
The reproductive system is a collection of organs and tissues involved in sexual reproduction. It consists of reproductive structures such as the ovaries, testes and seminal vesicles, as well as associated organs such as the uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina in women, and the penis, scrotum and seminal vesicle in men. The reproductive system plays an important role in reproduction and maintaining human health, and its dysfunction can lead to various diseases such as infertility, impotence and others.

Depending on the genetic material received from each parent, people can be heterozygous or homozygous. Heterozygous people have two different sets of genes from each parent, while homozygous people have the same set of genes. The genes that control sex are called sex genes, and they are found on the sex chromosomes. Men have two sex chromosomes - X and Y, and women have two X chromosomes.

The human reproductive system has two main functions: generative and reproductive. The generative function is associated with the production of germ cells, and the reproductive function is associated with their use for reproduction. Sex cells, called gametes, can be of two types: male (sperm) and female (eggs).

Male germ cells are formed in the testes, where spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous tubules. Sperm contain genetic material that is passed on to offspring and are released during ejaculation. Female reproductive cells are formed in the ovaries, where follicular growth and egg maturation also occur. The female gamete, called the egg, contains the complete set of genetic information and is released after ovulation.

For fertilization to occur, a male gamete must meet a female gamete in the fallopian tube.

The sexual process is one of the amazing and most important properties of living organisms. It ensures reproduction, the transmission of hereditary characteristics from parents to offspring. During the sexual process, two genetically different cells, or germ cells, merge and form one new cell - a zygote, which continues its life cycle.

The sexual process occurs only in organisms such as multicellular fungi, plants and animals. It differs from the process of gametogenesis, which ensures the development and maturation of germ cells. The sexual process includes both the transfer of genetic information between organisms of different species and various forms of sexual reproduction.

There are several types of sexual processes depending on what type of organism determines it. In fungi, the sexual process is carried out by the fusion of two haploid mitotic cells, forming a diploid zygote. In plants and animals, the sexual process can be different depending on their biology.

There are two main types of sexual processes in plants: fertilization and double fertilization. Fertilization occurs after the development of part of the gametes located at various stages of the life cycle, their union into one zygote and its further growth. Double fertilization is a more complex process and includes the phases of pollination, pollination technology and double fertilization.

Animals have a different number of sexes, but it is generally accepted to distinguish bisexuality, when one of the sexes ensures the transfer of eggs, and the other – sperm. Sexual reproduction in some animals has its own characteristics, for example, in the female