Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4225



Hematocysts are small formations that arise from the accumulation of blood in tissues or organs. They can be caused by various reasons, such as injuries, surgeries, infec ...

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Ventilation Natural


Natural ventilation is the process of moving air in a room, caused by the movement of air through leaks in enclosing structures, windows, doors, etc. due to wind pressure ...

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Field Distillation Apparatus


The Field Distillation apparatus is a collapsible portable distiller designed to produce distilled water. This device is an indispensable assistant for those who are in t ...

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Organ replacement therapy


Organ replacement therapy: Restoring organ functions using advanced methods Organ replacement therapy is a medical practice aimed at replacing or restoring the functions ...

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Contraceptives Intrauterine


Contraceptive intrauterine devices (IUDs) are one of the most popular methods of contraception. They are metal or plastic devices that are inserted into the uterine cavit ...

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Vein Pulmonary Inferior Left


The inferior left pulmonary vein (lat. vena pulmonalis sinistra) is the largest and leftmost vein in the superior vena cava system. It is a continuation of the pulmonary ...

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Nova bark


The neocortex is a part of the brain that plays an important role in information processing and decision making. It is located at the top of the brain and consists of sev ...

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An arch support is a device that is used to support the arch of the foot and prevent injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is a thin insole that is atta ...

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Animals Passive Poisonous


Passively poisonous animals (lat. Animālia passivamentīdōcta) are animals that do not have special glands that produce poison, but cause general poisoning and local infla ...

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Harris-Benedict Tables


Harris-Benedict Tables is a method that is used to determine the composition and structure of molecules in chemistry and biology. This method was developed by John Albert ...

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