Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4381

Organs Eyes Auxiliary


Accessory organs of the eye: what are they? Accessory organs of the eye (O. oculi accessoria) are small structures that help the eyes perform their functions. They are lo ...

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Cataract Tremolding


Tremolding cataract: features and treatment Cataracts are a common eye disease characterized by clouding of the lens. However, there is a type of cataract called tremulan ...

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Contrast Ratio in Radiology


In radiology, contrast ratio is an important tool for assessing the quality of photographic material used in medical images. This quantitative characteristic reflects the ...

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Pyosalpinx is a collection of pus in the fallopian tube. Fallopian tubes are paired tubular organs that connect the ovaries to the uterus. They play an important role in ...

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Stimulus Generalization in Physiology


Stimulus generalization is the phenomenon of the occurrence of a reaction to an indifferent stimulus in the process of developing a conditioned reflex. The indifferent st ...

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Eye Meter


An eye gauge is a tool for measuring the linear dimensions of tumors and other formations on the eyelids and eyeball. It is a special caliper with two diverging legs. One ...

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Landolfi Sign


Landolfi's sign is a medical term named after the Italian surgeon Nicolo Landolfi (1878-1956). This sign is important in the field of hematology and medical diagnostics. ...

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Arthromyodysplasia Congenital


Congenital arthromyodysplasia: causes, symptoms and treatment Arthromyodysplasia congenita (AMC) is a rare genetic disorder that affects muscle and joint development in n ...

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Sperm (Semen), Seminal Fluid


Seminal fluid, also known as semen, is the fluid that is expelled from a man's urethra when he reaches orgasm, that is, during ejaculation. This is an integral part of th ...

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Antibodies Monoclonal


Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies produced by individual clones of plasma cells, such as plasma cells. Monoclonal antibodies have the same specificity for a particular ...

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