How to shave your legs with a razor for the first time

Shaving your hair is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of unwanted hair on your body. But this method has disadvantages. Is it worth doing hair removal like shaving your legs for the first time or is it better to choose other hair removal methods?

Pros and cons of shaving hair for women

Hair on some parts of the body causes excessive sweating, which leads to the growth of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. He can be quite strong, noticeable to others. For this reason, hair should be removed; from a hygiene point of view, this is the right decision, especially in the summer months.

There are many ways to remove unwanted body hair, but shaving is still one of the most popular methods. Although the effect does not last long, unlike other similar procedures. This method has advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of shaving:

  1. Shaving allows you to quickly and painlessly remove hair.
  2. You can shave any part of the body.
  3. This method does not require any additional products, just soap or shaving cream, which will allow the blade to glide faster.
  4. You can shave only the hair that needs to be removed.

The cons of shaving:

  1. Shaving hair is not the most effective method of getting rid of it; the effect does not last long. Only the upper parts of the hairs are removed from the surface of the skin; they continue to grow and appear again after a couple of days.
  2. While shaving, you can get hurt, which can lead to infections and inflammation.
  3. It is difficult to completely shave off all the hair because the razor blade cannot press tightly against areas of the skin. Light hair that is not visible under artificial light can remain on the surface of the skin and become visible in sunlight.
  4. After shaving, hair grows thicker, darker and coarser.

If you like the results after shaving, you can stick with this technique. Otherwise, choose laser hair removal, waxing or electrical hair removal.

Step-by-step instructions for shaving your legs at home

For girls who are experiencing hair removal for the first time, we offer basic recommendations. First you need to select a machine. Some women use men's razors. However, experts recommend buying women's machines, which will prevent cuts and wounds. Devices may have replaceable attachments and a gel-like layer. For beginners, it is recommended to use the type of razor that will provide a smooth shave.

Hair on the legs is removed from bottom to top, against growth. There is no need to press hard on the machine to avoid causing cuts.

To shave your legs you will need:

  1. a special machine with a blade;
  2. shaving foam;
  3. gel after hair removal (after shaving cream).

  1. The feet are moistened in warm, slightly hot water. You can take a bath before the procedure.
  2. Shaving foam is used to treat the desired area, applying a small layer.
  3. Use a razor to carefully remove regrown hairs.
  4. Repeat the procedure in each zone for complete cleansing.
  5. After shaving, the legs are rinsed, dried and cream is applied after depilation.

This method of how to shave your legs for the first time is easy to use. The procedure may take some time at the beginning. Subsequently, it is necessary to remove hairs as they grow back. A convenient machine will allow you to perform hair removal in 10-15 minutes.

Video for beginners

A razor is a tool that is useful not only for men. The fair half of humanity has also found a use for it: many girls find it difficult to imagine taking a shower every day without removing unnecessary hairs from their legs using a sharp device.

A little theory about shaving legs

When removing unnecessary “vegetation” with a razor, the following happens: a sharp blade cuts off the hairs above the surface of the skin, leaving the bulb intact and unharmed. The method is captivating with its obvious advantages, but due to the specifics of its implementation, it is not without its drawbacks. The table below will help you weigh the pros and cons.

Table - advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Flaws
  1. Hair removal occurs very quickly;
  2. painlessness;
  3. easy to do at home, does not require professional skills;
  4. efficiency.
  1. There is a possibility of cuts;
  2. the newly growing “vegetation” becomes thicker and tougher;
  3. high probability of irritation;
  4. the risk of ingrown hairs increases;
  5. dark “stumps” of fresh hairs appear the very next day after shaving.

Most girls who remove hair using a machine have to resort to the procedure every day.


Shaving your legs is contraindicated if:

  1. excessively dry and sensitive skin;
  2. varicose veins;
  3. warts, papillomas, eczema and other dermatological diseases;
  4. open lesions of the epidermis.

