
**Stokrin** is an antiviral-antiHIV drug that belongs to the group of antiepileptic drugs. It contains efavirenz, which is used in combination with other antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV infection. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, as well as in patients with certain diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, brain and lungs. Side effects from its use may include dizziness, headaches, sleep and concentration problems, paresthesia, increased blood pressure, etc. The interaction of this drug with certain medications may increase the likelihood of side effects and worsen its tolerability. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor about all medications you are currently taking. It is also necessary to regularly monitor the level of viruses in the blood and the number of CD cells to determine the need to change the dose of the drug or switch to a different treatment regimen. Treatment with Stokrin can last a long time due to its resistance to destruction in the human body. To reduce side effects, you should follow the recommended dosage regimen and additional monitoring of your health. Typically, Stokrin effectively prevents the development of AIDS and has a beneficial effect on the course of HIV disease. This therapy is complex and requires a lot of patience and effort on the part of the patient, doctor and medical staff. However, thanks to the use of Stokrin, many people have the opportunity to live in conditions close to normal, and prevent concomitant diseases during a long course of HIV. If serious side effects or life-threatening situations occur, seek immediate medical attention and change your treatment regimen. The use of Stokrin is allowed only under the supervision of HIV specialists and in combination with other anti-HIV drugs.