Anti-aging rejuvenation at the cellular level

After 40 years, every person begins to notice the first wrinkles on their face, which are signs of aging. Most women use creams and other products to prevent this process in an attempt to rejuvenate their skin. In modern cosmetology, the best results are achieved by rejuvenation at the cellular level. In this case, not only wrinkles disappear, but also vigor in the body returns and performance is restored. So how does the body rejuvenate at the cellular level?

On a cellular level, at the age of 60 you can look 30

What is rejuvenation at the cellular level

Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to determine a person’s age at the biological level. There are cases when people are 50-60 years old, according to passport data, the computer program gives only 30 years. And, conversely, the computer gives twenty-year-old people 40-50 years. This phenomenon is explained by the way of life of a person, namely:

  1. smoking;
  2. drinking alcoholic beverages;
  3. passive way of existence;
  4. improper nutrition.

To stop the depletion of the body, specialists studying human genetic characteristics have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to maintain the youth of cells, first of all, to speed up the metabolism in the body.

Methods of rejuvenation at the cellular level

Youth inexorably leaves, and old age leaves its mark on people's faces. Everyone is trying to find a way to stop this process. First of all, it is necessary to make adjustments in a person’s life.

The state of mind is of great importance, since the mood depends on it. This, in turn, affects facial expressions. Therefore, you should always walk with a smile on your face and not frown. Constantly shining eyes visually make a person younger.

Every year the body, like any other mechanism, wears out, and the imprint of the process is left on a person’s appearance. To delay the aging process a little, it is important to take care of yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Avoid accumulating extra pounds, since obesity affects the functioning of internal organs and their condition.
  2. Choose the right cosmetics so that they suit a person depending on their age category.
  3. The skin should always be toned, so it is recommended to take a shower every day, using special body care products.

Important! Once every seven days it is necessary to do procedures with which a person relaxes.

Nails and hair should always be well-groomed and neat. This may seem insignificant to many, but a sloppy person always looks much older than his peers who take care of their appearance.

Note! The condition of the body's cells is influenced by a person's lifestyle. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption wear out the body prematurely and only accelerate the aging process.

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A person’s diet should contain a lot of protein and vitamins

Rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level occurs as follows:

  1. A person's diet should contain many foods containing protein. Despite the fact that, thanks to carbohydrates, the human body receives a lot of energy, with age it needs more protein foods. It is this element that promotes rapid metabolism. But protein is only needed from animals. In this case, the menu should include products such as:
  1. poultry meat;
  2. fish dishes;
  3. seafood;
  4. dairy products;
  5. lean meats.
  1. A large amount of liquid helps cleanse the body. But don’t make the mistake of drinking harmful drinks, such as:
  1. tea;
  2. juice;
  3. coffee;
  4. cocktail.

Instead of these drinks, you should drink purified water or homemade compotes. Since proteins are a heavy food product, despite all the benefits, the body will need a lot of water for their normal absorption. Otherwise, protein products create a burden on human internal organs.

Important! Cleansing the intestines is beneficial. Thanks to colon hydrotherapy procedures, a person not only rejuvenates his body, but also loses excess weight.

Rejuvenating the body at the cellular level is leading a healthy lifestyle.

Stem cell method

It’s not just women who rejuvenate their bodies using stem cells. Men also resort to this method, since rejuvenation occurs not only externally, but also internally. A person feels cheerfulness and a surge of strength. The hair becomes thicker and begins to shine, as in its youth.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. A blood test is taken to determine contraindications;
  2. The fat layer in the navel area is pumped out;
  3. After 14 days, stem cells are introduced into the body.

After the third stage, the rejuvenation process begins. The procedure must be carried out at least five to six times, every two months.

Ways to rejuvenate at home

The aging of the body can be stopped using traditional methods, if used correctly. Each traditional medicine is made from natural products, due to which a person undergoes a healing process, and the body remains young and beautiful.


Every year, toxins are deposited in the intestines; by the age of thirty-five, toxins reach their highest level. Because of this, nutrients are difficult to penetrate into the body, and toxins, on the contrary, accumulate. This leads to a deterioration in human health and a decrease in his performance. You can cleanse your intestines in the following ways:

  1. Twice a year, consume natural fiber with a glass of warm water.
  2. Honey is an excellent intestinal cleanser. To do this, before eating you need to take bee product dissolved in water in a ratio of 100:1. This procedure must be repeated every six months.
  3. The collection of herbs is used in folk medicine to remove toxins. This includes:
  1. yarrow;
  2. rose hip;
  3. lemon balm;
  4. fennel;
  5. caraway;
  6. buckthorn;
  7. Birch buds;
  8. immortelle.

Honey perfectly removes toxins from the intestines

The herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for about an hour. The infusion is taken half an hour before meals. The cleansing process takes place over two weeks. The procedure must be repeated every three months.

Vessel cleaning

It is recommended for people over forty-five years old to cleanse their blood vessels. For this, a remedy called Tibetan is used. To prepare it, take two hundred grams of garlic and grind them to a similar puree. The gruel is poured with the same amount of alcohol and infused for a week in a dark place. Before taking the product, it must be diluted in a third of the milk.

Prevention of aging

The body develops over twenty-five years. After this, aging begins. To stop it, you need to take preventive measures. You should not think that you need to rejuvenate your body in a timely manner. The revolutionary process can be carried out at any age.

Important! By taking preventive measures, a person does not stop aging, but significantly slows down the wear and tear of the body.

