Men's cream for oily skin

Most representatives of the stronger sex believe that men's face cream is a completely unnecessary luxury that does not bring anything useful. There is no need to make the mistake of giving up the positive effect on the skin, because it also needs nutrition and hydration, and frequent shaving has its share of adverse effects. We should not forget about the characteristics of female and male faces, so you need to be careful when choosing a drug and take into account the type of your skin and even its condition. How to make the right choice, and which means to give preference to?

5 reasons why a man should use face cream

A chic, well-groomed man is the dream of almost every woman, and even married ladies try, although not always successfully, to turn their spouse into an ideal. If it is quite difficult to change your appearance without powerful artillery in the form of expensive cosmetic procedures (and sometimes impossible - most representatives of the stronger sex categorically refuse to go to the salon, and, moreover, subject themselves to injections), then getting rid of obvious defects on the face is quite simple. A cream for men's facial skin will come to the rescue here, which will make even rough skin soft and silky in a short time.

If your beloved partner refuses to use men's face cream, you can present him with several reasons that will prove that you cannot do without this product. The main reasons that should stimulate the use of the drug:

  1. With age, the skin loses not only its elasticity, but also its shade;
  2. epidermal tissues do not always receive the necessary moisture;
  3. by the age of 40, numerous folds and wrinkles appear, which cannot be called decoration;
  4. enlarged, unsightly pores decorated with blackheads;
  5. When shaving, the skin is often injured.

This is enough for the spouse to at least begin to think about the fact that using the product will really help get rid of many problems and agree to a short experiment. Just a few procedures will certainly help him make sure that the drugs really have considerable benefits.

Tips from cosmetologists

If you ask a cosmetologist about how necessary it is to use men’s face cream, an experienced master will certainly answer that only the use of special products will help get rid of unwanted defects and prevent the appearance of new flaws. How to choose the right drug to achieve maximum effect?

Cosmetologists advise:

  1. Preliminarily study information on the Internet, visit men's forums, look at ratings that list the best face creams;
  2. determine (on your own or with the help of a cosmetologist) your skin type;
  3. find out what effect the product should have (anti-aging, moisturizing or nourishing);
  4. do not save on purchases - cheap drugs can provide proper care, but there is a high risk of purchasing a low-quality product that does not have beneficial properties;
  5. Be sure to carefully study the information on the packaging - it should indicate not only the specifics of use, but also the age for which the drug is recommended.

Regardless of which men's cream was chosen, you definitely need to independently verify its effectiveness and the absence of side effects. This is not difficult - it is enough to carefully monitor the results of using the drug for several weeks. If the skin does not change for the better, and defects do not disappear, or unpleasant allergy symptoms appear in the form of rashes or irritation, be sure to stop using the product and purchase another product.

Helpful advice! If there are any doubts about which good creams for men are best to use, it is better to contact a cosmetologist, who will certainly help you decide on your choice.

We advise you to look at the review of the best creams for men:

Rating of the 10 best creams

Choosing a men's face cream that will help get rid of annoying defects or problems is not at all difficult. Most of the drugs have long been tested by representatives of the stronger sex and have gained their fans. Before you go to the store, you can view the rating of the 10 best creams - this will certainly help you make your choice.


Face cream for men, which is intended to enrich the epidermal tissues with precious moisture, must have a special composition. Be sure to study it before purchasing - silicone or glycerin should be present as moisturizing substances.

The drug from German manufacturers will certainly please those with flaky or too dry skin. You can use it after every shave - it neutralizes the effects of foam, which often causes dehydration of epidermal cells. It is better to use the product daily, paying special attention to flaky areas. It is not necessary to use it only on dry skin - an oily face no less needs hydration.

Hydra energy (from L’OREAL)

It is recommended to use men's face cream from a well-known brand for moisturizing, because it not only perfectly tones, but can also affect enlarged pores. Several weeks of regular procedures will allow you to observe how they become almost invisible, while the skin acquires the elasticity and delightful velvety that are inherent only in a well-moisturized epidermis.

You can use the cream before shaving - it will help avoid injuries and the negative effects of some drugs that are used to facilitate the procedure. The texture of the product is very delicate and almost weightless; a pleasant aroma and a feeling of freshness will certainly remain on the face.

The drug from Vichy is a wonderful choice for representatives of the stronger sex suffering from severe flaking. Just a few uses will allow you to see how the skin tightens, dark circles under the lower eyelids and swelling gradually disappear. Another advantage of the product is that the Vichy facial moisturizer relieves signs of fatigue, which often accompany dry skin.

The peculiarity of the drug is a complex of vitamins and minerals. It is these components that allow you to reliably protect your face from harmful external influences. The thinnest film that appears on the skin not only prevents dehydration of the epidermal tissue, but also serves as a barrier to the negative effects of sunlight and frosty winds.


The use of nutritional compositions for the face is necessary at any age, so you should not be denied the opportunity to saturate the epidermis with useful elements. A good nourishing face cream should not only enrich the dermal tissue with vitamins and minerals, but also protect against harmful effects.

