Carcass Symptom

Padalka, Benedikt Yakovlevich (1882-1965) - Soviet infectious disease specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Author of a number of scientific works on the epidemiology and clinic of infectious diseases.

Padalka B. Ya. is one of the founders of the Soviet scientific school of studying the epidemiology and clinical picture of leprosy. For the first time in the USSR, he developed methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lepromatous leprosy, and also studied in detail the epidemiology of leprosy and its role in general infectious pathology.

B. Ya. Padalka developed and put into practice new methods for the prevention and control of leprosy. He proposed a number of new methods for treating leprosy, which were widely used in practice.

The name of B. Ya. Padalka was given to the Department of Infectious Diseases No. 2 of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute, where he worked.

Padalkin's symptom is a classic syndrome that is found in a number of bacterial infections. This is a very clear and specific symptom that makes it possible to make a diagnosis for many infectious diseases from the early moment of manifestation of the disease in the patient. Most often, this phenomenon accompanies staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, as well as meningitis.

Padalkin's symptom is manifested by an increase in the volume of the tongue and a change in its color, which allows one to suspect a certain infection. It is important to note that a change in the color of the tongue is not the main and not the only sign that accompanies an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in general well-being when it occurs. However, this symptom may be the first manifestation that the doctor pays attention to during the initial diagnosis.

High temperature, changes in the skin, intoxication syndrome - all this makes up a whole complex of symptoms that occur during infectious diseases.

The characteristics of the manifestations of the palakin symptom largely depend on what infection caused its appearance. There are often cases of inflammation of the lymph nodes, subcutaneous fat layer, and blood cells. Let's look at what diseases can cause the paddakin symptom.

* sinusitis

Sinusitis is a group of inflammatory diseases of various areas of the face, such as the nasal cavity, frontal lobe, temporal bones, etc. It occurs as a result of viral or infectious particles that lead to a weakened immune system. Among the bacterial pathogens of sinusitis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. are often found. A characteristic sign of the disease is swelling of the soft tissues over the upper jaw. One of the most striking symptoms of sinusitis is redness of the nasal cavity and cheeks, swelling and increased discomfort in the cheekbone area. Padalkin symptom is one of these signs of edema. In addition to the nasal cavity, swelling can also spread to the mucous membranes of the eyes and palate. Unlike other diseases, sinusitis causes swelling not only of the soft palate, but also of the hard shell of the brain, resulting in intoxication and a change in the general condition of the patient. Usually it consists of a constant headache, fatigue, pale skin and loss of strength. When a viral infection occurs, purulent nasal discharge and nasal congestion may occur. The first signs of sinusitis may be a runny nose and sinus congestion, which can usually be quickly relieved, but if these symptoms persist for a long period of time, you should consult an otolaryngologist.