Cosmetics for sensitive problem skin

Dryness, redness, burning, reaction in the form of rashes or peeling after using new cosmetics - all these are symptoms hinting at skin hypersensitivity. We find out why the skin becomes like this and what cosmetics it needs.

  1. Signs of sensitive skin
  2. Causes of skin reactivity
  3. How to choose cosmetics for very sensitive skin
  4. Fund rating

Signs of sensitive skin

Sensitivity is a state of increased skin reactivity. For various reasons, such skin (very vulnerable) negatively perceives certain internal and external factors, which contributes to the formation of foci of inflammation.

Those with reactive skin often experience intolerance to certain cosmetic ingredients and experience irritation and dryness even from tap water.

Sensitive skin becomes red and irritated easily © L’Oreal Paris

What types of sensitive skin are there?

Hypersensitive or allergic skin prone to rashes and itching. Light, thin, with fragile blood vessels, she suffers from redness and a feeling of heat (with rosacea).

Dry skin with insufficient lipid barrier (or any skin type with a damaged lipid barrier) is characterized by redness, flaking, and a feeling of tightness throughout the day. All these symptoms worsen in winter.

Dehydrated skin - a condition characteristic of any skin type with a lack of hydrostatic agents. For this type of sensitive skin, the characteristic signs are dullness, the appearance of dehydration wrinkles in the late afternoon, a pronounced feeling of tightness after cleansing with water.

Cosmetics for reactive skin should be soft and delicate © L’Oreal Paris

Causes of skin reactivity

Skin sensitivity is determined by several factors, including:

some skin diseases;

influence of aggressive external conditions;

Hypersensitive skin – usually dry and thin © L’Oreal Paris

In addition, the reasons causing the exacerbation of this condition have been established.

Aggressive cleansers - scrubs, formulas with acids and retinoids - irritate sensitive skin, causing redness and dryness.

Stress provokes the appearance of red spots and peeling on the skin.

Change of climatic conditions, especially to extreme ones (heat, icy wind), they increase reactivity.

Sensitive skin needs beauty formulas without fragrances or dyes © L’Oreal Paris

How to choose cosmetics for very sensitive skin

Owners of skin prone to reactivity should take into account that they will need delicate formulas, light textures, and a firm “no” to fragrances and dyes.

The key here is gentleness. No alkaline products, only gentle cleansing milk and alcohol-free micellar water, which must be rinsed off.

Hydration and nutrition

Creams and masks, in addition to moisturizing components, should contain soothing substances (panthenol, allantoin) to prevent irritation and redness of the skin.

It is believed that exfoliation is harmful for reactive skin, but this is not true. You just need special products. Instead of a scrub with abrasives, use a soft gommage, and products with an acid content (very low) should be used strictly according to the instructions.

Sun protection

As a rule, sensitive skin is more vulnerable to the sun, which means it needs sunscreen.

Fund rating

Our review includes several cosmetic products that may be suitable for sensitive skin.

Washing and removing makeup

Milk for removing makeup from the face and eyes “Basic care” for dry and sensitive skin, Garnier

The delicate formula with rose extract and rich texture are designed to effectively remove makeup and remove impurities from the surface of the skin. The product does not damage the hydrolipid layer of the skin, does not cause irritation or discomfort.

Micellar water for sensitive skin Ultra, La Roche-Posay

The new formula of the famous micellar water is designed specifically for reactive skin. The combination of micelles and glycerin provides high-quality atraumatic cleansing: the product allows you to easily remove makeup and impurities without additional friction, without damaging the protective barrier.

Cleansing gel “Absolute tenderness” for dry and sensitive skin, L’Oréal Paris

The Gallic rose extract contained in the product is responsible for moisturizing and nourishing, increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Jasmine extract soothes and softens it.

Day care

Moisturizing soothing gel for sensitive skin Phyto Corrective, SkinCeuticals

The formula with hyaluronic acid and extracts of grapefruit, cucumber, mulberry, olive leaf and thyme moisturizes and soothes skin prone to irritation. Suitable for use after aesthetic procedures.

Hydra Zen Fluide, Lancôme

The delicate texture and soothing extracts of rose, peony and sea fennel act against feelings of dryness, tightness, and discomfort.

Night care

Night restorative care Toleriane Ultra, La Roche-Posay

The formula containing allantoin, squalane and neurosensin has a powerful calming effect, reduces skin reactivity and reduces oxidative processes in cells.

Night moisturizing mask Ultra Facial Overnight, Kiehl’s

Squalane and glycerin in the mask are responsible for the prolonged moisturizing effect. Quickly absorbed, the product softens the skin, fills it with moisture and strengthens the protective hydrolipidic layer.