Cosmetologists recommend resorting to more advanced depilation methods that will provide lasting results and reduce the likelihood of irritation and ingrown hairs. However, many girls still remain faithful to the machine, the reasons for this may be different:

  1. increased sensitivity, which does not allow you to endure pain when removing hair with wax, sugar paste or an epilator;
  2. financial difficulties;
  3. the inability to grow “vegetation” to a certain length;
  4. desire to get smooth skin in a few minutes, etc.

About age restrictions

At the age of 12–13, young ladies begin to actively grow hair. The appearance of unnecessary “vegetation” makes girls and their mothers think about when they can start shaving their legs.

Young girls often choose shaving as a painless and quick way to remove hair. However, once you start, you will have to do this constantly and be prepared for the fact that the hairs will grow thicker and stiffer.

Usually, girls begin to shave unnecessary hair at the age of 13–14, after the menstrual cycles have normalized. This should be done taking into account the recommendations described below in order to minimize the unpleasant consequences of the procedure.

As a rule, girls have thin, barely noticeable hairs above the knee, so you shouldn’t shave this area unless absolutely necessary.

Practice: the machine in the fight against “vegetation” on the legs

If there is no opportunity or desire to give up shaving your legs, simple recommendations will help make the procedure more effective and smooth out unwanted consequences.


When starting to shave your legs, it is useful to take note of simple tips:

  1. Hygiene. Only one person can use the machine or razor; before use, the tool must be disinfected with any alcohol-containing liquid.
  2. Comfortable conditions. When shaving, rushing is contraindicated; it is better to plan 10–15 minutes of free time. You need to remove hair in a warm room: goosebumps make the epidermis lumpy, which increases the likelihood of cuts.
  3. Rest for the skin. After shaving, you should not use a hard washcloth; the use of soap and shower gel is undesirable. You can sunbathe no less than 14 hours after the session.

It is recommended to shave your legs no earlier than half an hour after waking up: unawakened skin is most susceptible to injury.


It would seem that what could be simpler than just shaving your legs? However, even such a trivial procedure requires some preparation.

Choosing a tool

Shaving legs can only be done with a sharp blade, so you should get rid of a dull razor with a clear conscience. Some girls don’t hesitate to use their husband’s machine to get their legs in order. This should not be done, and not only for hygienic and ethical reasons. Experts recommend purchasing a special device designed for women's shaving. The special shape of the nozzle ensures easy gliding, high-quality cutting of unnecessary hairs and significantly reduces the risk of cuts.

“Women’s” tools are divided into disposable or reusable razors and electric razors. The table below will help you become familiar with the features of choosing a device and get a general idea of ​​the most popular “representatives” of both categories.

Table - overview of women's razors

Category Subtleties of choice Brand Specifics
Disposable and reusable machines
  1. The more blades, the better the hair removal;
  2. It’s good if the tool is equipped with a lubricating strip that moisturizes and soothes the skin, protecting it from drying out and irritation;
  3. microcomb is an innovation that lifts hairs and thereby ensures better cutting.
Gillette Venus
  1. The range includes both disposable and reusable machines;
  2. the tools are equipped with a rubberized handle to prevent slipping;
  3. comfortable head shape that follows the shape of the body and works well even in hard-to-reach areas.
  1. the range is represented by reusable and disposable machines;
  2. the most popular model is Intuition, around the blades there is a special container with gel soap, which, when exposed to water, provides abundant foam, making shaving easier;
  3. The features of the device protect against ingrown hairs.
  1. The Miss Soleil model is most in demand among buyers;
  2. very sharp blades that require careful handling;
  3. do not cause irritation.
Electric razors
  1. A rotary shaving system is suitable for those who want to achieve maximum smoothness, but those with sensitive skin should consider a device with a mesh system;
  2. a stationary, mains-powered razor is great for home use, and a tool with a battery is an excellent solution for travel lovers;
  3. It is better if the device has 3-4 shaving heads, this ensures better hair removal;
  4. if the heads are floating, it will be easier to get rid of hairs in hard-to-reach places;
  5. Shaving with foam or gel is more comfortable, so it's worth looking for an electric razor for wet shaving.
  1. The company offers epilators that, using the included attachment, turn into a foil-type razor;
  2. equipped with a comb that lifts hairs.
Remington "Cordless Ladyshaver"
  1. Suitable for dry and wet shaving;
  2. the moisture-resistant housing allows you to use the device directly in the shower;
  3. works from mains and battery;
  4. two floating heads ensure high-quality hair shaving.
Philips "Ladyshave"
  1. Operation from mains and battery;
  2. dry and wet shaving;
  3. comfortable handle.

