Massage :: Page - 350

Men's anti-wrinkle cosmetics for men


Skin care is not just a woman's task. Many men who want to look fresh and young for as long as possible also take care of their appearance. To do this, they not only visi ...

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Powerful anti-wrinkle mask at home


A woman remains feminine at any age. It doesn’t matter whether she is twenty years old or well over fifty, she wants to look irresistible on weekdays and holidays. To d ...

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Pimples appeared on the birthmark


When a pimple appears on a birthmark, many people begin to worry. This is especially true in cases where the acne is inflamed and painful or forms on nevi very often. Tw ...

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There are growths of hardened skin on the heels photo


Don’t rush to give up sandals: rough skin on your heels is a solvable problem. You will learn everything you need to do to put it in order from this article. Why does ...

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Red pimples appeared on the lower back


Acne on the back, or more precisely in the lumbar region, is a consequence of various conditions of the body and skin. As a rule, in 95% of cases, this is acne. In anothe ...

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A big pimple appeared on my butt and it hurts


The soft tissues of the posterior and latent pelvic region are denser than the skin of other parts of the body. They have much fewer sebaceous glands, so some people expe ...

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An adult has red pimples on his butt


And everything seems to be in order: thanks to the efforts of the massage therapist and trips to the fitness club, your figure has become close to ideal, your hair shimme ...

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Sores appeared on the butt


External signs of herpes appear in the most unexpected places. Most often, people encounter colds on the lips, but sometimes they have to deal with liquid blisters on the ...

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Wrinkles appeared on the fingertips


Most of the fair sex sooner or later face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their fingers. Some women begin to panic because they do not know the reasons for such chan ...

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Pimples appeared at the site of the burn


Good afternoon About three weeks ago I noticed irritation at the site of an old burn (it was about 5 years old; I scalded my hand, arm, part of my face). I noticed it by ...

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