Softening exfoliating cream Exfoliance Confort, Lancôme

A delicate product with a soft creamy texture removes dead skin particles, softening the skin and giving it radiance. Suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

Soft scrub Gommage Surfin, La Roche-Posay

Exfoliating particles of artificial origin remove dead scales from the surface without damaging the epidermis. The delicate product does not contain soap or alcohol and is suitable for dry and reactive skin.

Sensitive skin is a real sissy. If you apply the “wrong” cream on it, it will immediately react with vagaries: redness, peeling, itching, irritation, burning sensation and inflammatory elements. But there are also cosmetic ingredients that she will accept with gratitude. What will soothe sensitive skin, protect it from bad weather and restore its feeling of comfort?

5 rules for caring for sensitive skin

Foreign studies show that about 20% of the world's population have sensitive skin. And this is not a separate variety that requires close attention. Skin of any type can be sensitive - dry and oily, normal and combination. How to properly care for her?

Be careful with water procedures

Sensitive skin reacts sharply even to plain water. Therefore, morning and evening washing will be enough for her. Cleaning it more often will do more harm than good. Additionally, using hot water instead of warm water will cause even more irritation and rashes.

Make care as easy as possible

Avoid using products you don't need. The simpler the care, the lower the risk of irritation and inflammatory elements. Don’t overload your skin with concentrated beauty products, it still won’t appreciate your impulse!

Avoid using scrubs

Most scrubs and peels available in stores are too harsh for sensitive skin. As an alternative, you can use woven wipes or special brushes with soft elastic bristles to cleanse the skin. But you can use them no more than twice a week.

Always wear sunscreen

Make it a habit to apply sunscreen every morning. Important clarification: it must contain only physical sun filters.

Filter the composition of cosmetics

Sensitive skin is not suitable for beauty products that contain alcohol, perfumes, dyes, essential oils, sulfates, formaldehydes, and harsh abrasive ingredients.

Over my long practice, I realized one thing: people with sensitive skin understand that it is sensitive when they already use the wrong skin products. Sensitive skin needs special careful care.

Here are some rules of care:

1. Gentle cleansing, without damaging the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin. Do not use aggressive cleaning ingredients. Products that include soap tree extract work well.

2. Care creams with active ingredients: kelp extract, centella, quinoa seeds, aloe Barbados flowers, turmeric root, shea and macadamia butter, green tea, licorice root, ceramides, natural squalane, urea, bepanthen. These components will restore the basic functions of the skin, strengthen blood vessels, normalize the balance of skin enzyme systems, and increase resistance to environmental stress factors.

3. Be sure to protect sensitive skin from free radicals and UV rays by using an appropriate cream or oil.

10 Best Ingredients for Sensitive Skin

Doctor of Medicine, Dermatologist Yael Adler says that there are “sensors” everywhere in our skin. Thanks to small sensitive receptors, it receives data from the environment. The “sensors” of reactive skin are easily excitable, and therefore, what a normal type does not notice will seem like a tragedy on a universal scale to sensitive skin. But there are beauty products that will soothe and protect her, and in addition will help maintain youth and improve health.

1. Hyaluronic acid

Sensitive skin easily loses moisture because its protective functions are weakened. Hyaluronic acid is designed to maintain a sufficient level of skin moisture. In its natural form, it is found in the human body, and therefore is perceived by it as a “native” ingredient. Research from 2018 showed that hyaluronic acid can provide support in a variety of situations - from helping inflamed joints and tissues to treating hyper-reactive skin.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plant juice, extract and gel are popular ingredients in cosmetics for sensitive skin. They have truly “magical” properties: moisturize and nourish the skin, help strengthen its immune defense (due to the content of antioxidants and minerals), soothe and stimulate recovery processes. It is also important that the plant juice in its pure form can be applied even to damaged skin. Research shows that Aloe Vera juice has the ability to “delay” the appearance of skin irritation.

3. Olive oil

This famous ingredient was also the subject of research. And the results are impressive! Olive oil promotes the speedy healing of wounds and burns, strengthens the protective barrier and helps the skin function normally. This is a very gentle ingredient that fits perfectly into the care of sensitive skin, including the eyelid contour. Look for it in creams and masks!

Most toners, facial lotions and makeup removers contain alcohol, which is not safe for sensitive skin. It promotes moisture loss and can lead to irritation and persistent discomfort.

