Paracavernous Wallgren's rales

**Wallengren's Paracavern Wheezing** is a pathological condition of the lungs, which is characterized by the presence of paracavern (intracavern) air bubbles. This is a life-threatening disease that requires urgent medical attention and treatment. This type of disease is a special case of pneumonia and is closely associated with inflammation of the intracavernous space.

Paracunious pneumonia has a number of causes and symptoms. Paracavernous inflammation can occur with viral infections such as influenza or with a bacterial infection such as pneumonia. The main symptoms that indicate the presence of paracavernous inflammation are the following: high fever, chest pain, cough, wheezing in the lungs, shortness of breath, as well as severe weakness and loss of strength. In addition, the sputum that appears from the respiratory tract may be yellow or green, which further aggravates the situation and indicates a complicated course of the disease.

One of the key factors in the treatment of paracavernous inflammation is the use of antibiotics. In addition to drug treatment, patients must maintain strict bed rest, drink plenty of warm fluids, and eat a balanced diet. Doctors recommend that the patient rest completely and drink plenty of fluids. In severe cases, treatment in the form of artificial respiration is used. The prognosis for paracaverous inflammation is quite uncertain and depends on many factors, such as the severity of the disease, the age of the patient and his general health. If treatment is started in a timely manner, it is carried out in a hospital.