Black cumin oil in cosmetology reviews

The problem of unhealthy, aging facial skin has plagued more than one generation. Many oriental beauties know about the miraculous transformation of the skin after using cumin. Even the queens of Egypt Cleopatra and Nefertiti did not miss the opportunity to use black cumin oil for deficiencies and diseases of the dermis. Therefore, the capabilities and medicinal properties of the drug cannot be neglected. How to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, all its secrets will be revealed further.

Subtleties of preparing the product

Black cumin or Roman coriander is an annual plant that grows mainly in hot countries of the Middle East, and is also found in Russia. Initially, it was used in cooking and medicine in the treatment of many diseases (for example, diseases of the endocrine and digestive system). For cosmetic purposes, an oil extract of the plant is used, which is obtained by mechanically squeezing selected and dried caraway seeds. An oily liquid without sediment is used in anti-aging and anti-inflammatory face masks, in products for healing and stimulating hair growth. By regularly using the extract in combination with self-massage, young and tightened facial skin, like Queen Cleopatra’s, is guaranteed.


Cumin seed oil is a golden to brown liquid with a pungent aroma. Possessing a large number of useful components, fatty acids and microelements, it is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles and defects not only of young, but also mature dermis. In addition, the use of the drug guarantees a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Composition and medicinal properties of black cumin oil

According to leading doctors, the composition of the elixir is considered truly royal, thanks to the content of over 100 types of useful components. In addition, about half of the components enhance the processes occurring inside cells.

The composition of the drug is multifaceted:

  1. fatty acids - Omega-6, Omega-9, linolenic, stearic;
  2. about 15 important amino acids (arginine in particular);
  3. vitamins C, D, E, group B;
  4. micro-, macroelements – calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc;
  5. carotenoids, which help activate the synthesis of new collagen fibers;
  6. phytosterols with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

The whole complex guarantees an effective and quick result in the improvement of individual systems and the immunity of the body as a whole. Black cumin oil is also used on the face for wrinkles, stretch marks and acne.

Thanks to its unique components, the following properties of black cumin oil are undeniable:

  1. antibacterial - successfully used for inflammation of the epidermis and treatment of many infections;
  2. a high content of antioxidant substances helps slow down the aging process and activate the regenerative function;
  3. analgesic – reduces pain;
  4. immunostimulating – strengthens the body’s immunity, increases resistance to infections;
  5. sedative – the product calms and normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  6. relaxing – natural ingredients soothe and relax muscles.


Black cumin oil - benefits for the face

Black cumin oil for facial skin is an essential source of vitamins, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and enzymes. They stimulate collagen production, nourish and normalize cell function.

The glutathione contained in the drug has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration and slows down aging. Due to its antibacterial and soothing properties, black cumin oil is used for acne, inflammation, redness and itching.

Zinc and vitamins A, C, E neutralize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on tissue and help eliminate stretch marks and wrinkles.
A combination of vitamins A, B and unsaturated fatty acids helps normalize the water-lipid balance in epidermal cells. The dermis is noticeably transformed, it becomes soft, moisturized, the color evens out and acquires a pleasant, healthy shade.

Regular use of the drug guarantees:

  1. normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. increases blood and lymph circulation;
  3. alignment of relief and complexion;
  4. acceleration of the regenerative abilities of the epidermis;
  5. reduction of inflammatory processes and swelling of the dermis;
  6. high-quality, deep cleansing of pores;
  7. eliminating the appearance of pimples and acne on the face;
  8. reducing skin problems;
  9. deep nutrition and hydration of tissues;
  10. smoothing and partial elimination of facial and age wrinkles;
  11. increasing the protective function of cells.

In many European countries, black cumin oil is used for the face against wrinkles as the most effective cosmetic product; all kinds of nourishing, rejuvenating face masks are prepared from it, and even added to the main lifting cream for enrichment.


Contraindications for use

Black cumin oil, the harm of which is not commensurate with the benefits, still has some limitations in use:

  1. individual allergic reaction;
  2. pregnancy at all stages;
  3. breastfeeding period;
  4. recent organ transplant operations.

Be sure to conduct a rapid test for an allergic reaction before using cosmetics based on black cumin extract. To do this, apply a few drops of liquid to the inside of your elbow and observe. Irritation, discomfort and itching are signs of intolerance by the body to the components of the drug. Its use will have to be postponed.

