Biothermal Camera

A biothermal chamber is a special device designed for the disposal of biological waste through its thermal decomposition. It is used in medical institutions, laboratories, factories and other facilities where there is a need to dispose of waste of biological origin.

The biothermal chamber is a sealed container that is equipped with a ventilation, temperature and humidity control system. Inside the chamber there are special materials that ensure the process of waste decomposition and heat generation.

The process of decomposition of biological waste in a biothermal chamber occurs under the influence of high temperature (up to 600 degrees Celsius) and oxygen. As a result of this process, gas is formed, which is removed from the chamber through the ventilation system.

One of the benefits of using biothermal chambers is that they reduce the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of. In addition, they ensure safety for the environment, as they do not contain harmful substances and do not pollute the environment.

However, the use of biothermal chambers also has its disadvantages. For example, the decomposition process may take a long time, which may be unacceptable in some cases. Also, it is necessary to have qualified specialists to maintain and monitor the operation of biothermal chambers.

In general, biothermal chambers are an effective tool for the disposal of biological waste. They reduce waste and are environmentally friendly. However, before using biothermal chambers, it is necessary to consider all possible risks and problems associated with their use.

Biothermal chambers are used in funeral homes and other organizations to carry out cremation and destruction of the human body for subsequent burial in the ground or disposal in bioreactors.

Biothermal decomposition is a process by which microbes and bacteria break down organic matter and human waste into inorganic compounds such as CO2, H2O and NH4. It also releases energy that can be used to produce heat or electricity.

The biothermal decomposition procedure can last from several hours to several days, depending on the body quantity and the microbes used. It usually includes the following steps:
