Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4210



Alveolocytes are cells that are found in the lungs and perform an important function in the breathing process. They are the main cells that participate in gas exchange be ...

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Shunt Vascular Splenorenal


A vascular splenorenal shunt is a surgical operation in which an anastomosis is created between the splenic vein and the renal vein in order to unload the venous blood fl ...

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Branch of the Trigeminal Nerve Third


Branch of the trigeminal nerve The third (nervus mandibulares, PNA, BNA, JNA) is a nerve that is one of the three branches of the trigeminal nerve. It passes through the ...

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Minkevich-Rogozin Wednesday


Minkevich-Rogozin medium is a medium for cultivating bacteria, which was developed by Soviet microbiologists I.E. Minkevich and I.I. Rogozin in the 1930s. This environmen ...

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Bilrota-Bassini Operation


The Billroth-Bassini operation is one of the most common surgical interventions in the field of gastroenterology. This operation was developed at the beginning of the 20t ...

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Karpova Flap-Pocket


"Karpova Flap-Pocket: the life and legacy of an outstanding Soviet ophthalmologist" Irina Nikolaevna Kurlova, better known as Karpova Flap-Pocket, was a prominent Soviet ...

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Vein Carpal Communicating Dorsal


The carpal communicans dorsalis vein, also known as the dorsal carpal vein, is one of the veins that forms the vascular bed in the hand. It connects the dorsal venous net ...

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Infections Blood


Blood infections are infectious diseases, the causative agents of which are localized mainly in the blood and lymph, and infection occurs mainly through a transmissible t ...

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Identification of Poisons


Identification of poisons is the establishment of the nature of a specific toxic substance in the tissues and secretions of the human body, animals and plants, as well as ...

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Kozhevnikovskaya Epilepsy


Kozhevnikov epilepsy: understanding and characteristics Kozhevnikov epilepsy, also known as continuum epilepsy or cortical epilepsy, is a form of epilepsy that is named a ...

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