When consuming liquids orally, consult your doctor first about the correct, safe dosage.

If you want to replace black cumin oil with another product, you should pay attention to: rose oil, sandalwood oil, jojoba oil.

Black cumin oil for face against wrinkles

A large arsenal of useful and effective substances allows the extract to be used in cosmetology as:

  1. the main component of all kinds of masks and skin care creams;
  2. an effective addition to a cleansing cosmetic product;
  3. component of creams for the neck and décolleté area;
  4. vitamin supplement to basic skin care cosmetics.

It is not recommended to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, acne, or as a prophylactic agent in its pure, concentrated form. To enhance effectiveness, it is useful to combine the drug with other essential plant extracts. Find out more about them here.

The best mask recipes will help you avoid premature aging, solve the problems of young skin and eliminate the existing shortcomings of mature skin:

  1. Queen Cleopatra's mask with a lifting effect: 15 g of oatmeal crushed into flour, 2-3 drops of purified water, 4 ml of caraway seeds, 6 g of natural honey and 1 yolk. Mix all components thoroughly, apply the composition to the surface of the face in a thin layer, and rinse after 10 minutes.
  2. Black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles for oily dermis can be used in the following mask recipe: olive oil 7 ml, cumin remedy 5 ml, rosemary essential extract 4 drops, juniper and bergamot extract 3 drops each, mix basil juice. Heat the mixture slightly in a bathhouse, then apply to the face for 30 minutes. Remove any leftovers.
  3. Mask for problematic surfaces: mix 30 ml of tea tree extract with 7 ml of cumin oil, add 12 g of oatmeal. Mix and spread over problem skin for 30 minutes.
  4. Anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin types: mix full-fat sour cream (15 ml) with caraway elixir (7 ml) and cinnamon powder (4 g). Apply the resulting mixture generously to the dermis for 15-20 minutes.
  5. 5. A mask of 10 ml of olive extract and 7 ml of caraway will help to cleanse oily skin and give it a healthy glow. The oil composition is distributed over the surface for 30-40 minutes.

To achieve maximum results, steam your skin with chamomile decoction before applying the mask.


Black cumin oil for facial wrinkles

How cumin oil rejuvenated women

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Nature has presented humanity with a truly priceless gift - caraway oil. People learned about its healing properties many centuries ago.

The beauties of the East anointed their bodies with it, and doctors considered it a universal remedy for all diseases.

Modern cosmetologists are well aware of the wonderful property of black cumin oil to transform the skin, making it young and healthy.

Therefore, caraway oil is used for wrinkles, as well as for dermatological problems.

Cumin production - time-tested

Black cumin is grown in hot countries. The main suppliers of raw materials for oil production are Ethiopia, Egypt, Syria and Pakistan. Their hot sun has a beneficial effect on the seeds, allowing them to fully ripen.

The technology for obtaining caraway oil has not undergone significant changes and remains the same as thousands of years ago.

The ripened grains are torn off, dried, cleaned and sent under a mechanical press.

An important procedure in oil production is the settling stage.

The resulting oily sediment is used to make natural soap, and unfiltered cumin oil is poured into glass bottles.

Please note: The shelf life of oil in sealed containers is 24 months. It is recommended to store the printed bottle in the refrigerator, carefully sealing it.

Aspects of the use of black cumin oil

Cold-press technology preserves all the healing qualities of black cumin. After all, miraculous seeds contain vitamins, essential oils, polyunsaturated acids Omega-6 and Omega-9, and minerals.

Natural antioxidants, found in abundance in cumin oil, promote skin regeneration. They effectively remove stretch marks and scars.

In cosmetology, this remedy is widely used in the fight against inflammatory processes. Tannins destroy bacteria, which are the culprits of acne.

And a natural antihistamine soothes the skin and reduces redness.

It is no secret that the appearance of the skin is an accurate indicator of a person’s health status.

Dermatological problems are always associated with interruptions in the functioning of the internal systems of the body. And therefore, black cumin oil is universally suitable for skin care both outside and inside.

Caraway oil should be taken internally against wrinkles, as well as to strengthen the immune system, only after a full breakfast. The dosage is 1 teaspoon, and the course duration is 3 months.

Taking anti-wrinkle oil internally is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

It should also be noted that external use may cause allergic reactions.

