Smithwicka Operation

The Smithwick procedure is a surgical procedure developed by American surgeon Robert Smithwick in the 1940s. It was named after the surgeon who invented it and is used to treat certain types of cancer.

The Smithwick operation is one of the most successful operations in the history of surgery and has been recognized throughout the world for its effectiveness and safety. It allows you to remove the tumor without affecting healthy tissues and organs.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and includes several stages. First, the surgeon makes a small incision in the skin to gain access to the tumor. He then removes the tumor and surrounding tissue. The surgeon then closes the incision using sutures or special materials.

One of the main advantages of Smithwick surgery is that it allows you to preserve the function of organs and tissues that may be affected when the tumor is removed. This is especially important for patients who have other diseases or health problems that may get worse after surgery.

In addition, Smithwick surgery has a low risk of complications and recurrence, making it one of the safest and most effective procedures for treating cancer.


The Smithwick operation is a historical event that occurred on September 27, 1985, when James Smithwick, an American surgeon, performed the first human heart transplant. This operation was a real breakthrough in medicine and changed the direction of development of cardiac surgery and organ transplantation.

James Smithwick was born in 1953 in New York. As a young man, he dreamed of becoming a doctor, but could not pass the medical examination due to a heart condition he was diagnosed with. However, thanks to his persistence, he