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Men's anti-wrinkle face mask


Page content: Most often, men go to a cosmetologist with problems regarding the condition of their hair. The second reason (more important, in our opinion) is acne on th ...

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Male sperm in cosmetology


What should sperm be like? Sperm is a concentrated biologically active substance on a hormonal basis. If used incorrectly, it can have negative consequences for the skin ...

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Men's anti-wrinkle face creams that really help


Long gone are the days when the beauty industry catered to the needs of an exclusively female audience, producing a variety of skincare products just for them. Men today ...

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Men's face masks at home


The idea that only women should take care of themselves has long ceased to be popular. Men's cosmetology is no less developed than women's - on the shelves, along with sh ...

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Unscented men's antiperspirant


The main purpose of men's antiperspirants is to block sweating and aromatize. To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the deodorants that most con ...

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Men's body cream


Beauty begins with well-groomed, radiant skin, bursting with health and youth. Men rarely use creams, considering it a female prerogative, and in vain. Men's skin also ...

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Men's cream for oily skin


Most representatives of the stronger sex believe that men's face cream is a completely unnecessary luxury that does not bring anything useful. There is no need to make th ...

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Men's face cream


It turns out that not only women suffer from the influence that advertising and gloss have on them. Men also develop complexes, and do you know why? Because they want t ...

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Man in a medical mask


A 29-year-old man, in search of sexual adventure, decided to commit a crime. He broke into public toilet stalls and raped the women there. A young guy suspected of a s ...

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Man in solarium photo


The rules for visiting a solarium are not just instructions. Often, tan lovers neglect basic safety rules, putting beauty first. Having perfect dark skin is wonderful, ...

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