The Arias-Stelli Phenomenon

Arias-Stella Phenomenon

Arias-Stella is a Peruvian pathologist who discovered the phenomenon that bears his name in the 1960s. Arias-Stella phenomenon is a phenomenon in which the body's cells begin to grow faster than normal and form tumors or other abnormalities.

In 1959, Arias-Stella began studying tumors in patients with breast cancer. He discovered that some tumors grow faster than others and can reach enormous sizes. Arias-Stella called this phenomenon the “Arias-Stella phenomenon.”

The Arias-Stella phenomenon has been explained by the idea that tumors can be caused by mutations in genes that regulate cell growth. These mutations can occur due to exposure to radiation, chemicals, or other factors.

The discovery of the Arias-Stella phenomenon was of great importance for medicine. It has helped scientists better understand the causes of cancer and develop new treatments. However, Arias-Stella phenomenon is also a concern in humans because it can lead to the formation of tumors in healthy people.

Arias - Stella phenomenon

__Arias - Stella phenomenon_ is a systematic distortion in the perception of the size and shape of objects and/or the removal of these objects. The reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood, but there are several hypotheses about its causes. One of the most common concepts is *inconsistency between the sense of an object's shape and its visible characteristics*. There is also a theory that the Arias–Stella phenomenon is associated with a high dependence on one’s own imagination and a violation of the perception of depth dimensions.

__The most famous are three cases where experimental studies were carried out_ on the subject of this phenomenon