Allergy to wind and cold on the face

Allergy is a disease that manifests itself not only during the spring flowering period, but also at other times of the year. It can be provoked by various factors. An allergy to cold is one that occurs with the arrival of winter cold. It is for this reason that it is called cold allergy. If you have this disease, then during the warm season you will have to avoid factors that can trigger cold allergies - swimming in cold water and hypothermia.

general description

Nowadays, allergies that arise as a result of exposure to the body have become increasingly common. low temperatures. An allergy to cold manifests itself as a rash and redness of the skin, swelling, and itching. Cold allergies are often confused with urticaria or chickenpox. It has been observed that some cases indicate an outcome such as shock, fainting or even death. As soon as you see the first signs of an allergy to cold, immediately visit a specialist.

Looking at this disease in more detail, you can see that in the literal sense it is not an allergy. It is not chronic, not hereditary and not contagious. For some, it may only appear for a few winters, but after appropriate treatment it goes away forever.

Causes of cold allergies

Any allergic reaction is a reaction of our body to some external irritant. For cold allergies the irritant is such a phenomenon as cold. When it acts in the human body, a natural reaction occurs - the release of a significant amount of histamine, which causes manifestations that occur with any allergic reaction, such as chills and headaches (in some cases), swelling, peeling, itching and redness of the skin. .

In temperature-sensitive people, mast cells (cells that are located near the surface of the skin) begin to be produced in large quantities when they are exposed to cold. The reason for this reaction is the depletion of the immune system. A healthy body can deal with the effects of low temperatures on its own without any negative consequences, but a weakened body has a high probability of developing a similar disease.

It also happens that an allergy to cold is a signal that your body may be susceptible to a disease that you are not even aware of. Treatment of cold allergies should begin with: eliminate the original cause of the disease. Here is a list of the reasons that can cause an allergic reaction to low temperatures:

  1. Stress, cancer and colds.
  2. Incorrect functioning of the endocrine system.
  3. Dysbacteriosis, diseases of the pancreas, kidneys or liver, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Helminths.
  5. The presence of chronic diseases such as caries, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
  6. Long-term use of antibiotics.

The range of risks is quite wide. It is for this reason that you should not ignore the body’s reactions to low temperatures. This can lead to more serious consequences. And also the category of people who are more easily susceptible to allergic reactions to cold include:

  1. Allergy sufferers who have an allergic reaction to any other irritants (atopic dermatitis, food, household dust, wool, pollen, etc.).
  2. People who have a relative who suffers from cold allergies.

An allergic reaction can occur not only at low air temperatures. Factors that can provoke it may be:

  1. Swimming in an indoor pool or open water.
  2. Contact with cold or cool water.
  3. Change in ambient temperature.
  4. Draft.
  5. Wind (in this case the reaction is called “wind allergy”.

Cold allergy - symptoms of manifestation

All people, when they come from a cold street into a warm room, notice some discomfort in their well-being. And this is considered normal. The most common phenomenon is redness of the skin that was not protected from the cold: hands and face. This is a consequence of a rush of blood to the vessels, which contracted in the cold and expanded in the warmth. But this symptom should go away after 40 minutes of staying in a warm room. And the symptoms of an allergy to cold appear more actively and disappear more slowly.

Symptoms of allergies to cold and wind can be different. The main ones are considered to be:

  1. Chills and headache.
  2. Tears, coughing and sneezing.
  3. Swelling of the skin and mucous membranes of the sinuses, tongue, lips, larynx.
  4. Itching and burning, which can later cause peeling.
  5. Seals and blisters on the skin.
  6. Rash on exposed skin. This symptom can have a different color: from whitish or pale pink to bright red.

In some cases, due to specific symptoms, cold allergies are also called:

  1. Cold asthma. It is accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, laryngeal edema, and bronchospasms. It mainly occurs in those individuals who suffer from asthmatic disease and are prone to pneumonia.
  2. Cold rhinitis. Its symptoms are similar to ordinary rhinitis, but when a person gets into a warm room, they go away.
  3. Cold conjunctivitis. Accompanied by an increased amount of tears released. It differs from the usual reaction to frost and wind by pain, swelling and a long period of manifestation.
  4. Cold dermatitis. It has symptoms such as damage to the skin due to itching and flaking, the appearance of blisters and redness.
  5. Cold urticaria. Symptoms: rashes on the skin are similar to nettle burns and manifest themselves in the form of swelling and blisters.

