Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4247



Obduction (old lat. obductio) is the process of thinking, analyzing and assessing a situation or problem in order to make a decision. Obduction involves the collection an ...

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Blood Bundle


Blood clot: what is it and why is it important for the human body? A blood clot is a formation on the surface of a wound, which is a clot of blood mixed with fibrin, a pr ...

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Reactivation Cross


Reactivation Cross: Restoration of bacteriophage viability through transfer of genetic material In the world of microbiology, there is an amazing phenomenon known as “Cro ...

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Bettolepsy (from the Greek betto - cough and lepsis - grasping, attack) is paroxysmal dizziness, sometimes to the point of loss of consciousness, that occurs when coughin ...

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Scissors Anatomical


Anatomical scissors are special medical instruments that are used for dissecting a corpse or making anatomical preparations. They have wedge-shaped cutting parts that all ...

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Antitoxin, Toxin-neutralizing Antibody (Immunotoxin)


Antitoxin, Toxin-neutralizing Antibody (Immunotoxin) Antitoxin is one of the representatives of a new class of drugs undergoing clinical trials for the possibility of the ...

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Hip Replacement


Hip replacement is a surgical operation that involves replacing a diseased hip joint with a prosthesis. This operation is performed for various diseases and injuries of t ...

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Carcass Symptom


Padalka, Benedikt Yakovlevich (1882-1965) - Soviet infectious disease specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Author of a number of scientific works on the epi ...

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Blood Transfusion Reverse


Reverse blood transfusion (retransfusio sanguinis) is a medical procedure in which a patient's blood lost during surgery or injury is collected and reintroduced to the pa ...

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Gastrectomy Abdominal-Thoracic


Abdominal-thoracic gastrectomy is a surgical operation to remove the stomach using both abdominal and thoracic approaches. Indications for surgery: Stomach cancer in th ...

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