first consult a therapist. After an initial examination, questioning, and receiving test results, the therapist will refer you to a specialist.

What to do if your lower eyelids are swollen

How to treat swollen eyelids and dark circles under the eyes? If the swelling under the eyes is not due to illness, but due to natural reasons, then any eye cream with caffeine, horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid (Bark, Garnier) will do.

Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of the disease:

  1. Allergic reactions. Combined therapy is required: intestinal adsorbents + antihistamines. Intestinal adsorbents bind and remove allergen-antibody complexes and have a nonspecific detoxifying effect: Polyphepan, activated carbon, Polysorb. Antihistamines block the inflammatory mediator histamine: Suprastin, Cetrin. For Quincke's edema, steroid hormones are additionally administered intravenously: Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone. Drops are applied locally: “Dexamethasone”, “Allergodil”.
  2. Heart diseases are treated by a cardiologist, kidney diseases by a nephrologist. Consultation with specialists is required for correct diagnosis. This is the only way to get the right treatment. Visin drops can be used as an auxiliary therapy against eye swelling. They constrict blood vessels, providing an anti-edematous effect.
  3. The first step is to remove the foreign body. As a quick way to get rid of swelling of the eyelids, drops “Natural Tear” or “Vizin”.
  4. Trauma, blow, damage are reminded of themselves by the presence of a black eye. Troxevasin ointment will help with swelling and a bruise under the eye.
  5. Inflammatory eye diseases in an uncomplicated form are treated by prescribing drops with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects: “Tobrex”, “Albucid”.
  6. Oncological diseases. Benign neoplasms are observed and treated by an ophthalmologist, malignant neoplasms by an oncologist. Treatment should be aimed at the underlying disease. Visin drops are suitable for auxiliary therapy; they will reduce swelling.


Folk remedies

Treating puffiness under the eyes at home does not require special knowledge. The necessary ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy and at the market.

  1. Anti-swelling mask.

If you wake up in the morning and see swollen eyelids, then parsley and potatoes will come to the rescue. They contain many vitamins and minerals that will help quickly and effectively get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

Recipe for making a parsley mask: Grind 1 teaspoon of parsley to a pasty consistency, mix with 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to closed eyelids, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe for making a potato mask: grate the potatoes, place the pulp in gauze napkins, then apply to the eyelids for 10–15 minutes.

  1. Compress for swelling.

The following herbs are suitable for infusion: sage, chamomile, linden, dill, arnica, string.

Recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of the selected herb into 100 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Divide the resulting infusion in half: cool half, heat half. Now you need to alternately apply cotton pads soaked in either cold or hot infusion to your eyelids. If there is swelling under one eye, then it is enough to apply a compress to one eye.

It is useful for swelling of the eyelids to drink herbal teas from chamomile, string, and sage. Leaf green tea has a good effect. Herbal teas help remove excess fluid from the body.

Additionally, watch this interesting video recipe for a parsley mask:


Eyelid massage helps eliminate swelling after sleep. How to do it correctly?

First you need to understand the anatomical basis of massage. Lymph is a clear liquid that moves through the lymphatic vessels. It is responsible for removing harmful cell waste products. Lymph leaves the eye area and accumulates in two groups of lymph nodes: the parotid and submandibular. Therefore, movements during massage are directed towards these nodes, i.e. towards the temple and bridge of the nose.

The massage should be done with light tapping movements with the fingertips daily for 2–5 minutes.

We invite you to watch a video about lymphatic drainage facial massage, which will help cope with swelling:


Use eye exercises and do them with us every day. In the video you will find a set of exercises and many interesting tips:

If swelling does not go away, despite the measures taken, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to find the cause.


Swelling of the lower eyelids can be avoided by following the recommendations:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition: limit salty, smoked, canned foods. Rest: sleep at least 7 hours a night on a comfortable pillow. Don't drink a lot of fluids before bed. Take a walk in the fresh air every day.
  2. Timely treatment of diseases of internal organs (heart, kidneys). In advanced stages it will be difficult to cope with the problem of edema.
  3. Wearing sunglasses in sunny weather.
  4. Eliminating or limiting alcohol consumption. This will help adults avoid puffy eyes.
  5. Gymnastics to prevent edema. It can be done several times a day. Close your eyes. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Close your eyes as hard as you can and hold in this state for 6 seconds. Then relax, rest. Repeat at least 10 times in a row.

Timely measures taken will help you forget about swelling of the eyelids forever.

Share the article with your friends and family. Leave comments about your experience. Be healthy.