Massage :: Page - 99

Fighting stretch marks during pregnancy


Almost all nulliparous people probably know what stretch marks are and what they look like. After all, the appearance of stretch marks is one of the most unpleasant pregn ...

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Fighting wrinkles under the eyes


The appearance of the first wrinkles under the eyes is a natural aging process that begins at the age of 30. It is at this age that the production of elastin and collagen ...

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Fight against rosacea on the face reviews


Good day everyone! Dear girls, please share what means you use to combat rosacea. Interested in lotions or masks first of all. I don’t consider creams, because... very pr ...

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What to wear to the solarium


Tanned skin is always associated with relaxation, warm sun, lightness and carefreeness, but it is not always possible to tan in natural conditions. Now you can get artifi ...

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White pimples in the mouth


The phenomenon of a white pimple in the mouth is quite common. There is little pleasure in such a situation, since such formations are quite painful, especially during co ...

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Normally, the skin has a pH environment


Translated from Latin, pH (pondus Hydrogenii) means “the power of hydrogen.” Ever since school, everyone knows that skin pH is an indicator of acid and alkali. And, perha ...

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In which class can you wear makeup?


The content of the article Most girls become interested in cosmetics, albeit at different ages. Some of them already at the age of 4-5 begin to ask their mother to put ...

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At what age do moles appear in babies?


In order to understand why moles appear on a child’s body and whether they pose a danger to the baby, you must first understand what nevi are. It is a mistake to believe ...

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At what age do acne appear?


Many people have experienced the appearance of acne on their skin at least once in their lives. They form on the face, back, butt or other parts of the body. This occurs ...

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At what age do nasolabial folds appear?


The question of how to deal with nasolabial wrinkles worries all women without exception from a certain age. These lines give the face a predatory and eternally dissatisf ...

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