Sores appeared on the butt

External signs of herpes appear in the most unexpected places. Most often, people encounter colds on the lips, but sometimes they have to deal with liquid blisters on the skin of the buttocks.

What are the causes of herpes on the butt, how not to confuse it with signs of another disease, how to solve a delicate problem correctly? You will learn about this by reading the article to the end.

Why does herpes appear on the butt?

The process of formation of herpetic elements is associated with infection of the body with the herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2. Pathogens are transmitted in different ways.

HSV-1 reaches a healthy person through contact, household or airborne droplets. Sometimes a person infects himself when he touches pimples with his hands, opens them, and then touches healthy areas of the body with unwashed palms. The liquid that fills the elements contains many viral bodies. It is considered an infectious substance.

Rash on the butt due to HSV-2 infection is explained by sexual contact with a sick partner. Herpes on the bottom of a child is a postpartum type of the disease. The baby becomes infected from the mother when passing through the infected birth canal.

The postoperative cause of herpes on the buttocks and tailbone is the use of non-sterile medical instruments with which the medical staff performed the operation.

Once in a healthy environment, the virus settles into the nerve plexuses. Its residence in the superior ganglia causes a rash on the neck, face, and head. Due to damage to the lower nerve branches, rashes form on the tailbone, genitals or buttocks.

While the immune system remains strong, the pathogen does not emerge from its dormant state for just as long. If the body is exposed to unfavorable factors, the protective functions weaken and push the strain to become more active. For example, during pregnancy, herpes on the butt appears against the background of altered hormonal status.

Other factors contributing to the awakening of the virus:

  1. HIV.
  2. Stress.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Endocrine disorders.
  5. Days of menstruation in women.
  6. Pathologies of internal organs.
  7. Unbearable physical activity.
  8. Acute/chronic poisoning.
  9. Long-term drug therapy.
  10. Strict diets and poor nutrition.
  11. Overheating in the sun or hypothermia.
  12. Chronic fatigue/lack of sleep.

How to understand that herpes has popped up on your butt

Herpes blisters appear on the buttocks and tailbone 5–6 days after infection. The first symptoms will be itching and burning of the skin. Upon examination, convex, compacted rashes are visible. Touching them causes slight pain. The affected area appears swollen.

Further, patients note symptoms characteristic not only of herpes, but also of other diseases:

When the virus leaves the nerve plexus, it ends up under the surface of the skin. In this place, multiple blisters of different sizes form outside, closely adjacent to each other. Each element is filled with purulent fluid with a mass of pathogenic agents.

The pustules open up on their own and are freed from their contents. The exposed areas gradually tighten and become crusty.

The photo clearly shows what herpes blisters on the butt look like. Their integrity cannot be violated, so you need to wash and sit down carefully.

Herpes on the buttocks and tailbone: diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic measures for suspected herpes include a visual examination of the skin of the buttocks and tailbone by specialists such as a dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, virologist, and venereologist.

Additionally, the patient is sent for tests:

Based on the data received, the doctor decides how to treat herpes on the butt. Therapy is usually developed in a complex manner using drugs from different groups.

  1. Antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir. The drugs disrupt the process of virus division and restore infected cells. Inosine pranobex, an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug, has a combined effect on the body affected by the virus.
  2. External agents: Acyclovir and Celestoderm B ointment; creams Zovirax, Fenistil Pentsivir, Gerpferon.
  3. Antihistamines: Claritin, Cetirizine, Desloratadine. Medicines quickly relieve itching and burning, which bother the patient at the early stage of herpes development. They also relieve swelling from tissues and improve well-being.
  4. Immunomodulators and adaptogens: Arbidol, Kagocel, aloe juice, tincture of golden root, Schisandra chinensis or ginseng. The drugs are prescribed for a long term to increase the body's defenses. Take them during exacerbations or between relapses, as recommended by your doctor.

While treatment for herpes on the butt is underway, you must stop wearing synthetic underwear and tight-fitting clothes. It is important to maintain good hygiene and use individual bath accessories. Intimate life is prohibited until recovery.

To avoid infection of the affected area, it can be treated with hydrogen peroxide several times a day. Applying ointments and creams to blisters and sores is allowed only with a cotton swab (not with fingers).


P.S. Prevention of herpes on the butt is to avoid casual relationships and unprotected sex. When planning a family, future parents are recommended to take a blood test for antibodies. If the fact of carriage of HSV-1 or HSV-2 is not established in time, a child from an infected mother may be born premature or with developmental defects.

Treating herpes during pregnancy without the knowledge of a doctor is dangerous, because many drugs are contraindicated during this period. You can use medications and folk remedies for herpes only in consultation with a specialist.