Allergies to cold are sometimes confused with viral and cold-related diseases. But very rarely with this disease a symptom such as elevated body temperature occurs, which is inherent in ARVI. And it is distinguished from viral diseases swelling of the mucous membrane and larynx. Very rarely, with colds, symptoms such as redness, burning and itching of the skin occur.

What to do to prevent allergies to cold

Eliminating the initial cause of this disease, such as wind and frost, is simply beyond the power of man. The most suitable option, in this case, is to reduce the time spent in the cold open air. But it is simply impossible to isolate yourself from the street for the entire winter period. But there are some rules that will help reduce the intensity of the body’s unpleasant reaction to wind and frost.

  1. In cold weather, you should be well insulated. Protect your hands with warm mittens (mittens are better than gloves), your neck with a warm scarf, and your legs with tights and socks. Underwear should be made from linen or cotton. Materials such as synthetics and wool can cause a negative effect. In severe frost and gusts of wind, do not neglect the hood.
  2. Lubricate the skin of your hands and face with a special protective cream 30 minutes before you plan to go outside. Regular thick cream will also work. The main condition is that the cream should not be moisturizing. The moisture contained in this type of cream will only worsen the condition of your skin cells after exposure to the cold. Don't forget about hygienic lipstick.
  3. Drink some warming drink before going outside.
  4. Try to breathe outside through your nose. As soon as you leave the room outside, take shallow, infrequent, small regular breaths, gradually starting to breathe deeply (as usual).
  5. Review your diet. Include more olive oil, fatty fish, nuts and foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
  6. Badger fat will have a good effect. It can be used externally by lubricating exposed skin 20 minutes before going outside or internally by consuming 1 tablespoon 40 minutes before breakfast. Badger fat contains a lot of vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids; it strengthens the immune system well, preventing it from weakening a weakened body.
  7. You can gradually harden the body. This way you can accustom him to lower temperatures. Hardening must begin in the summer and be done wisely and gradually so as not to achieve the opposite effect.

How can cold allergies be treated?

How to treat allergies that you already have or are of a systemic nature? All treatment depends on exactly what symptoms you have. The following measures should be taken as treatment:

  1. If you are still feeling the effects of lower temperatures, then you need to warm up. To do this, warm your limbs, climb under a warm blanket and drink warm tea.
  2. If you have a rash on the skin, then as a treatment you should use antihistamine ointment, which will reduce itching and swelling, and will also promote the healing of damaged skin.
  3. If you know that your mucous membranes do not tolerate low temperatures well, then as a treatment, put antihistamine drops in your nose before going outside.
  4. If you constantly have an allergic reaction to low temperatures, then, most likely, as treatment you will have to take antihistamines orally in the form of syrups and tablets.

All of the above actions are not aimed at treatment, but at eliminating symptoms or preventing their occurrence. For more fundamental treatment, you need to consult a specialist: immunologist, allergist, therapist. Only they will help identify the cause that led to the weakening of your body and prescribe safe and adequate treatment with antihistamines. Treatment with such drugs without specialist supervision is contraindicated.

Treatment with traditional methods

What can you take internally?

  1. Raspberries. Pour 50 grams of dry raspberry roots with 2 cups of boiling water. Keep this mixture for 30 minutes on low heat, then strain and cool. Take the decoction 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons, before going outside. The decoction should be consumed no more than 60 days. Before the onset of winter, the decoction is taken as a preventive measure.
  2. Birch sap It has strengthening properties, and it also regulates water-salt metabolism. Taking the juice leads to a mild diuretic effect. It relieves swelling from the face and hands due to allergies, due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. An adult can drink no more than 1 liter of birch sap per day, children - 200 - 500 milliliters.
  3. Nettle infusion. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of nettle leaves. It is necessary to insist for 2 hours. The infusion should be consumed before meals 4 times a day, 0.5 cups.
  4. Celery. It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed celery juice before meals three times a day, 0.5 teaspoon.
  5. Walnut infusion. This product has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties. The tincture must be prepared from freshly picked green nut leaves. You need to pour 100 grams of vodka into 50 grams of chopped nut leaves. Infuse for 7 days in a glass container, tightly closing it with a lid. Remember to shake regularly. After a week, strain the tincture. You need to take it 25 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Pre-dilute the tincture in 1/4 glass of water.