Stocking up on aids

You cannot use a razor on dry skin: this will invariably lead to irritation and injury to the epidermis. Therefore, hair can be removed using a blade only after first applying a special product to the skin.

These can be purchased gels or foams. You can find products of this kind, produced specifically for women; they have a pleasant aroma, but in their functional characteristics they do not differ from the “male series”. Therefore, you can safely borrow shaving cream from your boyfriend.

If you urgently need to shave your legs, but you can’t run to the store for a special product, you can replace the product with shower gel, hair conditioner, or oil.

The choice between gel and foam should be made based on the advantages and disadvantages of both products. The table below will help you study the information.

Table - foam or gel

Product Secrets of choice Advantages Flaws
  1. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to purchase a hypoallergenic product with a minimal amount of fragrance;
  2. extracts of medicinal herbs in the composition will ensure rapid restoration of the skin after mechanical impact;
  3. For dry skin, it is important to ensure that the product does not contain alcohol or acids.
  1. The transparent structure allows you to see unshaved hairs;
  2. economical consumption;
  3. does not dry the skin;
  4. provides bactericidal and healing effects;
  5. washes off easily.
  1. Costs more than foam;
  2. low-quality product may drip.
  1. It is better to prefer castor, olive or corn oil as a moisturizing component to a mineral base;
  2. It is desirable that the composition contains plant extracts that will help neutralize the drying effect of alcohol.
  1. Costs less than gel;
  2. lifts hairs, softening them;
  3. ensures ease of sliding due to its structure.
  1. Uneconomical to use compared to gel;
  2. may cause dry skin;
  3. a low-quality product tends to “slip.”

Judging by the reviews, Gilette Venus gels (Satin Care line), Arko “Soft Touch” and men's shaving foams from Nivea have proven themselves well.

Video: review of shaving foams and gels

Before shaving, it is recommended to scrub your legs. This procedure will help remove dirt and dead particles of the epidermis, reducing the risk of ingrown hairs. The scrub can be purchased at the store or made yourself, here are two recipes:

  1. Combine 2 tablespoons of ground coffee beans with shower gel to obtain a paste consistency;
  2. Mix a tablespoon of cane sugar and a tablespoon of finely ground sea salt with a teaspoon of olive oil, add enough water so that the resulting mass resembles a thick paste.

Video: making your own coffee body scrub

Progress of the procedure

The procedure for shaving legs follows the following algorithm:

  1. Take a warm shower or bath to steam your skin. If you don’t have time, you can apply a towel soaked in hot water to your feet for a few minutes.
  2. Treat your feet with a scrub, rinse with running water, pat dry with a towel, leaving the skin slightly damp.
  3. Apply foam or shaving gel.
  4. Carefully shave your legs, moving the razor in the direction of hair growth.
  5. Rinse off the shaving cream with running water without using a hard washcloth, soap or shower gel.
  6. Treat skin with moisturizing lotion.

Some electric razors are only suitable for dry shaving, so you will have to avoid creams and gels when using them.

Video: how to shave your legs correctly

Prevention and management of side effects

Injuries, side effects and unwanted reactions may occur during or after the procedure.

