Botulinum toxin in cosmetology reviews consequences and contraindications

Victory over deep expression wrinkles using folk masks and conventional cosmetics is impossible. The fight against changes caused by active emotions becomes effective only when cosmetologists use the most powerful modern drugs. Of course, their use allows you to obtain the desired result, but it is completely ambiguous.
Today, botulinum toxin is most often used in cosmetology.

Reviews from experts claim that this is truly the most effective of all currently existing means. Several formulations have been developed based on botulinum toxin. According to reviews from cosmetologists and patients, they all perfectly eliminate wrinkles, smoothing the skin for a long time.

What is this component?

Botulinum toxin is nothing more than an organic poison. If a significant dose enters the body, it causes hypoxia. The respiratory system is paralyzed, which leads to death.

The word botulus comes to us from Latin. Its translation into Russian is very original - “sausage”. This is due to the fact that this element is often found in meat products. The poison is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Moreover, they do this only under anaerobic conditions, when there is no oxygen in the environment where they are located. That is why this element is most often formed in canned foods.

Scientists have identified nine groups of this poison. However, only botulinum toxin types A and B are used for cosmetic purposes. Other types of poison are not used.

Usage history

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the German researcher Kerner described the symptoms of a very dangerous disease called botulism. Several decades later, scientists identified the causative agents of this disease. They turned out to be the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. These microorganisms produced toxins capable of blocking nerve impulses. This fact was of great interest to scientists, and they began to figure out how this substance could be used for medical purposes.

Areas of application

Botulinum toxin type A is more actively used in cosmetology. Reviews from experts confirm its low degree of allergenicity and immunogenicity. In a variety of concentrations, this substance is included in many drugs (more on them below).

Lyophilized and purified preparations of protein origin can provide a long-term blockade of nerve impulses transmitted to muscle fibers. This leads to long-term muscle relaxation and the elimination of wrinkles.

Many patients who had this procedure explained their decision by the presence of an aesthetic problem. Their facial muscles were so overstrained that they had difficulty communicating. It seemed that the man was constantly gloomy and dissatisfied.

For many people, the first wrinkles appear at a young age. They become a consequence of emotional stress and active facial expressions. Interestingly, men suffer from this problem much more often than women.

In addition, a person’s nervous tension and involuntary contraction of facial muscles cause headaches. And this, in turn, provokes the development of neurological diseases. In this case, botulinum toxin receives reviews not only as a cosmetic product, but also as a therapeutic agent.

That is why drugs based on this substance are used in two areas. The first of them is cosmetic, and the second is neurological. Both of them successfully use botulinum toxin. Reviews in neurology say that with the help of products based on this organic poison, pathologies such as spastic paralysis, torticollis, spasms of facial muscles, etc. are eliminated.

As for cosmetology, here botulinum toxin finds its application for the following:

- elimination of facial wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and in the area between the eyebrows;
— smoothing folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
- eliminating a gummy smile;
- combating excessive sweating;
- tightening of drooping corners of the mouth and eyebrows.

Drug administration sites

In what areas do cosmetologists inject botulinum toxin? Reviews from experts suggest that the drug must be administered into those facial muscles that are responsible for the appearance of wrinkles. This leads to their temporary paralysis, resulting in the smoothing of the skin texture. The duration of the required effect directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the dose of the drug. This condition lasts from six months to a year.

Also, specialists who are well acquainted with the mechanics of the facial muscles and the anatomy of the face correct some age-related changes and drooping corners of the lips with drugs that contain botulinum toxin. Reviews from cosmetologists and patients indicate the high effectiveness of this procedure.

With the help of botulinum toxin injections, such a problem as a gummy smile can be corrected. Previously, it could only be solved with surgical intervention. A gummy smile disappears after several injections into the muscle that elevates the upper lip.