For external use

  1. Blueberry fresh berries. Grind them to a mushy state and lubricate or apply lotions to the affected areas.
  2. Ointment of burdock, celandine and calendula. It eliminates dryness and itching of the skin well. Chop 10 grams of each plant and fill them with vegetable oil in such an amount that it covers the herbs by 1 centimeter. This mixture must be infused for 24 hours. After the time has passed, heat the mixture in a water bath. When it cools down, strain the ointment and use as directed.
  3. Pine needle baths. Boil the twigs with needles in water, then pour the resulting broth into the bath. You can even wash your face with this decoction.
  4. Sequence decoctions. This plant is rich in vitamin C, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into 4 tablespoons of string and leave for 24 hours. You can make lotions from this decoction.

An allergy to cold is a pseudo-allergic reaction that occurs as a result of exposure of the human body to low temperatures. Despite the fact that the disease is widespread, modern medicine has recognized its existence relatively recently.

Allergy to cold is diagnosed several times more often in women than in men. It usually manifests itself at the age of 20–30.

Symptoms of a cold allergy can appear when exposed to cold water, being outside in cold weather, strong cold winds, or consuming cold food or drinks.

Causes and risk factors

An allergy to cold is a pseudoallergic reaction, which differs from a true allergy in the absence of certain immunological mechanisms. With pseudoallergy, the development of the inflammatory process is associated with disturbances in histamine metabolism. Experts put forward three theories to explain the development of allergies to cold:

  1. Spasm of microcirculatory vessels. Under the influence of low temperatures, a person experiences a spasm of the smallest blood vessels - capillaries, as a result of which blood supply and tissue nutrition deteriorate, which becomes the beginning of the inflammatory process.
  2. Formation of special proteins. In some people, under the influence of low temperature, special biochemical processes are triggered in the body, during which proteins are synthesized that can act as an allergen. It is these proteins that trigger the release of allergy mediators (histamine, serotonin), provoking the development of allergic inflammation. These proteins are not stable and are quickly destroyed when a person warms up.
  3. Dry skin. When skin is dry, its surface is not sufficiently protected. In the cold, because of this, cells quickly lose moisture, the skin becomes even drier and begins to peel off. This theory is confirmed by the fact that allergies to cold are most often diagnosed in people with sensitive and dry skin, as well as in elderly patients.

Factors that increase the risk of developing a cold allergy are:

Allergy to cold often develops in patients suffering from any other manifestations of allergies (pollen or household allergies, atopic dermatitis, etc.).

Forms of the disease

The following forms of cold allergy are distinguished:

Long-term allergies to cold also have a negative impact on the mental state of patients. During the cold season, many of them experience increased fatigue, nervousness, and in severe cases develop depressive states.

Symptoms of an allergy to cold

The most common manifestation of a cold allergy is cold urticaria. After contact with cold water or air on the contacted areas of the body (usually the face, neck, ears, hands), the skin begins to ache and itch very much. Then it gradually turns red and blisters form on it. In appearance, changes in the lesion are very similar to the symptoms of a nettle burn. With a large area of ​​rash, the patient’s blood pressure may drop sharply, even to the point of developing collapse.

A separate form of cold allergy is familial cold urticaria (one of the forms of cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome). The disease is associated with a defect in the NLRP3 gene and is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. With familial cold urticaria, symptoms of an allergy to cold do not appear immediately, but several hours after the body is exposed to low temperatures: a maculopapular rash appears on the skin.

Allergy to cold, which occurs as cold dermatitis, is characterized by the formation of burgundy or dark red spots with a slightly flaky surface on exposed areas of the skin. Their size reaches 2–5 cm in diameter. The appearance of rashes is accompanied by a pronounced burning sensation and severe itching. After some time, cracks form on the surface of the spots, then they become covered with crusts.

Cold dermatitis most often affects the skin of the hands, neck, ears and face, that is, those areas of the body that are not covered by clothing. In very rare cases, rashes can also appear on closed areas of the body, such as the inner thighs or knees.

The main symptom of cold rhinitis is a transient runny nose, accompanied by mucous discharge. Its characteristic feature is that it appears when the patient comes into contact with low temperatures, and in a warm room after warming it completely goes away on its own.