Miracle elixir in cosmetology

Caraway oil is a potent remedy. Therefore, cosmetologists advise using it in the form of masks, mixing with other ingredients.

An exception may be procedures aimed at curing acne or eczema. In this case, the product is applied pointwise, i.e. exclusively to problem areas.

Before directly resorting to black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, it is necessary to prepare the skin epidermis for the procedure:

  1. cleanse from cosmetics, dust, sebum;
  2. steam over a decoction of chamomile, linden or nettle.

Masks are applied to the face from bottom to top exclusively along massage lines. Yes, and don’t forget to pamper your neck and décolleté area with a healing mask.

The mixture is applied with soft and light movements, without stretching the skin. Only the area in the eye area should remain free.

Keep the mask on for 10 to 40 minutes. It all depends on the recipe and the effect that a woman strives to achieve.

But there is one general rule when using a cosmetic mask: it is not recommended to talk or clean during the procedure.

The maximum effect will be ensured only by complete relaxation.

And for this it is better to retire, lie down, turn on soft music and be carried away mentally into the realm of peace and quiet.

Wash off the mask directly with warm water. No additional funds are required.

The main thing is to completely cleanse your face of any remaining mixture. After washing, it is advisable to apply your nourishing cream to the skin.

Cleopatra's Recipes

Black cumin oil works great against wrinkles in combination with honey and yolk. To prepare a rejuvenating mask, you need to mix:

  1. 4 ml caraway oil;
  2. 15 g oat flour;
  3. 6 g liquid honey;
  4. 1 egg yolk.

Apply the oil mixture with a thin film for 10 minutes. The course of rejuvenating procedures is carried out for 2 months.

You can improve oily skin and rid it of excess sebum using a cleansing mask. To prepare the mixture you will need 7 ml of caraway oil and 10 ml of olive oil.

The oil mixture should remain on the skin for 30 minutes; remove it with cool water.

But it is possible to remove wrinkles and rid the skin of unevenness with the help of a smoothing mask. Ingredients:

  1. sour cream - 30 ml;
  2. caraway oil - 15 ml;
  3. cinnamon - 8 g.

All components are thoroughly mixed until smooth and applied to the face in a thick layer for 15 minutes.

Black cumin oil for face - uses and recipes

Ancient medicine considered Roman coriander or nigella to be the best cure for all diseases. The seeds of this annual are rich in valuable liquid, widely used for medicinal and aesthetic purposes. Black cumin oil for the face restores beauty and youth, and is also beneficial in the treatment of problem skin. Excellent tonic properties help smooth out deep expression wrinkles.

Benefits of black cumin oil for skin

The composition of cumin oil is rich in acids:

  1. oleic;
  2. myristic;
  3. palmitic;
  4. stearic;
  5. linolenic;
  6. eicosadiene.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of cumin oil for the skin help:

  1. Nourish and moisturize;
  2. Restore firmness and elasticity;
  3. Treat purulent inflammations;
  4. Improve color.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation. By testing the composition for an allergic reaction, you can avoid possible harm.

Using black cumin oil on the face

The oil of a popular spice has a magical effect on the skin. Restores a healthy appearance, eliminates puffiness, signs of fatigue and improves skin color. A universal product for all skin types, including sensitive and problematic.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Homemade face mask recipes with cumin oil

Homemade formulations are effective for various skin diseases. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, cumin oil soothes the skin, cleanses and improves complexion. Natural procedures whiten pigment formations, smooth out photo and facial wrinkles.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

Black cumin oil mask for wrinkles

Result: anti-aging skin care recipes tighten the contour of the oval, restore the turgor of the epidermis. After forty, it is worth conducting a ten-day course of caring sessions.

  1. Art. a spoonful of cumin oil;
  2. 2 teaspoons starch;
  3. egg.

Preparation and method of application: combine potato powder with egg and nutrient liquid. Use a compress to steam the skin, distribute the mass in a dense layer, avoiding contact only with the eyelids. After resting for about fifteen minutes, wash with cold infusion of viburnum.

Video recipe: Anti-wrinkle face mask with black cumin oil at home

Black cumin oil mask for acne

Result: an effective caring procedure copes with acne, redness and inflammation.

  1. 5 ml caraway oil;
  2. 30 ml kvass;
  3. 10 gr. red clay.