Vichy Homme Hydra Mag C+

The peculiarity of the cream is that it can not only saturate cells with nutrients, but also relieve signs of fatigue on the skin of the face. The first use of the drug allows you to get rid of the unpleasant unhealthy tint and exhaustion. It is recommended to use the product daily, especially in winter, when the body lacks vitamins. When applying, you must adhere to the rules for using the cream - apply a small amount to the face and rub into the dermis with gentle massaging movements. The composition is perfectly absorbed and does not leave the feeling of an oily film on the face.

The cream is recommended for representatives of the stronger sex suffering from excessive sensitivity of the epidermis. Can be used to relieve irritation, especially after shaving. The composition contains chamomile extract and a vitamin complex that enriches the skin with nutrients.

The product of the Israeli cosmetology company is not cheap, but it fully justifies its cost, because it not only nourishes the skin with the necessary elements, but also enriches it with the moisture necessary for good condition. The cream quickly restores a healthy natural tone, eliminates fatigue, refreshes and tightens the face. It is recommended to use daily, best in the morning, after shaving.

Find out what else is included in facial skin care for men. One cream will not be enough to have beautiful and well-groomed skin!

If you want to restore youthful skin, we recommend that you look at reviews of Aptos threads for face lifting here.


Many men often notice how, after 30, unpleasant signs of age remain on their faces, and this cannot be done without cream. If you refuse the help of special medications, you will soon be able to see your face become flabby, lose its elasticity, and the first wrinkles begin to appear. You should not wait, resigned, for these manifestations - it’s time to resort to the help of special drugs.

The cream is recommended for men who are just beginning to notice signs of aging. The drug will quickly restore freshness and elasticity to the skin, even if wrinkles have already begun to appear, it will certainly cope with them. It contains hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for youth and elasticity. Results can only be seen with daily use.

Anti-aging cream can be used if the signs of aging on the skin are too obvious. Recommended for use in cases of deep folds, loss of elasticity, sagging and sagging skin. It actively affects fine wrinkles near the corners of the eyes, so when applying, do not forget to distribute the drug in these areas.

A pleasant aroma and delicate texture are the distinctive features of the product. The cream is absorbed quite quickly, but it is better not to use it just before going outside; you need to wait a while.

Vichy Homme Liftactiv

The drug is recommended for men over 40 years of age. It is at this age that changes in the skin are so pronounced that it is impossible to do without the powerful influence of products with a special composition. The cream can not only restore freshness and elasticity to the face, but also have a beneficial effect on deep wrinkles. Of course, at this age one should not hope that the folds on the face will completely disappear only after using the drug - this cannot be done without the help of a cosmetologist.

Despite this, the anti-aging cream is able to activate the work of epidermal cells and force them to produce collagen on their own. The results of this effect are that wrinkles will become much smaller. Regular use of the product will allow you to watch your face become younger with each procedure.

Every man in his soul dreams of looking beautiful and young, so you should not refuse the effects of drugs that can make your dream come true. Regular use of a cream intended specifically for men's skin will certainly make it soft, pleasant to the touch and will certainly arouse envy and admiration among the fairer sex.

Men's skin is naturally oilier than the skin of the fair sex. However, oily skin in men bothers them no less than many women. How to reduce oily facial skin, what products to use for this? Let's turn to the opinion of experts in the field of cosmetology.

Experts recommend first finding out the reason why oily shine appeared, what it is connected with, and then taking proper care of your skin, without neglecting the advice of professionals.

Causes contributing to increased oily skin

Increased oily skin in men can be caused by many reasons, let's look at the most common ones:

  1. Hereditary factor. The most common cause of oily shine. If your father had an oily skin type, then 90 percent of the time you will inherit the same skin type.

Health problems or poor diet. If you have digestive problems, your skin will most likely react by producing increased sebum. Lovers of carbohydrate-rich and fatty foods, as well as those with a sweet tooth, also run the risk of developing oily skin.

  1. Drinking a large amount of liquid provokes the appearance of oily sheen. Please note that the amount of liquid you drink should be 30-40 ml/kg of weight. This applies to the consumption of pure still water.
  2. The increased work of the sebaceous glands is provoked by the hormone dihydrotestosterone. In this case, specialist consultation is required and therapeutic treatment is possible.
  3. Medicines and dietary supplements are also to blame for excessive sebum production.

Smoking and alcohol abuse negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Oily skin has a characteristic shine, often enlarged pores and pimples. This is due to the activity of the sebaceous glands and male sex hormones, which enhance their work. But along with this, there is also good news: those who have oily skin usually look younger than their biological age, they develop wrinkles later. And if you take care of such skin correctly, then very often by the age of 30 or a little earlier, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, sebum production normalizes and the skin becomes normal.

Features of daily care

What to do if a man has oily facial skin? To eliminate and prevent oily shine, you need an integrated approach: the face needs to be cleansed, moisturized and nourished. Most men consider this a waste of time and generally regard it as a purely feminine activity. Although purely men's skincare lines have been produced for a long time, and as for folk recipes, they are suitable for absolutely everyone.