In what form is botulinum toxin used in cosmetology? Reviews from experts confirm that today in our country four types of products containing this toxic substance have been registered and approved for use. Their list includes:

1. Botox, made in the USA.
2. "Dysport" (England and France).
3. "Xeomin" (Germany).
4. "Lantox" (China).

All these drugs, despite the fact that they are considered analogues, have different composition, effectiveness and algorithm of use. In this regard, the selection of the required dosage should be carried out only by a specialist who will correctly dilute the drug according to the instructions attached to it. Let's take a closer look at the tools listed above.


According to cosmetologists, this drug is the most popular among patients. Its active component is purified botulinum toxin A, which acts in conjunction with serum albumin. The result after using the drug can be seen after seven days. The effect lasts from six to eight months. Botox injections, which block nerve impulses, are given intramuscularly, usually without anesthesia. The main difference between the product and its analogues is the large size of the molecules. It is due to this that the drug has a targeted effect and is eliminated from the body over a long period of time. Cosmetologists use Botox to correct the forehead, eyes and eyebrow area. The release form of the drug is powder. Immediately before use, it is diluted by a specialist in the required concentration.


Relatively recently, this new product appeared on the market, which allows the use of botulinum toxin in cosmetology. Reviews from experts indicate that the drug “Dysport” has a lower concentration of organic poison compared to “Botox”.

In addition, this agent has a low molecular weight and is able to penetrate into tissues located adjacent to the treated muscles. Cosmetologists claim that this property is the main disadvantage of the drug, as it sometimes leads to negative consequences in the form of facial asymmetry.


This drug is one of the safest products in its category. Its main difference from analogues is the high degree of protein purification. This property eliminates the possibility of allergic reactions and reduces the risk of developing unwanted side effects. Interestingly, the drug "Xeomin" acts much faster than "Botox". At the same time, its effect on muscles is selective, which allows you to maintain lively facial expressions.


This drug is based on a neurotoxin that is purified and stabilized with gelatin. This composition helps to maintain biological activity for a long time. The effect of the drug from a Chinese manufacturer is visible faster than Botex. In addition, it lasts longer (up to a year).

Which remedy is the best?

Of course, the main question that concerns patients concerns the choice of the necessary drug. Which one should you prefer?

According to reviews from cosmetologists, there is no clear answer to this question. After all, the human body is so individual that it is simply impossible to compare the effect of the drug in different patients.

So the choice of product should be entrusted to an experienced cosmetologist, who will select the best option based on the task and the characteristics of the patient.


Is botulinum toxin recommended for everyone in cosmetology? Reviews and contraindications regarding restrictions are also available for drugs that include this substance in their composition. So, anti-aging injections are not given in the following cases:

— individual intolerance to the components of the product;
- tendency to allergic reactions;
- existing bleeding disorders;
— myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndrome;
— oncological diseases;
- mental disorders;
— acute infectious diseases;
— taking certain medications (myarelaxants, antibiotics);
- high degree of myopia;
- alcohol abuse.

Patients who decide to undergo the procedure must undergo a full examination and also consult with a therapist and other specialists. And only if there are no deviations that prevent injections, it will be possible to go to a cosmetologist. The specialist will tell you in detail how the procedure will be carried out and select the most optimal drug option.

Preparation for injections

What needs to be done before botulinum toxin injections are given? Reviews from cosmetologists indicate that for maximum effectiveness and safety of the procedure, the patient should not drink alcohol or exercise the day before injections. Already at the first consultation, the doctor will determine where facial wrinkles are located. The specialist will mark the main points of influence, as well as select the necessary drug and calculate the required dose.

Carrying out the procedure

Immediately before the injection of botulinum toxin, the patient will need to remove makeup, cleanse his face and tuck his hair under a cap. If desired, the doctor may apply local anesthesia in the form of a numbing cream. After this, the skin in the injection area is wiped with alcohol and dried. To carry out the procedure, the patient must take a semi-recumbent or sitting position.

Next, the doctor injects the drug with botulinum toxin into pre-designated points through a thin needle. Thus, the doctor consistently treats the entire problem area. The procedure lasts for 20-30 minutes. The final stage is to treat the injection sites with an antiseptic solution.
The reviews for botulinum toxin injections are mostly positive (see before and after photos below).

