Organs Eyes Auxiliary

Accessory organs of the eye: what are they?

Accessory organs of the eye (O. oculi accessoria) are small structures that help the eyes perform their functions. They are located near the eye and consist of three pairs of nerves - parasympathetic (PNA), sympathetic (SNA) and sensory (JNA).

The parasympathetic nervous system controls many body functions at rest, including digestion and glandular secretions. In relation to the eye, the PNA controls pupil constriction and accommodation, i.e. the ability of the eye to change its focus at different distances.

The sympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, controls many of the body's functions under stress, such as increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. In relation to the eye, SNA controls the dilation of the pupil and the elevation of the upper eyelid.

The sensory nervous system (JNA) provides information about the state of the eye and its environment, such as light, temperature, and pressure.

The accessory organs of the eye are essential to the health and function of the eye. Violation of their function can lead to various diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness and myopia.

Some methods of treating eye diseases, such as laser vision correction and implantation of intraocular lenses, use knowledge about the auxiliary organs of the eye. This knowledge can also be useful in diagnosing and treating diseases of other organs, such as the heart and blood vessels.

In conclusion, the accessory organs of the eye play an important role in the functioning of the eye and the health of the body as a whole. Understanding their functions can help in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The auxiliary organs of the eye (ooculi accessoria) are soft tissues that surround the eye and perform various functions related to its vital functions. The eyes are a complex organ that requires significant energy and resources to function. But at the same time, the body is not able to independently provide all the necessary conditions for the organs of vision. Accessory eye organs such as the eyelids, lacrimal gland, conjunctiva and muscles come to the rescue.

The eyelids are movable folds of skin located around the eyes. They perform a protective function, protecting the eye from external influences. The eyelids consist of several layers - epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous