Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4227



The unconscious is a set of mental processes and states that are outside the consciousness of the subject. The unconscious includes thoughts, memories, desires and feelin ...

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Dermatosis: Juvenile plantar dermatosis and its manifestations Dermatosis is a general name for various skin diseases that are not associated with inflammation. One of th ...

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Veins Finger Plantar


digital plantar veins (v. digitales plantares, pna, bna, jna) are vascular structures located in the plantar surface of the toes. They are part of the superficial plantar ...

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Romberg's Symptom


The Romberg sign (also known as the Romberg phenomenon) is a simple neurological test used to assess body position sense. It is named after the German neurologist Moritz ...

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Arxa Tendon Suture


Arx tendon suture is a method of surgically joining the ends of a torn tendon using two pairs of threads passed through the thickness of the tendon and tied with knots on ...

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Oscillogram: Image of Waves and Signals An oscillogram, derived from the Greek words oscillo (meaning oscillation or vibration) and gram (meaning record or image), is a g ...

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Occipital Protrusion External


Occipital Protrusion External: Anatomy and Functions The external occipital protuberance, also known as the protuberantia occipitalis externa, is a protuberance on the ba ...

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Malate dehydrogenase


Malate dehydrogenase is an enzyme from the group of oxidoreductases that catalyzes the oxidation of L-malate to oxaloacetate. The oxidation reaction of malate to oxaloace ...

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Bailey Way


The Bailey method is a technique developed by American neurosurgeon Peter Bailey in the 1950s. It has been used to treat brain tumors and other diseases. The Bailey metho ...

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Reversion (from Latin reversio - return, turning back) is a reverse mutation in which a return to the original, wild type occurs. Reversion is a type of mutation and is t ...

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