But, nevertheless, the patient is under the supervision of cosmetologists for another hour. This is necessary to provide timely assistance in the event of unwanted complications (for example, allergic reactions).

After the procedure

There are certain recommendations. They must be adhered to by the patient whose cosmetologist used botulinum toxin on the face. Reviews from experts suggest that to eliminate possible swelling and redness in the treated area, it is necessary to apply a cold compress to this area.

Sometimes people leave negative reviews and photos about the procedure. In some patients, botulinum toxins caused certain complications in the form of facial asymmetry, hoarseness in the voice, etc. However, all these phenomena are temporary and disappear within a short period of time. To prevent complications, do not do the following:

- frowns and smiles for 30 minutes after the procedure;
- touch the injection sites with your hands;
- tilt your face down, lift weights or play sports for two days.

Alternative to Botox

In the modern cosmetics market, Bodyton botulinum toxin serum is popular among buyers. User reviews indicate that this product is an excellent alternative to Botox injections.

The serum is intended for external use and can actively fight expression lines. Thus, serum with botulinum toxin receives positive reviews due to the fact that it eliminates nasolabial folds, and also smooths out wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, on the forehead and around the eyes.

In addition to botulinum toxin, this unique product contains ingredients such as fullerene water, as well as sodium hyaluronate and alginate, hydroxyethylcellulose and lactic acid, an amino acid complex and nipagard CG.

Cream for youthful skin

Researchers began searching for remedies similar to beauty injections, but not requiring surgical intervention, about ten years ago. The result of their work was the creation of cosmetics, including creams that contain botulinum toxin. When used externally, they are able to block neutron bonds that occur in local areas.

This cream, containing botulinum toxin, receives only positive reviews. After all, unlike injections, it does not have any side effects such as nerve damage, hematomas, sagging or asymmetry of the face, etc.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the results from using the cream do not occur immediately. You need to wait a month or a month and a half. It is important to apply the product at least twice daily.

According to cosmetologists, creams with botulinum toxin rejuvenate the skin. At the same time, they do not affect facial expressions and allow the face to maintain its naturalness. The active substances that make up the Botox effect act on both the facial muscles and the skin. This can significantly improve the condition of the epidermis. The main disadvantage of this cream is its price. One small jar costs the same as an injection of an anti-aging drug into the forehead.

Who hasn’t heard about the magical properties of fabulous rejuvenating apples or the elixir of youth?

Humanity has long dreamed of turning back time and regaining youth. But so far, unfortunately, scientists have not yet been able to create such powerful miracle drugs.

What about those who are very concerned about their appearance and want to stop the natural aging process?

Botulinum toxin: description and how it is used in cosmetology (reviews)

Getting rid of wrinkles using “beauty injections”, when botulinum toxin is injected under the skin, is extremely popular.

Many women, and sometimes men, decide to rejuvenate themselves in this way, despite the possible negative reactions of the body to a foreign substance.

To rejuvenate the face and eliminate age-related changes, botulinum toxin is used in cosmetology. Reviews show that the injections smooth out wrinkles and improve the condition of the face.

To understand whether “beauty injections” are really necessary, it is worth studying their composition, properties and contraindications in more detail.

Botulinum toxin is the strongest poison of organic origin. It is produced as a result of the activity of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum when oxygen cannot penetrate (for example, in canned food).

Attention! Botulinum toxin provokes paralysis of the pulmonary-bronchial system and affects the nerve endings. Without medical intervention, death may occur.

But if in large quantities botulinum toxin is a dangerous poison, then in small doses it becomes an ally of those who do not want to part with their youth.

The toxin varies by type, cosmetologists most often use type A. It has a low degree of immunogenicity and is less allergic. It is found in well-known drugs - Botox, Dysport, Xeomin - in different doses.

