Contraceptives Intrauterine

Contraceptive intrauterine devices (IUDs) are one of the most popular methods of contraception. They are metal or plastic devices that are inserted into the uterine cavity and prevent the fertilization of the egg.

IUDs come in different shapes and sizes. The most common are IUDs, which are a metal or plastic loop that is inserted into the uterus through the vagina. Once inserted, the IUD may cause some side effects, such as abdominal pain, bleeding, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and decreased libido. However, these side effects usually go away within a few weeks after the IUD is inserted.

Another type of IUD is the ring type, which is also inserted into the uterus. Rings do not cause the same side effects as IUDs, but they may cause discomfort in the abdomen and pelvis.

Another type of IUD is the loop type, which is a small plastic coil that is inserted through the vagina and into the uterus. They can also cause side effects, but usually less severe than IUDs.

Regardless of the type of IUD, they have their advantages and disadvantages. Some women prefer IUDs because they may be more effective at preventing pregnancy than other contraceptive methods such as condoms or the pill. However, IUDs also have potential risks, such as the possibility of infection, inflammation, or cyst formation.

Before installing an IUD, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist. He must make sure that the woman is healthy and that the IUD is suitable for her. In addition, the doctor should explain how to use the IUD correctly and how often it should be examined and checked.

If a woman decides to use an IUD, she should know that it can remain in the uterus for several years. This means that during this time she will not be able to become pregnant. If a woman wants to stop using an IUD, she can do so at any time, but she should consult her doctor before doing so.

Finally, it is worth noting that the use of an IUD is not the only method of contraception.

Contraceptive intrauterine devices: is it safe?

Currently, there are many methods of contraception, and each person chooses the method of protection that is right for him. One such option is the use of an intrauterine device, also known as an intrauterine device (IUD). They are one of the most effective ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy and have been used for many years. But does everyone know about how IUDs work and what their side effects are? In this article we will look at contraindications to the use of IUDs, the impact on a woman’s health and the need for a thorough examination before installing these devices.

**Installation of a contraceptive intrauterine device** is a critical step in protecting against unwanted pregnancy. They have many advantages, including low price, ease of use, small size after installation, and long-term effectiveness. There are different types of IUDs, such as gold and copper IUDs, as well as plastic, metal, silicone and collagen IUDs. These coils can be used for many years without the need for replacement or removal. However, as with any medical device, there are certain risks and side effects on the body. Therefore, before installing an IUD, it is necessary to conduct a full examination, make sure there are no contraindications, and discuss possible risks and side effects with your doctor. One of the most common types of contraceptive IUD is the IUD, which is inserted into the uterus to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting and ending an early pregnancy. The spiral can be installed by either a doctor or a woman independently, without complications or pain. It remains in the uterus for five to seven years. Each type of IUD has its own indications and contraindications. For example, gold IUDs are usually recommended for women over 35 years of age who have certain health problems, while copper IUDs are recommended for younger women who are of low weight and height. Here