Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4220

Hernia Cranio-Cerebral Fronto-orbital


Fronto-orbital Cranial Hernia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Cranial frontoorbital hernia (H. cerebralis frontoorbitalis) is a rare but serious disease in which the brai ...

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Bacterial Contamination of the Wound


Bacterial contamination of a wound is the presence of microorganisms in the wound that do not have a negative effect on the wound process, but can lead to the development ...

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Mayer Method


The Mayer method is an x-ray examination method that was developed by the Austrian radiologist Mayer in the 19th century. This method is used to diagnose various diseases ...

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Moulema-Jackson Autoalloplasty


Moulema-Jackson Autoalloplasty: What is it and how is it used in medicine? Moulema-Jackson Autoalloplasty is a surgical procedure used to restore bone tissue in cases of ...

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Reaction Mental Personal


Reaction Mental Personal: How personality traits influence our response to stress Every person at some point in life faces various stressful situations. Some of us cope w ...

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Biothermal Camera


A biothermal chamber is a special device designed for the disposal of biological waste through its thermal decomposition. It is used in medical institutions, laboratories ...

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Endocrine glands


Endocrine glands are endocrine glands that do not have ducts to release hormones into the blood. They release hormones directly into the bloodstream, which makes them uni ...

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Automatism Mental


Automatism Mental: Understanding and Description Mental automatism is a psychopathological phenomenon that manifests itself in the fact that the patient feels his mental ...

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Ichorous is a term used in medicine to describe a condition where the body produces excess pus or serum. This can be caused by various diseases such as infections, injuri ...

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Capsulotomy: what is it and how is it performed? Capsulotomy is a surgical procedure that is used to treat a variety of joint conditions. It involves cutting the joint ca ...

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