Botulinum toxin in cosmetology (reviews and observations of specialists confirm this) is used for:

  1. smoothing wrinkles around the nose and lips;
  2. brow and lip lifts;
  3. elimination of eyebrow folds, crow's feet, wrinkles on the forehead;
  4. correction of a smile with partial or complete demonstration of the upper gum;
  5. to combat heavy sweating.

But botulinum toxin injections are used not only for cosmetic procedures.

Women who have tried botulinum toxin in cosmetology leave extremely positive reviews of its effectiveness.

Some neurological diseases are treated with this toxin:

  1. spasmodic condition of the facial muscles;
  2. spastic paralysis;
  3. "torticollis";
  4. migraine treatment, etc.

How botulinum toxin helps in the fight against wrinkles. We paralyze muscles for the sake of beauty

Expression wrinkles are natural for humans: grooves in the forehead, nose and mouth, “crow’s feet” near the eyes. With age they become more noticeable and give the appearance a dull, tired expression.

When injected with a “beauty shot,” the toxin paralyzes the facial muscles. Temporary paralysis causes them to relax, therefore the skin becomes smoother.

Botulinum toxin in cosmetology Reviews specialists
Eyebrow folds and forehead wrinkles Brow lift, open look, forehead straightening
Nasolabial wrinkles, drooping corners of the lips Smoothing out wrinkles, lifting the corners of the mouth, giving the face a satisfied expression
A smile that exposes the upper gum Giving your smile a more aesthetic appearance by paralyzing the upper lip muscle
Crow's feet in the eye area Smoothing wrinkles in the corners of the eyelids, a more youthful appearance of the face

Note! Don't expect instant rejuvenation. The final effect of the procedure occurs after one and a half to 2 weeks and lasts for 4 months. up to six months.

In modern cosmetology, there are 3 types of drugs with positive reviews, which include botulinum toxin:

  1. "Botox" (USA);
  2. "Disport" (England and France);
  3. "Xeomin" (Germany).

Important to remember! According to doctors' reviews of the above-mentioned botulinum toxin preparations in cosmetology, their effectiveness, regimen of use and content differ, despite the fact that they are analogues.

Therefore it is extremely it is important to follow the dosage and dilute according to the instructions. This should only be done by a professional.

"Botox" is the progenitor of all compounds. Characteristics of the drug and the content of botulinum toxin in it

The very first (all subsequent analogues were created on its basis) and frequently used drug, which is based on botulinum toxin type A in combination with albumin.

The visible effect appears after a week, the validity period is from six months to 8 months. Injections are performed intramuscularly, without anesthesia.

A Botox ampoule contains 5 units of botulinum toxin (100 active units).

Botox blocks nerve impulses and relaxes muscles. Unlike other drugs, it has large molecules, so it stays in the body for a long time.

Used to tighten the area between the eyebrows, forehead and corners of the eyes.

Available in powder form, it must be diluted strictly in a certain concentration and not stored for more than one hour.

"Disport" is an alternative solution. Characteristics of the drug and the content of botulinum toxin in it

The drug has been known not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among cosmetologists and patients. Although it is considered to be an analogue of Botox, there are a number of fundamental differences.

Its molecules are small in size, which means their ability to penetrate into neighboring tissues is reduced. That's why there is a risk of unwanted facial asymmetry. It is better to use the drug in the forehead and bridge of the nose.

The Dysport ampoule contains 12.5 units of botulinum toxin (500 active units), that is, 3 ac. units "Dysport" are identical to 1 ac. units "Botox". So, for the same muscle you will need a larger volume of the drug.

The visible effect is achieved faster - after 4 days. But the validity period is also shorter. Storage periods also differ. Dysport can be stored diluted for approximately 4 hours.

"Xeomin" is a step into the future. Characteristics of the drug and the content of botulinum toxin in it

A relatively young and one of the most harmless drug has found successful use in cosmetology clinics.

Its important difference from analogues is a high degree of purification from protein, which means low allergenicity and minimal risk of unpleasant consequences.

The low mass of molecules means that injections can be made into the smallest muscles, and this preserves “live” facial expressions.