Ingrown hairs

When the hair begins to grow sideways, digging into the skin, red or pink tubercles appear on the surface of the epidermis; sometimes they can become inflamed or fester. When shaving, this happens because the hair is cut at an angle, which changes the direction of its growth. To reduce the likelihood of trouble occurring, you need to:

  1. Before the procedure, treat the skin with a scrub
  2. remove hair only in the direction of its growth;
  3. make sure that the blade is sharp;
  4. After the session, wipe the skin with fresh lemon juice.

Girls who are prone to ingrown hairs (usually those with dark, coarse hair on their bodies) should consider another method of hair removal, such as sugaring, to minimize the problem.

If you find ingrown hairs, you should carefully examine the tubercles: if they are inflamed and fester, you need to seek help from a professional; if not, you can “pull” them out from under the skin yourself:

  1. Take a warm shower or bath.
  2. Rub the areas of skin with ingrown hairs with a hard washcloth.
  3. Scrub the epidermis.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with running water.

If after this the problem does not disappear, you can carefully pry the hair with disinfected tweezers or a needle.


Shaving without irritation is possible by following these recommendations:

  1. use a sharp razor;
  2. pre-treat the skin with shaving gel or foam;
  3. move the machine in the direction of hair growth;
  4. after the procedure, lubricate the skin with Chlorhexidine;
  5. After the session, it is better to walk around without clothes for some time to minimize the mechanical impact on the skin.

If, despite the measures taken, irritation persists, the following remedies will help:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton pad with the product and treat the affected area.
  2. Compresses. Pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials (calendula, chamomile or celandine) with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15–20 minutes, filter. Moisten the infusion with gauze folded in several layers and apply to the irritated area for 10–15 minutes.
  3. Boro Plus. Apply the cream in a thin layer to the affected area.

Video: how to relieve irritation after shaving


To avoid cuts, you need to:

  1. use a high-quality machine designed specifically for the female body;
  2. ensure smooth gliding of the blade through the use of shaving cream;
  3. move the machine in the direction of hair growth without pressing.

If you cannot avoid trouble, treat the cut with a disinfectant, cover it with a band-aid, and consult a doctor if necessary.

Dry skin

To avoid dry skin after shaving:

  1. using a sharp machine;
  2. shaving in the direction of hair growth;
  3. using shaving foam or gel;
  4. use of moisturizers after the procedure.

You can apply a special mask for express moisturizing to your feet for 15–20 minutes, and then rinse off the composition with running water. The following will work as a home remedy:

  1. fat sour cream;
  2. olive oil;
  3. mashed avocado pulp;
  4. aloe juice, etc.


I regret that I even started, they were once light and soft ((But now, like it or not, you have to shave. Yes, without fanaticism. Probably every four or five days. Although the thorns, of course, like stubble, are already on their way. day.


I’m a brunette, but my skin is light, even the smallest hairs are visible to me, I suffered a lot since childhood... one girl in kindergarten teased me as a man because she saw hair on her legs (((I basically went to school in trousers, jeans or black tights, because I was shy, and I was scared to shave. I started shaving at 14, but it was also scary, because there were spots on the skin and it was clear that it had been shaved.


I ordered Philips Satin Shave Advanced, I am very happy and satisfied with the purchase and recommend it to everyone! Now everything has changed radically. At the moment, I only use this razor and I am more than satisfied with it: 1. Philips Satin Shave Advanced completely removes all hair anywhere on your body. The skin after shaving is smooth and soft. Absolutely no irritation. 2. The razor is mobile, you can take it with you if necessary. And in order to perform the ritual of cleansing your body of hair, you do not need to have water, shaving foam and a towel on hand. 3. I've been using it for quite a long time. It works properly, I have no complaints or complaints. 4. The razor is recharged by electricity (a charger is included) and when fully charged it works for quite a long time - enough for 3-4 full shaves (legs, and a full bikini). 5. The razor is easy to care for. It can be easily disassembled for thorough cleaning. It also comes with a small brush that is convenient for cleaning the razor while shaving. 6. The size of the razor is small. It fits comfortably in your hand and easily fits in a woman’s handbag (take it with you if necessary). ***And the best and most important thing: 1. No irritation after shaving Philips Satin Shave Advanced! The skin is soft, smooth, silky! 2. No ingrown hairs! For those people who are predisposed to ingrown hairs, this is just a godsend! I highly recommend! P.S. There is still one point that I cannot help but mention... You will spend a little more time shaving the Philips Satin Shave Advanced than if you use a regular razor. One area of ​​skin needs to be “treated” with a razor at least twice and done slowly and with pressure. Well, again, if you want to get perfectly shaved skin... At first I didn’t really like it, it took about an hour to shave, but then I got the hang of it and got used to it. Now for me this is a standard procedure that takes about 15-20 minutes.