Cold conjunctivitis is manifested by increased lacrimation, eye pain, and slight blepharospasm. In the warmth, the symptoms of cold conjunctivitis go away on their own.

Exposure to cold air on the bronchial mucosa in some people leads to the development of bronchial hyperreactivity - a bronchoconstrictor reaction of the airways. Clinically this is manifested by an attack of bronchial cold asthma:

  1. labored breathing;
  2. dyspnea;
  3. cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  4. on auscultation – multiple wheezing in the lungs.


If a cold allergy is suspected, the patient should be consulted by an allergist. To confirm the diagnosis, a cold test is performed: a small piece of ice is placed on the patient's skin and left for 3-5 minutes. If the test result is positive, typical cold urticaria develops in the area of ​​ice contact with the skin. If necessary, pH-metry of the skin and dermatoscopy of the elements of the rash are additionally performed.

A blood test allows you to determine in the serum the presence of proteins specific to cold allergies (cryoglobulins, cryofibrinogen, cold antibodies).

In some patients, an exacerbation of cold allergy may be accompanied by the appearance of blood proteins in the urine (hemoglobinuria).

To identify the underlying disease that caused the formation of an allergy to cold, the patient is referred for consultation to specialized specialists (gastroenterologist, gynecologist, urologist, dentist, endocrinologist, etc.).

Allergy to cold is diagnosed several times more often in women than in men. It usually manifests itself at the age of 20–30.

If there are indications, additional laboratory and instrumental examination is carried out, which may include:

Skin forms of allergy to cold should be differentiated from dermatitis caused by other causes (contact, drug, atopic dermatitis), as well as psoriasis.

Treatment of allergies to cold

Treatment of allergy to cold, first of all, consists of preventing further contact of the patient with cold (warm clothing in winter, bathing in warm water, avoiding cold food and drinks). In winter, especially on windy days, before leaving the house, any fatty cream should be generously applied to exposed skin.

In the complex treatment of cold allergies, antihistamines, multivitamin preparations, as well as drugs that improve microcirculatory circulation and trophic processes are used. In addition, identified concomitant diseases are treated.

For patients with mild symptoms of cold allergy, hardening procedures are recommended. Hardening begins with dousing with warm water (water temperature 37–37.5 °C). Every five days the water temperature is lowered by one degree, gradually bringing it to 10 °C. If, with the next decrease in water temperature, clinical manifestations of an allergy to cold occur, the temperature is again raised to a tolerable level, then after a few days it is reduced again. Hardening treatment is allowed only in patients with a mild course of the disease. In the case of a severe cold allergy, dousing with cold water can lead to the development of anaphylactic shock, a potentially life-threatening complication.

A relatively new method of treating cold allergies is autolymphocytotherapy, which consists of injecting the patient with lymphocytes previously obtained from his own blood. The course usually includes 8 procedures, performed every other day. Autolymphocytotherapy has established itself as an effective and at the same time safe method of treating cold allergies.

Diet for allergies to cold

If allergies to cold worsen, it is recommended to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  1. spicy, salty, fatty and fried foods;
  2. strong broths;
  3. spices;
  4. smoked meats;
  5. sausages;
  6. seafood;
  7. eggs;
  8. ice cream;
  9. processed and sharp cheeses;
  10. industrially made sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise);
  11. pickles and marinades;
  12. some vegetables (bell peppers, tomatoes, spinach);
  13. nuts;
  14. mushrooms;
  15. citrus;
  16. confectionery.

It is recommended to include in the diet:

  1. dairy products;
  2. cereal dishes (except semolina);
  3. lean meat;
  4. mild varieties of cheese;
  5. green apples;
  6. vegetable oil;
  7. dishes made from vegetables, preferably green (zucchini, cabbage, squash, green beans, green peas, dill, parsley, etc.).

Possible consequences and complications

In severe clinical cases and lack of timely treatment, cold allergies can lead to the development of serious complications:

  1. swelling of the larynx – usually develops after consuming cold foods or drinks. The patient suddenly develops inspiratory shortness of breath (difficulty inhaling), and a sensation of a foreign body appears in the throat. The voice becomes hoarse and muffled.
  2. anaphylactic shock – its first symptom is usually a sharp pain in the area of ​​skin rashes, then vascular collapse and bronchospasm quickly develop. Symptoms of anaphylactic shock develop rapidly, and if the patient does not receive immediate medical attention, he may die.