Used to tighten the corners of the lips and the area near the nose. Smoothes the neck and décolleté well. Eliminates crow's feet. Helps with hyperhidrosis (introduced into areas with high sweating, reduces it for several months).

One bottle contains 100 units. botulinum toxin. The visible effect occurs after 3 days and lasts for 3 months. up to six months.

Contraindications for the use of botulinum toxin

Reviews specialists and patients about the use butolotoxin in cosmetology most often positive.

But, nevertheless, there are a number of diseases for which the use of a “beauty injection” is contraindicated.

Contraindications include:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. poor blood clotting;
  3. allergy;
  4. individual intolerance;
  5. infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  6. oncology;
  7. mental disorders;
  8. high degree of myopia;
  9. alcoholism.

Important to remember! Before deciding to go to a cosmetology clinic, you need to be thoroughly examined.

Security measures

First, you need to choose a well-established cosmetology clinic. In such cases, it is customary to cool the skin before injection to relieve sensitivity and reduce the possibility of bruising.

Main safety measures for the procedure:

  1. The drug should be administered in small doses, observing the reaction of the skin and body;
  2. After the procedure, you should not touch or scratch the injection site to avoid the toxin getting into nearby tissues;
  3. To avoid the appearance of edema, you should initially reduce the amount of fluid consumed, especially before bedtime;
  4. Before and after injections, drinking alcohol is prohibited for several days;
  5. Reduce physical activity a day - 2 before the procedure and a week - 2 after;
  6. Avoid using antibiotics for a while;
  7. Avoid exposure to the sun for several days and do not wash your face with hot water;
  8. Experts insist not to take a horizontal position after the procedure for 4 hours.

Be careful! It is worth making sure that the injections will be performed by a highly qualified cosmetologist with extensive experience.

This way you can reduce the risk of side effects, avoid causing significant harm to health and even life, and improve your appearance for the better, and not the other way around. Unfortunately, such cases also occur.

Possible side effects

If the dosage of botulinum toxin is calculated incorrectly, or the drug gets into nearby tissues, undesirable reactions occur:

  1. visible facial asymmetry;
  2. articulation disorder;
  3. drooping upper eyelid;
  4. paralysis of the eye muscles;
  5. facial immobility effect.

All these signs are temporary and disappear as soon as the toxin stops its effects.

General health may deteriorate, manifesting itself in weakness, dizziness, and nausea. In case of an overdose, the arms and legs become numb, and the heartbeat increases. If these symptoms appear, you should go to the hospital.

Cost of youth injection

A unit of Botox, Dysport and Xeomin differs in price. A rDifferent areas of the face require different numbers of injections.

Thus, a unit of “Botox” costs around 300–400 rubles, “Dysport” – from 80 to 400 rubles, “Xeomin” – from 300 and above.

Face area "Botox" "Dysport" "Xeomin"
Forehead 4-5 units 30-90 units 10-20 units
Brow area 8-25 units 42-100 units 10-20 units
Wrinkles around the eyes 8-16 units up to 120 units 16-24 units

There is no panacea for facial wrinkles and natural aging of the body. But with the help of botulinum toxin, used in cosmetology, the reviews of which speak for themselves, you can turn back time.

It is only important to know when to stop and not harm your own body in the grueling pursuit of beauty.

From this video you will learn about the effect of botulinum toxin and its use in cosmetology, as well as a review from a cosmetologist on this matter:

This video will introduce you to the methods of injection cosmetology using botulinum toxin:

The desire to preserve youth and beauty arises in every woman upon reaching adulthood.

Various methods are used - from home care to radical methods of rejuvenation.

Cosmetologists call Botox injections, so-called beauty injections, an alternative to surgical intervention. The procedure is much less expensive and painful, and the rehabilitation process is easier.

But, before you decide to correct wrinkles with Botox, you need to understand in what cases it will bring the desired effect, what contraindications there are and possible consequences.

The content of the article:

general information

Botox is a cosmetic product containing purified botulinum toxin. It is a plant poison produced by bacteria. Initially, the substance was used as a treatment for nervous diseases, but later began to be used to eliminate age-related changes.