Each girl decides for herself whether to shave her legs or not, based on individual needs and an objective assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the method. However, if you use the machine in the fight against unnecessary “vegetation,” then only by adhering to the described recommendations, which will help minimize the unpleasant consequences of the procedure.

Women's legs are one of the most attractive female parts of the body, if only because they are more often available for contemplation than others. The attractiveness of a woman's body is based not only on its contours, but also on its well-groomed appearance. Velvet skin, a healthy complexion, an even tan and a neat pedicure - all this does not go unnoticed by the male half of humanity.

Every woman who wants to remain attractive closely follows the successes of cosmetology. But even if she is a regular at beauty salons, it doesn’t hurt her to know how to properly shave her legs with a razor, and here’s why:

  1. Shaving can be considered the simplest, fastest and cheapest way to remove hair, and it is suitable not only for legs, but also for removing hair from the armpits and bikini area, making them perfectly smooth.
  2. Modern engineers have come up with a wide variety of models of razors, with which it is a pleasure to shave yourself.

Many women don’t really like the fact that after shaving the hair continues to grow, and on the second or third day they have to shave it off again, so they stubbornly look for how to get rid of body hair in other ways. However, for most women, regular use of a razor has become no less habitual than the same activity for men. However, there are always young girls who do not yet know how to shave their legs with a razor for the first time, so they have to rely more on intuition. It will be especially important for them to learn about the nuances of women's shaving.

The main tool, of course, is the razor. The differences between men's and women's razors are only in the design and the more movable head of the latter. Thanks to this mobility, the razor glides more easily over the skin, following the curves of the body, while reducing the risk of cutting yourself. The women's razor also has from two to four blades, which, however, does not affect the smoothness of the shave.

The quality of the shave depends more on the sharpness of the blades. You should not shave with an old, dull razor, which will cause more damage to your skin. Therefore, it is advisable to change the blades on the machine more often.

What is better to shave your legs: with an epilator or a razor?

In addition to classic blade machines, the industry began to produce women's electric shavers, suitable for both dry and wet shaving. In the latter case, you can use either warm water or special cosmetics. Most often, women's electric shavers operate autonomously, on batteries, making them convenient to use while traveling. The coolest models have additional devices - trimmers, with which you can shorten or straighten hairs of different lengths.

The debate about which is better to shave your legs, with an epilator or a razor, continues to this day. Each method has strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps it is best for each woman to conduct a personal experiment and determine for herself which method she prefers.

The main disadvantage of classic shaving is the need for frequent repetition. In addition, the danger of skin cuts continues, irritation often occurs and ingrown hairs form. But the accessibility and ease of shaving makes it a very popular procedure among women.

If a woman learns to shave her legs correctly, then this procedure will become not only effective and safe for her, but even pleasant.

Video on how to properly shave your legs with a razor

Preparing your legs for shaving

It is best to take a hot shower before shaving your legs, which will steam the skin, make it and the hairs soft, and open the pores. All this will make shaving much easier. During the shower, the skin must be cleaned with detergents, thereby avoiding problems with skin inflammation, which often occurs after shaving.

