Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4209

Aschoff-Bullet Outbreaks


Aschoff-Pulle lesions (focal pneumonia) are an acute infectious disease caused by various viruses and bacteria. It is characterized by damage to the alveoli of the lungs ...

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Air exchange


Air exchange is an important indicator of the quality of the ventilation system in an enclosed space. It is expressed in the volume of air that is removed from or supplie ...

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Nystagmoscopy is a method for studying the function of the vestibular apparatus by recording eye movements (nystagmus) during irritation of the vestibular analyzer. When ...

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Harada-Mori Method


Harada Mori is a method for diagnosing helminthiasis that was developed by Japanese scientists in the 1950s. It is based on analyzing the patient's stool for the presence ...

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Lethargy is a state of the body in which a person is in deep sleep, but his breathing and heartbeat remain normal. This condition can last from several minutes to several ...

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Office of Medical Statistics


The Office of Medical Statistics is one of the important structural units in a medical organization, which analyzes statistical data and compiles reports on the work of m ...

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Fistulography is a method for diagnosing diseases in which a special dye or contrast is injected into the fistulous cavity. A fistula is a pathological channel that conne ...

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Cytoplasmic Factor


Cytoplasmic factors are special molecules that play an important role in regulating gene activity in the cell. They are part of the cytoplasm - the internal environment o ...

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Raymond-Sestan Syndrome


Raymond-Sestan Syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment Raymond-Sestan syndrome, also known as pseudobulbar palsy syndrome, is a rare neurological disorder that affects s ...

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Anisometropia Simple Hypermetropic


Anisometropia is a condition in which the eyes have different powers of refraction of light. This can be caused by various reasons, such as age-related changes in the len ...

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