

Pederasty is one of the most controversial and provocatively diverse concepts in modern society. There is still active debate and controversy about this phenomenon. Who among us has not encountered various rumors about him? Is it true that he is being persecuted in schools, at work and at home? How to distinguish a real homosexual from an ordinary homophobe, and a pedophile from a criminal? There are many points of view and opinions on this matter, but we will try to understand this topic in more detail.

Main part

Originally, pederasty was defined as same-sex sexual intercourse between boys, but today this concept can include everything related to homosexuality, including sexual relations between girls, bisexual and polyamorous acts. Moreover, homosexuality itself is only one of the possible manifestations of pederasty. The latter can be attributed to the usual propaganda of sex culture, gender diversity and other diverse sexuality. The main features of a peders are the desire for well-being, the absence of prejudice, and openness to everything new.

In our society, pederasia is perceived as something to be condemned. But the representatives of pederastic relations themselves consider themselves ordinary people, with all their advantages and disadvantages. They strive for the respect and love of others, they dream of full-fledged families. They can be as beautiful and intelligent as you like. They are not hidden, unlike other dubious social forces. But the attitude of others towards them is very unbalanced. And although many believe that homosexuals do not care about their existence behind closed doors, this only means that they are trying to hide their personal life and gain space for themselves in society. It is in their interests to behave decently and show concern for other people, especially their loved ones. They also have a heart and feelings. And they work hard. Every person deserves attention to himself. Thus, homosexuals are ordinary people with different life experiences, values, habits and behavioral patterns. Though