Herpes on the butt appears in the form of a red or pale pink rash on the skin of the buttocks, which is a sign of the presence of herpes virus type 1 or 2 in the body of a sick person. The blisters are painful to the touch, itchy, and may burst periodically. The presence of inflamed areas of skin in this part of the body threatens secondary infection and complications. Therefore, treatment of herpetic rash on the butt should be carried out from the first days of its appearance.

Why does herpes appear on the buttocks?

Most often, red, inflamed blisters of herpes infection appear on the lips and nose of infected people, resembling cold symptoms, but there are cases when a red rash in the form of watery blisters forms on the buttocks. Herpetic tumors cause significant discomfort to the patient, since pimples in most cases are located in the tailbone area and closer to the middle of the butt. All processes of the formation of herpetic neoplasms are associated with the penetration of herpes virus 1 or genotype 2 into the body of a previously healthy person. In their RNA structure they are very similar and have very minor differences.

The symptoms of the presence of type 1 and type 2 viruses are always the same, but they are transmitted differently. HSV-1 type can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through household contact or through airborne droplets during a conversation or kiss. If an infected person experiences the acute phase of the disease and has multiple watery blisters on the body, then he is capable of spreading millions of new viruses into the environment every day, capable of infecting healthy people.

The cause of herpes on the butt is type 2 virus. It is transmitted during unprotected sexual contact between an infected partner and a healthy person. In fact, this is a peculiar manifestation of genital herpes, when a red rash does not form on the genitals, but retains its presence in the intimate area of ​​the patient. In adults suffering from HSV-2, the herpetic rash is not limited exclusively to the buttocks. It occurs on the skin in the perineal area, as well as on the external genitalia of men and women.

In young children, herpes on the butt is a consequence of infection with the virus in the womb from an infected mother or during its passage through the birth canal during birth.

Another reason for the appearance of a herpetic rash on the butt is postoperative formations. This is a certain category of people who, due to the presence of some pathologies, underwent surgery on the buttocks or tailbone. During the surgical procedure, insufficiently sterile medical equipment and instruments were used. As a result, the virus penetrated the soft tissues of this part of the body. Unfortunately, such phenomena are not uncommon. Similar cases of negligence on the part of medical personnel are common in small clinics located in rural settlements, where it is not always possible to carry out high-quality sterilization of surgical instruments.


herpes on the butt in the photo

When it enters the healthy tissue of the buttocks, herpes penetrates the nerve plexuses located in the spine, which are directed to the periphery. After colonizing the nerve cells of this part of the body, the virus is able to migrate to other organs and skin surfaces. Therefore, in such patients, red blisters begin to appear not only in the intimate area, but also on the neck, behind the ears, lips in the décolleté area.

These are very dangerous symptoms, which if ignored and not treated can lead to viral damage to the central nervous system and cerebral cortex. Lethal outcomes are rare, but after suffering herpetic inflammation, the functional capabilities of the body are significantly reduced.

The cause of herpes on the butt can be caused by the presence of additional risk factors, namely:

  1. HIV infection;
  2. stressful situations;
  3. alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs;
  4. disruption of the endocrine glands;
  5. active days of the menstrual cycle in women;
  6. diseases of internal organs;
  7. exhausting physical activity;
  8. chronic or acute poisoning with food or chemicals;
  9. poor nutrition;
  10. Sleep duration is less than 8 hours per day.

Of course, these factors alone cannot cause the formation of herpes on the buttocks, but they act as an additional burden on the immune system and accelerate the development of the virus in infected tissues of the body. Proper nutrition, adherence to a daily routine and taking care of your health will reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease and the formation of multiple herpetic rashes in the intimate area of ​​the body.

Symptoms of herpes on the butt


On average, watery red blisters appear on the tailbone and middle of the buttocks already on the 6th day from the moment of infection. The skin in the affected area appears swollen and inflamed. At the slightest touch to the rash, the patient feels slight pain. In a state of calm, the formations may itch. If treatment is not carried out, then after 1-2 days additional symptoms appear in the form of:

  1. fever;
  2. heavy sweating;
  3. increase in body temperature to 37.8 degrees;
  4. weaknesses;
  5. sleep disorders.

As the virus develops in infected tissues, the rash becomes deep red in color and fluid accumulates in it, which in appearance resembles ichor. These bubbles cannot be pressed and care must be taken that they do not burst during movement. You should sit on a chair smoothly and move without jerking. These precautions are completely justified, because if the liquid contents of the bubbles burst, then the ichor with millions of new herpes viruses will fall on the skin and secondary infection will occur. This way the disease will only strengthen its position, and the load on the immune system will increase a hundredfold.

