Thin skin on the body

A type of skin disease associated with a decrease in the number of epidermal cells is called skin atrophy or elastosis. External manifestations of the disease are observed in different age groups, including children. The physiological basis of the pathological process is the deactivation of cytoplasmic enzymes, resulting in collagen dissicimilation and thinning of the skin.

What is skin atrophy

The pathology of the skin, which is characterized by deformation of structure-forming elastic fibers and, as a result, a decrease in the volume of the epithelial layer, is skin atrophy. It can be caused by both natural causes and pathogenic malfunctions in the body. The atrophic process can affect either only the fibers of the epidermis (including the basal layer), or spread to the deeper tissues of the dermis.

Observations by dermatologists indicate a predisposition to elastosis in women, due to their susceptibility to hormonal changes during pregnancy. White stripes, so-called striae, appearing after childbirth are also a type of atrophy. The disease is not inherited, but failures at the genetic level can lead to congenital pathology.



Signs of the onset of the process of atrophy of the epidermis in a patient are easily detected at an early stage due to a noticeable change in the appearance and condition of the skin. The main symptoms that are hard to miss are:

  1. accelerated death of the skin, expressed in the form of peeling;
  2. the appearance of small bluish or pink spots of oval or round shape (as in the photo);
  3. In rare cases, the affected area may hurt;
  4. the appearance of folding, wrinkling;
  5. There is a decrease in the sensitivity of the affected area.

The child has

The pathological process of atrophy in a child manifests itself more often on the surface of the skin of the extremities and neck. At the first stage, the painful area begins to be red and rough. After a few days, spots or streaks become noticeable. They can be either below healthy skin or rise above it, having a hernia-like appearance. If the disease occurs in childhood, there is a high chance of reversing the atrophic process if timely measures are taken.

Causes of thinning skin

In addition to the natural physiological causes of atrophy, aging and pregnancy, there are a number of established catalysts that cause pathological degeneration of the skin:

  1. neuroendocrine disorders;
  2. poor diet;
  3. previous diseases (lupus erythematosus, typhus, tuberculosis, syphilis, psoriasis, etc.);
  4. taking hormone-containing drugs;
  5. fungal infections of the epidermis.


Hormonal ointments

Atrophy can occur as a side effect as a result of treating a patient with drugs containing corticosteroids. Thinning of the skin occurs due to the negative effect of substances contained in hormonal ointments, which manifests itself in the form of suppression of the activity of collagen production. Changes in the structure of connective tissue fibers are a consequence of irrational therapy with the uncontrolled use of potent drugs.


The first descriptions of skin atrophy in scientific works date back to the end of the 19th century. Since then, dermatologists have classified several types of this pathology. The initial principle of classification is the cause-and-effect sign according to which atrophy belongs to a physiological or pathological type. Thinning of the epithelium due to natural processes such as aging or pregnancy represents physiological atrophy.

Diseases of a pathological nature are classified based on the time of cell damage - before or after birth. The first type is congenital atrophy, the second is acquired. Each of these classes is divided into various forms depending on symptoms and causative factors. The etiology of some subspecies is currently unclear.

Degenerative changes in the endocrine system

The appearance of stretch marks, spots

Abdomen, chest area, thighs

Chronic diseases, exposure to solar or radiation energy

The appearance of damaged areas at the site of primary atrophy

Areas previously susceptible to atrophic manifestations

Malfunctions in the functioning of body systems, the etiology is not clear

Damage to a large area of ​​skin

All parts of the body can be affected, most often the arms and legs

Malfunctions in the functioning of body systems, the etiology is not clear

Affected areas alternate with unchanged skin

Back, upper body

Sharp changes in hormonal levels, other changes

Sunken or herniated areas of skin

Can occur in any area of ​​the body

Response to vasoconstrictor hormonal drugs

General thinning of the skin, appearance of spider veins

Over the entire surface of the body

Why is skin atrophy dangerous?

External manifestations of the pathogenic process of atrophy violate the aesthetics of appearance, the skin begins to look flabby, but this is not what causes the greatest concern among doctors. The danger lies in the development of malignant neoplasms against the background of diseases accompanying elastosis. Foci of idiopathic atrophy can contribute to the appearance of pathologies of a lymphoproliferative nature (lymphocytoma, lymphosarcoma).

Detection of compactions in the affected areas should be a signal to take emergency measures, since the formation of scleroderma-like and fibrous nodes is often a symptom of the initial stage of cancer. If you go to the clinic at an early stage of the development of pathogenic tumors, there is a possibility of stopping the growth of cancer cells.


Diseases that occur with skin atrophy

Atrophic manifestations of skin diseases may indicate pathogenic processes occurring in the body, the symptoms of which have not yet appeared. Diseases accompanying or preceding elastosis include:

  1. Schwenninger-buzzi anetoderma;
  2. scleroderma;
  3. anetoderma;
  4. diabetes;
  5. lichen sclerosus;
  6. Pasini-Pierini atrophoderma;
  7. pyoderma;
  8. cutaneous tuberculosis;
  9. encephalitis;
  10. Cushing's syndrome;
  11. developmental defect.


Diagnosing atrophy is not difficult, due to its obvious and specific external manifestation. A diagnostic problem may arise when determining the cause of tissue damage, without which it is impossible to prescribe adequate treatment to the patient. The detected symptoms of atrophic lesions in the patient are examined and classified by a dermatologist. The pathology research process includes ultrasound of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, study of the structure of hair and nails.


The science of dermatovenerology, which studies the structure and function of the skin, currently does not have experimental evidence of the effectiveness of treating the atrophic process. Elastosis is irreversible, so doctors’ recommendations boil down to general health-improving preventive measures aimed at preventing the progression of the disease. Patients are prescribed penicillin, which supports a course of vitamin therapy and drugs that normalize cellular metabolism. In the case of a hormonal form of the disease, it is necessary to exclude the catalyzing factor.

