Scholz-Bielschowsky Disease

Scholz-Bielschew's disease is a rare human genetic disease. This is a recessive progressive type of dementia that appears in old age. In this review, we will look at the causes, symptoms, as well as treatment and prognosis of the disease.

Causes of the disease The causes of this disease are unknown. However, it is believed that Scholz-Bielszewski disease is genetically determined. Most likely, it is associated with mutations in the DRD4 and MTHFR genes. Deficiencies of neuroquinoline dioxygenase (NQO1) and methylguanine oxidase (MGMT) may also increase the risk of the disease, although the precise influence of these genes is not fully understood.

Symptoms of Scholz-Bielschew's disease Signs of the disease can appear at different ages depending on the stage of development at which the disease is located. At the initial stage, disorientation, memory impairment, and nervousness appear. Over time, symptoms worsen. The body becomes more sick, sensitive to climate changes, confusion and depressive mood become constantly present manifestations. Symptoms of the disease include: * Problems with memory and concentration. The patient forgets names, dates, events that recently occurred. Memory deteriorates as the disease progresses. * Deterioration of mood. Patients become more anxious, depressed, and lose interest in activities, events, and communication. As symptoms worsen, your mood becomes worse.