Treatment of herpes on the buttocks

Before starting treatment for the disease, the dermatologist conducts an initial examination of the patient’s skin condition. The same manipulations can be performed by an infectious disease specialist or venereologist. After a visual examination, the patient must donate blood from a vein to determine the presence of antibodies that react to the presence of a herpes infection. Having the test results in hand, the attending physician forms an individual course of treatment. In order to suppress viral activity in the buttocks area and the entire body as a whole, an integrated therapeutic approach is always used. The patient is prescribed the following medications:

  1. Acyclovir, Valacyclovir. These drugs interrupt the cell division cycle of the virus and have a restorative effect on already infected tissues of the body. Immunity increases the level of resistance to disease and the healing process accelerates.
  2. Inosine. This is one of the antiviral spectrum medications that is effective against herpes types 1 and 2. It not only suppresses the virus, but also has immunomodulatory properties.
  3. Acyclovir, Zovirax, Herpferon, Celestoderm. These are topical ointments that are applied to cold sores to prevent them from transforming into bright red, liquid-filled blisters. These drugs not only locally suppress viral cells, but also relieve inflammation and dry out weeping formations.
  4. Claritin, Desloratadine. These antihistamines are used in the course of treatment to relieve severe itching and burning sensations. In most cases, the cause of damage to herpetic blisters on the butt occurs with the fingers of the patient himself, as they are very itchy.
  5. Arbidol, aloe juice, pharmacy tincture of golden root, ginseng, Kagocel. All these drugs have an immunomodulatory effect on the body. The immune system is saturated with nutrients and more successfully resists herpes. As a rule, drugs in this group are prescribed for a long term, since they act as a biological additive to maintain the patient’s vitality and prevent relapse of viral manifestations.

It is important to remember that during the period of treatment for herpes on the butt, the patient’s intimate life is strictly prohibited.

Even the use of barrier contraceptives in the form of a condom does not provide a 100% guarantee that infection of the surrounding skin tissues will be avoided. The patient should change his underwear daily. Wear clothes only from natural fabrics and avoid synthetic trousers. If a person with a herpetic rash on the buttocks lives in a family with small children, then it is better to isolate him for the period of therapy. Children do not yet have strong immunity and are very susceptible to infection with herpes virus genotypes 1 and 2.

Prevention of the disease is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid sexual relations with a large number of sexual partners, and periodically donate venous blood to determine the presence or absence of the virus in the body. Young people who want to become parents must undergo tests before starting a family to rule out the birth of an infected child. You also need to understand that treating herpes on the buttocks at home rarely brings a positive therapeutic effect and can cause serious complications.

Blisters or sores on the buttocks can be caused by a number of reasons. Among them:

  1. Herpes
  2. Tight clothes
  3. Skin friction from exercise such as cycling or running
  4. Infections
  5. Allergic reactions
  6. Skin conditions such as eczema



Herpes simplex infection tends to affect the lower back and buttocks. The rash due to herpes usually appears as small blisters or sores around the nose, mouth, lower back, genitals, and buttocks. The virus is highly contagious and is spread by direct contact with skin lesions. Treatment includes:

  1. Ibuprofen, which may help stop fever, pain, and muscle soreness caused by the virus
  2. Wearing loose clothing to minimize skin irritation
  3. Applying a warm compress or ice pack to relieve swelling and discomfort.

Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis

Dermatitis herpetiformis is a rare but persistent disease that is often associated with intolerance to gluten (the protein in flour), although its causes are not fully known. Lesions can usually appear on the scalp, shoulders, buttocks, elbows and knees. They present as extremely itchy, often seven-fold clusters of blisters, sores or spots on the body. Men encounter this disease twice as often, although girls under the age of 20 suffer from it more often.

Dermatitis herpetiformis usually has a good prognosis and responds well to a strict gluten-free and drug-free diet. As a drug treatment, dapsone is the drug of choice if diet does not help.


Friction is a common cause of skin blisters. This is common for people who lead an active lifestyle, including sports players. Chafing can be caused by clothing that creates friction on the skin in the genital area, lower back and buttocks.

Moist skin around the groin and buttocks can increase the risk of developing blisters. They are found in places where intense friction occurs.

Skin reaction to external factors

The skin reaction can cause ulcers and blisters, for example, when it comes into contact with excessive heat, such as a sunburn.


Viral or fungal infections can cause skin problems in the buttocks area. These include chickenpox, impetigo, shingles and others.

Allergic reactions

An allergic reaction such as eczema may also cause blisters to form. In this case it is usually caused by an allergy to chemicals.


Some medications (for example, nalidixic acid) can cause sores.

Blisters between the buttocks

The presence of a rash may be the main cause of blisters between the buttocks. This part of the body is prone to developing blistering rashes. Reasons include:

  1. Infections such as impetigo, staph bacteria, herpes, chicken pox and others
  2. Skin diseases such as dermatitis, epidermolysis
  3. Medications
  4. Allergies
  5. Intense friction of the skin between the buttocks
  6. Skin irritation.

Blisters between the buttocks can be painful depending on what is causing them. The duration of the rash depends on the underlying causes. While they can sometimes go away on their own within a few days, blisters caused by infection can remain for weeks or months.

Chronic problems may require long-term treatment to get rid of them (for example, the herpes simplex virus).

The skin in the buttock area is susceptible to infections, which may be difficult to notice. An infection of the hair follicles (folliculitis) usually goes away on its own without treatment. But it can also spread, causing boils that will require antibiotics.

Often the problem concerns people who are bedridden. The sores can become quite severe, resulting in ulceration and a large area of ​​affected skin on the buttocks. A number of reasons that can lead to buttock ulcers include:

  1. Skin diseases, including various rashes
  2. Genital herpes
  3. Impetigo
  4. Allergic reactions
  5. Eczema
  6. Shingles
  7. Infections.

Prevention measures

There are various simple ways to prevent blisters between the buttocks.

  1. Wear comfortable clothes that can absorb sweat.
  2. Apply sunscreen or lotion to prevent skin burns
  3. Avoid irritants and allergens that may trigger eczema, such as bubble baths, sprays and detergents
  4. Avoid contact with the skin of a person who has active herpes.


Blisters and sores may heal on their own. You need to leave them alone. Squeezing the blisters may increase the chance of infection.

Protect the blister

Blisters tend to protect the skin, so you shouldn't pop them as this can increase the risk of infection. Instead, cover the blisters with a bandage or bandage until they go away on their own. The idea is that the liquid they contain is reabsorbed and the skin smooths out naturally.

Large or painful blisters may be popped and an antibacterial cream should be applied to prevent the risk of infection.

Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals

You need to use topical medications with an antibiotic to treat the problem. Antibiotic creams or tablets can be used for impetigo. Antibiotics are usually recommended to treat infected sores.

Corticosteroids/immunosuppressive drugs

Blisters caused by dermatitis herpetiformis can be treated with injections of corticosteroids or immunosuppressants.

Loose underwear

Although most blisters will heal naturally anyway, wearing loose-fitting underwear is recommended to help reduce skin irritation. Skin irritation and friction are common causes of blisters around the genitals and buttocks.

You can use Neosporin or a similar ointment to help the healing process.

Home Remedies

Warm compress

It will help reduce inflammation, pain and speed up the healing process.

  1. Soak a clean piece of cloth or cotton swab in warm water
  2. Gently apply to affected area
  3. Wait a while, about 2 minutes
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is a natural soothing remedy that treats skin inflammation, including blisters.

  1. Cut a fresh aloe leaf
  2. Scoop out the gel-like pulp
  3. Apply it gently to the affected area
  4. Let it dry, then rinse with warm water
  5. Repeat this procedure 2 - 3 times a day.


Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties. This is a natural remedy to cure blisters on buttocks at home.

  1. Crush the garlic cloves into a paste
  2. Apply paste to blisters
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse skin with warm water
  4. To achieve the best results, repeat the manipulations 2 - 3 times a day for a couple of weeks.

Baking soda

  1. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to water
  2. Make a thick paste
  3. Apply it on the ulcers on the buttocks
  4. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water
  5. Repeat the procedure for several days.

Neem oil

Margosa or neem is considered a natural cure for many skin diseases. The oil has both antifungal and antiseptic properties.

  1. Dip a cotton swab into the oil
  2. Apply it to the affected area
  3. Leave for about 5 - 10 minutes, then rinse
  4. Carry out this procedure for several days.

Turmeric powder

Turmeric has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The paste, when applied to a blister, can speed up the healing process in a couple of days.

  1. Cleanse skin with warm water
  2. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a cup of water and make a paste
  3. Apply it to the problem area and cover with a bandage
  4. Repeat the manipulations three times a day for several days.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It can kill infections that cause skin diseases.

  1. Clean the affected area with saline solution
  2. Gently rub the oil into the skin using a cotton ball.
  3. Do this several times a day for several days.

The above-mentioned folk remedies will help quickly alleviate the condition. You may need to visit a doctor to find the underlying cause of blisters and sores on your buttocks. Your doctor may prescribe other treatment options that can be combined with home remedies.