In aesthetic medicine, the drug is used to correct facial expressions and prevent age-related wrinkles. As a rule, Botox is administered intramuscularly - specifically into the facial muscles, causing local paralysis.

Due to this, excessive tension in the facial muscles weakens, and the folds that arise as a result of excessive facial expressions are smoothed out. Subsequently, the drug is absorbed, and muscle motor activity is restored.

Injection areas and effect

Depending on the location of the injections, different results can be achieved - with the help of botulinum toxin, crow's feet are eliminated, nasolabial folds are smoothed, and the tip of the eyebrow is raised. The most common correction zones:

  1. Forehead. Injecting Botox into the eyebrow area corrects horizontal wrinkles and makes the look open.
  2. Lip area. Injections into this area give beautiful contours to the lips, visually making them fuller. This result is achieved by removing the muscle tone that causes the lips to clench. The combined use of Botox and hyaluronic filler adds volume to the lips.
  3. Between the eyebrows. Removes vertical wrinkles that give the face a frowning appearance. Effective even against deep muscle tension.
  4. Nasolabial folds. Typically, cosmetologists use it together with hyaluronic acid, filling deep fractures with the drug.
  5. Circular muscles of the eye. Injections into this area relieve crow's feet, an aesthetic defect that occurs as a result of hyperactivity of the eye muscles. They are considered one of the most difficult to correct defects, the elimination of which requires a highly qualified cosmetologist.

Important! The dose of the administered drug is selected individually, depending on the area of ​​administration and the condition of the patient’s skin.

Read here about the features of biorevitalization with Aquashine.

Follow this link for detailed information about the biorevitalization method of Ial systems and the composition of the drugs used.

Categorical prohibitions

The administration of botulinum toxin, like any injection procedure, has a number of contraindications:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. blood clotting problems;
  3. autoimmune diseases;
  4. neoplasms;
  5. fever;
  6. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  7. taking antibiotics;
  8. taking anticoagulants;
  9. inflammatory processes on the skin (acne, dermatitis, etc.);
  10. allergic reactions to the drug in the past;
  11. cold;
  12. high degree of myopia;
  13. pathologies of neuromuscular tissue.

Botox injections should not be given to people under the age of 18, people who have had a stroke, or during menstruation. Experts do not recommend the procedure if the patient has a history of concussion and less than 3 years have passed since it.

In any case, a competent specialist will collect the client’s medical history before performing the manipulation.

If necessary, allergy tests can be performed to prevent pathological reactions. Only after a detailed examination and weighing of risks is a verdict made on the possibility of using the injection technique.

Age restrictions

Beauty injections are extremely rarely prescribed to patients over 60 years of age - their use simply will not be effective, and in other cases can be harmful to health.

The optimal age for rejuvenation is considered to be 3040 years old, when muscle activity is high, and facial wrinkles have just begun to visually appear.

At an earlier age, the skin’s ability to regenerate is still great, so the use of Botox injections is not advisable.

If a person under 30 years of age constantly squints or frowns, intramuscular injection of Botox can eliminate excessive facial expressions. However, the procedure is prescribed only after consultation with a cosmetologist.

Carrying out

Immediately before the session, the specialist applies markings according to which the injections will be carried out. Botulinum toxin is administered through thin needles, making the action virtually painless. However, at the request of the patient, preliminary anesthesia with local anesthesia is possible.

On average, the Botox injection process takes no more than 30 minutes. The effect of the procedure is fully noticeable within 7-14 days and lasts 6 months, after which the botulinum toxin is absorbed by the surrounding tissues.

The video shows the procedure for administering Botox for wrinkles.

Possible complications

Most often, the occurrence of complications is associated with a violation of the technique of administering botulinum toxin. Proper calculation of the drug and choice of injection site largely determines the success of anti-aging manipulations. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact only a trusted specialist to minimize the risk of side effects.

The most harmless negative consequences after Botox injections are bruising, swelling and redness.