To make shaving more successful, you should prepare your skin with a scrub. With the help of a scrub, you can exfoliate dead epidermal cells. Thanks to this, dirt particles will not get into the hair follicles during shaving. In addition, the scrub helps combat the problem of ingrown hairs.

After completing the preparatory activities, you can proceed directly to shaving.

Step-by-step process for properly shaving your legs with a razor

A special gel greatly facilitates the shaving process; when applied to the skin, the procedure becomes pleasant and easy. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a gel for men or women, the latter simply smells nicer.

Step 1. Apply mousse, foam or shaving cream to the skin.

Step 2. Then moisten the razor with warm water and run it gently over the skin. The blade should not be pressed too hard, otherwise skin cuts will occur.

Step 3. The movement of the razor is usually carried out in the direction of hair growth - for legs this is from top to bottom. Thanks to this movement, it is easier to avoid irritation and cuts, although it does not give an ideal result.

Many women prefer to shave their legs in the opposite way - against the hair growth, since this is the method that gives the smoothest skin and a close shave. But with this method, you should not run the machine twice over one area of ​​​​the skin, since it can be damaged.

Step 4. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the blades of the machine are not clogged with cut hairs, for which the tool must be washed as often as possible under running warm water. After the shaving procedure is completed, the machine must also be thoroughly rinsed.

Step 5. After shaving, thoroughly rinse off all remaining shaving product from the skin and then wipe it dry. Then apply moisturizer to your skin to protect it from dehydration.

In case of irritation or an inflammatory reaction, the skin can be treated with hydrocortisone cream, which effectively relieves redness and burning, which is also a good antiseptic.

Shaving details are also important. Apart from knowing how to shave your legs with a razor, an equally important question is when should you shave them? It is clear that it is better to shave during the morning shower, when the skin is soft and steamed.

Common mistakes when shaving legs

  1. The desire to quickly shave your legs, as a rule, does not lead to anything good. To get a high-quality result and not lose part of your skin along with your hair, you should not rush when shaving.
  2. It is worth postponing shaving your legs for a while if the skin is inflamed or irritated at this moment. When shaving problem skin, its protective layer will be removed, and irritation will only increase. In this case, there is no escape from painful sensations; skin infection may even occur. Therefore, it would be reasonable to simply wait a few days until the irritation goes away on its own, and during this time you can put on, for example, trousers or, in extreme cases, use an electric razor.
  3. Shower or bath should be taken before shaving, not after. At the same time, after this, you should not immediately dry yourself and get dressed, but first apply a moisturizer to wet skin so that it retains moisture.
  4. Using a dull razor. Such savings only increase the cost of effort and time, and make you nervous. Since everyone’s hair grows at different speeds and is not equally hard, you need to change the razor without looking at the calendar and counting the days, but after 3-4 procedures.
  5. Shaving before going to the beach is a big mistake. Many people, when going sunbathing, try to shave their legs to look more attractive. But after shaving, the skin should be allowed to rest for at least 12 hours before exposing it to the sun. And you should swim with shaved legs even after a day, since there are a lot of germs and infections in the water, and salt water will cause irritation.
  6. Shaving in the evenings. It is better for both sexes to shave in the morning, since at this time the skin is more elastic than at other times of the day. The razor glides over such skin more easily.

  1. Dry shave. Some women, in a hurry, sometimes resort to shaving dry skin, after which they wash off the hairs with cold water and return to urgent matters. This is a very harmful practice, because in order for hair to absorb water and soften a little, it must be in contact with it for at least three minutes. And dry hair will be much harder to shave, causing the skin to become inflamed and the blade to become dull faster.
  2. Using regular soap instead of shaving products. Of course, you can use soap once, but if you do this constantly, it will very soon become clear why this is not recommended for shaving by cosmetologists. Soap noticeably dries the skin, and a razor removes its top layer, resulting in itching and redness.

Do you shave your legs correctly? Do you have any irritation after this? Tell us about it in the comments.