4. Chamomile extract

One of the most accessible ingredients in natural cosmetics enjoys the reputation of a “favorite” among the fair sex. And this is not without reason! Chamomile promotes skin regeneration, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves irritation and soothes. Cosmetics containing it are suitable for daily use.

5. Shea butter (karite)

Shea butter is extracted from the nuts of the African Shea tree, whose history goes back several thousand years, and the fruits are considered sacred. As part of cosmetics, shea butter, along with other ingredients, has been proven to help reduce the manifestations of atopic dermatitis, and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. That's why products containing it are effective.

6. Bisabolol

This is a “classic” in the care of sensitive skin. This substance is included in the formulas of serums, lotions and creams for hyperreactive skin. Manufacturers love it for its pronounced calming properties and anti-inflammatory effect.

Perfume fragrances in cosmetics can react with the skin, causing inflammation and irritation, weakening its internal reserves. Therefore, it is better to avoid them.

7. Provitamin B5

On the label this substance may be “hidden” behind another name - D-panthenol. Like other ingredients recommended for sensitive skin, it has excellent soothing and restorative properties, and in addition, it stimulates the skin's repair process and fights the harmful effects of free radicals. It is often included in sunscreen and after-sun products. If your skin reacts sharply to the sun's rays, you won't find a better helper!

8. Calendula extract

If you spend a lot of time outdoors during active insolation, you cannot do without this ingredient! Studies have shown that calendula extract is as effective as Aloe Vera in treating burns and other skin damage.

9. Allantoin

The myths that only natural cosmetics are suitable for sensitive skin are successfully debunked by this substance. Despite its “synthetic” origin, allantoin helps soothe sensitive skin, relieves itching and flaking, softens and eliminates inflammation.

When choosing a sunscreen for sensitive skin, avoid purchasing cosmetics containing chemical filters - avobenzone, octinoxate, oxybenzone. Although they perfectly reflect UV rays, thereby preventing burns, they can cause irritation on sensitive skin.

10. Green tea extract

Due to its high content of vitamins and antioxidants, this ingredient helps improve blood circulation in the skin, has an anti-edematous effect, and prevents the appearance of dark circles, so it is often included in skin care around the eyes. But it will also show itself on the positive side in facial cosmetics.

Sensitive skin is a manifestation of the reaction of the main skin types to some external irritants or factors. Of course, dry and dehydrated skin is most prone to sensitivity and discomfort. However, complaints of discomfort and the main symptoms inherent in sensitive skin, such as itching, irritation, peeling, redness, also occur in those whose skin is of the oily type.

Sensitive skin in any case requires care and attention to itself, because such a problem most often arises as a result of insufficient or incorrect care: for example, when a woman with oily skin uses regular soap instead of a special cleanser in order to get rid of “excess greasiness" and dry the skin. As a result, the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin is disrupted, it becomes more prone to inflammation and dehydrated, but does not become dry, but, on the contrary, even more oily. Excessive scrubbing and self-cleansing can also lead to increased skin sensitivity. After all, you need to know moderation in everything: for oily and combination skin, the scrub can be used 1-2 times a week, but for dry skin this procedure is contraindicated - it is better to prefer delicate cleansing using gommages.

Living in a metropolis also negatively affects the condition of the epidermis: dry air in rooms where central heating radiators operate in winter, and air conditioning almost everywhere in summer, ecology, tap water that is not very suitable for washing - all of this together does not add to the health of our skin.

Methods for improving the condition of sensitive skin:

1. Correct lifestyle. We need to start with the main thing, namely, to restore order from the inside. First of all, it is necessary to establish a drinking regime. Plain, still water should be supplied to the body in the proper quantity - approximately 2 liters per day. Water helps solve many problems, including dehydration. It leads to dryness and increased sensitivity of the skin.

Of course, you also need to monitor your diet: it must be balanced in vitamins and microelements. It is best if it does not contain any frankly harmful products - fast food, sausage, etc. Do not forget that we are what we eat, so make sure that your diet contains vegetables, herbs, foods rich in vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, PP, selenium, magnesium, potassium, iron.

2. We start skin care with washing. If your skin is prone to irritation, redness, inflammation and is sensitive, ordinary tap water is not the best option for washing. It contains chlorine, which increases skin reactivity significantly. To avoid the negative effects of tap water, use spring or mineral water to wash your face.

3. Sensitive skin requires the use of toner. After washing, sensitive skin should be treated with toner to restore the pH of the skin. A toner that does not contain alcohol will do.