Other side effects are as follows:

  1. Asymmetry of the facial structure. Occurs due to an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug or an incorrectly selected injection zone. To eliminate such a gross mistake by a doctor, you should contact a more professional specialist.
  2. Wax face. Excessive amounts of Botox injected paralyze the facial muscles, causing unnatural immobility. It goes away within a few months.
  3. Drooping of the eyebrows or corners of the lips. Eliminates along with the resorption of Botox.
  4. Headache. As a rule, they go away on their own a few hours after the manipulation.
  5. Increased sensitivity in the injection area. It subsides along with hyperemia and edema.

It is necessary to strictly follow the advice of a specialist - this will protect you from negative consequences and preserve the effect of botulinum toxin injections for a long time.

In this publication we will talk about the price of lipolytics for the face and the cost of cosmetologist services.

Go to this address to find out for yourself which is better Relatox or Botox, and find out the price of the drugs.


The administered Botox injection continues to distribute throughout the surrounding tissues for several more hours, and the final distribution occurs within 2 days.

To make the rehabilitation process faster and without side effects, there are a number of rules that must be followed:

  1. Do not touch or rub injection sites. To prevent inflammation, you should avoid touching the skin for 12 hours after manipulation.
  2. You should not bow your head or lie down to sleep. You should keep your head straight for at least 4 hours after the manipulations, so the drug penetrates evenly into the muscles.
  3. Prohibition on physical activity and sports. You need to take care of yourself for 2 days. The muscles should not tense.
  4. Don't drink alcohol. During the day after injections, drinking alcoholic beverages is not advisable.
  5. Do not visit the sauna or solarium. It is necessary to exclude thermal effects on the body for at least 2 weeks. High temperature accelerates the absorption of Botox in tissues.
  6. Avoid swelling. To distribute botulinum toxin evenly throughout the tissues, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salty, smoked and other foods that provoke fluid retention in the body for a week.
  7. Ban on cosmetic procedures. For a month after the manipulation, you should refrain from peeling, mesotherapy and skin resurfacing.
  8. Do not take anticoagulants or antibiotics. You should stop taking medications for 2 days.
  9. Avoid tension of facial muscles. Within an hour after the manipulation, it is necessary to monitor the relaxation of the facial muscles.

Disadvantages of the drug

Do not forget that Botox, despite its widespread use in aesthetic medicine, is poisonous in nature. Exceeding the dosage can lead to negative consequences and even death. Fortunately, such incidents are extremely rare and do not happen every day.

Studies conducted by reputable organizations have revealed the negative effects of Botox after regular use in amounts exceeding those recommended by the manufacturer.

Muscle paralysis caused by a large dose of the drug relaxes the facial muscles, irreversibly causing disruption of the conduction of neuromuscular endings. This leads to progressive muscle dystrophy, causing prolapse of soft tissues. The muscle frame sags under the weight of the skin, exacerbating the appearance of folds and wrinkles.

This situation is possible with long-term (more than 5 years) administration of the drug in large doses, so people who resort to manipulation once or several times, there is no need to be afraid of muscle dystrophy.

It has been proven that Botox is not addictive, but the psychological factor plays a role here. A person simply gets used to a smooth forehead and the absence of wrinkles. There is a need to re-administer the drug after its resorption.

Expert reviews

The opinions of practicing cosmetologists prove the high effectiveness of Botox in the fight against age-related changes. The result of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the client’s compliance with the recommendations. Only in this case can possible negative consequences be prevented.

Experts advise to be wary if the price for beauty injections seems too low - the work of a first-class cosmetologist cannot be cheap. For a lasting effect, you need to visit a beauty salon every six months for additional injections.

In the video, the expert will express his opinion on the use of Botox for wrinkles.

Customer opinions

The negative effects of Botox are much easier to prevent than to treat. The main thing is the skillful hands of the doctor, the correct dosage and strict adherence to the rules of rehabilitation.

Have you already tried Botox injections for rejuvenation? You can share your negative or positive feedback about the drug or the procedure itself in the comments to this article!