To prolong youth body, rules must be followed:

  1. do not get stressed;
  2. protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  3. take care of the immune system;
  4. Healthy food;
  5. cleanse the skin of dead particles;
  6. do not use medications unless absolutely necessary, so that the body does not get used to them.

You can stop aging by leading a healthy lifestyle

Body rejuvenation is gaining popularity, many people want to prolong their youth. This is possible if you approach the process correctly.


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Radionic program Name. Anti-aging. Rejuvenation at the cellular level.

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Eternal youth, beauty, immortality are topics that have worried humanity for hundreds of centuries. After all, aging is inevitable for every living creature on our beautiful planet. We age regardless of skin color, gender, social status, wealth or complete poverty.

The desire to gain immortality, slow down the process of cell destruction, keep the skin fresh and the body youthful pushed scientists of all times to experiment. In the search for the magic elixir of immortality, a fabulous amount of natural ingredients, chemicals, time, and money was spent.

Gene therapy has made a breakthrough in science, giving a chance not only to treat genetic diseases, but also to prolong life! Why is health, immunity, beauty and youth of the skin restored? How effective is the technique? Who tried it and what results did they get? What causes rejuvenation? Let's try to understand the new anti-aging strategy.

Genome and gene therapy to preserve youth

The human genome is sequentially connected DNA. The most important molecules for humans contain information about the body and heredity. They contain 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell and about 20,000 - 25,000 genes.

Chromosomes end in telomeres. "Chromosome caps" consist of short chains of nucleotides. They play a key role in maintaining the integrity, proper functionality and viability of chromosomes. Due to continuous cell division, their length decreases and their protective functions decrease. As soon as telomeres are reduced to the limit, cells stop dividing, which leads to decreased immunity, activity of regeneration processes and aging.

Gene therapy is a comprehensive solution for correcting defective DNA and treating diseases caused by changes in chromosomes, namely:

  1. anomalies, mutations, genetic diseases (monogenic disorders);
  2. autism, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer (polygenic disorders);
  3. developmental delays and birth defects (chromosomal changes);
  4. aging, age-related diseases, disorders of neuromuscular coordination.

Rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level is an advanced and promising method in the therapeutic field. Innovative technologies provide the opportunity to radically prolong life and stop aging.

In 2012, the Spanish National Cancer Center CNIO conducted research on a new vaccine. Maria Blasco and a group of scientists were able to prove that it is possible to increase life expectancy. The experiments were carried out on mice in adulthood. The animals were given a single dose of a drug containing the telomerase enzyme.

What is telomerase

A key enzyme in our system plays a critical role in the restoration of stem cells. Telomerase adds multiple copies of chromosomal DNA to the telomere, lengthening it. Its forced expression makes it possible to “complete” telomeres, restore stem cells, delay aging and increase life expectancy.

Telomerase is found in ciliates, yeast, plants, animals, ovaries, sperm and human cancer cells. The latter are capable of dividing indefinitely, preserving telomeres. They are immortal because this enzyme constantly functions in them. A common concern with gene therapy is the risk of cancer. However, the actual research data is convincing:

  1. in the effectiveness of techniques and restoration of telomere length;
  2. in the return of youth at the cellular level;
  3. in the activation of “dormant” stem cells;
  4. in improving the immune system;
  5. in accelerating skin regeneration and restoring hair growth;
  6. in the high potential of telomerase as an anti-aging agent.

The regenerative ability of telomerase is a key aspect for both rejuvenation and restoration of normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, skin and muscle cells. Treated with an enzyme, they resume their “youthful” activity. The research result confirmed that the age of the cell is “elastic”. Telomerase induction can restore youth and beauty to the skin.

Rejuvenation with gene therapy - biohacking, first results of human trials

It is now becoming clear that gene therapy techniques can profoundly impact aspects of human aging. CEO of the regenerative medicine research center Bioviva USA Inc. Elizabeth Parrish decided to test it on herself.

“For me it was a question of ethics. When Bioviva began publishing research, we received proposals from many volunteers. I'm an ordinary person, I don't feel exceptional or braver than others. However, I knew that I had to lead the company to be 100% sure of success. Even if there is nothing wrong with the new technology, the patient may be too ill to use it. If things had not gone as planned, it would have been disastrous for me, the patient, and the company. “I decided to test the vaccine first on myself.”

An advocate of healthy longevity and active promotion of innovative treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cirrhosis, diabetes, and cancer, she underwent her first gene therapy session in 2015 at the age of 45.

One of the procedures involved injecting a myostatin inhibitor into the four front muscles of the legs and biceps. The injection is not painless, refers to systemic induction therapy and is performed locally. The AAV viral vector was used to deliver telomerase to cells, but this is not a panacea. Treatment uses specific serotypes for different cells, so divisions can be targeted for each treatment spectrum.

Scientists have high hopes for telomerase induction. A limited number of vectors (viruses) are currently being tested in the test. Their number is considered sufficient to obtain significant results. However, the experiment is being carried out with caution to determine its safety. Elizabeth Parrish and her team of scientists hope to see internal and external changes, cell restoration at the tissue and organism level, and youthful skin. This will be biohacking of the genome and organism, at the gene level.

Telomere length is determined by biomarkers. Today, Parrish’s size has increased from 6.71 to 7.33 kb, equivalent to 20 years of life. We look forward to future research demonstrating anti-aging effects in humans.