Folds appeared under the eyes


Wrinkles are folds and lines in the skin that are caused by various factors such as aging, poor hydration, sun damage and smoking. They can occur all over the face, but are more noticeable under the eyes. Wrinkles typically do not indicate any underlying medical conditions, but may be aesthetically unpleasing.

Causes of wrinkles

The first signs of aging appear in the form of wrinkles and lines in the eye area. According to experts In the field of endocrinology, wrinkles are caused by a number of factors:

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    Loss of collagen and elastin. The larger it is, the deeper the lines will become, gradually turning into wrinkles under the eyes.
  2. Prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, when the skin dries out due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Frequent contraction of muscles during laughter compresses the skin in the eye area and puts it in a stressful state. As a result, so-called crow's feet appear near the eyes.
  4. Smoking, as a major harmful factor, also contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles and their rapid deepening.
  5. Sign of aging.

The skin under the eyes is very delicate. It means, that fine lines, wrinkles and age spots can appear even if you are still quite young, so the problem is how to remove and prevent new wrinkles from appearing, can start to worry very early.

Folk remedies and essential oils

If you notice an increase in fine lines in the eye area, you can use folk remedies to eliminate them

Examples of the best natural products, quickly moisturize the skin and make wrinkles less noticeable:

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    Coconut oil. Moisturizes the skin and helps remove lines in the eye area. Studies have shown that the components of coconut oil have a beneficial effect on the production of collagen in the skin. Coconut also contains a powerful antioxidant that can help destroy free radicals that contribute to aging.
  2. Aloe. If you want to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, you can try using the juice of this plant. The product can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes. It naturally improves elasticity and moisturizes the skin, tightening it. How to remove bags and wrinkles under the eyes - you just need to freeze the juice of the plant and wipe the area around the eyes with it daily. The anti-aging effect of the plant's components is mainly due to its ability to strengthen collagen and elastin fibers.
  3. Avocado base oil with other esters. Lemon, juniper and grapefruit oils are the best to help prevent aging and reduce wrinkles around the eyes. Indonesian women have long known how to get rid of facial lines. They found that avocado has a positive effect on the production of collagen in the skin, therefore significantly reducing fine lines with frequent use.
  4. Cacao butter. With regular use, it gives the skin radiance. The product contains antioxidant properties that help fight visible signs of aging. Researchers have found that cocoa butter is also very beneficial for treating skin conditions.
  5. Fresh cucumbers. They have beneficial properties that can help naturally combat under-eye wrinkles and reduce the appearance of fine lines. To do this, you just need to wipe your face with cucumber juice every day or apply slices to the eye area for 15 minutes.

How to use them

Most women are very concerned about what causes wrinkles under the eyes and how to get rid of them. Folk remedies often do an excellent job of this task and can be used to rejuvenate the skin to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles:

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    Apply coconut oil to the skin around your eyes. Gently massage it in until completely absorbed. Use several times a day, and always before bed. Coconut oil will also help treat dry skin and prevent itching and flaking.
  2. Aloe. Rub the plant juice into the delicate skin around the eyes and massage gently. Repeat daily (maybe morning and evening) to nourish and moisturize the skin. The plant is also useful for soothing tired eyes and getting rid of dark circles. Or you can take aloe juice orally every day, and after 3 months the skin will become more elastic.
  3. Essential Oil Blend: Mix 1 drop each of lemon, juniper or grapefruit oils with a tablespoon of avocado carrier oil. Apply a few drops of the mixture to your fingertip and massage the skin around your eyes to smooth out wrinkles. Apply anti-wrinkle eye medicine 2-3 times a day regularly. If there is no base oil, you can replace it with vegetable oil. The main thing is not to apply essential oils to the skin in their pure form, otherwise you may get irritated.
  4. Cacao butter. Try mixing it with other essential oils - coconut, jojoba or almond oil. All you need to do is apply a little of the mixture as a natural moisturizer to your fine lines 2 or 3 times a day for best results.

Prevention of early skin aging

Some ways to prevent aging:

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    Remove makeup before bed. You can clean it with a special toner or foam and then wash your face with water. This will help prevent contamination and prevent earlier aging.
  2. Do a massage using coconut oil. The procedure should be performed directly in the eye area every day before bed.
  3. Use ginger and honey. Grind a piece of ginger, add a little honey, apply it around the eyes and massage.
  4. Rubbing castor oil. You can use odorless castor oil for massage;
  5. Grate ripe pineapple pieces and apply this paste to the skin, allowing the juice and fibers to remain on the skin for a while.
  6. Use primrose oil to treat the skin around the eyes. Primrose is famous for its anti-aging properties and therefore its use helps reduce wrinkles and unwanted spots. Typically, this oil is effective during massage. It fights very well against visible signs of aging.

Additional Methods


Proper facial care at a young age helps keep skin healthy for a long time and delay its aging. Regular facial massage is effective in preventing premature wrinkles. It is useful to use castor oil for this. The massage should start from the neck and move up to the face.

An excellent remedy for fine wrinkles is to rub the core of a pineapple on your face. The use of apple and pineapple juice also has a positive effect on the skin.

Turmeric powder can be mixed with sugar cane juice. You will get an effective remedy for wrinkles. Simply wipe your face with a damp cotton pad daily. This product also perfectly fights skin fatigue.


In addition to all home treatments, you should not overexpose yourself to the sun. To do this, on a clear day, do not forget to apply sunscreen to your face.