Men's skin needs daily care just like women's skin. To eliminate excess oil, it is recommended to exfoliate your facial skin twice a week using special cleansers. It is convenient to do this while washing your face. Apply the cleanser to a sponge or sponge and rub your nose, forehead, chin and cheeks well with gentle circular movements. This way you will cleanse your pores and prevent the appearance of pimples and comedones (blackheads).

It is not recommended to use cleansing scrubs immediately after shaving to avoid causing redness and irritation of the skin. Therefore, the face is cleansed first and only then shaving with gel. If you use cleansers, for oily skin, choose those that do not contain oils.

Men with oily skin should also use special facial toners. They are used after washing and should also not contain oils. The same rule applies to moisturizers. The cream should be applied to the face after completing morning hygiene procedures.

Before going to bed in the evening, do not forget to wash with warm water and soap. Afterwards, wipe your face with toner.

Cosmetical tools

Oily facial skin in men is a very common phenomenon. And today, cosmetics manufacturers offer many drugs to eliminate this problem:

  1. Mattifying creams. They contain special particles that quickly absorb fat, as well as ingredients that help narrow pores. Anti-shine products are quite easy to use. They can be applied to problem areas just like you would apply shaving cream. The effect is almost instantaneous. When shine appears, you can reapply.
  2. Mattifying powders. If you are comfortable using this product, add powder specially designed for men to your arsenal.
  3. Cosmetic wipes. Manufacturers offer special cosmetic wipes to care for oily skin. The good thing about them is that you can take them with you by placing them in your back pocket. They are very convenient to use. Excessive shine is removed instantly, and at the same time you can moisturize the skin. Of course, as a last resort, it is permissible to blot your face with toilet paper, but it is unlikely that you will be comfortable doing this, and it does not look at all aesthetically pleasing.

Nutrition that helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands

Choosing the right diet is especially important for men with oily skin. Dermatologists and nutritionists recommend completely eliminating foods with animal fats from the diet or at least reducing their consumption to a minimum. This food promotes improper digestion and negatively affects the appearance of the skin.

If you experience increased sebum secretion, include the following foods in your diet:

  1. buckwheat and oatmeal;
  2. legumes and nuts;
  3. turkey and veal;
  4. vegetables and fruits, herbs;

Eating cereals has a positive effect on the appearance of skin, especially those prone to inflammation. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, and you will soon notice positive results. Legumes, containing a large amount of B vitamins, help restore the skin. And dietary meats perfectly normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Some useful tips

For daily hygiene procedures, use products with salicylic acid. This will help to effectively remove fat and eliminate inflammation. Stop touching your face with your hands often. If you have naturally oily skin, dirty hands will cause acne. Use special cosmetics throughout the day. And remember - just a little effort on your part will allow you to forget about facial skin problems for a long time.

If you are still sure that men do not need special cosmetics, then you are very mistaken. We'll tell you how men's skin differs from women's skin and how to properly care for it, especially if it is prone to oiliness.

  1. Features of men's skin
  2. How to improve the appearance of your skin: proper care
  3. Precautionary measures
  4. What you need to know about shaving
  5. Tools Overview

Features of men's skin

Men's skin differs from women's for physiological and hormonal reasons.

Distinctive characteristics of men's skin:

thick, with uneven relief;

produces more sebum than women, therefore more oily;

prone to clogged pores and the formation of comedones;

collagen fibers are denser than those of women's skin;

with more active blood flow;

less often sensitive.

Men's skin is most often of the oily type © iStock

Causes of oily male skin

“Men’s skin is different from women’s skin, because it is greatly influenced by male sex hormones and their derivatives, which increase the activity of sebum production,” explains Marina Kamanina, L’Oréal Paris brand expert.

How to improve the appearance of your skin: proper care

The first and foremost tip is to clean thoroughly. Let's face it, it's quite difficult to motivate men to do more.


For those with oily skin, it is best to wash your face with foam or gel containing sorbents such as activated carbon and marine extracts. “Coal will effectively rid the pores of excess sebum,” says Marina Kamanina.


If you persuade a man to use tonic at least once a week, there is a chance that toning will become a habit - the result is so noticeable. “Using a toner or lotion after cleansing will refresh your skin and prepare it for cream application. The toner also disinfects and dries the skin, tightens pores, and has a mattifying effect,” says La Roche-Posay brand expert Andrey Prokofiev.

For oily male skin, thorough cleansing is recommended © iStock

Yes, men's skin is thicker than women's, but without sufficient hydration, it can become dehydrated and vulnerable. Moreover, men's skin is subject to one traumatic factor - shaving. No matter how neat it is, the top layer of skin is damaged and its protective functions are reduced. A moisturizing cream, gel or emulsion will help restore them.

A useful component in men's cosmetics is salicylic acid. Creams based on it will help avoid the appearance of oily shine and clogged pores.

“Salicylic acid is effective for chemical peeling: by dissolving the bonds between horny cells on the surface of the skin, it allows you to delicately get rid of them and smoothes the skin,” comments Marina Kamanina.


Use an exfoliant once a week. When choosing, pay attention to products with smooth polymer particles, because crushed fruit seeds can injure the skin. And your goal is to avoid mechanical microdamages on the skin, that is, to prevent irritation.

After shaving, moisturize your skin with a cream or emulsion © iStock