Long-term allergies to cold also have a negative impact on the mental state of patients. During the cold season, many of them experience increased fatigue, nervousness, and in severe cases develop depressive states.


In most cases, an allergy to cold does not pose a threat to the patient's life. However, the disease is long-term and requires regular therapy. With severe allergic reactions to cold exposure, it may be necessary to change your place of residence.


As part of the prevention of the development of allergies to cold, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, helminthic infestations, and also sanitize all foci of chronic infection in the body should be promptly diagnosed and treated.

In cold weather, you should dress warmly and protect exposed areas of the body with a rich cream, especially for people with dry skin.

If you plan to be in the cold for a long time, you should take a thermos with a hot drink with you. A few sips of hot liquid allow the body to quickly warm up and thereby prevent the development of cold allergy symptoms. But drinking alcoholic beverages in the cold for the purpose of warming up is strictly prohibited! Alcohol promotes the expansion of skin capillaries and thereby increases the transfer of heat by the body. As a result, hypothermia develops, and the preconditions are created for the launch of the pathological mechanism of allergy to cold.

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How often have you noticed changes in your skin after walking in the wind? Most often, strange changes appear in cold, dank weather or on frosty winter days. Doctors will tell you what exactly is the cause and how to deal with it.

First signs

So, roughness, bumpiness and even small rashes on the face after going outside irritate and frighten most girls who dream of smooth and even skin. The reason for this change, which is popularly called wind allergy, is nothing more than a pseudo-allergic reaction. Most of us make the mistake of naming and confusing “cold” allergies with colds, migraines, skin irritations and other diseases. As a result, treatment is prescribed incorrectly and does not bring the desired effect. Therefore, let's learn to distinguish, understand and “debunk” myths.

"Find the Differences"

False allergic reactions in their consequences and importance are no different from true ones, but the processes that occur in our body are of a slightly different nature. Namely, the reaction takes place without:

• specific immunoglobulin proteins;

• appropriate production of antibodies;

• serious changes in the body.

The process through the eyes of the body

Factors that influence the occurrence of pseudoallergy are called:

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

• disorders of the liver and bile ducts;

• consumption of foods high in histamine, histidine or tryptophan (cheeses, canned food, pork liver, wine, pickled herring and even brewer's yeast).

Long-term use of medications, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and aspirin cause disruption of the metabolism and breakdown of arachidonic acid and, as a result, provoke pseudo-allergy.

As a result, instead of the three phases characteristic of true allergies (immunological, pathochemical and pathophysiological), we get only the last two. Under the influence of temperatures, wind allergies promote the temporary joining of tissue proteins and the formation of immune complexes, which quickly disintegrate in the absence of an allergen. We can safely call the duration of false processes a relative advantage. As soon as you change the environment, weather conditions, all unpleasant symptoms quickly disappear.

In the opposite case, we observe a massive release of histamine from mast blood cells. It is this substance that influences and triggers other reactions in our body: dilates blood vessels, constricts the bronchi, causing swelling and redness. In the case of a false allergy, the amount of allergen directly affects the severity of the reaction. The localization of the process depends on the type of pseudoallergy, but most often it affects areas of contact with wind and temperature changes - the face, hands.

Causes and solutions to the problem

False allergic reactions are caused by:

• toxins of viruses and bacteria;

• physical factors (temperature, wind, UV rays);

• substances that irritate the skin (detergents, paints and solvents, synthetic clothing).

In case of frequent contact with allergens or things that cause allergy symptoms, you should contact a specialist - an allergist. During the period of exacerbation of a painful reaction to the wind, it is better to refuse to use cosmetics, creams and ointments, so as not to develop a full-fledged allergy. If you are hypersensitive to sunlight, on the contrary, do not go outside without sunglasses and cream. It is he who will help to find out the cause of the disease; if necessary, be prepared to undergo additional tests and examinations of the digestive and respiratory systems.

The main thing is to choose the right treatment for you and not cause more harm to the body. To cope with the symptoms at home, and there may be several of them: hives, cough, rhinitis, headaches, shortness of breath, lacrimation and even heart rhythm disturbances, you just need to stop contacting the allergen. Immediately after this, you can take an antihistamine tablet. Alas, it is not possible to completely get rid of allergies, you can only reduce its manifestation. It is in your power to do everything so that it causes as little inconvenience as possible.