Massage :: Page - 95

Are there white moles?


A person can observe not only a brown, red, blue, but also a white mole on his skin. It looks like a small oval or round spot. The boundaries of such a nevus are clear an ...

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Is there an allergy to cold?


This is a little-studied phenomenon that is observed in people with cold intolerance. Cold allergy is a peculiar reaction of the human body to sub-zero temperatures, with ...

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Bullous form of herpes zoster


Shingles (herpes) is a viral skin disease that manifests itself as unilateral rashes and is accompanied by severe pain. The causative agent of the disease is the chickenp ...

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Be healthy regenerating lip balm


Revitalizing balms are designed for thin and sensitive lip skin. They are able to protect against the negative effects of the environment: ultraviolet rays, temperature, ...

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Botulinum toxin for wrinkles


Various aesthetic cosmetology methods are used to treat wrinkles. This is filling voids in the skin with fillers, introducing hyaluronic acid into the upper layer of the ...

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Botulinum toxin in cosmetology reviews consequences photos


Victory over deep expression wrinkles using folk masks and conventional cosmetics is impossible. The fight against changes caused by active emotions becomes effective onl ...

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Botulinum toxin in cosmetology reviews consequences and contraindications


Victory over deep expression wrinkles using folk masks and conventional cosmetics is impossible. The fight against changes caused by active emotions becomes effective onl ...

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Botulinum effect cream for deep wrinkles reviews


It is possible to prolong the youth of the skin and stop the passing of years thanks to new cosmetology products. Beauty injections allow you to smooth out wrinkles, rest ...

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Botox what is it in cosmetology


Various aesthetic cosmetology methods are used to treat wrinkles. This is filling voids in the skin with fillers, introducing hyaluronic acid into the upper layer of the ...

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Botox for wrinkles around the eyes reviews


I am glad to welcome you again, my dear readers. Who doesn't dream of prolonging their youth? How you don’t want wrinkles to appear on your face. Unfortunately, this proc ...

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