4. The cream must contain a minimum of components. This is necessary primarily in order not to cause even more irritation. Therefore, if the cream contains essential oils and extracts of exotic plants, this indicates that this type of cream is not suitable for sensitive skin. The presence of triglycerides and light fats is welcome in day creams. It is desirable to have UV protection. An excellent option for sensitive skin is creams with thermal water with minerals.

5. Thermal water is the best option for irrigating the skin during the day. This skin type does not get enough care, it is damaged by dry air and waste products from cars, so use thermal water in the office and at home to maintain the moisture balance of your skin.

6. Do not overload sensitive skin with cosmetics! Use only decorative cosmetics that contain minerals.

7. Evening cleansing of sensitive skin in several stages: first, milk, tonic, nourishing cream with vitamins A, E, panthenol, hydrolysates of vegetable oils, which help relieve irritation, wound healing and oxygen exchange.

8. Sensitive skin can never use extra nutrition. But it must be correct: at home, to prepare nourishing masks, you can use products such as fresh cucumbers, olive oil, eggs, apples, and oatmeal.

9. Pay attention to salon care, since modern cosmetology offers a lot of possibilities: this includes phototherapy aimed at relieving discomfort, rejuvenation, stimulating collagen production, and biorevitalization using fillers with hyaluronic acid to improve metabolic processes in the skin, reduce irritation and strengthen blood vessels.

10. Deep peelings are strictly contraindicated. based on various acids, as well as products and procedures (for example, scrubbing) that scratch and injure the skin.

Women who care about their appearance and take this issue seriously prefer to purchase face cream at the pharmacy. This is due to the effectiveness of using such products, comparable to procedures in a beauty salon. What drugs can be bought in the pharmacy chain, how the products from well-known global manufacturers differ, how to make the right choice - this is discussed in the review of branded medicinal products.

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics

Modern development of science, turning to traditional medicine, has helped to create a new direction at the intersection of pharmacology and cosmetology - cosmeceuticals, which is engaged in the development of medicinal drugs. Pharmacy cosmetics are products whose action is aimed at solving dermatological and aesthetic problems. These drugs:

  1. contain active natural ingredients;
  2. use the latest scientific developments;
  3. safe - they do not contain dyes, fragrances, parabens;
  4. promote rapid restoration of the skin, treatment, and preventive care.

Pharmacy cosmetics have their own characteristics. They are associated with the high quality of products, the serious attitude of manufacturers to products produced under brands, and therefore are sold through pharmacies. Medical cosmetics:

  1. solves skin problems from the inside;
  2. has certificates - undergoes many laboratory tests;
  3. helps reduce doses of medications;
  4. guarantees long-lasting effect;
  5. differs in the quality of cleaning;
  6. serves as an addition to treatment or acts independently.

Pharmaceutical companies developing unique formulations for pharmaceutical cosmetics produce products that:

  1. solves specific problems of the epidermis;
  2. simultaneously treats, eliminates defects and cares for the skin;
  3. has a price that includes the costs of developing new formulas and clinical studies;
  4. contain vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes that act at the cellular level.

Well-known brands are trying to expand their product line. They produce pharmaceutical cosmetics that satisfy any requirement. Leading companies produce the following types and forms of products:

  1. creams that solve various problems;
  2. lines of hair products;
  3. cosmetic nail care products;
  4. micellar water;
  5. tonics;
  6. emulsions;
  7. vibes;
  8. serums;
  9. foam;
  10. gels;
  11. mousses;
  12. milk;
  13. oils;
  14. lotions.

How is it different from normal

Those with sensitive skin find it difficult to choose cosmetics even in specialized stores. Hypoallergenic pharmaceutical cosmetics have a serious therapeutic effect on skin diseases. Unlike conventional drugs, these products:

  1. penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  2. actively moisturizes the skin;
  3. contains ingredients that are used in the production of medicines;
  4. does not cause allergic reactions.

The products of well-known brands are distinguished by the fact that all components of pharmaceutical products undergo high-quality pre-purification. The effectiveness of drugs is determined by:

  1. no preservatives, parabens, fragrances;
  2. guarantee of laboratory and clinical tests, confirmed by certificates;
  3. use of natural components and modern developments;
  4. the possibility of treatment, preventive care from the effects of the sun, ultraviolet rays;
  5. the ability to solve problems of early aging and fading;
  6. effectiveness in the treatment of acne, acne, rosacea.

Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that meet the diverse needs of consumers. All pharmacy cosmetics are divided into three groups. The most accessible, which is cheap, but distinguished by quality and safety, are mass market products. These drugs, in addition to pharmacies, can be purchased in specialized cosmetics stores and supermarkets. Popular products of domestic and foreign brands: