Lymph Nodes Submental

The submental lymph node is a group of lymph nodes located under the chin and responsible for filtering lymph coming from the lower jaw and upper neck. These nodes play an important role in maintaining healthy skin and the immune system, as they help fight infections and prevent the spread of pathogens.

Lymph nodes are located in the subcutaneous tissue and have an oval or round shape. They can be either single or multiple, and usually do not exceed 5 mm in diameter.

The main importance of the submental lymph nodes is that they filter lymph coming from the lower jaw and neck area. Through this process, lymph cells destroy bacteria and viruses that may be present in the area.

In addition, lymph nodes play an important role in the immune system, as the lymphocytes contained in them help the body fight infectious diseases. Lymphocytes are also involved in the production of antibodies, which protect the body from infections.

However, if the lymph nodes become inflamed or enlarged, this may be a sign of disease. For example, swollen lymph nodes can be caused by infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, lymphoma or cancer.

Overall, the submental lymph nodes play an important role in the body and help maintain healthy skin and immune system. Therefore, it is important to monitor their condition and consult a doctor if symptoms of the disease appear.

An important addition to the anatomical system are the lymphatic vessels and valves of the efferent lymphatic ducts. The lymphatic drainage pathways form a system of lymph nodes, starting in the skin lymphatic vessels and ending at or near the hilum of the organ and surrounding it. Lymphatic drainage of the organ can be divided into two groups: outside the vessels towards the veins - superficial lymphatic drainage and inside the vessels - internal lymphatic drainage. Lymph nodes are located along the path of lymph flow, some of them, called submandibular nodes, are located at the base of the tongue on the inner surface of the cheek and under the jaw. It is believed that they are modified veins. According to the latest data, in the area of ​​the anterior floor of the oral cavity, two main groups of lymphatic vessels are observed: axial and branching. This can be clearly seen during tooth extraction. The axial lymphatic vessels connect the submandibular lymphatic trunks with the venous trunks of the large superficial veins, and the branched ones with the transverse veins of the chin. Thus, infection of the peripharyngeal and other lymph nodes is possible.

The lymph node is an organ of the immune system that plays an important role in protecting the body from infections and other diseases. It consists of follicles, which are clusters of lymphocytes and macrophages, cells,

A lymph node is a group of lymphoid cells that plays an important role in the body's immune system. They are found in various parts of the body and are involved in filtering lymph, which carries waste and proteins between cells. One of the most important lymph nodes is the submental or zygomatic node, which is located in the face.

Lymph nodes, including the submental group, have various functions. They play a key role in protecting the body from infections as they can absorb and process bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. In addition, they are also involved in tissue regeneration and the fight against allergic reactions.

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