External manifestations of atrophy can only be eliminated surgically, if the lesion has not spread to the lower layers of subcutaneous tissue. Oils based on plant extracts and emollient ointments have a supporting effect. Paraffin therapy and mud baths can be used for effective but temporary cosmetic camouflage of atrophied skin.

Thin skin

Pathohistological changes in skin atrophy are manifested by thinning of the epidermis and dermis, a decrease in connective tissue elements (mainly elastic fibers) in the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis, dystrophic changes in the hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands.

Along with thinning of the skin, focal thickening may occur due to the proliferation of connective tissue (idiopathic progressive skin atrophy).

Atrophic processes in the skin may be associated with a decrease in metabolism during aging of the body (senile atrophy), with pathological processes caused by

  1. cachexia;
  2. avitaminosis;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. circulatory disorders;
  5. neurotrophic and inflammatory changes.

Skin atrophy is accompanied by a violation of its structure and functional state, which manifests itself in a decrease in the number and volume of certain structures and a weakening or cessation of their functions. The process may involve the epidermis, dermis or subcutaneous tissue in isolation, or all structures simultaneously (skin panatrophy).

In addition, thin skin can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Thin skin: what is the reason?

With age, the skin becomes so thin that with occasional minor impacts it becomes severely damaged and does not heal well. What to do to counter this?

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Thin skin - causes of thinning skin

Thin skin

Skin atrophy occurs due to disruption of the structure and function of the connective skin and is clinically characterized by thinning of the epidermis and dermis. The skin becomes dry, transparent, wrinkled, delicately folded, hair loss and telangiectasia are often observed. Pathohistological changes in skin atrophy are manifested by thinning of the epidermis and dermis, a decrease in connective tissue elements (mainly elastic fibers) in the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis, dystrophic changes in the hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands. Along with thinning of the skin, focal thickening may occur due to the proliferation of connective tissue (idiopathic progressive skin atrophy).

Atrophic processes in the skin can be associated with a decrease in metabolism during aging of the body (senile atrophy), with pathological processes caused by cachexia, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal disorders, circulatory disorders, neurotrophic and inflammatory changes. Skin atrophy is accompanied by a violation of its structure and functional state, which manifests itself in a decrease in the number and volume of certain structures and a weakening or cessation of their functions. The process may involve the epidermis, dermis or subcutaneous tissue in isolation, or all structures simultaneously (skin panatrophy).

Questions and answers on the topic “Thin skin”

Question: I have very thin skin on my hands (not my hands, but the area from the hand to the elbow), which, when it comes into contact with something hard, immediately rubs off (abrasions and wounds form) or bruises appear that do not go away for a long time. All this causes discomfort and the wounds bleed. How to deal with this and which doctor should I contact?

Question: The skin on my face is too thin and sensitive. You can see all the wreaths, blood vessels, various redness and some different complexion all the time. And when there are situations when I have to cry, my eyes become very swollen and my whole face is covered with large red spots that last for a day. It's horrible. Please tell me what should I do? What foundations and face correctors (or other means) can be used to achieve an ideal, even complexion? Thank you in advance.

Question: I have thin facial skin, capillaries on my cheeks are visible. How should I take care of my skin so as not to cause even more damage? And is it worth undergoing treatment? What thin skin care products can you choose?

Dry and thin body skin: what to do and how to care?

Owners of dry skin have often noticed that their dermis is easily exposed to external factors. Many dermatologists and cosmetologists attribute this to the fact that this type of skin is usually too thin, so various kinds of wrinkles, peeling and similar problems can arise already in adolescence. Dry and thin skin on the body, face or hands requires special care. What do owners of this type need to know and how to care for such capricious dermis?

Care for thin skin

Thin-textured skin is characterized by dryness and frequent irritation. It has one significant drawback, which is almost impossible to eliminate - it is more quickly subject to aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Unlike other types of epidermis, it is less resistant to external factors and weather conditions, and therefore most often has a dull, fading appearance.

However, the problems described above can be counteracted if you properly care for this type of epidermis. And the first thing you should pay attention to is hygiene. This applies not only to the dermis on the body, but also to the face. When skin comes into contact with water, irritation may occur, leading to peeling, inflammation and redness. To avoid this, it is recommended to use:

  1. warm water at room temperature, you can use slightly cool water, but in no case hot;
  2. it is better to use boiled or melt water, as it has a more gentle effect on the epidermis than chlorinated water;
  3. You can use herbal decoctions instead of water; chamomile, string, St. John's wort, and nettle are best for this.

Cool water not only has a more gentle effect on the skin, but also helps to avoid such troubles as capillaries.

The second thing that is one of the main rules for people with thin skin is properly selected skincare products. In order not to aggravate the situation and dry out the epidermis even more, it is recommended to choose natural cosmetics. If this is not possible, then you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. shower gels, soaps and cleansers should be selected according to the type of epidermis - give preference to series for dry, sensitive types;
  2. choose soap-free cosmetics, that is, SLS;
  3. It is better to use soap in liquid form, as it has less alkali;
  4. when choosing cosmetics, pay attention to the pH, which should not be more than 5.5;
  5. When performing hygiene procedures, it is highly undesirable to use washcloths, especially hard ones, as they can further damage the epidermis;
  6. After water procedures, be sure to use moisturizing cosmetics (milk, creams, gels or oils).

If you use body scrubs, then the abrasive particles should be very soft and small. It is better to use not even a scrub, but a soft peeling or gommage.

Video “Common mistakes in caring for dry and thin skin”

An informational video with useful tips to help avoid excessive dryness and irritation.