Preparation and method of application: pour Moroccan clay with dark kvass, add vegetable oil. Before applying the mask, scrub with rye flour and distribute the composition along the lymphatic lines. After waiting a quarter of an hour, wash with water and lime juice, and overnight treat the pustules with pure cumin oil.

Black cumin oil mask for blackheads

Result: homemade recipes are effective for removing and preventing the formation of comedones and narrowing pores.

  1. 2 ml cumin oil;
  2. 2 tablets of white coal;
  3. 10 drops of myrrh essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the sorbent, add moisturizing and essential oil, dilute with concentrated black tea. After cleansing of makeup, thoroughly steam the dermis, then treat all problem areas with a healing mass. After twenty minutes, after removing the residue, wipe the surface with lime juice.

Mask for dry skin

Result: black cumin for the face replenishes the lack of moisture and lipids.

  1. 10 ml caraway oil;
  2. banana;
  3. 5 gr. oatmeal.

Preparation and method of application: pour boiling water over the flakes for twenty minutes, then stir the paste with banana and vegetable oil. After removing decorative cosmetics, spread the nourishing mask in a dense layer over the entire surface with a spatula. Enjoy the effect for at least a quarter of an hour, remove with a damp cotton pad.

Reviews on the use of cumin oil for the face

I used medicinal cosmetics to relieve swelling, but the bags and swelling did not go away. I solved the problem with the help of a cumin mask, which I did in the evening for about a week. The skin is refreshed and more elastic.

Problem skin still suffers from regular acne. I make a face mask from black cumin oil up to three times a week. It relieves inflammation well, cleanses and treats acne.

It's finished! I finally said goodbye to wrinkles! I had a lot of facial wrinkles. Traditional remedies did not help. But one product in 2 weeks saved me from wrinkles and plus all my skin was tightened and refreshed, I more

Good day to you! Think about how our ancestors treated themselves without the usual antibiotics and numerous pills? Of course, herbs, roots, seeds of natural origin, many of which were unjustifiably forgotten for centuries. Fortunately, ancient methods of treatment, safer, more effective and natural, are gradually returning to our lives. So black cumin oil, the benefits and harms of which are known to just a few, is gradually gaining popularity.

Black cumin oil - benefits and harms

Black cumin oil, the benefits and harms of which doctors are just beginning to study, has been popular since ancient times.

Queen Cleopatra added it to her masks and ointments; Nefertiti used it to improve the beauty of her nails and hair. The famous physician Hippocrates prescribed the plant for digestive problems, and bottles of the liquid were also found in the tomb of the mysterious Tutankhamun. Apparently, he was going to be treated with it in the afterlife.

Subsequently, the medicine found use in Ayurveda and among Chinese healers; for many centuries they used it to treat fever, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and cough. And in recent years, scientists from different countries have been conducting diverse studies, confirming the benefits of the product for people.

Most often, it is not the plant itself that is used, but the oil from small seeds, obtained after cold pressing and refined. The color of the final product depends entirely on the care taken during production and may vary significantly.

Composition of black cumin oil

The numerous beneficial properties of black cumin greatly depend on its diverse composition. The small seeds and the oil made from them contain:

  1. vitamins B, PP, E, C, K;
  2. minerals (zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus);
  3. oils;
  4. acids (miramistic, stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, folic, palmitoleic, arachnodonic);
  5. Omega-6 polyunsaturated acid;
  6. essential oil;
  7. thymoquinone;
  8. protein.

It would seem that many components are found in other products, but in caraway seeds there is such a quantity and in such proportions that the plant can truly be called a record holder in terms of usefulness.

Beneficial properties of black cumin oil

It's time to find out the properties and uses of black cumin, and they are quite diverse.

Among them it is worth noting the most important:

  1. According to scientific research, the substance is most effective in treating allergies. With long-term use, it is possible to get rid of both serious manifestations of a one-time reaction of the body and constant seasonal symptoms, such as rhinitis, lacrimation, swelling, rash, hoarseness;
  2. The use of the product for bronchial asthma is no less effective, relieving spasms and facilitating breathing. As a rule, treatment lasts about six months;
  3. caraway seeds have long been used to relieve colic in newborns by giving the baby a decoction or a little oil diluted in water;
  4. the product also enhances milk lactation in young mothers;
  5. scientists from Bangladesh have found that cumin has antibacterial properties equal to the recognized antibiotics ampicillin and tetracycline;
  6. The benefits of oil in dermatology have been proven; it treats skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema, removes various inflammations, and promotes skin regeneration;
  7. when taken internally, it relieves abdominal pain well, enhances digestion, and thanks to its carminative effect, quickly relieves bloating;
  8. reduces sugar levels;
  9. helps against sclerosis;
  10. it has long been used against worms; in oriental medicine they were recommended to lubricate the anus to prevent parasites;
  11. there is evidence that cumin prevents the development of cancer in the intestines and can be used in the complex treatment of leukemia, cancer of the mammary glands, brain, uterus, pancreas, as it stimulates cell death;
  12. the oil quickly destroys Candida fungi on the skin and in the digestive tract;
  13. cumin is an excellent protection for the body from radiation;
  14. in ancient times the product was used for various heart ailments, now it is recommended for pressure drops;
  15. the product kills Hilacobacter pylori - the same bacteria that provoke the development of stomach ulcers;
  16. with long-term use, cumin increases immune defense, making a person inviolable to viruses and microbes;
  17. helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol;
  18. prevents the occurrence of blood clots, which means it treats varicose veins and prevents myocardial infarction and stroke;
  19. relieves the condition of bronchitis and pneumonia, accelerating the removal of sputum.


Black cumin oil - contraindications

Before using black cumin seed oil, it would be wise to find out its contraindications, since in some cases the product can cause unwanted complications. Doctors do not recommend using it for:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. taking medications that help lower blood sugar;
  3. during pregnancy, since the components included in the oil can provoke its interruption;
  4. organ transplantation, as the risk of rejection increases;
  5. You should drink the oil with caution after a blood transfusion or major surgery.

How to take black cumin oil

So you have decided to be treated with caraway seed oil, now you just need to find out how to take it correctly. There are several options, the type of disease will tell you how to use the medicine:

  1. orally - for the prevention of chronic diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, intestines;
  2. externally as a rub, lotion for skin diseases;
  3. in the form of an ointment for inflammation in the joints;
  4. drops for otitis media, other ear inflammation, runny nose, sinusitis;
  5. spot on acne;
  6. externally, rubbing the composition into the skin to treat external hemorrhoids;
  7. in the form of tampons for gynecological ailments.

When taking internally, you should be especially careful, monitoring the dose. You can take no more than 25 drops at a time, for a child - 12. The product can be eaten with bread, juice, honey, after breakfast and dinner. It was noticed that if you drink 1 tsp. substance with a cup of clean water with honey, it works better.

The beneficial properties of the plant are fully manifested only after long-term use.

For noticeable results you will have to wait at least 3 months, until then the product seems to accumulate in the body. So you'll have to be patient! But such treatment is beneficial for the liver (especially in the presence of liver failure), stomach, slows down the growth of tumors, stops uterine bleeding, improves potency, reduces cholesterol and sugar levels, and strengthens the immune system.

If we talk about external use, then with its help it is possible to treat colds, asthma, coughs, rheumatism, baldness, and skin diseases. However, the recipes differ depending on the ailment:

  1. for diseases of the respiratory system, inhalations are used (1 tablespoon of liquid per 0.5 cup of water);
  2. for inflammation in the ear and nose, instill 1-2 drops of liquid;
  3. to treat rheumatism and skin infections, rub the oil into damaged areas, leave for 25-30 minutes to absorb, sometimes you can enhance the effect by taking cumin internally;
  4. for hemorrhoids, lubricate the cones with oil and leave it overnight; the substance relieves inflammation, enhances regeneration, and when taken additionally improves digestion and relieves constipation, which in turn facilitates the course of the disease.


Use of oil in cosmetology

The instructions included with caraway oil state that it is often used in cosmetology. Indeed, thanks to its antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antifungal action, the substance can cope with literally all skin defects.

He can remove acne and allergic rashes, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal rashes, lichen and even warts! In addition, it improves skin tone, makes it firm and elastic, relieves puffiness and deeply cleanses pores.

True, in its pure form, cumin oil can only be used spot-on for the treatment of minor defects. In other cases, it is better to mix it with base (olive, linseed, cedar) oils or other components to make masks. In the fight for clear skin, the substance is taken orally, 1 tsp. twice a day.

Black cumin oil for hair

Caraway oil is also useful for hair, and it is used both externally and internally according to the standard scheme.

I repeat that the pure product is too concentrated, so it is mixed with other substances. Eg:

  1. dilute in equal proportions with burdock oil and castor oil, apply to hair, combing it with a wooden comb;
  2. If you heat this mixture in a water bath and combine it with two yolks, lubricate the hairs, and leave for 30 minutes, you can achieve significant strengthening of the hairs and their rapid growth;
  3. for women who have noticed rapid hair loss, a mask of cumin and base oil (linseed, olive) with sour cream (all in the same amount), applied to the hair and scalp for 25 minutes and massaged into the roots, is suitable;
  4. against dandruff it is worth making a composition of 1 tbsp. our cumin, 0.5 tbsp. kefir and 10 drops of rosemary oil, rub into the roots, wait another 30-35 minutes;
  5. A mask made from the same amount of chamomile and cumin oil, a few drops of rosemary and cedar ether will help get rid of gray hair; the composition is rubbed into the roots, distributed through the curls and washed off after half an hour.


Use in gynecology

The medicine is also effective for gynecological ailments. The method of application is usually the use of tampons in the vagina. This treatment was practiced in ancient times, successfully getting rid of many ailments; now cumin is recommended for:

  1. erosion;
  2. inflammation of the genital organs;
  3. fungal infections;
  4. too painful periods;
  5. endometriosis;
  6. infertility caused by inflammation of the reproductive organs.

The treatment is simple - you need to moisten a ready-made or homemade tampon with a mixture of cumin and olive oils (in equal quantities) and put it in the vagina overnight, the course is 1-2 weeks, after which you need to rest and, if necessary, continue the fight again. But, as a rule, this is enough to relieve most problems with women's health.

Black cumin oil for weight loss

Quite often this product becomes the basis of weight loss diets. This remedy is not only safe, but even has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

According to this system, it is important to completely remove simple carbohydrates from the diet, such as potatoes, bread, pasta, sweets, and confectionery. You need to drink oil according to this scheme:

  1. 1 week – 1 tsp. substances with a cup of water on an empty stomach;
  2. Week 2 – the same dose, but twice a day;
  3. Week 3 – 2 tsp. cumin and 2 tbsp. l. liquids in the morning;
  4. Week 4 – 1 tbsp. oils are already without water;
  5. 5 week – 2 tbsp;
  6. Week 6 – 2 tsp. twice a day;
  7. Week 7 – 1 tsp. cumin and 1 tbsp. water on an empty stomach and before the last meal.

You need to drink cumin oil 30-35 minutes before. before eating. Also, if desired, it can be mixed into salads or into food instead of olive oil.

By the way, for those who do not like the taste of liquid, special capsules in a jelly shell have been created; they are pleasant to drink, but the benefits remain the same!


Black cumin oil for children

Healthy cumin oil can be offered even to children if they are not allergic to the product. There are different ways to use:

  1. when coughing, you should drink a teaspoon per day orally, for children under 3 years old - 0.5 tsp;
  2. rub with massage movements into the baby’s chest, mixing in advance with olive oil in a ratio of 1:5;
  3. if you have a strong urge to cough, hold a quarter of a teaspoon in your mouth;
  4. for diarrhea, add 1 tbsp. in homemade yogurt;
  5. for a headache, give the child 1 tsp. liquids (possible from the age of six) or rub into the temples, forehead, back of the head;
  6. for skin rashes, combine with olive oil and lubricate the affected areas;
  7. to stimulate brain activity, add 7-10 drops to orange juice or mint tea;
  8. during teething and toothache, rub the product onto the gums;
  9. for a runny nose, instill 1 drop or lubricate the nasal passages with liquid.

Black cumin oil - reviews from doctors

To a certain extent, the benefits of the product are confirmed by reviews from doctors. Some of them recommend cumin as an additive to the main treatment. But still, the substance is still a medicine from traditional medicine, while there are no precise studies on its use in the fight against diseases. So most patients have to take it, so to speak, at their own peril and risk.


However, before taking a product, it is important to consult with a physician who knows you, your chronic illnesses and medical history, and can professionally assess whether such treatment will cause harm.

Black cumin oil, the benefits and harms of which are still little known to people, has long been used to treat many diseases. They return to it now, testing all the beneficial properties on themselves. And although there is no scientific evidence yet of the benefits of the product, in most cases the folk remedy will be more effective and safe than complex medications. Be healthy, visit us more often and keep up with the latest news by subscribing to blog updates!