To get rid of existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones, you should quit smoking. Without meeting this condition, not a single remedy, even an expensive one, will give the desired effect.

Drink enough water to hydrate your skin and thereby prevent the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, your diet should definitely contain vitamins, vitamins A and E, which help not only reduce wrinkles but also improve vision. It is important to remember that preventing wrinkles is not only the use of external products, but also a correct lifestyle.

The appearance of wrinkles on the face is a problem that worries every woman. Depending on the reasons, there are several types of wrinkles, each of which requires close attention.

The main types of wrinkles and their differences

Modern cosmetologists distinguish a different number of types of wrinkles, depending on the nature, depth and causes of development. The most common is the division of wrinkles into:

  1. Expression wrinkles are wrinkles that appear as a result of systematic reduction of facial wrinkles. A person’s emotional state is primarily reflected on the face, as a result of the functioning of facial muscles. It is this fact, or rather, the constant activity of a specific muscle group, that can provoke the development of wrinkles. So, if you have the habit of squinting, raising an eyebrow or frowning, the risk of developing facial wrinkles significantly increases by the age of twenty. The first wrinkles appear in the forehead area, then so-called “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes and, by the age of thirty, on the upper eyelids;
  2. Age-related wrinkles that appear after the age of forty. They arise as a result of the natural aging processes of the epidermis. In addition, the aging process is accelerated by the presence of bad habits: smoking, alcoholism and others. In addition, age-related wrinkles can appear faster due to poor posture and incorrect sleeping position.
  3. Combined - appear around the age of thirty or forty. They combine the characteristics of senile and facial expressions.

There are many classifications of wrinkles, however, the most common is the division into three types. It is based on the division of types of wrinkles according to developmental reasons and age threshold.

What causes wrinkles under the eyes?

Early wrinkles can occur in women with increased facial activity. Women who have dry skin are also at risk. In addition, the following can cause the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Chronic fatigue;
  2. Systematic stress;
  3. Lack of sleep;
  4. Improper and irregular nutrition;
  5. Lack of water in the body;
  6. Presence of bad habits;;
  7. The influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  8. Using poor quality cosmetics;
  9. Rubbing creams and masks not intended for this into the skin under the eyelids;
  10. Exceeding the permissible time of working at the computer;
  11. Anatomical features of the face: deep-set eyes, drooping upper eyelid;
  12. Heredity.

Wrinkles under the eyes are one of the first signs of facial skin aging. Avoiding contact with factors that provoke premature aging can significantly slow down the process of wrinkles, but not completely stop them.

Prevention of wrinkles

By the age of thirty, there is a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. Therefore, many experts recommend not to neglect the prevention of premature appearance of wrinkles.

The main principles of prevention include:

  1. Selection of high-quality cosmetics that are most suitable for a specific skin type;
  2. Comprehensive daily facial skin care;
  3. Regulation of nutrition: its balance, completeness and regularity;
  4. Rejection of bad habits;
  5. Regular use of sunscreens in summer;
  6. Regulating facial expressions: giving up the habit of squinting your eyes, wincing, curling your lips;
  7. Carrying out regular gymnastics of the facial and neck muscles, massage.

Regular implementation of a number of simple rules will significantly reduce the likelihood of early development of wrinkles. In addition, these principles make it possible to delay the appearance of senility.

What are effective ways to eliminate wrinkles?

Modern cosmetology can offer many different ways to eliminate wrinkles. The most effective are:

  1. Botox injections are the injection of natural proteins under the skin of the problem area. They block the action of the nerve innervating the facial muscles, “freeze” them, eliminating the cause of wrinkles around the eyes;
  2. Contour plastic surgery – gel implants based on hyaluronic acid are inserted under the skin;
  3. Blepharoplasty is the correction of wrinkles using surgical intervention. It is carried out by eliminating excess eyelid skin, eliminating their overhang;
  4. Mesotherapy – pharmacological mixtures that contain homeopathic medicines, vitamins, plant extracts and microelements are injected under the skin. It is produced by injection with thin needles into the epidermis a couple of millimeters.

There are many different methods for eliminating wrinkles. However, you should approach the choice of a specific one with extreme caution, since an incorrectly performed, poor-quality procedure may not only not help, but also lead to disastrous consequences.

Tips for daily eye care

An important part of preventing premature aging of facial skin is correct application. The skin around the eyes is especially thin and vulnerable, and therefore requires special attention.

  1. To cleanse the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to use milk and lotions that do not contain alcohol. In addition, cleansing should be carried out with extreme care; do not wrinkle or stretch the skin.
  2. It is recommended to systematically make masks to moisturize the skin around the eyes. Experts recommend oil masks based on almond or coconut oil, or vitamin ones.
  3. It is important to choose the right moisturizer to nourish the skin around the eyes. This is especially important since there are practically no sebaceous glands here. When choosing, you should avoid creams with a lot of artificial ingredients, as they can dry out the skin.
  4. To improve blood flow and smooth out small facial wrinkles, it is recommended to massage the eye circle area daily.

Proper daily skin care makes it possible to minimize the risk of premature development of wrinkles. In addition, it refreshes the appearance of facial skin, acting comprehensively.

Many women are concerned about the question: why do wrinkles appear under the eyes? The reason may lie in excessive activity of facial muscles, aging skin or improper care. Modern cosmetology can offer a number of procedures to eliminate wrinkles, however, the best way is still to prevent their occurrence.

In the video below you will learn even more information about wrinkles around the eyes: