Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 126

Sarcoid leproma


Lepera macrophages (lat. Leishmania macrophage, from L. - parasitic acantharia, and macrophage - macrophage, “large-phase eater”, lit. “parasitic on large-eating eaters”) ...

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Wilson's Nutrient Medium


**Wilson-Blair Nutrient Medium****Description:** Nutrient medium for cultivating microbes (intestinal bacteria, filamentous fungi) by sowing the wort, without first dilut ...

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Polyneuritis Allergic


Allergic polyneuritis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process of nerve fibers that occurs after the body’s immune response to various allergens and antigens. Allergic ...

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Fascia Iliaca


Fascia Iliac Fascia is a dense connective tissue that covers the muscles, tendons and other organs of the body and provides them with stability and movement. One of the ...

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Pneumonia Carnificans


Pneumonia carnificans. Pneumonia carnification is an infection in the lungs that causes acute or chronic pneumonia. It occurs as a result of infection by pneumococci, fun ...

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Osteochondritis dissecans


Osteochodritis desequans (OTS) is a rare form of hereditary osteochondrosis, which is manifested by damage to the intervertebral discs. In our article we will talk in mor ...

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**Konovalov's disease** is a rare chronic skeletal disease that occurs due to hereditary factors and is characterized by a high incidence of fractures, insufficient bone ...

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When a person sleeps, his body is at rest. However, under conditions of lack of sleep, stress or certain diseases, the brain begins to actively work, trying to solve prob ...

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Scholz-Bielschowsky Disease


Scholz-Bielschew's disease is a rare human genetic disease. This is a recessive progressive type of dementia that appears in old age. In this review, we will look at the ...

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Rotation Radius


Greetings to everyone who is interested in the science of cosmic bodies and their rotation around their axis. Today I want to tell you about a phenomenon called “rotation ...

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